Old one awakes (In game)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tradegate, a much visited port, out of the three kingdoms this port gets the most traffic and it's not a surprising fact. It is only the most neutral port in Bytopia, mostly thanks to its closeness to the capital Cania (only three days on foot) as such Tradegate is a place that is often visited by diplomats and high class merchants. Some call this town "The Twin Paradises" an ironic name to say the least. The reason it's called this is do to the fact that the town is split into two sides, Arborea on the north side and Acheron on the south side. However they don't get violent with each other thanks to the queens guards that are there. The most famous landmark in Tradgate would be the fountain in the town square which takes the shape a a statue of a Kraken with her arms spread out and her face lifted upwards in an expression of serenity. From the tips of her tentacles flow water into the fountains basin. This day was one of the more better days, the sun was out, the children were playing together (human and monster), the bustle of the market is at a nice buzz, and the last incident involving a monster was a week ago. In short it was a good day. So no one saw coming what was going to happen next.

Topaz: Your time in the city has been a good one. Through your skill as a blacksmith, and a good chunk of luck, you work with the best black smith in town. Perrin Aybara is his name and he is very good at being a blacksmith, to the point you think that he must have dwarf blood in him. Standing head and shoulders taller then most people, his hair is sandy brown with a matching beard and he seems to be made of solid muscle. Working in the forge suits him well and the group of women that stand out side the shop giggling and whispering to each other seem to think so to. Ever since you've met him they have been there and when you started working with him they gave you the dirtiest of looks but they've seem to of stopped that. Not that they have to fear you stealing him, every flirt seems to fall on deaf ears or go over his head. Anyway one day you were tending the front of the shop while Perrin was working in the back when a man walks in. He is clad in red armor with no symbols to link him with any group and he is armed with four swords, one on each hip and two crisscrossed on his back. He nods to you and speaks in a rough voice.

"Hello, I'd like to see if I can get a repair or a new sword." He unsheathes one of the swords on his back. You see that it's worn and has a few nicks in it.

Rick: You have only been in town for a few days. While you have not been able to find work so far but that doesn't mean you can't stop and smell the flowers ever so often. As of today you are enjoying lunch near the town square when you see an odd sight. You  see   a man standing in a large dark blue robe. The robe looks heaver than what most people would be comfortable in, it covers his hands but you can see his some of his face which is an unhealthy pale hue, he has red hair and his eyes are hidden behind a strap of black cloth talking to a boy around the age of 15. The boy is clothed in boots made of fine leather dyed black that goes up to his mid-calf, black clothes trimmed with gold that's maybe made of silk? You don't know after all you never had an eye for fashion but it looks rich. The oddest feature about him though is his hair, it goes down to his knees and is spread out like a fan but that's not the odd thing about it, it's not touching his back or moving like normal hair in fact it almost looks like it moves like a tentacle would. The movements however are so slight that if you were just giving him a once over you would of missed it. They seem to be having a quiet argument and looking around as if they are expecting someone. They seem to be impatient.

Soleil: It's another lovely day in your life. While there haven't been a lot of customers it has been steady buisness with quite a few regulars coming in for a chat. The other side of your job has been quiet lately. However even when your mind goes to the worst case scenarios you remember that your 'helpers' assure that nothing is wrong and everything is okay.  As you are think about things during a lull in work when someone enters the shop. She looked like a lizardman however instead of the normal green scales hers are bone white in color. She walks around the store looking at all the wears, picking some of them up and looking at the item from all angles before putting it back down and moving to another part of the store. She looks very confused and keeps looking over her shoulder. 

 Lucille/Lucia: Your handlers have sent you to the town of Tradegate as a small reward for your hard work. Well it's not like you just be sitting on your ass but work in Tradegate is far easier than some of the other towns around. You even get to stay in a prepaid room at an inn that always hosts at least one member of the Heartless, The Angel of Mercy. A part of you can't help but wonder if the name was meant to be ironic. During your stay you over hear about the last major incident that happened over a week ago. It involved a man, a drunk manticore and a patrol of the Heartless. One does not have to think hard to imagine the out come to that. Now you are on light duty, for you at least, by doing patrols around the north side of town. During your patrol you find your self at the town square. (You see the same two as Rick)

Nyarlathotep: You have managed to get all the way to Bytopia. It was a hard journey but it has been worth it, after all no one has treated you like the the nobles did. You now find yourself in a place people call Tradegate and you're staying in the south side, which reminds you of Acheron. At least the way the males are treated are the same however everyone leaves you alone due to your height. As you are walking around the south side of the city you hear someone behind you.

