(off-topic) Town of Passion - recommended Game / Incest Theme

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Seems real well done at a glance. Got a legitimate question regarding a theme I'm seeing though.

What's with all these incest games featuring young boys? I'm actually curious as to why that is appealing. I like everything else about this game from what you've said, I just can't get past the playing as a child thing. Perhaps it's the role-reversal that's appealing to so many?

There's a guy runnin' around here ranting about how many girls got watermelon tits and another about how there are so few M/M games. I can sympathize with those other two over their frustration because THIS is my pet peeve. There have been several games I would be all over if the PC wasn't literally a child or a "totally 18 year old man" in a child's body.

Back to the point, for this guy's intended audience it seems like he's headed in the right direction but time will tell.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2016
Seems real well done at a glance. Got a legitimate question regarding a theme I'm seeing though.

What's with all these incest games featuring young boys? I'm actually curious as to why that is appealing. I like everything else about this game from what you've said, I just can't get past the playing as a child thing. Perhaps it's the role-reversal that's appealing to so many?

There's a guy runnin' around here ranting about how many girls got watermelon tits and another about how there are so few M/M games. I can sympathize with those other two over their frustration because THIS is my pet peeve. There have been several games I would be all over if the PC wasn't literally a child or a "totally 18 year old man" in a child's body.

Back to the point, for this guy's intended audience it seems like he's headed in the right direction but time will tell.

Not so young, all the characters have 18+ including MC... I would say that incest is a common and pupular fetish, for me the fact of being a taboo is the answer, but I also do not know exactly why. And there is a large list of games with that theme, mainly text games from TFGames. As for an M / M content I really do not know since I'm just straight...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Different strokes for different folks. That includes straight shota as well.
I think someone should open a "What's the appeal in x fetish?" thread so that everyone can be educated on kinks we don't "get" by those who do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Different strokes for different folks. That includes straight shota as well.
I think someone should open a "What's the appeal in x fetish?" thread so that everyone can be educated on kinks we don't "get" by those who do.

Do you mean another thread where a dozen people explain one fetish? Or some sort of meta-thread where an organizer lists fetishes and explanations in the first post while people reply with their own ideas on what the appeal of certain fetishes is.?

@Chris_ There's a pretty strict "no underage characters" rule here that includes shota. You may want to delete the thread before a certain mod sees it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The latter, not the former. We already have enough "What's your fetish?" threads floating about.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2016
There's a pretty strict "no underage characters" rule here that includes shota. You may want to delete the thread before a certain mod sees it.

Oh, I think I should explain this point... The PC is not less than 18, as in the game disclaimer. But thanks, I did not know shota is not allowed here.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did not know shota is not allowed here.

"No games depicting sexual antics either between minors or with a minor is allowed on this forum. If a human being is listed as seventeen years or younger and they're in a sexual situation, it cannot go here. If a character is in general depicted as a child, a "childish loli," this is more of an edge case with your non-human excuse BS but in the majority of cases it is not allowed here.

It does not matter if it's your game in the showcase or if you're merely sharing it here. No games - or any other form of media - may depict minors having sex on this forum. Hence forth, violators get permanently IP-banned.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've found that it's infuratingly hard to get content where the guy is shorter or only slightly smaller than the girl because almost everyone seems to jump on it looking underage. The only way around it I've seen is to give the guy facial hair....

As for the question of straight shota, I don't actually care for the fetish, but it's so often paired with things I DO like that I keep finding myself running into it when I'm searching for other things.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2016
"No games depicting sexual antics either between minors or with a minor is allowed on this forum. If a human being is listed as seventeen years or younger and they're in a sexual situation..."

Yep, but as I said above, all 18+ characters. Considering that the PC is not less than 18 years I do not really think that the game includes the shota theme, and considering if this fetish would only be a matter of age.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yep, but as I said above, all 18+ characters. Considering that the PC is not less than 18 years I do not really think that the game includes the shota theme, and considering if this fetish would only be a matter of age.
"If a character is in general depicted as a child, a "childish loli," this is more of an edge case with your non-human excuse BS but in the majority of cases it is not allowed here.

Pretty sure this is the bigger threat here. If the main character looks like a shota or goes to a school that isn't explicitly stated to be college/university there's a risk it will be misconstrued. Legal disclaimers that everyone is technically 18+ don't necessarily save you from the ban hammer.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey now... I'm just the messenger, not the one who writes the rules. I have nothing against the "x is 34874568475678647 years old so I can bang the character even if x looks like s/he's 12" kink myself, no matter how fishy I find it to be. But, legally speaking, it's not what FenCo wants around for obvious reasons.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Developers tend to say every character in their game is 18+ because that way they can avoid legal issues but it still feels fishy to me when they look like lil' boys and / or girls. I know that lolis and shotas are supposed to be "adults" with child-like bodies but... it still feels wrong. In fact I'm somewhat inclined to believe this entire genre/fetish was made up just so pedos had something to play with under the pretense that its "legal".
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Active Member
Dec 7, 2016
Pretty sure this is the bigger threat here. If the main character looks like a shota or goes to a school that isn't explicitly stated to be college/university there's a risk it will be misconstrued. Legal disclaimers that everyone is technically 18+ don't necessarily save you from the ban hammer.

