"Noob" here, I have Tons of questions, i require assistance


Dec 3, 2020
Hey there! I hope this is posted in the correct place.
A short intro: I paused my very early playthought (end of 2018 or around that) to wait and see more content added into the game, so now that im finally playing i have.. several questions:
I did my best to check info on my own, via wiki (btw really outdated and confusing), and also in this forum..but im not used to forums so i got mixed results, and other places (with usually nothing really useful) i also tried my best to test things in-game via saving and testing, but i dont have thousands of hours of free time to check everything i would like to know, thats why im doing this post. I know, part of the charm of TiTs/Coc is discovering things on your own, but i would still like to know from the "source" (or at least people who have played more times than i have cursed Erebus)

also, I did read the FAQ (and have a few questions regarding it) and a few other "official" posts

-Whats the best way to get a non-furry wolf girl pc? Make a lupine and then turn it half human? or the other way around? what about using an elf as a base?
what things i need to accomplish this?
Have in mind that i usually (or always) stay as the same race as i created my character as (unless i have the objetive of making something like a Wolf girl, then i just stay as that "objetive" race, and rush to turn my pc into it as fast as possible)

-I know that if you make a pact with keros you fully turn into a Kitsune, but do you also lose the dick if you are a futa? (permanently stop being a futa)
what about the other "custom" things that are part of the main body (and not mutations), like breasts size, hair color, hips size etc? So far most kitsunes i have seen seem kind slender but i prefer the "bouncy" side, so i fear that if i proceed with the bow i may become a kitsune...but boring.

-is the "body limit" of each starting race a hard stop (besides perks like Buxom/well hung)?
I mean that, if i where to try and go beyond DD-E breast as a normal human (max upon character creation and starting one if you pick Buxom perk), the game would let me go as far as i can? or each race haves a different max limit? Does this affects transformatives?

-its just me? I felt like most scenes in general didnt acknowledge the fact my pc had that log of a dick, or that it cummed buckets and buckets, in CoC1 i do remember that the scenes changed if you pc cummed so much and had a third leg (stuff like "her pelvis/stomach had a huge bulge" and "almost pregnant at a glance") I do see that it gets noticed on the pc but i barely remember any npc where this mattered the other way around (my pc cumflating someone etc) I do remember spending some time getting the "cum output" really high in CoC1 So maybe its just that i have not get into that point
soooo... Its just me? its going to change or its just that im nitpicking that bit?

-whats the current max cum output the pc can reach? and how? (for now i just cross the river and fuck the tainted witch a lot of times until the number stops going up)

-Do the childs the PC haves, grow at some point? (even if its just a time skip like Kinu.. that i really hated imo) Brint child for example.

-is there any other covenant besides keros? what about those "fully and irrebersible" transformations?

-Is there any way to have more inventory? i know (or noticed) that it gets expanded as you play (sort of), but it still fells crammed most of the time

-I love that you can actually pick what part of your body you want to change via reactives and that system (Wolf Kemomimi master race) but is there any way to have those ingredients deliver to you? i unlocked a fair bit of merchants but it wasnt like the camp of CoC1 where i could have most of them there ready to sell me since they lived in my camp, but now i have to go there, or at least i had to in my playthought

-Is there any way to "fast" travel? (not really a TP like skyrim or something, but a marker, portal or something.. like checkpoints or shortcuts), i had to travel so much everywhere in already "cleaned" areas that it started to feel tiresome

-Is there any "recolection" or "diarie" system in the game? I mean something like most Eroges do, where you can play something that already happened again, or in this case read it, at least to see the busts of characters or something like that, yes you could save the images and copy paste it, but it kinds of ruins the experience and its lame

-is there any house/Camp system? I know you can buy camp supplies and get them around in the tiles you want, but i mean a full house, be a camp or not, but a house you yourself build, something personal to put it in a way.

-Is there companions or quests gated off by corruption like in the first game? I actually liked to play as borderline bad guy a lot of times since is fictional and all of that

-I still havent found a way to dress nude/almost nude or just go around in undies? (aka remove all clothes/armor of my PC) is there a quest or something that dont allows me to do it until i completed it? i looked for this one a fair bit, found nothing

-what are the pages/versions of the game (modded) that you guys may recomend me? This one for no particular reason more than just look for variations that other people may make/are in the makings, i myself found nothing in this regard, ( i get that the devs decided to not add mod support..kinda dissapointing but maybe theres some "forced" version of mods)

-is there any way to have the bust of my pc be full body like in scenes with some mayor npcs that show the full body?(sex with cait, for example)

-Is there anyway to lewd Kinu? (not incest, i mean just lewd her, i dont know: pick her outfit, actitude or something?, is a porn game, after all) (i know you can kind of do this as part of the quest, but just a simple talk option to ask her to use a bikini or something, idk)

i have more than those, but for now those come to my mind first as i get ready for an Elf game
Now i have a few questions about the FAQ (oh, the irony)

-I get that they dont want external changes to the game, but it was really a necesity? I doubt anyone would mind if i made changes for me and just me of stuff already on the game, or just added scenes i would like, most of them arent even sexual, just silly =/ , is there really no way to lift this even for users who (can prove) have supported this everywhere since the start? (including steam) and i dont mean submit content, as you can probably tell my english is really bad, and its not like im Brandon Sanderson... i just want stuff for my self, a kind of "homebrew" scenes.