"My aren't you an interesting creature." Turning around you see a dragon with some odd features. Her scales are a lovely emerald shade of green, she has a crest that starts above her eyes and goes up to her head and down her back. She also lacks horns of any kind instead has spiked plates running down the side of her neck and covering where her ears should be. She walks around you looking at every part of your body, she stops at one point to poke at the heads at our side. "So what are you?" She looks up to your eyes. She doesn't ask in a mean way more like she's curious about you.   


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Topaz gives a gentle smile as she looks over the sword a bit, feeling the kinks in it and judging it before she responds. "Your sword has been through a lot, I'm going to need to reforge it to repair it since its missing places in its metal to repair its structural integrity. Meaning I'll be melting down its metal, adding a bit more and than making it again. Is this what you would like? Or I can show you the other swords we have on display." She gestures to the other swords they have on racks and on display. As she turns back her eyes drift to the makings of his armor and weapons, judging the conditions that they are in as she awaits a response.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Despite their suspicious appearance and movements, Lucille has no reason to seize any of them. Instead, she detaches her head, undoubtedly to the horror of many a citizen, before walking towards them with her head carried in both hands, in front of her breastplate. They could be criminals on the run, but without evidence, Lucia cannot apprehend them. They could also be lost, but certainly not destitute based on the clothing of the smaller figure. "Do you require assistance, travellers?" She speaks with a haunting voice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
Needless to say, watching an armored woman remove her head like it's a helmet is a bit of a shocking scene for Rick and he nearly chokes on the bite he just took. After surviving that near death experience, he washes it down and leans back in his chair. "This just got very interesting" he says to himself as he continues to watch the scene unfold.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nyarlathotep stands up looking towards the weird dragon, she thinks of what is happening and how to respond. The new freedom being overbearing for the newly freed slave, no orders, no humiliation and no the best part no more experiments. She takes a step back but as soon the dragon shows no ill intentions towards her she decides to answer. "I am..." She thinks of what she is, or even better what they turned her into... Her owners called her several names, broken dragon, weird creature, chimera... But the one who struck to her the most the only one that was only hers. "I am a Jabberwocky."

As Nya answer she look around seeing everyone in their daily lives, working, talking. Then she focus her attention again on the dragon in front of her wondering what the dragon in front of her is, only used to talk when asked she stands there and stare. Not in a threatening way, she just seem surprised and confused while also waiting for the dragon to say something else, but she then stops not wanting to be seem as what she was. "And my name is Nyarlathotep. Why you don't have any horns?"

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
"Everything is of good quaility.  Bur if you are looking for something in particular we do special orders, on occasin." Soleil say in a friendly manner.  Keeping an eye on her without seeming to for a few minutes.  When the source of her worry is not appearent and her nervousness wanes slightly, Soleil decides to act.  There was nothing expected in next few days, but sometimes they find their way here on their own.  Even so Soleil has a soft spot for those that others may consider freaks.  Intent on helping Soleil approaches slowly to not statle the odd female lizardman.  

Keeping up the human facade, "I something the matter Ma'am?"  she asks with a smile.  "Talking about it often helps and I'm almost as good a listener as a bartender." Soleil says with a giggle and a wink.   "You never know, I might kno someone who can help."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Topaz: The man growls to him self as he consider his options. "Knowing those two they'll be getting ticked off by now. I'll just buy a new one." He looks over the swords on the racks. He picks of some of swords and takes a few swings then puts them back. He then grabs one of Perrin's better swords. "How much for this one?" As he turns you can get a better look at his armor. The armor seems to be in top condition while the swords are in various states of wear and tear.

