Opinions of TiTS?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
*a bit cooled off*

Yes, you did, by literally saying that men liking women is gay.

Well, now if you called me an idiot, I wouldn't take offense, since I don't understand what you mean.

He's completely wrong. He was entirely dismissive of sexual preferences and equated being a gay man with liking dick regardless of who it's attached to. You wouldn't say straight men should like cunt boys because they have vaginas, would you?

Sorry, my mistake there. I should have been more specific. Adoration would be the word, not just "liking". I spent 10 years studying in Bellas Artes (Beaux Arts. I dunno if it exists on other countries aside Argentina and France) which is an arts school. 80% of people there -including teachers- is gay, and 95% likes the dick. So what. Nobody gets offended, much less me.
As I've said, I'm bisexual. More inclined to women, but I enjoy male company and not have a single problem or complex about it.
Now, being bisexual is like being a herm (just before someone gets technical, I don't mean it literally): you're not something else, you're both. I like women, so I could be called straight. But I like men, so I'm gay too. Normally, just by liking men too, you're disregarded as gay instantly. Homosexual, gay, faggot, queer, fairy, butterfly, sissy, you name it, I've heard them all. And I-don't-f**g-care.

Now, "liking the dick"?
Damn sure. Not my personal case, it's more the person I like (be male, female or trans) rather than exclusively their genitals. But I could tell more than a story about cock worshippers. No matter who or what as long there was something between their legs they were ok, but they were "eeew" at the mere thought of a plain vagina.
And on the opposite, I know more than one that likes men, but dated women because they looked like men. I was watching TV with a friend, and he stayed drooling about a women's bodybuilder contest. I said "why you like them so much? They look like men" he looked back at me and said "well duh".

There's no "gay" model or prototype.
You might like the rough, hairy type, and be effeminate. Or be rough and like effeminated. You might be a crossdresser (note: not a trans) and be gay (and I make it clear because I know that being a crossdresser doesn't inherently means being gay). You might be a pretty average guy (my case) that like average guys. You might be a crazed cock-worshipper as mentioned before. You might like muscles, which is more often found in men, but will cope with muscled girls too, that doesn't make you more or less gay.
And yes, I also know people that would fuck anything as long there isn't a cock in/on it. Anything. And don't consider themselves gay, or even pansexual.

Whether you're aware of it or not you DID say something that came off as quite ignorant a few posts back. You stated New Texas was a paradise for GAY guys because it had sexable women with dicks and muscular bodies, which, to me, tells me you're either oblivious to what being gay means or you mistook it for Bi. Gay guys aren't interested in women, having dicks or a muscular body ins't going to change that. Do you understand? People weren't bashing you, they were correcting you, and they were being pretty cordial about it way before Savin's remark.

So congratulations, you just made a fool out of yourself in front of everyone. You insulted those who were trying to be respectful up to this point, you insulted every homosexual with your ignorance, and you basically just threw backhanded sneers at Savin and his work, all because of a mistake YOU made but either didn't notice or bothered apologizing for. Who's the prideful one who likes throwing hissy fits again?

The talk was about content, and what you could find or not, and if you couldn't find something specific, you can always find "something close", or at least less "bone killer".
So, if you're a male gay, on Texas you have plenty to choose, you'll find from outright gay, to plain straight. And maybe some on other planets too. And if not, you still have opportunities for fun. Because it's A GAME, in which, for example, a straight female will bed straight females without any worries. A GAME in which the main focus is fucking around with anyone and "we are often caught in its, uh... "benevolent crossfire?"". A GAME in which my male straight guy will dodge 1 foot meat bullets, but will fuck a sissyfied waitress (male word? I'm talking about Del) just because "oh well" and it's part of the plot.
TALKING ABOUT THE GAME, just in case it wasn't clear enough, even though it was right from the first post. Why in heaven would I bring the personal matter of personal sexuality of other people?

And please, point me to were are the "cordial" and "respectful" "corrections". People were giving their opinions, I'm perfectly fine with that. It's a matter of personal tastes, and cultural differences. Savin was outright rude and insulting.*
Just like you, pulling the same lynch mob arguments I've see half a dozen times per day: you're making a fool of yourself, you have to apologize, you insulted everyone, you know nothing Jon Snow, shutupshutupshutup, blablabla all while thugging at someone else's sleeve about how someone (or me in this case) is "disrespecting XcreatorX work". For the record, you forgot the mob's favourite "get down your horse".

If the "In either case, again, it wasn't my intention." wasn't clear enough, I just added a slight increase in size. There.