-I get that the devs may not like getting into patreon ire, (i dont get why even choose patreon in the first place tho) so i fully understand not featuring "banned" stuff, but we all know they can toss a patch here in the forums, a google drive link, something that "de-censor" the game, i dont really like Gore/scat/vore (i specially findgore disturbing) but im 100% sure that someone among the players may like that content, its a porn game, fictional. Now if its just that the devs dont like that content i have nothing to say against it, its their vision... is really just because patreon?

-Same goes with Kinu, the PC daugther, i personally find her whole quest annoying (so far only have done it twice tho) but i was rather surpriced that there was no incest option with her, its a porn game where (at least in the first one) you could get fucked by a tree, a dragon, can take showers in breast milk and stuff like that.. just to be clear: I dont even jab into it (not that i would have any shame into saying it into a smut forum of a porn game) im more of a "what you doing step-bro?" kind of girl, but is really the kino "ban" permanent? Because if so it feels like a ton of wasted potential. What about other options more akin to classic stuff (again. step-bros/sis and whatnot)? or just a sneaky "uncensor" like Girls Frontline?

These last parts may feel like a rant, or maybe as a spark of controversy/drama, is not, or at least i tried to not make it look that way, im just a very wordy person because i dont speak english as my main language and because im dumb, i like to know reasons behind stuff that i like and supported over the years, thats all.

-I mostly play on steam, but whenever im out i always think of playing on my phone, the thing is, isnt the APK and Web versions always behind steam? Would that mean that if i play on those outdated versions i risk corrupting the save, or softlocking my self out of content, or just missing newer and better stuff? (< not sure if it should go with the "faq" questions)

I think thats all for now, thanks for reading that wall of text, who would think that a game made to just get horny would actually engage more than half of the games this year?

Good day, and thanks for taking your time reading this mess.

