Night Games [Monster Girl Hunter b2]

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Quick update: I just put out a bugfix update with some minor bugfixes and tweaks. Probably worth downloading.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I'm currently working on a gameplay system suggested by Varoen, where opponents get temporary buffs after being defeated to make consecutive fights more challenging and interesting.
To keep things interesting, I want unique buffs for each opponent that relates to their playstyle and/or personality. I'm open to ideas. I'll list the ones I've implemented so far:

  • Spirited: Gains Mojo each turn
  • Inspired: Cunning bonus
  • Ice Queen: Half Temptation damage
  • Powered Up: Power bonus
  • Healing Factor: Stamina regen
  • Feral: Gets Animism bonuses regardless of Arousal
  • Overwhelming Darkness: Dark bonus


Please post any ideas you have on other buffs. I'll sort out feasibility later.
Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
  • Trick up her sleeve - reflexively uses an energy drink when she'd otherwise be downed.
  • Sexually wired (overaroused / overstimulated) - increased max arousal.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015

There's a new version available to Patreon supporters. If you're a patron or thinking about becoming a patron, you can get it here:


  • Added Sprite and clothing for Kat
  • Added Sprite and clothing for Samantha
  • Sprites now show when strapons are equiped
  • Some tweaks to Yui's sprite
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect underwear detection
  • Implemented a new Dummy class that lets me add sprites with different expressions and states of dress to scenes
  • Added sprites to Tutorial
  • Added sprites to several daytime scenes that were missing them
  • Remade several of the Horny expressions
  • Old Fuck art is now associated with the Missionary position rather than the specific skill
  • Added Cowgirl art
  • Added Carry art
  • Fixed a crash involving Masochism status and the hard AI
  • Fixed a crash talking to Yui with portraits enabled
  • Added portraits for Yui (They're just cropped sprites, but better than nothing)
  • Added Angry expression for Yui
  • Training now only increases stats for the Character that initiates it
  • Fixed some flagging to handle improbable event collisions
  • Fixed some flagging to prevent threesome scenes from appearing multiple times in a day
  • Nerfed Dark Tendrils, it now costs more Arousal and does not scale as strongly with Dark
  • Nerfed Binding, it does not scale as strongly with Arcane
  • Bind (zipties and handcuffs) are now only usable against targets in immobile submissive positions.
  • Reduced the amount Advanced training scales per Attribute point.
  • Active Imagination weakness now applies a uniform +50% to all Temptation damage
  • Mojo can no longer be reduced below 0
  • Fixed an issue where Toy Master perk was not being applied correctly
  • Base stamina regen per turn is now 2% of max stamina instead of flat 1
  • Added some bolding to improve Challenge readability
  • Challenges now add an item to you inventory that you can reference if you forget your goal
  • Added some new possible results to cooking based on Science and Ninjutsu
  • Added Super Energy Drink, doubles the stamina regen of normal energy drink
  • Added Eve defeat scene by Onyxdime
  • Fixed a major issue with Substitute used by NPCs
  • Fixed some behind the scenes position behavior for NPC only fights involving penetration
  • Characters can no longer struggle when Enthralled
  • Matches will now continue until player finishes ongoing actions
  • This should prevent issues where the match ends twice
  • Separated match scoring screen from postmatch events
  • Had to move Patreon supporter credits to their own dialog
  • Added $ to store prices for clarity
  • Cynical status now reduces Temptation damage by 25% instead of a flat 5
  • Shamed status no longer triggers Cynical
  • Shamed status is now more severe, inflicting a stackable -10% damage penalty to many skills
  • Spank no longer calms the target
  • Unsuccessful Struggle and Escape attempts cause positions to decay faster, making future attempts more likely to succeed
  • Fixed Invite being usable with pants on
  • Fixed requirements of Fly to make it accessible to players
  • Fly no longer requires 15 mojo (it didn't spend it anyway)