Hey now... I'm just the messenger, not the one who writes the rules. I have nothing against the "x is 34874568475678647 years old so I can bang the character even if x looks like s/he's 12" kink myself, no matter how fishy I find it to be. But, legally speaking, it's not what FenCo wants around for obvious reasons.

Developers tend to say every character in their game is 18+ because that way they can avoid legal issues but it still feels fishy to me when they look like lil' boys and / or girls... I know that lolis and shotas are supposed to be "adults" with child-like bodies but... it still feels wrong. Almost like something someone would make so pedos have something "legal" to grasp at.

I understand, but I think this game does not break any rules of this forum. Even if you think the art style of dev... but it depends on the eyes of each person. o_O
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Just had a quick glance at the Patreon page - based on the images there, I think the MC issue is more a problem of art style than anything else. He looks a bit baby-faced, but in an 'older teen' sense rather than a 'legal shota' sense. The art style is such that everyone, even the 'mature' characters, look like they're in their twenties (a common problem for pretty much all porn). On top of which, most of the descriptions refer to the MC as 'a man', which is not typical of games trying to appeal to that particular fetish. I'd reservedly state that this seems no more in danger of the ban-hammer than Summertime Saga or A Town Uncovered. I'd have to do more than a cursory glance to confirm, though.

BTW, I agree with @Miscellaneous Forum Viewer concerning the overabundance of younger MCs, but I wonder if that's a case of observer bias. There's quite a few games listed, even here on this forum, both incest and not, with MCs in their thirties, forties, or even fifties. I do note that an awful lot of the societal corruption games tend to have younger MCs, though not all of them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
You can wax on about all you like, you still can't fuck children.
I personally find it sort of ridiculous...

For the last 100,000+ years of human history, people married as soon as puberty hit. Worked fine for 100k years, now in the last 150 years, we decided we knew better...

Back then, birth rates were high, and people were usually healthy until they died of whatever illness took them.

And almost miraculously, in the last 150 years, the rate of allergies, mental illness, mental retardation, and cancers have increased incident rates 5000 fold.

Science has empirically shown children born to teenage parents have far fewer health problems, live longer, and have a higher propensity to be of above average intelligence.

Old, withered eggs and old withered sperm that have had decades for genetic flaws to replicate and mutate just aren't the ideal starting point, from a logical and scientific standpoint.

Notice how history at any given time is full of great men and dynamic leaders advancing civilizations through art, design, war and construct...

And these days the best we can hope for is a Farang, a Merkel, a Trump, a Nye, a Macron, a deGrasse-Tyson and a Putin?

Where is our FDR, our Stalin, our Oppenheimer, our Churchill, our Einstein, our Lincoln, our Grant, our Franklin, our Jefferson, our Washington, our Davis, our Lee, our Napoleon, our Wellington, our Paine, our Peter the Great, our Galileo, our Henry, our Medici, our DaVinci, our Machiavelli, Wallace, our Wenceslas, our Genghis, our Louis, our Richard, our Saladin, our Constantine, our Aurelius, our Augustus, our Caesar, our Alexander and Xerxes?

Every age has been permeated by great leaders and thinkers advancing science, art and civilization until our own. Now we substitute our technology for science, and for all that may reveal to us, in terms of far away places, it does nothing to advance science itself. Now we simply quibble about whether or not the last 150 years of recorded data indicates a trend in earths 4.5 billion year history. Our societies only project for advancement, is to quibble about whether are not we are racist if we oppose being bred out of existence by mass immigration of uneducated third world breeders imported on a massive scale, to keep wages low for industry.

But whatever. Humanity is bent on it's self destruction, and i like popcorn.

Edit to address the 'warning' >>>>
The purpose of the post is to point out what is considered a 'child' in the last 150 years or so, has changed drastically.

As recently as 1900, a "man" of 16 would have owned and managed 5-10 businesses and estates, and usually have his first if not second child to his wife of a similar age. He would be expected to enlist and fight in wars of the nation. Today, we still classify people of 27 as children if they live at home.

Hopefully, the sexual reproduction laws catch up with the health-care laws, and it will soon be pedophilia to have sex with any person who is below the age of 30. Because, as we all know, the law is the best arbiter of common sense.
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Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
"I know I'm off-topic, but I'm gonna get my last word in first!"
I don't mind playing a man that's smaller than the woman, hell I am a manlet myself at 5'8". I quite like the idea of Amazonian women, but my personal twist on that fetish is I still like them to be feminine or submissive like in the more traditional power dynamic.