I need a good vodka.
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Well-Known Member
Don't know about the cum stuff, but I'll try to answer the rest as best I can.
-Whats the best way to get a non-furry wolf girl pc? Make a lupine and then turn it half human? or the other way around? what about using an elf as a base?
what things i need to accomplish this?
Depends on whether you want furred forelimbs or not. If you do, start as a lupine then use alchemy to gain a human face and torso; otherwise, start as a human or elf and use alchemy to gain lupine ears and a tail (and genitals, if you so desire).
-I know that if you make a pact with keros you fully turn into a Kitsune, but do you also lose the dick if you are a futa? (permanently stop being a futa)
what about the other "custom" things that are part of the main body (and not mutations), like breasts size, hair color, hips size etc? So far most kitsunes i have seen seem kind slender but i prefer the "bouncy" side, so i fear that if i proceed with the bow i may become a kitsune...but boring.
You retain your genital configuration and asset sizes (though if you have a cock, it might become vulpine. I'm not sure on that). The actual parts of your body that become immune to TFs are your face, torso, arms, legs and head (including hair); your genitals, breasts and hips/butt are still affected by TFs, and your hair length can still be changed at the hairdresser's in Hawkethorne. Your hair colour is the only thing on the list you can't change by yourself; you'll have to go back to Keros for that, and you'll still only have the same handful of options (unless those hair dyeing items also work; IDK if they do).
-is the "body limit" of each starting race a hard stop (besides perks like Buxom/well hung)?
I mean that, if i where to try and go beyond DD-E breast as a normal human (max upon character creation and starting one if you pick Buxom perk), the game would let me go as far as i can? or each race haves a different max limit? Does this affects transformatives?
Nope. I think the max cock length is 30 inches or something, and breast sizes can reach truly ridiculous levels (especially when people don't pay attention to the Hornet Ring's special effect: breast size increase on each crit); both of these are (or at least should be) independent of what race you are.
-Do the childs the PC haves, grow at some point? (even if its just a time skip like Kinu.. that i really hated imo) Brint child for example.
Aside from Kinu and a few of her older siblings, no, and even if they did, they're effectively just numbers since you can't interact with them. You're not the only person to complain about this, but it's either this, or all pregnancy content would be forced to include child interactions, which would be a major turn-off to most writers.
-is there any other covenant besides keros? what about those "fully and irrebersible" transformations?
Not yet. Nareva, Lumia and Evergreen are all planned to offer some permanent TFs, though Evergreen's can be overridden by one of the Seven's. Nareva's TF will be a salamander of the Order Astridea (aka a gothmander), which comes with the ability to feed off magic like a kitsune feeds off chi; Lumia's TF will be a valkyrie (winged elf warrior, must be feminine but genitals can vary); Evergreen's will be a tanuki.
-Is there any way to have more inventory? i know (or noticed) that it gets expanded as you play (sort of), but it still fells crammed most of the time
No, but you can increase your storage capacity several times; Garth sells one, another can be found in the Wayfort, and Eubicha comes with one if you recruit her (and also allows you to access your storage from camps).
-I love that you can actually pick what part of your body you want to change via reactives and that system (Wolf Kemomimi master race) but is there any way to have those ingredients deliver to you?
Nope; you'll have to go out and find/buy them yourself.
-Is there any way to "fast" travel? (not really a TP like skyrim or something, but a marker, portal or something.. like checkpoints or shortcuts), i had to travel so much everywhere in already "cleaned" areas that it started to feel tiresome
Yes; the Ways Between, which you'll unlock shortly after beating the Alraune. It allows you to very quickly travel between specific major locations. They're generally located in settlements, though two are in exploration/combat areas.
-Is there any "recolection" or "diarie" system in the game? I mean something like most Eroges do, where you can play something that already happened again, or in this case read it, at least to see the busts of characters or something like that, yes you could save the images and copy paste it, but it kinds of ruins the experience and its lame
There's no way to re-read a scene without playing it again (most scenes are repeatable, though you'll need to keep an alternate save file for any scene that isn't), but there is a gallery that allows you to view all the busts and CGs you've seen in-game. Or you could just look inside the game's files to find those busts/CGs.
-is there any house/Camp system? I know you can buy camp supplies and get them around in the tiles you want, but i mean a full house, be a camp or not, but a house you yourself build, something personal to put it in a way.
The closest to anything personal would be that the Wayfort can become your main base of operations in the Frost Marches, but that hasn't been fleshed out yet.
-Is there companions or quests gated off by corruption like in the first game? I actually liked to play as borderline bad guy a lot of times since is fictional and all of that
Technically, no. Some corrupt choices will lock you out of certain companions (e.g. Quin and Azzy), but your actual corruption levels don't affect that.
-I still havent found a way to dress nude/almost nude or just go around in undies? (aka remove all clothes/armor of my PC) is there a quest or something that dont allows me to do it until i completed it? i looked for this one a fair bit, found nothing
The Champion must have some form of clothing equipped at all times. Same for weapons.
-what are the pages/versions of the game (modded) that you guys may recomend me? This one for no particular reason more than just look for variations that other people may make/are in the makings, i myself found nothing in this regard, ( i get that the devs decided to not add mod support..kinda dissapointing but maybe theres some "forced" version of mods)
The devs hate mods; you'll certainly find none on these forums. Well, you will find CoC mods, but last time someone shared a CoC2 mod here, the thread got deleted.
-is there any way to have the bust of my pc be full body like in scenes with some mayor npcs that show the full body?(sex with cait, for example)
This actually came up recently, and the answer was that doing so would make save files big, as each image would have to be saved to that particular file. So, no.
-Is there anyway to lewd Kinu? (not incest, i mean just lewd her, i dont know: pick her outfit, actitude or something?, is a porn game, after all) (i know you can kind of do this as part of the quest, but just a simple talk option to ask her to use a bikini or something, idk)
Nope, 'Inari or Hime' is the closest you'll get to that, with Hime being more overtly sexual (but that's not to say Inari isn't sexual in her own way).
-I get that they dont want external changes to the game, but it was really a necesity? I doubt anyone would mind if i made changes for me and just me of stuff already on the game, or just added scenes i would like, most of them arent even sexual, just silly =/ , is there really no way to lift this even for users who (can prove) have supported this everywhere since the start? (including steam) and i dont mean submit content, as you can probably tell my english is really bad, and its not like im Brandon Sanderson... i just want stuff for my self, a kind of "homebrew" scenes.
What you're asking for is essentially the same thing as mods. So, no.
-I get that the devs may not like getting into patreon ire, (i dont get why even choose patreon in the first place tho) so i fully understand not featuring "banned" stuff, but we all know they can toss a patch here in the forums, a google drive link, something that "de-censor" the game, i dont really like Gore/scat/vore (i specially findgore disturbing) but im 100% sure that someone among the players may like that content, its a porn game, fictional. Now if its just that the devs dont like that content i have nothing to say against it, its their vision... is really just because patreon?
The reason those fetishes are banned is not because of Patreon, but because they're too extreme for the vast majority of the playerbase.
-Same goes with Kinu, the PC daugther, i personally find her whole quest annoying (so far only have done it twice tho) but i was rather surpriced that there was no incest option with her
Kinu was designed from the beginning to not be sexable, partly because parent-child incest is banned but mostly to be a big middle finger to those who demanded Helspawn incest content back in the old CoC days.
-I mostly play on steam, but whenever im out i always think of playing on my phone, the thing is, isnt the APK and Web versions always behind steam? Would that mean that if i play on those outdated versions i risk corrupting the save, or softlocking my self out of content, or just missing newer and better stuff? (< not sure if it should go with the "faq" questions)
All platforms get new content at the same time (though if you download the game you'll have to re-download each new patch). The closest to this scenario that could occur is if you have backer access on one platform but haven't set it up on another, then switch from the former to the latter, but that's avertable by making sure your backer access is set up on every platform you're on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
The game is currently incapable of recognizing halfbreed Champs because of how the racial score system works, so if you look like a mongirl Wolf the Appearance screen will be calling you a taller.bear folk, or an elf if you had furred limbs as your Mark of the Wyld.