  • Face Fuck's Shamed status now scales with Fetish
  • Reversal now maintains penetration, similar to Struggle
  • Pleasure bonus from Lickable weakness changed from 30% to 50%
  • Insatiable weakness now leaves character at 50% arousal after victory
  • Reduced the damage bonus from Ticklish weakness
  • New Submissive skill: Buck
  • Winded status negates all stamina damage, preventing characters from being stun-locked as easily
  • The AI should no longer attempt stamina attacks at winded opponents
  • Increased the amount most pain attacks cause Angry
  • Pain damage now pushes NPCs toward Angry based on magnitude
  • Temptation damage now pushes NPCs toward Horny based on magnitude
  • Weaken damage now pushes NPCs toward Nervous based on magnitude
  • Heal now pushes NPCs toward Confident based on magnitude
  • Changed Match Handicaps to give percentage bonus instead of flat bonus
  • Rewrote a bunch of Match Handicap related stuff for Challenge Mode
  • Underwear-only handicap now allows undershirts as well
  • Added Handicap Mittens: -75% finger proficiency
  • Added Handicap Lame Glasses: negates Mojo generation
  • Added Handicap Ticklish: gives Ticklish weakness
  • Added Handicap Hairtie: gives Achilles Jewels weakness
  • Changed difficulty setting to a group of non-exclusive modifiers during character creation
  • Added Game Modifier - Challenge Mode: Forces the player to accept a handicap each night without a bonus. A good alternative to the Hard AI
  • Added Game Modifier - Short Matches: Matches last 2 hours instead of 3
  • Added Game Modifier - Double XP: Player and NPCs level twice as fast
  • New situational pre-fight dialogue for all characters, referencing things such as state of dress and affection
  • Grudge System: NPCs you defeat will gain a potent buff if you fight them again in the same match
  • Grudge buffs are different for each character and are hinted at in prefight dialogue
  • Cassie Grudge bonuses:
    • Spirited: Mojo gain bonus
    • Determined: Recover Stamina and Arousal when standing up from prone
    • Modestly Dressed: Clothes are harder to remove
    • Overflowing Mana: Spells cost much less Mojo
  • Mara Grudge bonuses:
    • Inspired: Cunning bonus
    • Perfect Plan: Strips player at start of combat
    • Plan B: Consumes an energy drink to heal whenever she would be stunned
    • Experimental Weaponry: Bonus to all sex toy damage
  • Angel Grudge bonuses:
    • Ice Queen: Temptation damage resistance
    • Seductress: Seduction bonus
    • Untouchable: Evasion bonus
    • Succubus Vagina: Increased sex damage
  • Jewel Grudge bonuses:
    • Flash: Speed bonus
    • Powered Up: Power bonus
    • Healing Factor: Stamina regen
    • Confident Dom: Major stat buffs when mood is Confident or Dominant
  • Yui Grudge bonuses:
    • Flash: Speed bonus
    • Ishida 3rd Hidden Art: Returns more pleasure damage during intercourse
    • Ninja Preparation: Binds at start of combat
  • Kat Grudge bonuses:
    • Feral: Get Feral buff regardless of arousal
    • Predator Instincts: Stronger pins
    • Lands on her Feet: Can't be tripped or knocked down
  • Reyka Grudge bonuses:
    • Overwhelming Darkness: Dark bonus
    • Succubus Vagina: Increases sex damage
    • Enthralling Presence: Enthralls at start of combat
  • Samantha Grudge bonuses:
    • Tantric Breathing: Arousal regen
    • Spare Handcuffs: Gets 2 sets of handcuffs at start of combat
    • Veteran Prostitute: Reduced pleasure damage to vagina
  • Eve Grudge bonuses:
    • Sadistic Mood: Inflicts Masochism at start of combat
    • Defensive Measure: Starts combat wearing a groin protector
    • Revved Up: Seduction and Fetish bonus when aroused
Premium only:
  • Art for Cassie x Mara threesome
  • Art for Angel 2nd Sex scene
  • Art for Jewel 2nd Sparring scene
  • Art for Mara Faeries scene
  • Art for Yui

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
The most recent version is now available to everyone!
You can download it from either my blog or my Patreon.

As always, if you're interested in getting the Premium build with a bunch of extra art, it's not too late to become a Patron.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
The silver bard, I'm quite happy that your patreon is starting to have a good enough income, personally I like a lot your game and hope you continue to "grow stronger" :).

I hope that your hard work continues to be rewarded and have a nice day :).