But I don't have to apologize for something that, not only I believe, but also I've experienced first hand, something that I am without any shame.
Are you gay? Or even bi? Fine. Don't be a pussy. I'm not. And certainly I'm not offended when I get told that.
You're not gay? Then don't come come telling me what exactly means being gay or not, in real life, or IN A GAME that doesn't have emotional consecuences.
Now the only thing needed is some fool linking a technical description out of wiki, and another playing the smartass with the fan favourite "ho-hum, wall of text".

Savin has a problem with what I said? And calls me an idiot?
Okay, as long as he has a point. A good one. And I would take it from him because he's one of the creators and I can respect that, and more importantly, a moderator with banning privileges. That honest I am.
Otherwise, to be absolutely honest, I would punch the theet inside of any imbecile that calls me idiot or fool in my face in real life, just because he's got butthurt about my opinions on something I know. Just like pretty much anyone here would.

Now ban me already if you want, or keep pulling as much theorics, morals and technical arguments as you want. I'm done with the "walking on eggs" in here, it's insane.
We're a bunch of adult people playing, enjoying and throwing out ideas about the most "perverted" stuff. The last place I would think I'd be insulted, not because I'm an homophobic troll, harassing people in a gay forum, but because I'm giving an opinion of the content.
And f**k yourself if you don't like it. I have to read much more offensive things daily in here than my opinion.

*(If anything, Zevos was mildly agreeing with me (but implicity agreeing of me being an idiot! :p ), MistyBirb made almost a perfect post, and Coalsack has a good point about the content (and doesn't even gets remotely offended for being a "sick bastard" lol))


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Now let me try to make things clear to you.
Everytime I see you post in a thread you write about things you aren't very informed with and act like you are an expert on the matter.
Then people who are more knowledgable come in and try to correct you so you don't end up spreading misinformation.
Then, either in that thread or in another, you complain about being a victim of a lynch mob.
This kind of behaviour pisses people off.

You aren't explaining things to a lynch mob, the "lynch mob" is explaining things to you and keep playing the victim card and run off because you got "chased off".

Think how pissed off the rest of us are when you spread misinformation an act like an ass about it. :colbert:

Aaand here it is, captain Lynch in person.
"Everytime I see your post"... yeah right. Exactly my same feeling. And others too.
I'm the one talking "like an expert"? What about you, disregarding what others say based on what? Your all-mighty. all-knowing brain?

I don't comment about manga because I know nothing about it. I don't comment about programming, because I don't know nothing. I do comment when I know about something. And, if I'm wrong, I agree with the correction.
You on the other hand, ALWAYS have a smartass reply, right from above your nightmarish Black Horse of Doom.
I couldn't care less about what you think of me, since you know nothing who I am or what I know since you judge that based on your self-high-steemed opinion.
I've seen you make some incredibly well thought posts, talking about language. Awesome. And then you reply to someone's opinion (not just me, you do it most of the time) with your nose touching the roof.
Of course, you have to always play smart, throw the first stone twisting any argument back, and finishing with something that doesn't leaves room for reply.

Your replies are usually "what???" and "you're wrong" or "misinformed". Then some linked explanation.
You (or the "lynch mob") don't "explain" anything. You take a nib here and there, and pull a string out of someone's comment or opinion, turn it absolutely technical just to make your point valid and show how cool and technical and accurate your are. You're just trying to justify or prove something.
Maybe because you're not a writer, an artist or a coder. Are you even a contributor of sort?

I don't like you, you don't like me, perfect, hugs, xoxo boo-bye.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Before whatever happens to you:

I dont think you know what gay means. Like at all.

Gay, in the sense of this game, means a person whose sexual preference is members of the same sex. Male homosexuals are usually referred to as gays, and females as lesbians.

Your definition is crap. A guy liking a muscle girl is not gay, you bumbling idiot, it means they are straight for liking someone of the opposite gender.

So if you have the time to say one last thing, why dont you do us a favor and tell us what gay means?
Because you, clearly, are not talking about the same thing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
Otherwise, to be absolutely honest, I would punch the theet inside of any imbecile that calls me idiot or fool in my face in real life, just because he's got butthurt about my opinions on something I know. Just like pretty much anyone here would.

You know man, I thought you were an unreasonable asshat. But threatening physical violence against an admin? That just turned it right around.

But seriously, if you don't care, don't make shitty, near unreadable walls of trash that just further degrade any chance you had of getting out of this looking like a reasonable human being. (You can go lower than rock bottom, ya know.)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
For someone who isn't the OP and "doesn't care", you're very passionate in making sure you keep responding to the thread and replying to everyone's posts.