Aside from Kinu and a few of her older siblings, no, and even if they did, they're effectively just numbers since you can't interact with them. You're not the only person to complain about this, but it's either this, or all pregnancy content would be forced to include child interactions, which would be a major turn-off to most writers.
I thought the lack of scenes that has Champ interacting with their infant kids is due to none being written, not a policy that dictates that there can be no such scenes? And that interactions with older versions of those kids aren't included because the canonical version of the game's timeline is less than a year, no matter what how much we can run up the in-game day count?

-I get that they dont want external changes to the game, but it was really a necesity? I doubt anyone would mind if i made changes for me and just me of stuff already on the game, or just added scenes i would like, most of them arent even sexual, just silly =/ , is there really no way to lift this even for users who (can prove) have supported this everywhere since the start? (including steam) and i dont mean submit content, as you can probably tell my english is really bad, and its not like im Brandon Sanderson... i just want stuff for my self, a kind of "homebrew" scenes.
On top of what has been stated about the devs strict no mod policy, I'm a bit confused about why you can't simply have these homebrew scenes as headcanon? If they are supposed to be just for your personal enjoyment, why go through the headache of putting them into the game's code?


Well-Known Member
I thought the lack of scenes that has Champ interacting with their infant kids is due to none being written, not a policy that dictates that there can be no such scenes?
The policy is "all or nothing"; either the kids are practically full NPCs like Kinu, or they're just numbers.
And that interactions with older versions of those kids aren't included because the canonical version of the game's timeline is less than a year, no matter what how much we can run up the in-game day count?
This is also true.


Dec 3, 2020
The Champion must have some form of clothing equipped at all times. Same for weapons.
Does that means that i have to be clothed? No way to have only a top and thats it?
If you ask me thats kind of bland/dumb from both in-world and in a game perspective. (no offense)

The devs hate mods; you'll certainly find none on these forums. Well, you will find CoC mods, but last time someone shared a CoC2 mod here, the thread got deleted.
Why? Coc1 had some amazing mods like Revamped, or small addons like art packs and etc, all games get better with mods, no execption.
I have always supported Coc1-2 and tits but never engaged with the comunity so i dont know reasons behind most of this, if theres a drama behind this, sorry for not knowing about it
This actually came up recently, and the answer was that doing so would make save files big, as each image would have to be saved to that particular file. So, no.
But what about for people that do want and can affort it? Is there a hidden option like changing values in game files or something? I have 10 TBS of space so i can deal with it.

Nope, 'Inari or Hime' is the closest you'll get to that, with Hime being more overtly sexual (but that's not to say Inari isn't sexual in her own way).
Is there any plans to add to it?

The reason those fetishes are banned is not because of Patreon, but because they're too extreme for the vast majority of the playerbase.
Is there any poll or something like that to vote what gets in and whats out? Because while i trust the devs i trust more facts.
Kinu was designed from the beginning to not be sexable, partly because parent-child incest is banned but mostly to be a big middle finger to those who demanded Helspawn incest content back in the old CoC days.
im going to be blunt with this: Thats stupid, i can see vore and gore to be too much for most people even when the game is already a cesspool of degeneracy, but then again: is fictional, a porn game, and to top it off, text based, not even animated and mostly not even pictured directly (besides busts), whats the point of banning something that is so present in porn and hentai in general (the game draws a lot from hentai), and even if most people dont like it, it can just be optional content (just like Kinu is already) I my self do not like some of the fetishes in game (Guy x guy.. even when im lesbian, i dont see anything wrong with it, just not my jam) but i would not ban them for everyone.. you see my point?
And why being a middle finger? (As: why insult/something them?)

Pd: thanks for the answer and the thought explanations, for real, as you can tell i was ojnly left with a single question for something in-game.
also: Sorry if i sounded rude in any of those points, trust me, its not my intention
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Dec 3, 2020
The game is currently incapable of recognizing halfbreed Champs because of how the racial score system works, so if you look like a mongirl Wolf the Appearance screen will be calling you a taller.bear folk, or an elf if you had furred limbs as your Mark of the Wyld.
I guess that vulpin is the best option then, it would be strange to be called human/elf while half the body is not
On top of what has been stated about the devs strict no mod policy, I'm a bit confused about why you can't simply have these homebrew scenes as headcanon? If they are supposed to be just for your personal enjoyment, why go through the headache of putting them into the game's code?
Various reasons:
-The same as the game (and all lewd mods for games like skyrim) exist, its not the same imaginating something that having it "set in stone"
-I actually did a lot of those for CoC1, even when it was somewhat simple i like to tinker with games files and SO stuff, im myself have made a lot of mods for games like MHW (and not small mods just to be clear), (to be clear, just after the community made an independent tool for that) in short: I like (love, almost a second hobby) to mess around with game files
-Just like everyone forget their dreams, something like an escene for a text game would be forgoten easily. "The flesh is weak the machine is superior"
-English practice (as you can tell, i lack correct spelling)
-I dont want to make a controversy out of it, or to insult anyone, but i believe if i own something i have all the rights to tear it apart and add what i like.
(no, i dont mean like having all the code for this game, or any other: i mean something as simple as being able to change cait name or add a simple joke-escene where Kaladin appears and is disgusted because everyone degeneracy)
-Free time
-I would like to
-Is actually not a headache, i enjoy those things.

