NVM, found what I was looking for

Sep 6, 2019
Hey all, I remember playing an ERPG Sci-Fi game that I swear was reccomended either on the front page, or somewhere here, but for the life of me I cant find it anymore.

Basically you're out on the frontier of space, and you start by getting your ship suckered out from under you while investigating a derelict. That guy steals your ship, you fall into a pod with a tentacle monster, and then the ship's AI ends up fishing you out, and fusing with you. You are now driving around that ship in search of random encounters.

other stuff I remember. You owe your main fuel merchant a pile of money for the first ship and if you fail you become a slave.

There's a teahouse that doubles as a information broker.

If your "nerve" drops low enough, the AI takes over slightly more and becomes more dominant, which unlocks perks.

There are several currencies; "Scrap", "Credits", and "Data"

Halp? Please?

Of course, writing this gave me a few more things to search for and it suddenly showed up. I was thinking of Cloud 10.

(Also, I cant figure out how to delete my post)
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