Newbie Question (Bunny Girls)


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
So I'm pretty new and I wanted to start off as a bunny girl, I used a save editor to change my character into a bunny girl but in game it says I'm a hybrid and I have a gene score of 75% bunny. Is there anyway I can max that score while keeping my human face?

EDIT: To clarify I have ears, a tail, rabbit arms/legs. Human torso without fur and human face

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
The bunny score is interchangeable with Laquine isn't it? Seeing as they are THE bunny race and all.

Also why tf is "Amazon" a race, that makes absolutely no sense.


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
The bunny score is interchangeable with Laquine isn't it? Seeing as they are THE bunny race and all.

Also why tf is "Amazon" a race, that makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not sure about either of those, I looked around and I just saw "choose Lapine in the save editor" so all my options are Lapine. Not sure where Laquine came from.
I didn't add any extra perks, my character is pretty short, but she has faint abs so that's probly where the amazon came from. I just want the game to refer to me as "bunny girl" or something instead of "alien hybrid".


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
Racial score - Trials in Tainted Space Wiki ( I don't know if you looked at this on the wiki, take a look at it to modify well has your PC, and in a matter of the name, I'm sorry but I don't know how to make them refer to you as a bunny girl

Thanks a bunch, I needed to change my face to Lapine which weirdly enough is described as human with normal skin, and the game now refers to me as "bunny-morph" :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Not really. The main thing distinguishing fully furry bunny-morphs and laquines (aside from the fact that the latter is a proper species) is that the latter have some equine-like traits (mainly genitalia, but tails are not unheard of).
I know what makes a laquine a laquine.
I just didn't think they weren't interchangeable as a PC race in this case.