Pd: That pfp.. is from an old game i think is called sacrifice?
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
One of the problems the teams (both Fenoxo's and Savin's) have with mods is that frequently people would conflate the team's work with that of the modded content. There are other issues as well: tampering with the game's files means any bug reports involving mods are wild goose chases (similar to editing your save file); the content added by mods likely wouldn't have passed muster had it been submitted officially.

It's simply less headache inducing for the team to not support any mods for the games. Granted that doesn't stop those determined to modify the game files. All that means is that you will not be given a "how to" guide on tinkering with the game nor will you be permitted to post mods here.


Dec 3, 2020
One of the problems the teams (both Fenoxo's and Savin's) have with mods is that frequently people would conflate the team's work with that of the modded content. There are other issues as well: tampering with the game's files means any bug reports involving mods are wild goose chases (similar to editing your save file); the content added by mods likely wouldn't have passed muster had it been submitted officially.

It's simply less headache inducing for the team to not support any mods for the games. Granted that doesn't stop those determined to modify the game files. All that means is that you will not be given a "how to" guide on tinkering with the game nor will you be permitted to post mods here.
Got it, makes sense, all that i have to add to that is: why not allow posts about it here?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Does that means that i have to be clothed? No way to have only a top and thats it?
Correct, you have to be wearing something, the closest you can get to going around unclothed right now would be to remove everything but the Bondage Gear (earned during the Harboring a Fugitive quest) which has every 'Exposed X' tag and per the description leaves nothing to the imagination.
If you ask me thats kind of bland/dumb from both in-world and in a game perspective. (no offense)
This isn't a world that's mostly corrupted like Mareth or the sexually liberated future of TiTS, the people of Hawkethorne expect you to be wearing at least something out in public.
But what about for people that do want and can affort it? Is there a hidden option like changing values in game files or something? I have 10 TBS of space so i can deal with it.
No, and there won't be. It's not even that it would make saves unwieldy for end user disk space but that it would make files unwieldy for the game to process.
Is there any poll or something like that to vote what gets in and whats out? Because while i trust the devs i trust more facts.
There is a FAQ topic here which tells you exactly what's allowed in the game and what isn't.. It's not a democracy and the devs are not going to change their minds. Especially since part of the reasoning for content being banned is that the game is funded on Patreon and they have rules about shit like this.
And why being a middle finger? (As: why insult/something them?)
Because there were apparently a lot of people who whined about wanting sexable Helspawn in CoC (I wasn't around back then) and the idea was in part to tell all those people and those with a similar mindset to go fuck themselves. Tobs really enjoys salt.
-I dont want to make a controversy out of it, or to insult anyone, but i believe if i own something i have all the rights to tear it apart and add what i like
Except that you do not own CoC or TiTS, you have a copy of the game which is a different thing entirely.
.(no, i dont mean like having all the code for this game, or any other: i mean something as simple as being able to change cait name or add a simple joke-escene where Kaladin appears and is disgusted because everyone degeneracy)
Stormlight Archive? Excellent taste.
Got it, makes sense, all that i have to add to that is: why not allow posts about it here?
I mean, you're free to post about wanting to mod the game but the answer is always going to be 'No' because the devs have been quite clear they don't want that. Actually trying to make a mod or anything similar will get the post whacked with extreme prejudice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
why not allow posts about it here?
Because this is one of the three main places where nerds with any degree of interest in the game gather, so if you put any modding info here it has the greatest chance to spread - which is the opposite of what the devs want. Those with the know-how will crack the code and mod what they want, but they are few and far between, so as long as the devs put a lid on those modded files being circulated they avoid most of the issues.

All this talk of modding (which I am all in favour for in most contexts) has reminded me of Free Cities, a great porn management game that got literally murdered by parts of its modding community. Long story short, those particular modders had put a long list of developer banned and legally sticky (like lolicon and incest) content into their versions of the game and got them widely circulated, almost surpassing the actual base game in sheer volume of downloads. In the end the FCDev felt like they had to abandon the prohject, and now only weirdo modders are doing weirder and weirder things with the game's corpse. It is the most extreme case of adverse influence of modding, to be sure, but for me it justified a lot of CoC2 devs' stances on the issue.

Pd: That pfp.. is from an old game i think is called sacrifice?
Yep, Lord Pyro the Chonky Fabulous. I admit, I never played that game religiously, but it is a great hybrid RTS from the era of great unorthodox RTS games. Between it and Populous the Beginning I was convinced that the future of RTS would be in God Sims.


Dec 3, 2020
Correct, you have to be wearing something, the closest you can get to going around unclothed right now would be to remove everything but the Bondage Gear (earned during the Harboring a Fugitive quest) which has every 'Exposed X' tag and per the description leaves nothing to the imagination.

This isn't a world that's mostly corrupted like Mareth or the sexually liberated future of TiTS, the people of Hawkethorne expect you to be wearing at least something out in public.
Makes sense, thanks.
No, and there won't be. It's not even that it would make saves unwieldy for end user disk space but that it would make files unwieldy for the game to process.
This too does makes sense, the other response make me think it was for the end user space, not the game itself.