 Lucille and Rick: The two men turn to Lucille, they look to where her head would be but quickly look down at her head. The one in the robes spits out. "No we do not! We are merely waiting for a friend of ours. And he is running very late!" He hisses something under his breath. Since your closer you can smell that he hasn't seen a bath for a few days. His companion just sighs "Do forgive us if we were causing a scene. We are a tight schedule and we are running out of time you see."  He speaks in sad tones. When he talks you can see that his teeth are in the shape of needles.

 Nyarlathotep: The dragon laughs at your question. "Oh for the same reasons you have horns. I hatched and they were not there." She looks you up and down. "A Jabberwocky you say? I have never heard nor seen one before. How interesting, if I may ask what are you doing in a place such as this one?"  She moves from one foot to the other. She seems to be a bit exited over something.

Soleil: The woman turns to you a bit startled. "Oh! Uh hmm, nothing is bad. I just seeing the..things?" Her speech is broken and she takes pause between words as if she is looking for the right one to use. She also has an accent that you can't pin down exactly. She looks embarrassed. "To tell truth I am new to surface. I do no know many things." She gives a nervous laugh and scratches her cheek. "Uh maybe you help me with uh things?"   


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Could you perhaps give a description of your... contact, in case I spotted him on patrol?" Lucia asks, her voice now less chilling and closer to that of your average human. In the event that their "friend" is indeed as suspicious as they are, he might be of worth to shadow. Her eyebrows drop to make a menacing stare. "And in case you are not regulars, do mind yourselves in this land. Everyone is judged equally under the law in Bytopia." She speaks matter-of-factly, thinking the suspicious, monster-looking characters will either get the hint, sparing her the trouble, or be oblivious and cause trouble, allowing her to meet out justice at the end of cold steel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"That sword is currently being priced at 20 gold pieces, its one of our finer blades here." She smiles a bit, though inside she wanted one of the ones she made to be picked...but a costumer is a costumer after all "Your other swords seem to be also rather worn. Do you wish to purchase replacements for those too? Afterall you don't want to break your swords in the middle of battle afterall." She kept her eyes idely on the fire, stepping on the pad every few minutes to keep the fire going as she waited for the next metal to heat up enough to be forged into new weaponry.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nyarlathotep looks at the dragon confused, other people being excited normally meant something bad would happen to her soon. She ponders while scratching her own arm wondering what to say, she couldn't tell her past here that could mean she could go back to the place she despite the most. "I am just... On a trip. I heard about this place..." Nyarlathotep gets a bit desperate searching for any uncommon detail in the city, she then notices a fish shipment reaching and how many merchants surround them. "The fishes?" She says looking around. "Yeah i heard about the fisherman from this place and that there are an good quality of fish..." She says turning up to look at the green dragon again.

"And you? What are you doing here?" She asks trying to walk away from the green dragon looking for any opportunity to flee.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
"I can't hear anything from here." Rick says to himself. He definitely needs to find some work soon, but these two guys look too interesting to ignore. On the other hand, the girl makes the two of them look almost depressingly boring. It's not everyday you see someone who can remove their head at will. 

After a bit of self-deliberation, he finally comes to a decision. He is just bored/curious enough to give up on his planned afternoon of looking for a contract. No one in this town had been giving him any inclination of work anyway. He may as well do something interesting before moving on. With a "why the hell not?" muttered under his breath, he gets up and starts moving toward the group while trying to remain inconspicuous.

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Surface?!  Where exactly was this girl from?  Not somewhere Soleil was familiar with anyway.

"Of course.  I'd be happy to help.  I've been here a few years and know my way around quite well.  I also know a bit abut lots of  different things, like I said I'm good listener.  However I am a  merchant, a seller of goods,  I will need compensation, payment for servuces rendered."
Soleil gives her a moment to be sure she understands.  

Gently touchng the lizan's arm, "I think stories of your homeland would do nicely, don't you?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
???: Somewhere beyond the mortal plane sits a being on a throne made of black crystal. In front of this being is a large chess board, on top are figures in lots of odd shapes and sizes. It looks over the board, making sure that every piece is in place, before nodding to itself. It grabs three of the figures, one with long hair, one in a heavy robe, and one in armor. It moves them a couple of spaces forward before putting them down.

