What's the easiest way to increase breast size with the fewest side effects?
What effect does Personality (like Mischievous) have ingame? Do your moral decisions change it?
Is there any way besides Xhelarfog pills to make nipples the same color as your skin?
What's the point of looseness/capacity when orifices seem to be able to take anything and just get looser if it's too big? Are there scenes where the writing mentions them?
Is there anything that gives you four toes/fingers besides Orefish shards to make you Saurmorian?
What effect does Personality (like Mischievous) have ingame? Do your moral decisions change it?
Is there any way besides Xhelarfog pills to make nipples the same color as your skin?
What's the point of looseness/capacity when orifices seem to be able to take anything and just get looser if it's too big? Are there scenes where the writing mentions them?
Is there anything that gives you four toes/fingers besides Orefish shards to make you Saurmorian?