There is a FAQ topic here which tells you exactly what's allowed in the game and what isn't.. It's not a democracy and the devs are not going to change their minds. Especially since part of the reasoning for content being banned is that the game is funded on Patreon and they have rules about shit like this.
I mentioned that i had read the FAQ, and i did at least 4 times. (i think you should read my #1 on this thread again)
The first answer i got in this post made me think it wasnt because of patreon (mainly) but because devs voted them out: ("The reason those fetishes are banned is not because of Patreon, but because they're too extreme for the vast majority of the playerbase.")
I know is not a democracy, but its still kind of wack if you ask me, specially for something that is so much community driven.
Because there were apparently a lot of people who whined about wanting sexable Helspawn in CoC (I wasn't around back then) and the idea was in part to tell all those people and those with a similar mindset to go fuck themselves. Tobs really enjoys salt.
Why? to just piss people out? (since the enjoy salt part) thats not very wise or leaves a good impresion.
Except that you do not own CoC or TiTS, you have a copy of the game which is a different thing entirely.
I said that i dont want to get intro controversy and i stand by that, all im going to say is that i will never share that mindset, and i will die in that hill.
But that dont mean i dont get the logic behind it, i just find it very dull and empty.
Stormlight Archive? Excellent taste.
Journey before destination

I mean, you're free to post about wanting to mod the game but the answer is always going to be 'No' because the devs have been quite clear they don't want that. Actually trying to make a mod or anything similar will get the post whacked with extreme prejudice.
For what the first answer said, it seems that its out of simplicity to make the game and bug it out: i fully get that.
If thats the reason they dont want mods i understand and share it, people have no idea how something like that gets a lot of trouble for the "behind stuff" part of things.
But what you said (whacked with extreme prejudice.) and having the post removed.. why? Mods are always a good thing for any game, at lest it wont hurt the main product if handled properly, at best it will mantain the game alive and give money to the creators and modders (Skyrim coming out again with already 500 mods included)

I dont want controversy, as you can tell im very polite, i just want to know the reasons behind some of the stuff devs allow/dont allow in the game, i get that im free to tinker with the game files as any other user, but i like to know the reason why they dont want me to, same with Kino stuff: thats all. No hard feelings.
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Dec 3, 2020
Because this is one of the three main places where nerds with any degree of interest in the game gather, so if you put any modding info here it has the greatest chance to spread - which is the opposite of what the devs want. Those with the know-how will crack the code and mod what they want, but they are few and far between, so as long as the devs put a lid on those modded files being circulated they avoid most of the issues.
In the context of dont wanting the game (the oficial ver) to get mistaken for the modded versions i fully understand, having to deal with mistakes the user MADE but then report them as it was something the product had is a headache.
All this talk of modding (which I am all in favour for in most contexts) has reminded me of Free Cities, a great porn management game that got literally murdered by parts of its modding community. Long story short, those particular modders had put a long list of developer banned and legally sticky (like lolicon and incest) content into their versions of the game and got them widely circulated, almost surpassing the actual base game in sheer volume of downloads. In the end the FCDev felt like they had to abandon the prohject, and now only weirdo modders are doing weirder and weirder things with the game's corpse. It is the most extreme case of adverse influence of modding, to be sure, but for me it justified a lot of CoC2 devs' stances on the issue.
I find it a bit ironic that you say weirdos when this game (and tits/coc1) already is... pretty "colorful" even in the micro-universe of porn-text adventures
(yes, i know theres REALLY crazy stuff out there, i know that, but we both know none of those are even a bit as big as CoC2)
But i dont fully understand, if the mod versions of a game that dont fit the creator vision is more popular.. so what? The original is still there, if people want to do whatever they want on their end, and then share it, it dont really change whats already in the original game.
And lets always remember that this is all fiction, as disgusting as some of that stuff may be, its always fiction, no matter how much we think about it, those pixels will not suffer for what its happening on the screen, paper does not care how is used, that would be like saying GTA games makes mass murderers (we all know people who think they do, facts say otherwise) or that the Joker movie encouraged crazy people...and i should stop

Sorry, that was a rant, i just like to talk about stuff like this and to be able to outside my little friend group (and without being called names for no reason) is rare, so i got a bit of a sicko mode there.
I dont even like most of the fetishes i advocate for, i just find it stupid to limit, censor, and outright make illegal stuff that is fictional and is proven to do nothing wrong to those who consume it. this may be a bit of a doxxing, but im russian and lesbian, you may see where im going... sorry again for the rant there.. i should stop.
Yep, Lord Pyro the Chonky Fabulous. I admit, I never played that game religiously, but it is a great hybrid RTS from the era of great unorthodox RTS games. Between it and Populous the Beginning I was convinced that the future of RTS would be in God Sims.
YEAH, i remember that game, those years where weird.. but great, shame they mostly never went big, with how tech haves advanced stuff like that game and... the other where you control an avatar (a sacred beast) and teach it how to act about stuff your kingdom does (dont remember the game name) would be so fucking great, shame most of those games stayed low for most people
At least Age of Empires is actually having a new game.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I know is not a democracy, but its still kind of wack if you ask me, specially for something that is so much community driven.
There's a heavy community element but at the end of the day CoC2 is still Savin's baby and he gets the final say. The devs have various metrics to gauge community interest in various fetishes and determine what will be more harmful to the game based on that, as well as being able to say 'No, we just don't want this'.

