
king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
Now I understand we're staying humanoid(although i don't identify as one fyi) in this game and that's fine.
but why only 2 dongs? why not something more practical like 3? you know one for oral, anal and vaginal or penal docking if you prefer;) all at once!

i mean we all remember what they told us in degenerate school
"when one dong isn't enough and two dongs is two low get 3 dongs!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Many out there body features seem to have been cut down on compared to CoC1 and TiTs (RIP multi row tits and vag tails). As I understand it, the goal was to get a tighter focus and a more even spread of content for the transformations that are there.

That being said, the Gaia's Leaf bushel of cocks transformation is there for you to legally cheat the system and have what the game engine sees as one cock that can be as many cocks as the author of a particular scene would want for the purposes of said scene. There is even an optional hotter scene of getting it via Effigy Herald.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
(RIP multi row tits and vag tails). As I understand it, the goal was to get a tighter focus and a more even spread of content for the transformations that are there.
Tailcunts were in the game for over a year and they were dropped because there was practically zero interest in writing content for them, even after Savin set up an open bounty to pay people to write scenes.

But yes, most/all of it has to do with ease of writing and wanting to make sure there's support for everything that's actually included, which is why naga/taur bodies for the Champion were nixed right from the start.

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
:eyepop:that's all very fine and understandable I was just thinking 3 poles are better considering the hole count on the average female humanoid specimen :confused:

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
in most fiction things tend to happen in threes. (and fives but mostly threes)

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
just to be clear i'm not even suggesting 10 or 15 or anything that high, only 3
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Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
multi row tits
These exist, it's just that no TFs give them right now.

And the reason is that no one accounts for more than two in most scenes historically and it is a huge amount of work to add even one more variation to the one/two/bushel combo.
Also, yes there are three holes, but only two of them are anywhere near one another. If you want to have access to all three, you need the bushel cock anyways.
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king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
but only two of them are anywhere near one another
eh honestly considering this game i figured overall penis length and/or absurd pretzel level flexibility would more than make up for that!

anyway i'll just get my greasy tendrils out of your hair got things to do elsewhere


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
:eyepop:that's all very fine and understandable I was just thinking 3 poles are better considering the hole count on the average female humanoid specimen :confused:
How are you gonna fit three dongs in a vag, anus, AND mouth of one tho? The last one's virtually impossible unless you're dealing with a snake or something.
Also a simple one pole is best and I will fucking fight you on that.
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king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
The last one's virtually impossible
not really if your champion has a 3rd penis between 30-40 inches
seeing as how the average female torso length is 16-19 inches
the best positions to make use of that are missionary and doggy as long as your 3rd penis is lined up against the front of the torso sliding between the boobs straight to the mouth

Also a simple one pole is best and I will fucking fight you on that
not kink shaming you, you do you and love every inch of it;) for me it just feels like a job half finished or 1/3rd complete :oops: besides being air tight just feels better:p
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
eh honestly considering this game i figured overall penis length and/or absurd pretzel level flexibility would more than make up for that!
if it's about flexibility, just use catfolks or slimes! since the only thing more flexible than a feline, is an invertebrate!

(besides Atugia, of course! after all, a detachable head can be really useful!)
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