Past builds.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Is there a way to look at every update to the game?

I kind of want to see everything that is currently in the game so far.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wiki might be your best shot at knowing everythign. Other than that, go to the front page of the blog (not the forum) and type "fall of eden". That will give you everything since the last 8 months.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
On blog posts are posted changelogs that all till start of game are in changelog file that can be found here: - was it that you wanted to see TOJ?


This was exactly what I was looking for~ <3

I'll start reading through it tomorrow, seeing as it is getting late.

People tend to complain about staying up late when your health is bad it seems... :|  

Thanks for the help. xD  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh then have a god read.

Ahh seaking of health and staying late I not even at americe so most active period on forum always missing n me as I need to get u at the morning to go to job that is quite....mind nubmling atm. So if I want stay and post a lil bit I ending up usualy going sleep around 2 am...and then I getting up like at 6:30 am then since I got some time playing LoL match for first win of the day and then finaly turtling for 8 numbing hours at work ^^


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Heh then have a god read.

Ahh seaking of health and staying late I not even at americe so most active period on forum always missing n me as I need to get u at the morning to go to job that is quite....mind nubmling atm. So if I want stay and post a lil bit I ending up usualy going sleep around 2 am...and then I getting up like at 6:30 am then since I got some time playing LoL match for first win of the day and then finaly turtling for 8 numbing hours at work ^^

Well that sounds like a hassle...

Also I forgot I had LoL as well.

I should really play it more, but last time I was on my team insulted me a bunch for not doing what they said. </3

I mean, I can understand listening to teammates, and using teamwork.

But all people care about is winning on LoL it seems, and not just having fun.

Isn't that what games are for..? :|  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah games are for fun thou I also sometimes rage at people too like yesterday...they were complaining and yet I lost like 4-6 in a row ascnetion matches -_-' In ne we got even teemo that mostly was standing in bush and afgter I bashed him hard he said he got lag issues. Meantime enemy teemo was...godlike :/

Well who knows if you play on NA server we may have meet even before n some of LoL battlefields :shibe:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Yeah games are for fun thou I also sometimes rage at people too like yesterday...they were complaining and yet I lost like 4-6 in a row ascnetion matches -_-' In ne we got even teemo that mostly was standing in bush and afgter I bashed him hard he said he got lag issues. Meantime enemy teemo was...godlike :/

Well who knows if you play on NA server we may have meet even before n some of LoL battlefields :shibe:

Even if someone is experiencing lag issues.

If they don't move at all for at least 1 minute, that means they would have been disconnected wouldn't it..?

Also I tend to play as Kog' Maw, since he is rather adorable to me....

Come to think of it, I only started playing as Koggy because of how cute he looked.

Is that a bad thing..? xD  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nope I not think it's bad. He got nice skins like...jurassic one, battlecast one, reinder one. Other not seen much often as those three. As for my champ of choice it shouldn;t be hard to quess which ne after one see my forum profile xD

So you got acc on NA or other one server?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Nope I not think it's bad. He got nice skins like...jurassic one, battlecast one, reinder one. Other not seen much often as those three. As for my champ of choice it shouldn;t be hard to quess which ne after one see my forum profile xD

So you got acc on NA or other one server?

I play on the North America server.