And while Patreon doesn't ban all the stuff on the CoC2 banned list, incest content most certainly is banned there, which is why Champ/Kinu sex would never happen even if Tobs wasn't fundamentally opposed to that happening.
Why? to just piss people out? (since the enjoy salt part) thats not very wise or leaves a good impresion.
Hang around Tobs' thread for a while and you'll see what I mean. He enjoys writing things that spur discussion and potential disagreement. But the Kinu thing is at least in part a deliberate reaction against people who were apparently being raving assholes about it in CoC1, so it's not like he did it just for shits and giggles.
But what you said (whacked with extreme prejudice.) and having the post removed.. why? Mods are always a good thing for any game, at lest it wont hurt the main product if handled properly, at best it will mantain the game alive and give money to the creators and modders (Skyrim coming out again with already 500 mods included)
See what Burnerbro just posted and you'll see some good reasons why the mods are so against discussion of modding and anything else that encourages it.


Dec 3, 2020
There's a heavy community element but at the end of the day CoC2 is still Savin's baby and he gets the final say. The devs have various metrics to gauge community interest in various fetishes and determine what will be more harmful to the game based on that, as well as being able to say 'No, we just don't want this'.
That i can understand, if he/she (savin, creator and main dev) dont wants it thats all the reason i need.
"this is not my vision of the game, it wont be there" is a perfect valid and totally solid reason, making moral parades about it.. not so much (not saying they (fenoxo) did, other devs for other games have)

And while Patreon doesn't ban all the stuff on the CoC2 banned list, incest content most certainly is banned there, which is why Champ/Kinu sex would never happen even if Tobs wasn't fundamentally opposed to that happening.
Why even choose patreon in the first place? even back in the day there was already problems with them being moral highgrounders, theres plenty of other options. I would not be surpriced if later this day the Patreon gets slapped because the game haves sex (no more reason than that)
Hang around Tobs' thread for a while and you'll see what I mean. He enjoys writing things that spur discussion and potential disagreement. But the Kinu thing is at least in part a deliberate reaction against people who were apparently being raving assholes about it in CoC1, so it's not like he did it just for shits and giggles.
Sorry, but i already have more than enough drama irl to follow a Thread that farm salt.
But i guess that means the people who wanted that inclusion (incest) where being really annoying about it? If its a way to get back at them i understand.

See what Burnerbro just posted and you'll see some good reasons why the mods are so against discussion of modding and anything else that encourages it.
Already did, i think you may want to read what i answered.

Pd: thanks for your time
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Dec 3, 2020
I think you're arguing just for the sake of it now.

You can't have what you want. Deal with it.
Im not. But think what you want to think, if you dont want to read or be part of the conversation, just leave, no one is forcing you to agree with me.

You seem more fitting in reddit.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You seem more fitting in reddit.
There's no reason to play that card here. It's just that "no means no".
CoC2 is not a bubble created in a vacuum-it has been developed after previous events and circumstances, up and including CoC's Helspawn, creator rights and mods issues, TiTS' TF elements and how they impact (or not) in a game's code or scenes, the very size of scenes themselves ... All those moments have left a mark in the game staff, for better or worse.
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Dec 3, 2020
There's no reason to play that card here. It's just that "no means no".
CoC2 is not a bubble created in a vacuum-it has been developed after previous events and circumstances, up and including CoC's Helspawn, creator rights and mods issues, TiTS' TF elements and how they impact (or not) in a game's code or scenes, the very size of scenes themselves ... All those moments have left a mark in the game staff, for better or worse.
I dont care that no means no, i want to know reasons behind stuff, we arent kids and they arent our parents to say "no means no"
Exaclty, im asking what chaos/reasons made those decitions come to light since i never engage with the community (literally just played the games, that was all)
And if asking that is a taboo here then maybe theres something wrong in the first place.
Im nor insulting nor being rude to anyone here, if you read my posts all have been polite/ friendly (except the other guy, but he looked for it)


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I dont care that no means no, i want to know reasons behind stuff, we arent kids and they arent our parents to say "no means no"
Exaclty, im asking what chaos/reasons made those decitions come to light since i never engage with the community (literally just played the games, that was all)
And if asking that is a taboo here then maybe theres something wrong in the first place.
Im nor insulting nor being rude to anyone here, if you read my posts all have been polite/ friendly (except the other guy, but he looked for it)
To the above thread, I'll say that hearing what people think the dev team intended with various choices, is a lot different than hearing what the dev team actually intended. Don't take things people who aren't on the dev team say as gospel.

As for Patreon, they went with that because it has the largest customer base and is worth a shit ton of income for the game. Being able to pay the writers, coders, and artists is worth enough that they, for now, seem willing to put up with any limitations that puts on content.


