PalletTown's CoC II Guide (Updated for Relic of Respute)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Due to the substantial changes introduced to act 1, I had to reroute the entirety of my previous guide and found new efficiencies. This guide is intended to limit in-game time to an absolute minimum while still allowing the PC to go to bed every night to hook up with Kiyoko. To prove I'm not bluffing, I will have my updated Day 17 save file attached.

Note: This guide is for all Act 1 quests except for Caparison Hunter, Nothing Line Housework, Bewitched, Golden Carrot, and Attitude Adjustment. (CH, NLH, BW are way easier to complete during Act 2. GC will cost an additional day. AA is a massive time sink).
Note: If you go to sleep at 5:59 am or earlier then you don't rollover to the next day.
Note: If you want to stay pure but plan on taking some corrupt actions or use corrupt TFs the get velun's blessing from Sanders first.
Important: Save all Study Stone, Pristine Wood, Broken Metal Parts, Lingering Embers, Leananstone and Winterstem.
Important: Hug Ryn Everyday and get her a stuff animal.
Recommended: Get 1 Lucky Strike from Kohaku as soon as possible. It's a great early game boost and helps with your EC.

Occasionally in the guide I'll put in downtime. For downtime, TF companions, read spell tomes, Transform yourself, etc. (That is if you want to)

Day 0: Talk to Garth, Get Quests Farmhand Freeholds, and Right of Conquest. Buy 1 Camping Supply (2 if you want to help kitsunes) Get Storage Chest from Garth (If you have the spare cash else just get it another day). Go to Old Forest and go all the way to the right to get Kiyoko. Explore western half of the forest then camp.

Day 1: Explore eastern half of the forest. Go to the top of the Forest and encounter the vines block your path. Make sure you encounter Ninian 5 times, and you Fuck Sugo free (It's much faster than pushing). Also make sure that you get the witch's outfit. Go to Harvest Valley. Go to the NE most part after about 20:00 to get the summon hopllite power. Find Quin and Escort him to warp back. Make sure you get at least one cultist charm!

Day 2: (Timing is extremely tight on this) Get quest Dog Days. Talk to Quin. Make sure you have 1 trail ration (2 if you haven't helped the kitsunes yet), 1 lingering ember, 1 camping supply, and the Amulet of Transference. Talk to Brother Sanders and get the quest Velun's sword. Enter Hethia's Lair. To solve it peacefully talk to Garret. Encounter Eryka to warp back. Talk to Sanders about Hethia. If you haven't encountered Viviane before then a trick is to start here first encounter before 24:00 and then encounter Viviane after 24:00. Enter Hethia's Lair.

Day 3: Talk to Garret to fight the Alrune. Keep Cait in your party. Go north to Lady Evergreen's House. Get quest inheritor of idols. Negotiate with Evergreen to get Den of Foxes. Bargain with Evergreen to get the Summoning Ritual. Go down to Activate Wayfort's Wayshrine and Set up the Summoning Circle. Go up to be next to the Den and then Camp.

Day 4: Eat trail ration and Fight Den of Foxes. (For Kazuo, just make sure to keep his summons down. For Nanako and Miko and Mai, change Cait to Dancer Silks). Use Lingering Ember. Finish Den of Foxes. Get Rimbound Grimoire. Go back to the Den to activate their Gate. Go to the Eastern half of the forest and complete secret. (For the secret fight, I find that Witch Cait and Arena Brint work best, but it's a complete crapshoot at level 3. If you have the spare time, I would learn Kiaijutsu from the tome since that works pretty well. Also, you will probably have to use your Wyldsap.)

Day 5: Fight off Atugia. Activate Hawkthorne Wayshrine. Get quest Missing Meows. Meet and Greet Livrea. Complete Royal Amnesty. Explore northern half of the foothills. Camp before you get to Shar.

Day 6: Get and Complete quest Ugly Duckling. Get at least one Wyvern Venom, preferable 2. Activate Foothill Wayshrine. Complete Livrea Quest.

Day 7: Acquire 1 Dagger, 2 Apprentice Robes, 1 Leather Coat, and 2 Quarterstaffs. Explore southern half of the foothills. Acquire 15 Bovinium Sherry (If you want to Boob up Cait). Encounter Berwynne twice. Get and complete quest the Mistress. Get Spiral Sword from the Mistress. Go to the Missing Meows and Complete Quest.

Day 8: Downtime. Complete Meet and Greet. Complete For Want of a Nail by giving away the Spiral Sword. Complete Artifice Testing. Boob up Cait. Complete One Mans Poison. Grind Encounters with Arona.

