Parasite Populations

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Active Member
Sep 10, 2019
So, I read through the stickies and I would like to say with confidence that this is an almost purely mechanical addition to the game. Largely just some stat tracking behind the scenes/in the codex and the code to support that, though I understand that with any addition of content, 'some' writing will likely be involved such as flavor text as the population dwindles and reaches certain thresholds. I'm sure I could handle that since it would be a lot less writing than other types of content. Probably no more than a few paragraphs, I've pumped out short stories so that'd be easy enough.

Anyways I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been implemented yet. In CoC, I loved going through the forest and burning the corrupted plants there and having the game keep track of that. I'd like to see that implemented in TiTS as well in regards to the parasitic species of Mhen'ga, specifically the Cunt Snakes since they're an invasive species. (But maybe the Mimbranes as well.) I practiced some Google-Fu and searched the forums directly and there 'is' some small amount of interest in this as there are a couple similar posts, but none ever really got anywhere so I'm trying things slightly differently. One person didn't explain enough, and another was wanting too much (I.E. rewards and new NPCs to cover the former.). I really do hope that this can gain some traction this time, but I do worry given reactions to other posts I've made in the forums, like trying to find an easier way to manage Lust besides constantly popping Focus Pills ("If you're playing this game trying to avoid the sex, you might be playing the wrong game", even though my desire was because I want to play my Steele a very specific way (a frequently blue-balled kui-tan), not because I want to avoid the sex.). I seem to be a rare individual that plays the game as much for the gameplay and immersion as I do the smut.

All that said, for now I'd simply like to gauge interest in this as a possibility before I start doing any meaningful work. Let it be reiterated though. If implementing this does indeed require any writing, all I'd need to know is what needs to be written in order for this to properly be implemented, even if that's just flavor text for various stages of depopulation. I need to know where to start. So who else out there would like there to be an even slightly tangible result from repeatedly taking the currently in-game option of killing the parasites after a fight with the them? They're low level enemies that don't even drop credits, so a lowered encounter rate won't exactly see them missed seeing as if you're killing them you're probably not all that interested in partnering up with one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
To be fair unless your Steele sits there all day every day killing these things or plans on using some form of exterminatus upon the planet i doubt you would make a visible dent in their numbers.
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May 9, 2017
The thing about this is that if it WERE implemented you would almost have to adjust the encounter rate accordingly. If for example, cunt snake's natural encounter rate was normally a 1 in 10 chance, but the population was booming, it might become a 1 in 5 chance instead. Conversely, if steel killed off 90% of the snake population you'd be far less likely to run into one so the encounter rate might become 1 in 30.

I don't know how tricky the dynamics behind that type of system would be, or if there's enough interest to warrant creating it in the first place. But if you have characters reporting the current population you'd expect to see an encounter rate mirroring the reports. Also you'd want to implement a fail safe to prevent the specie's total extinction. It's probably not a good idea to let any of the parasites die off entirely, both for story related reasons as well as potential system related/bug issues.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
I think is a interesting idea, but I'm not fully invested yet. The main question I think, is why exactly Steele would be interested in hunting parasites?

I feel as it should be tied to a NPC. If I understood what you are thinking in doing, the closest thing in the game is Cameron quest on New Texas to hunt Varmint. Steele does it for Cameron in exchange of 5 bucks, a chance to steal one for yourself and a change to have sex with Cameron. Are you thinking in doing something similar?
The NPCs of Mheng'a who I think could be bothered by cunt snakes are Able, Darnock or maybe Quinn, other than that: Yammi can cook them in the ship and Azra showed interest in keeping CS population down.

It also seems too abstract. How many Steele would have to hunt until they complete the objective? The idea seems to be population control but as others pointed out this doesn't sound feasable, perhaps exterminating the population of a single location like a lair is more in line with what you are going for.

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
To be fair unless your Steele sits there all day every day killing these things or plans on using some form of exterminatus upon the planet i doubt you would make a visible dent in their numbers.
Doesn't mean that you can't make the native population in the area reduced either drastically or driven to extinction. There is such a thing like local populations; it's why some species are considered endangered in some counties, countries or states, but others to be free game.