Dec 3, 2020
Users so far have typed about the reasons behind why CoC2 is what it is and why things won't change. If you have any specific questions, ask ahead.
That i can understand, if he/she (savin, creator and main dev) dont wants it thats all the reason i need.
"this is not my vision of the game, it wont be there" is a perfect valid and totally solid reason, making moral parades about it.. not so much (not saying they (fenoxo) did, other devs for other games have)

Why even choose patreon in the first place? even back in the day there was already problems with them being moral highgrounders, theres plenty of other options. I would not be surpriced if later this day the Patreon gets slapped because the game haves sex (no more reason than that)

Sorry, but i already have more than enough drama irl to follow a Thread that farm salt.
But i guess that means the people who wanted that inclusion (incest) where being really annoying about it? If its a way to get back at them i understand.

Already did, i think you may want to read what i answered.

Pd: thanks for your time

I may be a bit wordy but i think those questions are quite clear and to ther point. You may want to read what i was answering there (post #14)

To the above thread, I'll say that hearing what people think the dev team intended with various choices, is a lot different than hearing what the dev team actually intended. Don't take things people who aren't on the dev team say as gospel.

As for Patreon, they went with that because it has the largest customer base and is worth a shit ton of income for the game. Being able to pay the writers, coders, and artists is worth enough that they, for now, seem willing to put up with any limitations that puts on content.

I see, i thought it would be something like in other indie games where things may be not said by the devs in the frontpage, but the community knows they have said it. You know, a shared info but not shouted/added to the FAQ
That does leave me a bit more confused than a moment ago, but is a good insight, thanks.

That makes sense, but if i where them i would be looking for alternative, i believe most backers would migrate if they told them to (and most adult content consumers would already have anyway, patreon is getting a bit too crazy with ban/blocks) But oh well, as long as the project keeps runing and they are well feed we should support them.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I see, i thought it would be something like in other indie games where things may be not said by the devs in the frontpage, but the community knows they have said it. You know, a shared info but not shouted/added to the FAQ
That does leave me a bit more confused than a moment ago, but is a good insight, thanks.

That makes sense, but if i where them i would be looking for alternative, i believe most backers would migrate if they told them to (and most adult content consumers would already have anyway, patreon is getting a bit too crazy with ban/blocks) But oh well, as long as the project keeps runing and they are well feed we should support them.
The devs have said things, so we do have some information that isn't on the FAQ. But it turns into a game of telephone as everybody hears what the dev team said a little bit differently and passes it on. I'm just saying don't take 'the CoC2 team wants Helspawn fetishists to go fuck themselves' as confirmed fact unless you find a direct quote from someone on the team.


Dec 3, 2020
The devs have said things, so we do have some information that isn't on the FAQ. But it turns into a game of telephone as everybody hears what the dev team said a little bit differently and passes it on. I'm just saying don't take 'the CoC2 team wants Helspawn fetishists to go fuck themselves' as confirmed fact unless you find a direct quote from someone on the team.
I can understand that, and yes, you are true, but as i said at the first post, its kinda hard to find what does the Dev thinks, and so far im not getting the best impresion based on the answers here (tons of bias)
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Dec 3, 2020
Do you realize that a lot of talking here could be avoided if you just pointed me that way, do you?
I guess the other things will be left unanswered? since you stoped

A bit unrelated but i do not like that way of handling the things by that dev, but is his project i guess


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Do you realize that a lot of talking here could be avoided if you just pointed me that way, do you?
I guess the other things will be left unanswered? since you stoped
I am not some sort of bot that lives online and is on-call 24/7 nor am I obligated to respond to every comment that you post. I provided those links specifically because zagzig made a point of the topic, because I felt like it and because I had the links handy. This forum has a search function and you are welcome to use it if someone isn't spoon-feeding you the information you want or to source statements for yourself.
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Dec 3, 2020
I am not some sort of bot that lives online and is on-call 24/7 nor am I obligated to respond to every comment that you post. I provided those links specifically because zagzig made a point of the topic, because I felt like it and because I had the links handy. This forum has a search function and you are welcome to use it if someone isn't spoon-feeding you the information you want or to source statements for yourself.
Sorry. But as i said in my main post i just dont know how to use forums too much, but i guess i just pack my things and look for another place to get "spoon feed" information. You arent obligated to anything indeed

But i guess reading properly is outside of some people capabilities.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Sorry. But as i said in my main post i just dont know how to use forums too much, but i guess i just pack my things and look for another place to get "spoon feed" information. You arent obligated to anything indeed

But i guess reading properly is outside of some people capabilities.
If you keep insulting the people willing to answer your questions you're not going to be able to find anyone willing to answer them. WolframL is very obliging and has a veritable archive of saved forum posts, if I needed to know anything I'd ask them.

That being said if you have any remaining questions that aren't variants on "well why not though" I'd be willing to try and answer them (at least until you insult me as well and I go do something else).


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
-its just me? I felt like most scenes in general didnt acknowledge the fact my pc had that log of a dick, or that it cummed buckets and buckets, in CoC1 i do remember that the scenes changed if you pc cummed so much and had a third leg (stuff like "her pelvis/stomach had a huge bulge" and "almost pregnant at a glance") I do see that it gets noticed on the pc but i barely remember any npc where this mattered the other way around (my pc cumflating someone etc) I do remember spending some time getting the "cum output" really high in CoC1 So maybe its just that i have not get into that point
soooo... Its just me? its going to change or its just that im nitpicking that bit?
Well, excessive cum volumes do feature in quite a number of scenes, I think. Don't know about the range of variations though.