Day 9: Make sure you have at least one lingering ember. Complete Quintessentials. Recruit Quin and Cait. Go to Sanders, get the quest Getting into the Closet. Go the western half of Harvest Valley and complete Getting into the Closet. Go to the northwest of harvest valley and complete Cat call. Meet Salwah. Grab one Wyvern Venom. Complete Right of Conquest.

Day 10: Talk to Solveig and Get Quest Father where art thou. Talk to Garret first then Garth and Gwyn. Complete Divine Pussy. Talk to River about the Fort. Get quest Blacksmith's New Clothes.

Day 11: Talk to Garret about the Fort. Get the Orc Dress. Complete Shades of the Past with Arona in your Party. Complete Blacksmith's New Clothes.

Day 12: Challenge Azzy till you get Land of Milky Honey. Fight the Hive. Use lingering ember to warp back. Proc Ain't Afraid of no Ghost.

Day 13: Cleanse the Core. Go to the Hive and perform the ritual. Use lingering ember to warp. Go to Liresh and Syrish and get the quest a relic of repute. You can't have sex with anyone, you literally have no time. Get the bra for Father where art thou. Complete Ain't Afraid of no Ghost. Talk to Grettal.

Day 14: Downtime. If you want to do Mad Cow then have Brint in your Party. Put a tent in between Pupperidge Farm and Zo. Save Pupperidge Farm. Talk to Farm about Gretta's Father. Save Zo. Explore enough to Proc Ahrmi and the quest harboring a fugitive. Try to also grind encounters with Sariel.

Day 15: Finish Harvest Valley Objectives from Day 14. Cross bridge. Go to Marefolk Village and activate Wayshrine. Start Mad Cow if you want to.

Day 16: Complete Father Where Art Thou. Complete Harboring a Fugitive

Day 17: Recruit Azyrran. Complete Sweetest Climax. Take on Alissa


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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
How much "in game time" Savin told? From 2 to 3-4 weeks? With each patch it's seems more and more insane tbh.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Act 2 Guide:

For Act 2, to make a guide is a bit more nebulous. There are many interactions that are completely optional that you may or may not wish to pursue and there is far less of a strict order to accomplish things than in Act 1. That being said there are a few things to keep in mind.

For routing purposes, the most important question for Act 2 is Do you want Rina to race in the Colosseum? I am not kidding. In order for Rina to be ready for the colosseum, you first have to visit Brint/Brienne's House every day for several days and then visit the house every 7 days in order to train Rina. You basically have to be absolutely precise if you want Rina to race before Day 60. Additionally, you can't go on multiday quests until you start training Rina.

The Multiday quests being:
Winter Wolf
Ruins of Xadron
Demon of Ice

With that out of the way, first things first. Get the quest, Wayfort Renovations and pay Garth asap. You should easily have the money for Garth by now. If you have the money, then get 9 succubus milks from Farrah as well. Also I lied about recruiting Azyrran on Day 17. You actually want to first get the unmarked quest for the Songstress Blade from Jael'yn first so you can get the charm from the Queen Nyzerrah. Afterwards, activate the wayshrine in the undermountain asap.

If you want Brienne then the Mad Cow quest will delay a day, if not then the next day, rush for Khorminos. Try to make it to the city before 22:00 so you can talk to Cassia immediately and then still be able to visit the next day. Before you leave Khorminos, activate the wayshrine, get the lamp from Nash, talk to Katya in the Bar, get the sword charm from Feronia and meet Rixx. Rixx is important because she is able to teach the PC summon flame elemental in the shortest amount of time.

Now complete the Specter of the Wyld event. Trust me, you are going to need the money. If you don't care about Rina's Colosseum run then asap, complete Ruins of Xadron. Also, get the Good Teleportation wish from Oma.

After this, the order becomes a lot more fluid. The only other current advice I can give is to bundle as many quests together.

1st Bundling:
After you learn summon flame elemental, get the Vision quest from Nina. Before you make your trip onto the eastern half of the Frostwood, make sure you have Ryn and Brienne in your party, that you can fly or have a camping supply, and that you have three flame capes, warm plume, and 1 glowing ice shard. Then you can complete the first half of vision quest, Brienne alt outfit, fire spirt binding, and the first half of Agni recruitment all in one day.

2nd Bundling:
When you get the ring of fate quest, also get Katya's quest, and the Mai's quest the pale flame. Before you complete the ring of fate quest, continue on north to get complete Katya's quest and activate the Vulperine village wayshrine. Then go back to complete the ring of fate quest.