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Happy New Year from Silver Bard Games

The following is part of a 2017 recap and 2018 preview post. For the sake of convenience, I'm just going to include the preview portion:

In 2018, we can predict a much higher budget than I’ve been used to working with. Half of that is earmarked for art, which we should be able to put out at a faster rate than usual. I am working on something on a side project, which I’ll talk about later, but I expect most of our art production is going to continue to be for Night Games.


I’m happy to report that the sprites for Reyka and Eve are complete and will be in the next update for the game. Before you get too excited, there’s still plenty of work to do before that update is finished. I asked AimlessArt to finish the sprites first because they were a Patreon goal, but I always plan multiple months worth of content for each update.

Meanwhile, I’ve already told people who have asked what the next gameplay change I’m adding is. Currently participants have matches all seven nights of the week. I figure that’s probably pretty exhausting, so I’m giving everyone Sunday nights off. On this night off, players will have the opportunity for longer, more involved events than they get in the daytime. I haven’t sorted out all the mechanical ramifications of this, but I’m working on it.

In proportion to the whole of Night Games, that’s a fairly minor addition. The big obvious thing the game still needs is an end. I’ve already laid some groundwork for the game’s neutral ending, which is going to focus on investigating and meeting the mysterious Benefactor who is funding everything. However, I figure that’s less interesting to most players than the character specific routes, so I don’t want to implement it first.

A long while back, I storyboarded the events of Mara’s routes and implemented her specialization skillset. I ended up shelving that when I added more work to improving usability, but she’s still probably going to be the route I finish first. I have Cassie’s and Angel’s routes mostly planned out along with their specializations, so one of them will probably be next. The biggest question mark is Jewel. I have some ideas for her, but nothing concrete yet. I may make endings for some of the unlockable opponents, but that’s not planned yet.

On the subject of Night Games, people occasionally ask me for the source code so they can extract scenes or develop mods. I decided to upload the source to Gitlab, since they’re apparently more tolerant of adult content than Github. I’m not storing any of the art in the repository, so you’ll still need to come to either the blog or Patreon to get new builds. I’m also not sure how frequently I’m going to push my local source to the repo. However, if you want to look at my code for whatever reason, you should be able to clone and build from

However, Silver Bard Games is more than just Night Games. Before Night Games is done, we need to figure out what will replace it as our main project. To minimize downtime, I plan to start development of the next major game as a side project. As many of you may remember, I’ve put off finishing the 3rd girl for Seven Minutes in Heaven so long that it’s essentially a running gag. I will eventually finish that. I’d also like to add some more endings to Trounce Tickle Tease. However, those are both nice compact games without a lot of room for expansion. Neither of those is going to replace Night Games.


I’m currently working on a proof of concept for an RPG about monster girls, taking a lot of design inspiration from the Monster Hunter franchise. Thematically, it plays with the idea of a non-combat focused adventurer. In most fantasy video games, the vocabulary of the adventurer is all about fighting. However, high fantasy is full of intelligent magical humanoids who probably require more tact than simply hitting them with swords. This is a game about playing a specialist who finds creative solutions to conflicts involving monstergirls, often with seduction.

Mechanically, this will be a turn based RPG, but I want each enemy to be a unique puzzle with multiple solutions, similar to an Undertale pacifist run. Much like the Monster Hunter games research, preparation, and observation of each type of enemy will be critical. There will be no random battles, only quests, so you’ll have the opportunity (and expectation) to prepare for each encounter.

When I say I’m putting together a proof of concept, I’m not talking about a demo. I’ve never seen this type of combat does in a turn based RPG, so I actually do need to make sure it’s viable. If someone else has seen RPG combat done like this, please send me the game title so I can use it as reference. If this prototype is successful, it’ll have plenty of room for expansion and will be a worthy successor to Night Games when that is finished.

There’s probably more I could talk about for the upcoming year, but this post is already incredibly long. If you have any questions or comments, I’m always listening. If you’d like to support Silver Bard Games ongoing work, our Patreon is at I’ll end this post with a friendly reminder that all $5+ supporters gain access to a premium version of Night Games containing more than a dozen bonus event CG.
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The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day everybody!