And don't get me wrong, I understand and am all for the submissive dudes gettin' their rocks off to femdom if they want it. I'm just remarking on the apparent prevalence in the theming of this genre that the MC is either an actual child or babyfaced and child-like. Man, if there was a game where I could play a fantasy dwarf/halfling/short human man and go around dominating then I'd be curious as to if that dev was stalking me and taking notes of my porn preferences.

Anyway, we should probably try to avoid derailing this thread.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Tentatively, I'll let it pass. Extremely tentatively.

What I am displeased about is how a crowd of people felt the need to chime in and backseat moderate, all the while never reporting a thing. Hey; fuk u


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Really, don't last word.
I personally find it sort of ridiculous...

For the last 100,000 years of human history, people married as soon as puberty hit. Worked fine for 100k years, now in the last 150 years, we decided we knew better...

And almost miraculously, in that same time period, the rate of allergies, mental illness, mental retardation, and cancers have increased incident rates 5000 fold.

Science has empirically shown children born to teenage parents have far fewer health problems, live longer, and have a higher propensity to be of above average intelligence.

Old, withered eggs and old withered sperm that have had decades for genetic flaws to replicate and mutate just aren't the ideal starting point, from a logical and scientific standpoint.

But whatever. Humanity is bent on it's self destruction, and i like popcorn.

In the past 100,000 years or so the average life span was much shorter and therefore they had to marry / get pregnant earlier in order to compensate. And let's not forget the high chances of either mother or child dying at birth (just because they hit puberty doesn't mean their bodies are fully developed for childbirth yet), as well as the lack of proper care and hygiene afterwards. I think our health is more or less the same, but because we live longer and have records for everything its easier to assume we're in a worse position than people 1000 years ago, when it truth past records were notoriously biased towards those of noble and royal lineage and a portion got lost in time. Its also kind of difficult to develop any disease related to age when most rarely lived past their 40-50's (the majority being nobles, who led lives with better conditions).

Our health problems are mostly related to our unhealthy livestyles and food consuption (most food nowadays has been gentically altered, plus all the chemicals used to preserve and keep it pretty looking for consuption), the fact we take a lot more medicine to deal with our day-to-day problems. People even take pills to deal with a simple cold just so that they can be at top performance for their jobs, families, etc. Everything we do has consequences and medicine, in all its forms, has side-effects. The average life span jumped a good 40~ years in half a decade in developed countries, that sort of "mutation" in such a short time span brings problems. Our medicine has also evolved to the point we can keep people alive that under other circunstances would have died - children with deffects, accident victims, serious illnesses, etc.

For example, the other day I saw a child that was born with no limbs, only a torso and head... and instead of letting nature take its course they kept him alive. That child will NEVER lead a normal life, he will always be dependant on someone else - to me - that's the bigger crime. There's thousands of other similar cases, children with serious deffects that are allowed to grow into adults who one day will want children of their own... and those genes will pass away to another generation. We developed the need to interneve in everything because our "morals" and pretense at "civility" dictates it... but one day it will cost us dearly.

But this ain't what this topic is about so I won't derail it further.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
In the past 100,000 years ...
I agree on most counts, but the rate of being born with allergies and many forms of mental illness and retardation, e.g. Autism and allergies, even among peers of the same generation; being substantially lower to teen parents cannot be denied or explained in any other way.

These studies show children born, even to the same parents, the younger the parents, the healthier the child, in-so-far as genetic predispositions is concerned.

It has been linked entirely and decisively to genetic replication over the long term, magnifying and enhancing genetic flaws in the DNA sequencing.

I also agree with your position on eugenics.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
Developers tend to say every character in their game is 18+ because that way they can avoid legal issues but it still feels fishy to me when they look like lil' boys and / or girls. I know that lolis and shotas are supposed to be "adults" with child-like bodies but... it still feels wrong. In fact I'm somewhat inclined to believe this entire genre/fetish was made up just so pedos had something to play with under the pretense that its "legal".
idk if it's made up, i mean look at Ariana Grande,
she still confuses me with a lot of different feelings like why you're 26 but look like a 14 most of time? :oops::mad::catstare:


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Why would I warn someone about the risk of posting a game with a young looking (but stated to be over 18) character instead of reporting to a mod that hands out warnings like tic-tacs?:iiam:

Back on the topic about the game, it seems to be a little too early to make a decision on it. And from the Patreon posts version .02 will mostly just be an art update now that the artist and style have been decided. Assuming monthly updates are roughly the same size the game will be the size of a full demo around December... maybe.
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