"It is time."

 Lucille/Lucia and Rick: The one with the hair gives you an amuse smile. "That will not be necessary. I'm sure that he will be around any minute." At this moment his eyes start to glow red faintly. His companion has golden light glowing from behind the cloth over his eyes. After the glowing stops they smile. "Yup I'm sure he'll be along any second now." They make their way to the fountain's basin and stand before it looking much calmer then they were a few minutes ago.

Topaz: The man drops the gold on the counter and puts the sword into the empty sheath. "Ah that will not be necessary but thank you for-" His eyes start to glow green slightly. When the glow stops he lets out a long sigh and starts to exit the shop. "If I were you, I'd start running. Soon this place will be a warzone." He turns in his heel and leaves the shop.

Nyarlathotep: The dragon nods. "Ah came for the food huh? Sounds like something my sister would do to. As for why I'm here, I came here looking for something new and it seems I found her." She slides up to you. "Say if your not doing anything I'd love to introduce you to my sisters. Its been a while since any of them have met a new dragon. A word of advise though, stay clear of Vress. She is the most...primal of us all so she may get aggressive." She looks you up and down. "Or she may think you'd be a good mate." She shrugs. "So want to meet them?"

Soleil: She looked nervous when you mentioned payment but calmed down when you said stories would do. "I was worried." She lets out a nervous giggle. "I do no have surface...money? Did no know where to find them." She turns to face you head on. "So what you want to know about the Underdark? It not a very bright place. Not like here, I remember when I first came to surface I could no see for a week or more!" She gives a hearty laugh.

Fountain: The men are joined by a man in red armor. The man in the heavy robs turns to the new arrival. "Took you long enough! What were you doing that had a higher priority then this?"

"Had to get a new sword." He shrugs not really bothered by his colleague's outburst. "Tell me are we ready?" The man with long hair nods

"Indeed we are. The time of the modern Demon Lord has come to an end."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not having anymore reason to disturb the oddly-mannered travellers, she rettaches her head and goes to continue her patrol. She turns her head and looks Rick straight in the eyes. They say the Abyss stares back if you gaze into it for long enough, but the cold, death apathy of her icy-blue eyes are something to behold - and fear for any unfortunate enough to have broken one of the many laws of Bytopia, especially those that carry gruesome punishments.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Topaz takes the money, putting it in their proper storage place for currency and after the comment about running she was about to say something before he runs off "Run away...? Warzone? But...its been so peaceful here." Brushing her hair gently she peeks out of the shop briefly to look around before going back in and taking up her hammer and armor she was making and starts hammering away at it. "Wonder what Perrin is doing."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
Rick stared back at Lucille with a partly confused and partly worried expression. He'd seen a similar look in the eyes of some of Arborea's soldiers, the ones people called The Heartless. Although, this woman made most of the Heartless he'd met look as welcoming as courtesans. "This is really not what I need today" he thinks to himself. This situation went from interesting to trouble very quickly. Mysterious men with glowing eyes and a Heartless with a removable head don't seem like a mixture that will end well for him.

After a few moments of silence, he asks Lucille "Can I........help you?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lucille grunts, annoyed at having to remove her head again to properly communicate. Her hands clasp around her head and twists, releasing the locking lugs with an audible click. The head has been cleanly severed, and a pair of interlocking metal rings adorn her decapitated neck, masquerading as jewelry. The cold stare slowly turns to a more human expression as her halves are separated. She looks you up and down, as odd as that seems with her head under one arm. "No, I do not believe you can help me, mercenary. Though do me a favour and stay out of trouble. Based on your expression, I'm sure you know what or who I am." She gives a wry, almost psychotic smile.

"If you're looking for work, I'm not the one you should be speaking to."
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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
As unsettling as watching someone remove their own head is, it comes as less of a surprise the second time and Rick's reaction is less visible. He guesses that her head needs to be removed before she can talk, good to know.

"Fair enough" he responds. "I get the feeling that I wouldn't be too interested in the kind of work you'd offer me anyway" he says with a slightly nervous chuckle.