I'm just saying, what do you care? Like what are you actually getting out of this? Shit doesn't add up fam, smh. At this point why let a ban stop you? You could make a new account and continue to post tomorrow.

Oh by the way I commissioned that collar and there's an xpak in the works, glad you liked it.

Vivian K

Jan 9, 2016
Let me get this straight: being gay = liking masculinity?
That's not how this works. A gay male is attracted to men, but them being gay says nothing about what kind of men they are attracted to. Maybe they like girly looking guys, maybe they like ripped body builders. What you're thinking of is called androphilia, an attraction to masculinity, which is not something bound to an attraction to someone's sex. I myself an a gynophile, I'm attracted to femininity, but that doesn't mean I am solely attracted to women - if someone looks like a girl, I probably am attracted, regardless of what they have in their pants.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
For someone who isn't the OP and "doesn't care", you're very passionate in making sure you keep responding to the thread and replying to everyone's posts.

I'm just saying, what do you care? Like what are you actually getting out of this? Shit doesn't add up fam, smh. At this point why let a ban stop you? You could make a new account and continue to post tomorrow.

Oh by the way I commissioned that collar and there's an xpak in the works, glad you liked it.

I try to reply, because I feel like Adam Sandler in Anger Management.
Now look, I even "threathened physically" a moderator, even when I never said "I would punch you".

And yes, I know you commisioned the collar, and many other awesome things. Couldn't get any more respect for you just because of that *applauds*


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
On the other extreme, I'm a firm gynophobe. I don't like female bodies, and even masculine females are a no-no. May be related to the fact that, on top of that I'm a gay man, femdom has alyways been one of my biggest boner-killers.

That said, I still like femenine males, but I'd rather have a masculine one any day. Soooo, yes I'm pretty much on the gay side of the spectre.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I try to reply, because I feel like Adam Sandler in Anger Management.
Now look, I even "threathened physically" a moderator, even when I never said "I would punch you".

And yes, I know you commisioned the collar, and many other awesome things. Couldn't get any more respect for you just because of that *applauds*

Regardless what you've threatened, you still dont know what gay means and thats the reason why you are getting crap.

Read my post above dude, you are horribly confused about what it actually means and it is making you look like an idiot.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The big hunked guy that is not gay, is not willing to sex because this or that. I think the only two are Big T, and Ogram. Actually, New Texas is a male gay paradise, because the sexable girls have a dick or are the muscular dominant type, and available guys are femenine or hunked up.

"New Texas is a gay paradise!" Yancy wants you to be lactating meaning tits. Big T's scenes make it so you sound like a bubbly, giggly bimbo. If you wanna get into Herman's one and only scene, you need to be a treated woman. Peck, who requires you to be in a threesome with him and a girl. Ogram requires Amma, so that ain't fun for people who don't like gals. Bryyn has 2 gals right next to him in his one and only scene, which for the same reasons as Oggy, ain't fun for the queers.

That just leaves Cameron, an exclusively gay femboi with 1 scene, Quenton who requires you to be buff to fuck him, and Busky. Who is also gay, and as he is now is just a generic bara hunk.

It's no gay paradise. It just has slightly more gay content than any other planet. And even then that leaves a single Cameron scene. 2 Quenton scenes. And a whopping 8 Busky scenes. For a grand total of 11. Now if I only had the time to count out all of the scenes that are not M/M. Oh wait, I do.

55-58. Depends if you count Yancy's Non-Treated/Treated scenes as different. And even then, that's 5 times more than any gay scenes. Really the "gay paradise" (and I'm not trying to sound conceited or smug here) is basically just Busky.

The game is gynocentric, every part of it, but there's no problem with that. People write what they like, which attracts people that like the same stuff they do. But to call any part of this game (in it's current state) a "Gay Paradise" is simply false.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
even when I never said "I would punch you".

Oh, okay.

Otherwise, to be absolutely honest, I would punch the theet inside of any imbecile that calls me idiot or fool in my face in real life, just because he's got butthurt about my opinions on something I know. Just like pretty much anyone here would.

What's this, then? When you describe a scenario, IE "I was called an idiot when I felt like it was unjustified" that relates to a specific person, Savin in this case, and then talk about how if it happened IRL, you would react with violence, that's a very strong implication. You can't weasel out of it by saying "Well, I never said exactly, I would punch you." Because you were very clearly referring to him in this sentence, in addition to calling him an imbecile. And no, not all of us would commit assault over an argument, that's dumb, just like saying that liking masculine women is gay, is dumb.