There's a new version available to Patreon supporters. If you're a patron or thinking about becoming a patron, you can get it here:

  • Added Reyka’s sprite
  • Added Eve’s sprite
  • Fixed an issue where Lame Glasses handicap triggers Mittens handicap
  • Added an Image option for Exact Match Only.
  • If Exact Match Only is set, skill art will only show up when in combat with the girl depicted in the image.
  • Added a bunch of icons and filters over sprites to visually show active status effects
  • The effects are going to be too cartoony for a lot of people, so I have them off by default, they can be enabled in the Options
  • Added a bunch of error checking for missing images. This shouldn’t be relevant to most people unless the jar file is corrupted
  • If status effects are enabled, they’ll also show up for the player on the clothes diagram in the inventory panel
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue where arousal and mojo appear maxed immediately after loading
  • Added tooltips describing all non-combat actions
  • Added a warning before initiating combat if additional opponents are in the same area
  • Removed the Mojo cost for Slime pets
  • Alarm traps are now detectable at any distance
  • Refactored some combat stuff, which you shouldn’t notice unless I broke something
  • Added a couple alternate messages for running out of stamina
  • Redid all the math for calculating and reporting different types of damage.
  • I think I fixed a couple things while doing this. It’s entirely possible I broke some other things.
  • Changed how Actions are organized, so they should be listed in a consistent order now
  • Reimplemented and enabled Locate. The new version is not very elegant, but it shouldn’t blow up every time I touch the GUI
  • Made the Inventory panel scrollable for the rare situations where the item list doesn’t fit
  • Changed the way penetration is handled. All penetration positions cause automatic pleasure each turn
  • Using Fucking skills will change your pace, adjusting the amount of automatic pleasure dealt
  • Hopefully fixed the phantom strapon issue
  • Changed check for intact underwear after combat to be more robust
  • Added Submissive skill: Honey Pot
  • Added Submissive ultimate skill: Pleasure Slave
  • Squeeze Balls now scales with Power, and if user has a Shock Glove, also Science
  • Buffed Handjob and Finger so they deal more consistent damage
  • Two new Fetish training scenes by KajunKrust
  • All EX skills have been replaced with Adaptive skill variants, which will scale with your highest primary attribute
  • Probably fixed Workshop training scene randomization
  • Daytime scenes with girls now allows you to select the specific scene you want instead of randomizing them
  • Sunday nights now don’t have a match, instead you have unique events for ways to spend your night off.
  • Added Stay In night off event
  • Added Cassie Date night off event with two outcomes by Snake
  • Added Mara Field Test night off event with two outcomes
  • Added Yui intercourse defeat scene by Rex
  • Added 2 Yui daytimes scenes. One of them by CK
  • Added Eve intercourse draw scene by Marcus Koen
  • Added Strip Top art with Jewel
  • Added Strip Bottom art with Yui
  • Added Ass Fuck art with Jewel
  • Added Doggy Style art with Kat
Premium Only:
  • Cassie Sex scene CG
  • Kat Sex scene CG
  • Reyka Sex scene CG
  • Yui Sex Practice scene CG
  • Yui Exposure scene CG

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015

Hi folks,
The most recent version I announced last week is now available to everyone!
You can download it from either my blog or my Patreon.

As always, if you're interested in getting the Premium build with a bunch of extra art, it's never too late to become a Patron.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
There's a small new update that fixes an issue on low resolution displays. Make sure to download it if you had issues with the previous version

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
New bugfix is up that corrects some recently reported issues. This will probably be the last one before the next major content update.
  • Fixed rank 4 and 5 morning scenes not triggering
  • Fixed an issue where disabling sprites would leave already loaded sprites in place
  • Fixed an issue where buttons from previous scenes could remain in Night Off introduction
  • Fixed an issue where saving on Sunday night would load on Sunday morning
  • Fixed an issue where Yui’s affection would increase each time the game was loaded
  • Fixed an issue where Player would retain stolen clothing after winning
  • Player will more often take opponent’s clothing after combat if they share outfit items
  • Reduced rate of affection gain with Yui
  • Added messages to indicate affection gain during daytime events
  • Added sprites to Cassie and Mara’s Night Off events

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Hi folks,
The new update is released and available to everyone.
You can download it from either my blog or my Patreon.