For a moment, he contemplates asking her about the now three suspicious men, but he'd rather not make this conversation longer than it has to be. She's a heartless and she just walked away from them like nothing was wrong. So she either is working with them and won't tell him anything or she didn't find anything wrong and doesn't have anything to tell.

He runs his hand through his short black hair, a stress induced habit, gives her a sarcastic smile and says "Well, as nice as this has been, I should be going. You have a pleasant day."

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
"Oh my, that sounds deary." Soleil says, but imediately follows with, "Sorry, I mean no offense.  It's just I love flowers and like them I practically live off sunlight."  ending with a giggle at her inside joke.    "If you need some surface money,I think I can help with that."  Sloeil says guiding the lizan to a pair of maps on the wall.   One of the city, the other the area around Tradegate.  "It's a little out of date, but in a busy town like Tradegate in the time it takes to make new map it's out of date.  We are currently here." Sleil piints to a spot on the map.  "This whole area has a lot shops.  If you'll be around for a while, someone is always looking for help.  I could even find a few chores for you to do.  But if you' prefer something less longterm that pays quicker,  then we go to the docks."  Soleil traces a line right through the fountain square.  "There's often ships looking for daylaborers.  It can be physically taxing but you'll paid at the end of every day."

"Oh!, I almost forgot.  You can call me Sunny.  And I'd love to hear what you do in the... what did you call it, Underdark, for fun.  Miss....?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Not at all surprising, it's not the cleanest of work after all..." Lucia retorts, gesturing to the frankly oversized weapon on her back. "Pleasantry is not my business, so keep your head down and your nose clean." Lucia locks her head back into place and Lucille takes over. She turns to continue her patrol, uttering but a single word to you. "Go." It hangs in the air like the vocal equivalent of smog. When it clears, all that's heard is loud rattling of her midnight-black armour and the clanking of metal on the paved road.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
"I guess I made a new friend" Rick says under his breath as Lucille walks away. Joking aside, being face to face with a Heartless is a rather draining experience. As suspicious as those three men by the fountain look, he feels that he is done being adventurous today. It's not like anyone is paying him to look into it either.

He sighs, adjusts the sword on his back and turns to leave the square. "I need a drink."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nyarlathotep takes a step back and then looks at the dragon wondering what to do, she sweats and thinks of running away but then she don't seem to be like her old captors. Dragons are normally high on a hierarchy and even in terms of strength, besides that her stomach is making sounds pleading her to get some food she looks down and holds her stomach. "Uhmm you still haven't told me your name." Nyarlathotep then sighs looking towards the fishes that the merchants are bringing in and licks her lips in response.

"If you get some of those i would go with you." Nyarlathotep nods thinking of the last few days the only things she had eaten after captivity where the animals she could hunt, her endowments make her a good fighter but she isn't such a great hunter being locked up all her life.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Town Square: The man with long hair and the man with the blue rob reach into their clothes and pull out a smallish bag. Almost as one they turn the bag upside down. Form the bags spill items that should not have been able to fit into the bags, mainly pieces of plate armor fall onto the ground along with a large one handed maul and a trident. The two men look at the one in armor and nod. They start to chant as the man in armor stands in front of them.

Soleil: "Oh my name is Kryć. Also the Underdark is no all dark, there are things that glow. Some good, some bad and some that taste good!" She looks at the map then at you. "If you no mind I want to work with you." She thinks about your last question. "Fun huh? Well we ate. That all we did for fun. Eat, sleep, and hunt. That all Troglodytes like really." She shrugs

Nyarlathotep: The dragon giggles. "How rude of me. My name Grin. A bad name I know, my mother really dropped the ball on that." She looks to the fish then back to you. "Okay wait right here." She walks over to the merchants and haggles with them for a few minutes. She returns with three fishes, each as long as her arm from tail to head and are quite plump. "Soo do you like them cooked or raw?"

Everyone: Everyone one in town can feel a pulse. It comes in waves and is getting steadily stronger, it feels almost like the pulse is so strong that it makes your heart beat. Those that are more magically talented feel a spark with every pulse. The source of the pulse is coming from the direction of the town square.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lucille can feel the unnatural magic in the air, she draws her weapon and sprints back towards the square she was just at. Nobody's going to cause any trouble on her watch, lest they're looking for an unclean death. She gives off a ghostly wail to scatter anyone blocking her path as she charges back with an almost religious zeal.