That's the whole crux of this that you don't seem to get. You pushed this far passed the point where it could be considered a discussion. You had a flawed argument ("New Texas is a gay paradise") and instead of just backing off when it became clear that your basic definitions of the things you were talking about didn't line up with anyone else, and were flat out wrong in many cases, you doubled down and started getting defensive. Savin didn't just pop in and call you an idiot for no reason, he did it because he realized there wasn't any value to arguing with you, because you don't really have an argument.

And now you've devolved into playing the victim against people who you antagonized, and picking up the old "I don't care anymore, here's 5 paragraphs explaining just how much I don't care" shtick.

That's my piece; you can continue this tantrum until the mods get tired of laughing at you now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Aaand here it is, captain Lynch in person.
"Everytime I see your post"... yeah right. Exactly my same feeling. And others too.
I'm the one talking "like an expert"? What about you, disregarding what others say based on what? Your all-mighty. all-knowing brain?

I don't comment about manga because I know nothing about it. I don't comment about programming, because I don't know nothing. I do comment when I know about something. And, if I'm wrong, I agree with the correction.
You on the other hand, ALWAYS have a smartass reply, right from above your nightmarish Black Horse of Doom.
I couldn't care less about what you think of me, since you know nothing who I am or what I know since you judge that based on your self-high-steemed opinion.
I've seen you make some incredibly well thought posts, talking about language. Awesome. And then you reply to someone's opinion (not just me, you do it most of the time) with your nose touching the roof.
Of course, you have to always play smart, throw the first stone twisting any argument back, and finishing with something that doesn't leaves room for reply.

Your replies are usually "what???" and "you're wrong" or "misinformed". Then some linked explanation.
You (or the "lynch mob") don't "explain" anything. You take a nib here and there, and pull a string out of someone's comment or opinion, turn it absolutely technical just to make your point valid and show how cool and technical and accurate your are. You're just trying to justify or prove something.
Maybe because you're not a writer, an artist or a coder. Are you even a contributor of sort?

I don't like you, you don't like me, perfect, hugs, xoxo boo-bye.

And now you are going after me directly and blame it all on me while also being obnoxously faux polite, even though I'm not the one who criticized you the most in this thread.
Ironically, most of the things you leveled my way can just as, if not more easily be leveled at you. But unlike you, when I'm proven in the false or incorrect I usually apologize for it.

Also you keep saying that no one gives you any explanations, that's exactly what you got with every post since your first post here (except Savin's, he just threw an insult your way). I suggest you read them thoroughly and don't just skimm through them.

I'm not gonna pick apart that rant on what is gay, since pretty much everyone else did it before me. But to reiterate: being gay/lesbian/bi doesn't make you an expert on sexual preferances.

And now that I said my piece, I'm not gonna post in this thread anymore. I got my fill of bullshit. But if the thread gets locked and/or get banned. Be aware that it's because you were called out on being misinformed, but instead of correcting yourself you became defensive and threw a tantrum. Not because anyone else replied here.
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Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
I can't believe I'm actually posting this here of all places but it seems it is needed. Plz apply chart to waifu you wish to bone and use your own judgement:

I disagree. I think 10% (neko) is the worst kind of furry trash and extra creepy.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
Let me get this straight: being gay = liking masculinity?
That's not how this works. A gay male is attracted to men, but them being gay says nothing about what kind of men they are attracted to. Maybe they like girly looking guys, maybe they like ripped body builders. What you're thinking of is called androphilia, an attraction to masculinity, which is not something bound to an attraction to someone's sex. I myself an a gynophile, I'm attracted to femininity, but that doesn't mean I am solely attracted to women - if someone looks like a girl, I probably am attracted, regardless of what they have in their pants.
This is mostly true, what you say. However the last part, the example you state of youself, you are not gay as what a person has in their pants matters to us gay people, trust me. A vagina is not appealing to a gay man nor is a penis appealing to a lesbian (I imagine).

I'm reeeeally hoping you're not serious. :catstare:
I am.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This is mostly true, what you say. However the last part, the example you state of youself, you are not gay, as what a person has in their pants matters to us gay people, trust me. A vagina is not appealing to a gay man, nor is a penis appealing to a lesbian.
Although, liking cuntboys (while not liking women) can still be gay. It depends on the person.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I disagree. I think 10% (neko) is the worst kind of furry trash and extra creepy.
That's fine, that's just like, your opinion, man. The opinion of the 1%.

@Lkynmbr24: Soon, my brother, we will seize the means of (porn) production.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
See, this is just being rude. People can have opinions!

Pretty much you just insulted like a majority of the content that the game even has (And mine especially) off of some baseless opinion. Like, what the heck are you even doing here then (and probably playing this game then) if you're gonna spout that here? (Pretty much grounds for kink-shaming actually.)

