Apologies if this doesn't quite fit here, I felt it was safer than posting in the TiTS section and having it be out of place there.
This is mostly for typo fixes/suggestions, but what's the general consensus on capitalizing the name of a creature or race. For specific example, in the old forums there was a TiTS typo thread that suggested capitalizing one instance of 'mimbrane' just because all others were capitalized. However, unless this is yet another failure of the US eductation system, this seems like an unnecessary thing to do. We don't capitalize species common names, like 'red wolf' or 'human'. But then there's the whole 'society named after planet and/or race' thing, like Ausar, which then butts up against descriptive use of a species/society not being capitalized. I'm at a lack of ways to properly describe my issue so I apologize if this is hard to follow and will gladly clarify if I can.
Rather than shoving my foot in my mouth for thinking I'm correct I'd like to actually know what to say for stuff like this.
This is mostly for typo fixes/suggestions, but what's the general consensus on capitalizing the name of a creature or race. For specific example, in the old forums there was a TiTS typo thread that suggested capitalizing one instance of 'mimbrane' just because all others were capitalized. However, unless this is yet another failure of the US eductation system, this seems like an unnecessary thing to do. We don't capitalize species common names, like 'red wolf' or 'human'. But then there's the whole 'society named after planet and/or race' thing, like Ausar, which then butts up against descriptive use of a species/society not being capitalized. I'm at a lack of ways to properly describe my issue so I apologize if this is hard to follow and will gladly clarify if I can.
Rather than shoving my foot in my mouth for thinking I'm correct I'd like to actually know what to say for stuff like this.
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