3rd Bundling:
Before you go on the Demon of Ice quest, complete the ring of fate quest and check in on Calise.

4th Bundling:
This is for Wayfort Renovations, Maids of Wayfort, A Dragon in Roost, Dungeoneering, Nothing Like Housework, and Caparison Hunter. To complete all you need about 18,000 at the start. Part of the gold will go to getting 55 wood, 28 metal, and 75 stone. Ambra is the fastest way to getting the requisite wood and metal so reroll until she has both. If you are absolutely precision then you can get the tailor, food, blacksmith, enchanter, and material done in 1 day. If you want Vatia, just briefly camp in the Frostwoods. Make sure you complete A Dragon in Roost before you complete Wayfort Renovations. Afterwards, just use the extra materials to complete Nothing Like Housework and Caparision Hunter.

Behemoth Skip:
I'm a bit nervous about sharing this because I really don't want this to be removed from the game. So if you are reading this Savin, please leave this in. When you recruit the Behemoth, then you are transported into your Wayfort. This allows you to interact with the Wayfort denizens while your Wayfort is under construction. Of course, as soon as you touch an exit tile or the Wayshrine tile, you are immediately kicked out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
With the new quest a Relic of Repute being introduced, I had to adjust my guide in order to figure out where I could slot it in. The good news is that I successfully found a way to incorporate it into my guide, the downside is that it is absolutely psychotic.

Now I haven't done the whole thing in one segment, but my tests demonstrate that it is indeed possible. So, the only time in my guide that has you in the general area and won't waste time is Day 13. (Day 14 is also a possibility).

Day 13: Cleanse the Core. Go to the Hive. Lingering Ember to Warp. Go to Liresh and Syrish and get the quest a relic of repute. You can't have sex with anyone because the day trigger is 21:00. Get the bra for Father where art thou. Complete Ain't Afraid of no Ghost. Talk to Grettal.

Also, I found an efficiency in Day 0-1 where if you fuck Sugo out then that takes way less time then to push him out. This allows you enough time to grab the Hoplite power on Day 1 which means you can get the Summoning Ritual from Evergreen on Day 3.


Jan 9, 2016
Loaded in your save, noticed you have Mirror Stance. Do you get that legitimately somehow, or through other means?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Loaded in your save, noticed you have Mirror Stance. Do you get that legitimately somehow, or through other means?
Day 4: Eat trail ration and Fight Den of Foxes. (For Kazuo, just make sure to keep his summons down. For Nanako and Miko and Mai, change Cait to Dancer Silks). Use Lingering Ember. Finish Den of Foxes. Get Rimbound Grimoire. Go back to the Den to activate their Gate. Go to the Eastern half of the forest and complete secret. (For the secret fight, I find that Witch Cait and Arena Brint work best, but it's a complete crapshoot at level 3. If you have the spare time, I would learn Kiaijutsu from the tome since that works pretty well. Also, you will probably have to use your Wyldsap.)


Aug 17, 2021
Oh man. I am trying to follow this but feel like I keep running into snags. Any chance you could record videos and host them on Pornhub or something? A couple things were time based and I managed to barely manage by loading earlier saves and avoiding any unnecessary fights or encounters of any sort, but I am currently on day 3 and it says I should get the Den of Foxes quest from Lady Evergreen, but... according to the wiki I need to be at least level 4 to pick up that quest and due to avoiding all the random fights in order to get everything done in time I am just shy of level 3. Would love either a more detailed and granular walkthrough or, even better, a video guide. That said if that is too much time and effort to be worth it to you I completely understand. If that's the case maybe just some advice on best practices?

(For instance I am doing stuff like saving before exploring then reloading if I find anything but revealing the trail I am looking for or one of the encounters I want. Is that what is required to make this tight deadline? Also avoiding unnecessary sex scenes like with Hethia because it takes too much time, which is sad because I really like Hethia...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
The wiki is out of date on that point about Den of Foxes. You can pick it up early by offering to do a job for Evergreen as payment for helping Cait.
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Aug 17, 2021
Okay, stuck again. Day4 says to use Cait's Dancer Silks. Don't have that so I check the wiki, acquisition says to talk to Cait about 'Other Talents?' Figure okay, I haven't been talking to companions because time is such a factor but I can probably do that when I set up camp. Make my way to the Den and set up camp next to it like the walkthrough states and... no option to ask that. Is there somewhere else I am supposed to be to ask that? Or was I supposed to be talking to her every night? Walkthrough says to hug Ryn but says nothing about Cait. For that matter I see further down it mentions Witch Cait. Once again back to the wiki, see I get that from Viv, but the walkthrough doesn't mention tracking her down to grab that at any point up til now so... it just feels like there are a LOT of steps missing and I am confused. And the fact that the wiki is vague or outright wrong in some places really doesn't help. Should I just abandon following this walkthrough and do a slow meandering playthrough instead?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
You may have screwed yourself there. I'm pretty sure you can only access Cait's talks at the Frosthound in Hawkethorne. Viv is a random encounter in the Old Forest at this stage, though I'm not sure if she'll give Cait the set on your first encounter or if it needs to be the second.

