Pat on Shekkas's head option.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
no, no... I don't imply that, sure that MIGHT have been the catalyst but, I responded and then everything spiraled from there. If there's anyone to point fingers at it MIGHT be that we both did it, since I was the one to respond to it. But the matter of bringing up Syri sort of did open pandoras box and things spiraled out of control from there, others here in the thread decided to take the subject content that was brought up by us and take it in a WHOLE other direction. I don't feel like pointing fingers at anyone. *shifty eyes* and I'm gonna go hide in my hole now *runs away*

You were just unaware about the gravity that mentioning any of Savin's puppysluts has, and to be honest so was I. If we need to point fingers, it was the S man himself starting this.

Baka. both of you are baka.

I knew damn well what i was the atmosphere will yeah.

ps. Yes i still want to pet Syri on her cute little head,..both of um.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just a random pet button in every dialogue, some more detailed than others "you reach over and pat [] on the head , they look annoyed"

hell even in fights, fighting queen Tavlra then just "Fuck this, PET THE BITCH" ultimate strategy 10/10, GG no re


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Sep 14, 2015
I used to really love Anno, but the more I actually pay attention to her talking and not to her tits, skin-tight suit, snowy hair/ears/tail, the less I find myself attracted to her.

I never should have gone back and actually read her dialogue for realsies.
Behead those who insult Anno.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Just a random pet button in every dialogue, some more detailed than others "you reach over and pat [] on the head , they look annoyed"

hell even in fights, fighting queen Tavlra then just "Fuck this, PET THE BITCH" ultimate strategy 10/10, GG no re

XD, now I wish all NPCs got a pet button, even in the middle of combat just to see what their reaction would be.
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Sep 14, 2015
Mercy confirmed for ignoring the 'Stahp Derailing' consensus.

Personally, pet character _____ would be a great writing project for myself, but the mess involved with mass petting sprees seems like it would be horribly difficult on so many levels. But hey, random useless missives are my game!

Statement stands though!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Blood soaked pets are pets all the same.


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

u dnt evn lik yanderes tho


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Mercy confirmed for ignoring the 'Stahp Derailing' consensus.

Well, since that thing is out of the window, I'd like to complain, very vocally, about your comments making me roll a new character, blitz through M'henga and Tarkus and re-read all of Anno's pre- and post-follower interactions. Twice, because for some reason we have not-so-slight alterations between male and female versions, which I'm sure weren't there in previous builds. In the end, nothing really was aligning properly with your version, aside from Pops Steele planning ahead PC's meeting with Anno on Tarkus. But even that could very well be because of his interest in Nova,  or a corporate politics maneuver to guarantee Anno's safety from the provisional Steele Inc. management's ire, or PC getting a proper Science Specialist in his crew, and not some kind of weird possible future waifu beta testing. /ranting off

XD, now I wish all NPCs got a pet button, even in the middle of combat just to see what their reaction would be.

I, for one, would love to have a Pat/Pet button for all the NPCs as well as one for a worse-than-Wait combat action like that. I'd try it everywhere, Bad Endings be damned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, since that thing is out of the window, I'd like to complain, very vocally, about your comments making me roll a new character, blitz through M'henga and Tarkus and re-read all of Anno's pre- and post-follower interactions. Twice, because for some reason we have not-so-slight alterations between male and female versions, which I'm sure weren't there in previous builds. In the end, nothing really was aligning properly with your version, aside from Pops Steele planning ahead PC's meeting with Anno on Tarkus. But even that could very well be because of his interest in Nova,  or a corporate politics maneuver to guarantee Anno's safety from the provisional Steele Inc. management's ire, or PC getting a proper Science Specialist in his crew, and not some kind of weird possible future waifu beta testing. /ranting off
Dude, uh, chill. Someone on the internet's perception of a fictional character differs from yours. No need to launch a spanish inquisition into the matter.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of head petting, I'd also would love to have the option to petting Embry, among other npcs that catch my interests.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can pet Dr Badger, Lash or Crazy Carl if you want to.

I'd like to give Crazy Carl a hug myself to thank him for his previous job and the Machina quest gift.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of head petting, I'd also would love to have the option to petting Embry, among other npcs that catch my interests.

I'm pretty sure this has moved to where everyone needs a good head petting from Steele (Whether they want it or not)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Dude, uh, chill. My perception of a character differs from yours. No need to launch a spanish inquisition into the matter.

Nah, that was an attempt at a joke, primarily at my own expense for wasting time like that. And since  the discussion about Anno is partially what this thread is now about, I've decided to throw in my two cents on that matter. I've failed my humor check, it seems, and I'm sorry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of head petting, I'd also would love to have the option to petting Embry, among other npcs that catch my interests.

Embry would damn near melt into a puddle. Getting head patted and told she's a good girl presses all the right buttons.

I did exactly this once to the person she's based on, and she instantly turned into a nonsensical mess. Expect to be shyly followed around for days after, quietly hoping for follow-up pats.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
 But even that could very well be because of his interest in Nova,  or a corporate politics maneuver to guarantee Anno's safety from the provisional Steele Inc. management's ire, or PC getting a proper Science Specialist in his crew, and not some kind of weird possible future waifu beta testing. /ranting off
And i said quite the same thing earlier.

And i was speaking about "tickling option for Aurora" as well...

Oh gosh. You made me go off-rails myself, what have i done!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What's this Shekka x-pak Savin mentions? I love Shekka. I want ShekkaQuest to be a thing.

Well, actually, I wasn't super bothered by the initial mention of Anno and Steele Sr hooking up. It was the follow-on dialogue that mentions Victor. Like, his kind ageless eyes, and how she'd give anything to hear his voice again, and literally comparing the two of your penises, and then you living up to his legacy. And how funny he was. And I'm like, "Yup, Anno, I get it. You had a real thing for my dad. Makin' me feel like a replacement. Pls stahp talking about him."
The real question I want to ask, though, is about how strategically Anno —the groomed heir to Steele Industries R&D Division— was effectively demoted and sent to Tarkus, right where the pod was. It's kind of bad that your dad has been grooming you to be his replacement in every single way since birth. But I have a very sinister feeling he intended Anno to be your girl-to-be, or at least one of many, and gave her a test beforehand.

I'm down for grilling the grill about all these things.

I'm waiting for the inevitable hostage situation where you have to choose to save a person (Syri or Anno, Hand so or Bess, Reah or ???,

Kara or Shade...

 I just don't like the idea of being tied up

Do unto others...

I'm just saying, you can pet someone even when they're dead!

This is just reminding me of the last time I had a furred companion die. Couldn't resist getting a few more pets in before I lowered her into the ground.