As always, if you're interested in getting the Premium build with a bunch of extra art, it's never too late to become a Patron.
Added Lick Pussy Art for Yui
Added Blowjob Art for Samantha
Added Kick Art for Jewel
Added Dildo Art for Kat
Added Angel/Reyka Threesome scene by Anon64
Added Angel/Cassie Threesome scene by Lica
Added Angel Night off scene by Lica
Added Jewel Night Off scene by WT Cash
Added Kat sex scene by CK, gives new perk: Affectionate
Added Yui intercourse defeat scene by Rex
Added Mara draw scene by WT Cash
Added extended Mara faerie play scene by Banana at high Arcane levels
Added Magic training scene
Added Faerie Prince and Princess to replace normal summons at Arcane 24
Added Faerie Princess art
Added Shadow Fingers upgrade to Dark Tendrils at Dark 24
Added new skill Beastform at Animism 18
Added new Flask Potent Aphrodisiac
Added new Potion Furry Elixir, which gives Beastform
Furry Elixir only spawns if player has unlocked Kat
Added modified sprites for NPCs affected by Beastform
Beastform gives a temporary tail, making it possible for the player to use Tailjob or Tail Peg while it's active
Added new Consumable Power Band, which gives Prismatic Form
Added several new components used to craft toy upgrades
Added new daytime activity "Your Room"
Your Room contains an improved version of the Clothing Change menu
Added long term project: The Way of the Golden Cock
The Way of the Golden Cock can checked and advanced in Your Room
Advancing the Way of the Golden Cock gives some passive bonuses
Completing the Way of the Golden Cock lets player use the Golden Cock powerup in combat
Added The Gauntlet to Angel's daytime visits
The Gauntlet involves trying to endure the sex techniques of Angel and her friends
Completing all four phases of The Gauntlet requires at least 340 max Arousal
Completing The Gauntlet gives the Legendary T-Shirt, which provides serious bonuses
Added long term project/toy: Sexcalibur
Sexcalibur is a new sex toy that can be upgraded at your room
Components to upgrade Sexcalibur can be found in Item Caches
Different attachments for Sexcalibur can be crafted based on advanced Attributes
Arcane attachment: drains Mojo from opponents
Science attachment: dissolves clothing
Ki attachment: restores Stamina
Dark attachment: bonus pleasure if target is Horny
Fetish attachment: bonus pleasure based on user's arousal
Animism attachment: bonus pleasure if Feral or Beastform
Ninjutsu attachment: Sexcalibur can't miss
Added alternate text to a large number of skills
Insatiable handicap is no longer offered to players who already have Insatiable
Fixed an issue checking Fuck Target challenge
Raised reward for Kissing challenge
Raised reward for Clothed Win challenge
Added a Complete tag to challeges in inventory after fulfilling them
Fixed an issue with Yui's doubleteam vs Eve
Doubled Challenge envelope spawn rates
Removed Mojo bonus to Trip
Blindside now has more reasonable accuracy roll
Dark Talisman should be usable now (I implemented it over a year ago, but forgot to add it to the global skillpool. Sorry)
Treasure Seeker feat is significantly buffed
Enthralling Traps are now craftable by players with 9+ Dark
Players with 9+ Dark will gain Semen (required for Enthralling Traps) by successfully Masturbating during a match.
Added Semen to high level item caches
Overhauled Item Cache scaling. They are now on tiers based on Rank
Added tooltips to all status effects
Status effects can now apply temporary traits
Fixed an issue with Onahole damage calculation
Unupgraded Dildo and Onahole now have lower damage range and deal finishing pleasure
New Dildo upgrade: Dildo Luber, automatically applies lubricant
New Dildo upgrade: Slimy Dildo
New Onahole upgrade: Onahole Vibrator
New Onahole upgrade: Slimy Onahole
New Crop upgrade: Keen, doubles Treasure Hunter crit chance
New Crop upgraade: Shock Crop
New Tickler upgrade: Tickler Powder, chance to apply Horny on contact
New Tickler upgrade: Fluffy Tickler
Changed calculations for WinningRequirement comments
Fixed some issues with statuses not stacking properly
Barrier skill now creates a much more powerful shield that scales with Arcane
Fixed a crash with NPCs using Strapons on Hard mode
Changed the Hard mode AI to prioritize winning over weakening opponents
Fixed an issue with Masochism on Hard mode
Fixed an issue with the Drowsy status from Angel's victory scene having the wrong target
Fixed a crash with Pleasure Bomb
Hopefully fixed a crash of unidentified cause
Fixed a crash when male faerie defeats fetish goblin
NPCs can now have multiple comments per situation
Romantic trait now provides a 20% increase to Kiss damage instead of a flat value
Reduced XP gain for intervening on a fight
Buffed Samantha's Pro Handjob and Pro Fingering
When choosing Attributes on level-up or training, it will list upcoming unlockable skills
You can also check unlockable skills in your room.
Fixed Angel's Night Off not having a sleep button at the end
Changed Tailjob and Tail Peg to not require a tail to learn, making them more compatible with Beast Form
Reduced Command Panel size on low resolution displays to make buttons more accessible
Reduced Change Clothes GUI height so it doesn't crowd the command panel on small displays
Fixed check for Max Arousal for first Way of the Cock stage
Increased Max Arousal requirement for last Way of the Cock stage
Fixed an issue in Steal Clothes
Nerfed Angel's Untouchable grudge
Fixed the extra message in Finger
Premium Only:
Added Jewel Sex art
Added Kat Sparring art
Added Angel Sparring art
Added Cassie and Angel Threesome art
  • Like
Reactions: Pursang