I mean unless this is some super obvious troll, then that still ain't funny.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Holy shit this thread is toxic... things are starting to take a turn towards a flame war...

Someone please put this thread down before it gets out of hand (assuming it isn't already out of hand.)

@Magic Ted @Savin

someone just kill this thread...

Vivian K

Jan 9, 2016
On the other extreme, I'm a firm gynophobe. I don't like female bodies, and even masculine females are a no-no. May be related to the fact that, on top of that I'm a gay man, femdom has alyways been one of my biggest boner-killers.

That said, I still like femenine males, but I'd rather have a masculine one any day. Soooo, yes I'm pretty much on the gay side of the spectre.

You're not gynophobic, you're just not attracted to women at all. Also the -phobia part would imply an irrational fear/hatred toward femininity, which...you don't have since you are okay with feminine males.

I disagree. I think 10% (neko) is the worst kind of furry trash and extra creepy.

Nekomimi, and kemonomimi for that matter, aren't even furries. That the image uses it at all is somewhat disingenuous to the whole argument; the only thing it has in common with furries is that they're both forms of anthropomorphization.

This is mostly true, what you say. However the last part, the example you state of youself, you are not gay, as what a person has in their pants matters to us gay people, trust me. A vagina is not appealing to a gay man, nor is a penis appealing to a lesbian (I imagine).

I am.

As I said, androphilia and gynophilia are not attraction based on sex, but masculinity and femininity respectively. That is why I said that if one's sexuality is defined by those, they're not as concerned by ones genitals; and while you personally don't enjoy vaginas, there are people out there that are gay males who are into "cuntboys" (I'm sorry if that term is offensive to anyone but there is no other term I've come across for that) but not women - it has to do with the masculine appearance rather than the presence of a dick. I also never claimed I was gay, but that for myself that attraction to femininity has nothing to do with what someone has in their pants. I'd describe myself mostly as a gynophile first, pansexual second. In real life I am [sexually] attracted to the feminine, primarily women, but also transwomen (whether they've full transitioned or not), and even feminine guys to a lesser extent, and can develop feelings for men, but I require a romantic connection first before it can really develop or not. In fantasy, I'm similarly attracted to futanari/herms, newhalf/shemale (though the term can be seen as a slur I'm mostly using it to explain the term), but since fantasy is not exactly all that personal, men have no appeal to me there. Thus, I will suck a dick, because I see sexuality in more than just a matter of whether I'm attracted to men, women, or both - but I'd much rather suck a dick of someone who looks female to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't think that, unless you're already a fan of one of them, that there is a meaningful difference between neko and kemono and furry. To most people here there's a great variety, but I imagine anybody just wandering in just sees, like, a bunch of animal people all over the place. And if you view it like that, then it seems like that's all that this game has. I know you don't have to fuck any, but the sheer, overwhelming number of them can make it hard to go on.

I don't like dickgirls. I know I don't have to interact with any of them but the fact that they are practically everywhere and have so much of a driving force behind them has on multiple occasions made me want to stop playing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't like dickgirls. I know I don't have to interact with any of them but the fact that they are practically everywhere and have so much of a driving force behind them has on multiple occasions made me want to stop playing.

I have the same feeling with kemono-whatever stuff and the overly-femenine setting. Nothing can be done, sadly. Even if someone went against the norm and write something, it'll still be a little drop in the ocean.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
[...] captain Lynch in person.[...]

For a moment, I thought this was about David.

But the rest of this "discussion" of personal feelings, preferences and obligatory questions that have been discussed and hated and shitstormed before, let's just say this has been taken a few steps too far.
To describe my own personal feeling about this, I can only quote Friends:

Janice said:

And please, please do not do this again.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
People are capable of having opinions, whether it agrees with your's or not. Sexuality is a complicated subject as humans are complicated, wired weirdly and, at times, dumb as rocks. What you find attractive naturally varies, that's the nature of fetishism and so forth. And that's fine. I think BDSM people are absolute weirdos, though they'd certainly be disappointed in this game. (Beyond the D and S part, I guess.)

It's pointless to get in a tizzy about it, even if you mean it in jest. Someone inputs an opinion, shrug. That's just, like, your opinion man.

Now, of course, there's a stark contrast to an opinion and an incredible lack of reading comprehension, which always amazes me on a forum about text games. Attitude isn't warranted here, either!

@Apple_Mans Beyond all that, I wish you the best in your search for satisfaction. I'd recommend looking for some gay community or something to try and find media and games for it, I imagine you'd get a bit more success on actually finding things there then this crowd. But who knows!
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