Particep Race?

Kitchie Keen

Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
Recently, while browsing my google docs, I stumbled across a doc called Particep Race. I have no memory of where this came from, and I certainly did not write it. After reading over it, I noticed that some elements of it closely resembled a Codex entry page, and i wondered if someone here had created it. A quick search yielded no results, so I figured I'd post the archived doc here in the hopes that someone would know who wrote it.

Again, I did NOT write this, and the ideas present in this document are NOT mine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
A race of Shouldras, interesting... Though rather disturbing.

Anyway, even if it wasn't abandoned (I assume), it would probably never get added in the way the author was planning because it seems a lot of the content was centered around the possibility of the PC visiting the Particep homeworld and exploring it, something which is generally considered a writing no-no around here for the absurd among of writing required to successfully code an entire planet.

Having the PC become a full-particep would also be unlikely, not because it couldn't be coded, but because it is an irreverable procedure. Apart from the treatment and being bimbofied, everything is reversible if you throw enough mods at it, so a permanent mod that you could never get rid of seems like it would be more of a bad-end type thing than anything. Heck it would be the only permanent follower in the game too, all others can be dismissed at will, but not this one.

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing a Particep as individual NPC on a random world, that could work as long as it doesn't bring a planet and perma-follower with it.
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Kitchie Keen

Active Member
Sep 15, 2017
Man, Shouldra was awesome!

...But yeah, I agree that it might be too much work and coding, even if the idea is neat. :(