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Hey I just discovered your game and I absolutely love it but I have a few questions I would like answered if you don't mind. 1) Can you gain the ability to kneel so that way you can perform oral whenever you want? 2) When/will we be able to have day time interactions with Samantha and Eve? 3) Will the trainers from the various stores ever become players?

Edit: Hey I have some more questions if you don't mind. 4) I just got butt raped without lube, now I have maxed out submission (just to see if I got a kneel ability) and is that why or is because of an advantage called ass master or is this a bug? 5) Why are some of the moves/judo scenes so violent that I am pretty sure they count as torture (not complaining just curious)? 6) Why is it that when I got butt raped by Eve and still won it played the I fucked her in the vag victory scenario? Is it a glitch or is there no "power bottom" victory scene?
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Nov 19, 2017
1) you can't kneel in Night games, but you can in the mod. Sadly, it is currently in the very slow process of untangling itself, and is experiencing a number of bugs in the latest release.
4) You were right, the perk Ass Master allows for anal penetration without lube, both others and yours.
6) There is currently no power bottom scene for anyone.

7) little bit of helpful advice. Silver Bard has his own forum on his games. I'm not saying don't ask questions here, but you'd be more likely to get a quick answer over there, straight from the Dev himself. No offense but that's more than half of what the threads in his night game sub forum is. A single set of questions or a suggestion, and then his response.

The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I do check this forum pretty frequently, so this is a good place to ask questions.

Hey I just discovered your game and I absolutely love it but I have a few questions I would like answered if you don't mind. 1) Can you gain the ability to kneel so that way you can perform oral whenever you want? 2) When/will we be able to have day time interactions with Samantha and Eve? 3) Will the trainers from the various stores ever become players?

Edit: Hey I have some more questions if you don't mind. 4) I just got butt raped without lube, now I have maxed out submission (just to see if I got a kneel ability) and is that why or is because of an advantage called ass master or is this a bug? 5) Why are some of the moves/judo scenes so violent that I am pretty sure they count as torture (not complaining just curious)? 6) Why is it that when I got butt raped by Eve and still won it played the I fucked her in the vag victory scenario? Is it a glitch or is there no "power bottom" victory scene?

1. I have trouble imagining how a kneeling position would be feasible in a competitive environment. Oral skills are designed for the ground game.
2. Samantha got her first daytime scene in this update and will get more in the future. Eve's daytime stuff is going to be a bit different and I'm still working out the details. She'll probably get several scenes in the next major content update.
3. I don't know if there are going to be more opponents added. The general consensus I hear from players is that there are enough already. If I do add more opponents, the trainers will be the top candidates.
4. Yeah, that's the Ass Master feat
5. Some of those scenes aren't written by me. There are definitely elements of the game that draw fans of heavy femdom, and some of the community submitted scenes reflect that.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
Thanks for the timely response guys. And as for the kneeling thing I thought it may of been a thing since Alice can train you to be the ultimate sub warrior who destroys combat encounters by taking it like a bitch but still somehow wins every fight (then again ~400 lust solves most problems) by bucking. If your own forum is better for Q&A I will switch to that one then if I have any other queries about the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
@The Silver Bard
There was an update recently, so here's some free advertising for that and also a small amount of feedback from a quick overview I did. I only made it to level 9, and I understand much of the new stuff in the past couple updates is more late-game, so this is hardly comprehensive, but it will get us started.

