NSFW (Demo) Epidemy


May 11, 2016
Hey guys, long time no see

Well, straight to the point - new demo is out.

It is rather unusual porn game.I’m inclined to keep the secret, but probably there is no much difference if you’ll learn what this game about right now or after starting it. Sooo this is the game about pubic louse. Yuck?

Your task is to infest as many hosts as you can! Enjoy carefully drawn and animated sex scenes, bite unsuspecting people and win the war with opposing clan…somewhere in the future. Right now this is demo, and as such, it’s not really full of stuff. However here you will find mostly completed game mechanics, 8 different sex scenes (check main menu, some are disabled by default), some good music and 2 mini-games. And, of course, some usual drawbacks of early access games - placeholders here and there, lack of balance and so on.There is no achievement, bonus characters, easter eggs and such. Yet.

Here is the demo!


And some screenshots..

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May 11, 2016
well... MF, FF, MM, anal\oral\vaginal. As you can guess, protagonist is not involved in sexual activity between humans, but can witness it )


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
It's one of the most unusual games I've played! I liked the game-play, it's somewhat addictive. The only thing I would recommend to add - more customized characters that would differ not only in their skin color, but shapes and sexual preferences. Like, if you infest a male thru a gay sex, you would expect the new host to fuck mostly other guys, not girls. It's easy to implement, I think, and would add much more realism.
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Reactions: Samvegames


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
Found some bug - the razor mini game doesn't exit at the end and also the bug movements are not limited correctly to the screen bounds.


May 11, 2016
It's one of the most unusual games I've played! I liked the game-play, it's somewhat addictive. The only thing I would recommend to add - more customized characters that would differ not only in their skin color, but shapes and sexual preferences. Like, if you infest a male thru a gay sex, you would expect the new host to fuck mostly other guys, not girls. It's easy to implement, I think, and would add much more realism.

actually this is implemented. Every host has different homosexuality level (up to 80%), it's just not balanced properly. Also several more features were planned (and partially implemented) for each character, like bruises, dirt, tattoos and piercing, but it proved to be very difficult to implement across so many scenes.
This project was in development for only 2 months, and mostly for training purposes.
Unfortunately, Fungus (unity plugin) doesn't do exactly good job when facing so many commands in a row as it is now. Shaving bug is one if the examples, also sometimes you can simply loose all the buttons and get stuck, just out of nowhere. It struggles with fast clicks too.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
I would balance it like this - 80% of characters are strictly straight (have sex only with opposite gender), 10% - bi (equal probability of gay and straight sex) and 10% - homo. Like... where did you see a couturier fucking girls? Come on))) Right now the game feels like - everyone fuck everyone all the time with same probability.