This playthrough isn't something I'd undertake; I very much prefer to take my time. But happy to share knowledge where I can. There is a lot in the wiki that's out of date, but in fairness, they're shovelling snow while the snow's still falling. The wiki thread here on the forums gives a nice overview of their progress and where their attention is currently focussing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Okay, stuck again. Day4 says to use Cait's Dancer Silks. Don't have that so I check the wiki, acquisition says to talk to Cait about 'Other Talents?' Figure okay, I haven't been talking to companions because time is such a factor but I can probably do that when I set up camp. Make my way to the Den and set up camp next to it like the walkthrough states and... no option to ask that. Is there somewhere else I am supposed to be to ask that? Or was I supposed to be talking to her every night? Walkthrough says to hug Ryn but says nothing about Cait. For that matter I see further down it mentions Witch Cait. Once again back to the wiki, see I get that from Viv, but the walkthrough doesn't mention tracking her down to grab that at any point up til now so... it just feels like there are a LOT of steps missing and I am confused. And the fact that the wiki is vague or outright wrong in some places really doesn't help. Should I just abandon following this walkthrough and do a slow meandering playthrough instead?
You play the game however you want to play it. Regardless of how you play, I hope my guide would be of some use to you. If it makes you feel any better, I often screw up my own playthroughs even with my guide. I apologize for the lack of some clarifying steps. Some actions I take are so automatic for me that they don't even register for me.

To expand on what you said earlier, yes you do have to save and reload to get fast exploration and to minimize encounters. You should have enough time for relations for Hethia though.

That being said, if you stick with my guide, the time pressures do get a little less intense after day 4. But during day 4 you will probably have to save and reload several times especially for the secret fight.


Aug 17, 2021
First of all, thank you. I hope I am not coming off as too whiny here. I truly do appreciate the effort you have put into writing this guide. In an expansive sandbox game like this I tend to invariably get lost and distracted and then lose interest and quit, especially if there is no reliable wiki. It is the reason I never finished CoC1 despite multiple tries. So a guide like this to focus me is very much needed.

I am glad to see clarification that I was doing what needs to be done to follow it even when it was not explicitly spelled out. I started over and am now at the end of Dog Days again. No matter how perfectly I time things and how quickly I get through the day if I accept Hethia's offer of sex at the end of the quest it does not end until after 6am, which means no Kiyoko dream that night. Am I missing something to get both, or is it okay to skip a night's sleep (within the context of this walkthrough)?

Again, thank you for writing this guide, and thank the other folk who have chimed in to answer my questions. Happy gaming!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Oh, I see. When I said the guide hooks you with Kiyoko every night, I meant every night possible. There are some actions/interactions that will forcibly kick you past 6am/into next day. Sleeping with Hethia is one of them. There is no possible way to sleep with Hethia and go to bed with Kiyoko at the same time.

There are a few other encounters/quests that do this such as completing blacksmith's new cloths, impregnating harem cats, impregnating Kohaku, impregnating miko/mai. That being said, these should be the only ones you can encounter before act 2.
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Oct 22, 2022
Has a guide for the Knot Cave dungeon been crafted yet? I seem to have found the boss awfully quick


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Has a guide for the Knot Cave dungeon been crafted yet? I seem to have found the boss awfully quick
Jstar has basically posted the outline for the Knot Cave on his submission page. The cave is basically just a boss rush. Additionally, I won't put a guide for it here since this is an Act 1 guide and Knot Cave is post act 1.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Because I'm an utter psycho, I actually managed to shave 1 more day off the guide. Bascially during day 10 instead of going to get the quest blacksmith new clothes you go down to harvest valley and start the tasks from day 14. I'm not going to update my guide to reflect this because time constraints kick out the quest blacksmith new clothes and the fact that the time pressures are so incredibly precise.