On including companion blurbs in a scene I'm writing.

Prince Charming

Active Member
Mar 18, 2020
Hey all! In the introduction of a scene I'm writing, I'm having Champ's companions go and mount the guard while they leave Champ some breathing room to have hot sex with strangers. I was planning to write a paragraph to highlight the companions' departure to the reader, and tailor that paragraph to each of the available companions. By tailoring I mean, for example, Cait would say something about Mallach and consent, whereas Kiyoko would say something distinguished with a "beloved" or two.

Here are the questions:
  • Do i have to contact each companion's writer to check if they're ok with my blurbs?
  • Should i rather write it all anyway and just cut it out if it's deemed not good enough during review?
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Pépère Pervers

Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
I'd say go for the second option. As long as you keep their quips short but in character, I doubt the original authors will raise any objections. If they were more involved in the scene, that'd be a different story.
Just write your stuff, post a thread in the forum and if someone has a problem with your work, you will know soon enough.