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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
For some baffling reason many people with children would actually prefer to raise their own children instead of sticking them in the care of a robot.  Almost as if people get emotionally attached to their children.

Nah, then it's actually weird when you incest them twenty years down the line. Don't you understand pornography?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Children are really only cute for like 20 minutes. Didn't you know? It's all the rage with millennials, shipping newborn infants off to be raised by faceless robotic caretakers while they run off and make more.

... Wow, that got kind of bitter and vindictive... :|  

Well boarding schools and babysitters are a thing that exists and the nursery is basicly that for free, I was saying that using the nursery for free while they aren't working/sleeping would be something many people would be eager to use.

I assume that in TiTS there are really cheap babysitter bots to keep their babies pacified during the night. And if there aren't that's a niche Steele Tech could use to enter the robots market. :D

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
*cough* This is great for those entitlement folks... for giving them slap in the face.



Apr 23, 2016
Sup Forum, WOW just look at these comments... my last discussion in Steam had less comments. :3

Just read all of your comments (Crap) and I really can't place this question. So do you hate me for posting this discussion about Impregnation?

Eh.. just so you know. This is my first time in a forum and I just made this account exclusively for this current topic which I said in my post...

I'm just crying out loud and letting it out of my system. The developers "will or will not" read my crap, it their game... good day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm just crying out loud and letting it out of my system. The developers "will or will not" read my crap, it their game... good day.

If you say Developers won't read your post, then they most definitely will read your post (at least here that applies).

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
If you want to be taken seriously, learn to a) be more polite, b) get across your ideas more efficiently and c) come across as less demanding.


Apr 23, 2016
Hey, btw I have no idea who are the Devs. for TiTs. I'm a bit confused.. so TiT Devs. already read this/my post?

As I said before I'll delete TiTs from my phone, which I already did... but still have my hopes up for my request.

Maybe then I'll start supporting via the Patreon... until then I'll just wait and see the progress.

Also I'm gonna say this.. NPC IMPREGNATION Games are super rare!!! I've searched everywhere but to no avail.

I find this really common and I mean REALLY COMMON, inseminated a female NPC, Derp, they have no wombs.

Once again I'm just letting it out of my system.. Known decent Impreg. games: Rapelay, Monstergirl Quest 1-3

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Hey, btw I have no idea who are the Devs. for TiTs. I'm a bit confused.. so TiT Devs. already read this/my post?

As I said before I'll delete TiTs from my phone, which I already did... but still have my hopes up for my request.

Maybe then I'll start supporting via the Patreon... until then I'll just wait and see the progress.

Also I'm gonna say this.. NPC IMPREGNATION Games are super rare!!! I've searched everywhere but to no avail.

I find this really common and I mean REALLY COMMON, inseminated a female NPC, Derp, they have no wombs.

Once again I'm just letting it out of my system.. Known decent Impreg. games: Rapelay, Monstergirl Quest 1-3
Woo, you won't give $5 unless fen and co completely remake their game in your image. Dude, they make tens of thousands off Fenco each month, enough to support at least 4 people and their households. You're less than a drop in the bucket.

^Here, for all your impregnation flash game needs. Now go away and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Anyone else feel his name fits his personality? He forgot one of the most important rules of the internet: When on a new forum, LURK LURK AND THEN LURK SOME MORE! Until you learn how to post without annoying people unnecessarily.
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