Phil Ein Blank

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
"Nothing else you say?  Nothing fun?  I'm sure I can think of some..."  Soleil starts suggestively reaching for Kryc's chest, but the first pulse stops her in mid thought.

The second pulse passes.  Then the Third pulse starts Soleil moving again.  Soleil Points to a spot on the town map, "That is my house.  At the edge of Tradegate, near the forest.  The tiny cottage with lts of flowers.  Go there and wait for me Kryc."  Soleil says asshe quickly locks up the shop.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
Rick had barely made it out of the square when the first pulse hit. He stopped dead in his tracks spun back around to see the three men from before. As he quickly looks around the square at the groups of bystanders, the next pulse hits and he hears a wail coming from the other side of the square. In his head he thinks "This is bad! This is very bad! A lot of people are going to die! The Heartless girl is coming back too! Dammit!"

He starts running straight at the three men and wips out his sword mid stride. He shouts at the top of his lungs "EVERYBODY RUN!"

In the back of his mind he thinks "This day really sucks" and hurls a Lightning bolt at the tentacle haired kid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Topaz's eyes widen as her magic senses tingle, she bursts into the backroom with a worry, just as she hears somebody scream to run "PERRIN! WE NEED TO GO NOW! Something is happening and whatever it is, is bad and is magical. Grab whatever you need and lets go!" Topaz doesn't waste time, grabbing her own hammer and running out of the store, looking out to the left she sees Rick charge the three, her eyes widening "Oh no..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nyarlathotep turns towards the town square feeling the weird pulse coming from it, she then turns to Grin a bit concerned. "What is happening?" She says and then thinks of walking away, whatever is happening is beyond her abilities to stop and it's better to just evade it, her stomach grumbles as she starts speaking again.

"I am used to eating things raw." The mouth near her right arm reaches closer to the fish and then bites on it ripping off a part of it and then chewing, Nyarlathotep in response looks down and then turns back to Grin. "Sorry..." She says slapping the weird mouth. "These thing just do weird stuff at all times." The Jabberwocky turns her attention to the town square. "I can eat while we go to your sisters, so let's get going?" A drop of sweat escapes her forehead as she speaks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nyarlathotep: She looks to you. "Are you sure? I'm not used to backing down." Even as she says this she still looks worried. "But this magic it can't be them can it?" She mumbles to her self. "We will leave but I have to make sure of something." She heads to the town square. She takes the fish with her to.

Soleil: Kryc looks scared but looks at the map for a few moments then runs out of the shop and heads to your home.

Town square: Perrin steps out of the shop just in time to see the lighting bolt thrown by Rick be sent off course to the man in red armor's our stretched sword. He looks like he was hurt but not much. He draws a second sword and crosses them.

"Fools all you can do is burn to ash." He scrapes the swords apart sending sparks flying, when the swords separate to small balls of fire are sent at Rick and Lucille. "Besides you are far too late." As he says this the earth behind him starts to flow almost as if its liquid. It seeps into the armor and around the maul before standing. Beside it the water from the fountain flows over the side and flows over the ground until it reaches the second set of armor. It fills the armor and stands up, one of its 'arms' reaches down and picks up the trident. Soon there are two humanoid figures made of earth and water standing behind the man in armor. He looks over his shoulder at them. "End these two."

The being of earth faces Rick. "I shall crush you" It's voice is like grinding stones. The being of water faces Lucille and says nothing but ready its trident.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lucille is dead-set on ending anything that may challenge her iron-fisted grip of the city. She shrugs off whatever damage the fireball would do to her already undead body, and continues onwards at the water elemental blocking the tender necks of her true adversaries. Predicting a stab, she sidesteps to it's right and slams down at the watery "arm" between the armour and bracer, aiming to disarm the summoned creature while she works out how to kill it and it's masters. Bloodlust fills her conditioned mind, and everyone caught in her sights right now would be a target for her rage.