The patch notes are unclear, but I'm assuming the grudges are sequential here: Cassie doesn't seem to advance past her better-fitting-clothing benefit, no matter how many times she loses.
The button to check out the stats on your competition doesn't disappear after selecting it, so there's a chance the player can purchase it multiple times if they double-tap the hotkey or aren't paying attention. It would be a small UI improvement to remove it after the player has selected it.
Not a bug, but I have some minor continuity concerns about the watch scenes. Cassie, Mara, and Angel have their advanced attributes in the scenes even before they have them in the game-world, which is alarming/confusing if you're a new player who doesn't know about the advanced forms yet. As well, Jewel's watch scene says her clothes are ruined and she disappears after winning, except the game mechanics don't reflect this: both competitors can remain in the same area after their brawl, and Jewel's clothing state is whatever it was before the encounter. I don't know if you care about this level of detail, but I list it because it's good form for text-based games to keep what the player reads and what is happening in the game-world consistent.
There's something iffy about triggering some of the watch scenes. Sometimes, choosing to watch simply makes the game proceed as normal. It's super easy to find, but I don't know what causes it. I've seen it happen with Angel, Jewel, and Cassie, but I've also seen all of their scenes. Mara was never present when I was testing this, so I don't know about her.

Neutral position: "You and Cassie circle each other cautiously" is missing a period.
Tie Guy-augmented Bind: "You catch both of Cassie hands" -> "Cassie's hands".
Tricky Strip Bottoms: Missing period at the end of the last sentence.

Introduction to challenges: You usually treat Student Union as a proper name and capitalize it, but not at the start of this scene. Same thing whenever Lilly shows up ("You arrive at the student union with about 10 minutes to spare ...").
Cassie easy defeat: "... when she finally cries out in orgasm, you feel it as wet vibration against your palm." -> "a wet vibration" or "wet vibrations".
Mara easy defeat: "continuelicking," "andshe," "Youjust," "toshrug", "youpush", "happenagain""
Mara encountering naked PC: There's a comma splice here.
Aesop's techniques: "still be able access it" -> "still be able to access it"
Info on Cassie: 1) "This is apparently a matter of necessity for her, her family doesn't have a whole lot of money" is a comma splice. 2) There's a period instead of a comma immediately after the first paragraph. 3) "disappear to quickly" -> "disappear so quickly"
Info on Angel: This is just a couple minor quibbles about capitalization. Aesop says "mmmm..." as its own clause, which isn't capitalized. And he says: "Three words for you: Beautiful Blonde Nymphomaniac," which probably demands periods (or at least commas) between each item. I don't have a rule I could point you towards for this one, but that's my intuition.
Info on Mara: "on of the computer labs" -> "one of the computer labs"
There's a leftover placeholder in Jewel's watch scene: "[Opponent]".
Mara watch scene: The second to last paragraph begins with a comma splice and then an incomplete sentence. At the very end, it says the player continues "the game," which is something that has been capitalized every other time it has shown up. And finally: "Angelbegins".
Angel encounters PC while naked: "If you sit still an behave yourself" -> "and"
Mara after losing a few times: "going to well" -> "going too well"
Jewel's challenge: "your pants one" -> "your pants on"

Quad room: Last sentence is a comma splice.
Fondle Breasts skill: "opponents breasts" -> "opponent's breasts"
Sensitivity Flask item/skill: "whats" -> "what's"
Masturbate skill: Mojo and arousal are not capitalized here.
Release skill: "return to neutral standing position" -> "return to a/the neutral standing position". When you say "return to neutral," it sounds like "neutral" is a proper noun, like it might be in a game like Tekken. If this is the case, you can simply capitalize it. This is also one of the only (the only?) descriptions that ends with a period.
Tricky Knee skill: "Knee Strike" -> "Knee strike"
Seduction attribute (when leveling up): "opponents arousal" -> "opponent's Arousal"
Power attribute (when leveling up): "stamina" -> "Stamina"
Personal Inertia trait: "status" -> "Status"
Amateur Magician trait: "slight of hand" -> "sleight of hand"
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