New TF Vaginus and new punishment/fun for Sub Sara


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
For the boy toy's pleasure.
TF would change puffy anus into a cute mons that includes a clit. (you could add more with other TFs).
Lets assboyz get benefits of vagina mods for their favorite fuckhole.

No change to function other than lubrication and the fact that the ahole can go into heat. Or mimic it.
Unless egg addict no way to get anal canal preggers.
Makes butt bigger and more fuckable. Raises lust by 5 permanently (libido by bit more?).
Butt would have its own cameltoe in base version. Puffy to start (semi pumped?).
Cloaca version would just move the vaginal and anal canals internally and widen entrance more?
Due to functionality of anus, there would be NO HYMEN...that would cause problems... unless it's funny enough for someone to write up the scene when you feel constipated so hit the Lav and after straining poop pop your own hymen...

Game should still consider those with this who only have penii and this mod to be fully male. Just different description of butt hole for sex scenes. Larger orgasms for -cough- end user. Both prostrate and clitoral stimulation possible. Rimming/oral sex is now doubled? So perfect for the fuck boys that Beth's wants for her bordello on the station.

May be a way to make certain companion character's sex options more desirable and less ooky for those that don't swing to that spectrum of the flag.

Thus your dick girls can now get a vaginus mod. This would make sex with them less dangerous to your own anus as you now have vaginal options via their vaginus. Cept no way to impregnate them. Anus using this would gain all vaginal benefits and same from those TF's that affect them.
Suggested targets for this TF- Syri who really is physically a girl, but has her fellow engineer's penis and gear now. Male oriented characters could now seduce her and mod her ass into a vaginus w/o affecting her penis. This would allow the new Selective sex menu to use her ass like a vagina. Both partners get all the benefits of such.
Also - SubSara via new punishment scene. Or Dom Sara if you're a fuckboy for her (testing a new product along with the OOPs of mixing tfs just to see what happens leaving you with a puffy cloaca and egg maker and a surprise in a few weeks)

The Catboy on your ship- why not have him on board if you cant fuck em cause he's male too? And now he's not only subject to RUTs but also to HEAT...

Any NPC that is anal only and on very friendly plus terms with Steele could use Vaginus if it would allow for sex between them. Or they refuse to have children.

bad effect (or desirable for some) if Vaginus is combined w/pussyblossom or pussybloom too? Perhaps turning anus into a cloaca/slit with both a working vagina and anus inside like lizards/reptiles? If ovipositor tf taken too then hidden vagina would then become a real egg layer. (would need to be fertilized to be viable ) this would go on the same heat/rut cycle for those species or the one your Steele currently has.

somewhat inspired by a comment where someone called their butthole a mangina and I thought, well TiTs TFs probably could do and handle this.

That they are preg w/ first egg(s) should be a surprise...feeling of constipation, bloating, pressure on prostrate and bladder both... then orgasmic birth and gapping vaginus/cloaca until it recovers.

Might be able to allow pure male characters to give non-standard births. Feel Eggy get anal get egg pregged.

If large and long/flexible enough (or have non-parasitic cock tail) could self impregnate. Dunno on viability...perhaps a steele variant child that has genes from current TFs and tail's type (ie cat, dragon, fox...etc?) Eggs should be very unstable due to creation method and thus need longer care and a Specialist at the nursery to oversee them. (side jobs for a certain biologist on your ship or a certain centaur on residential level?)

Create 1-2 eggs a month? Gestation once fertilized max 2 weeks w/o speed enhancements?
Once laid (and sent to nursery) takes 5-6 months of care and supervision to monitor properly and like Gastrigoth you get to select which DNA to make fixed it not unstable. But only if you have a biologist on staff.
This could be the Grad work/thesis for a certain centauress and may make her more willing to be a mother herself too.


Suggested scene for Sub Sara

Store open more than 6 months. She's paid you back fully. She's become a mother at least 2x before.
You have Egg Machine on ship. Grav cuffs needed. She is not currently pregnant.
Sara shennanigans happen.
Drag her to device and cuff her to it.
Get her excited until she begs for forgiveness.
Deny it.
Move to egg insertion and set it for 10 cycles.
Sara has many orgasms and fairly glows when full of eggs.
Strange look on her face. One of amazement and another of curiosity.
You ask her if she's gonna be a good girl/sub now.
To your surprise she says no...and suggests maybe more time on the machine is warranted.
You unhook her anyway and give her the codes to the machine.
Next Sara bed scene she is swollen with eggs.
Can only do anal...can't reach orgasm fully frustrated and demanding.
Asks to use comms, she needs to make a call to someone who knows someone.
Next scene with her (after catching her on egg practice machine 2-3 more times as you go about your business on ship/ she will still be perma-preg looking w/practice eggs) she suggest you have anal with her again. And your surprise her butthole looks like a puffy vagina.

You test and play with it. Response is the same as her own vagina if it weren't stuffed with eggs and sealed/plugged by the practice machine. She orgasms as if she was having oral/foreplay with her pussy.
Anal sex is enhanced by this and even though she's pregnant she's fucking like she was in heat.

Eventually she decides to enhance it more...and goes w/known TFs in suppository form to make it better targeted. (She says some of her clients desire suppositories more than oral or injection forms. so she's had a friend of a friend alter the drug/tfs to be used this way. It guarantees that the effects will be applied locally vs generally. (steele should see both danger and benefit of this alteration to a TF, but was there sufficient testing?)

Sara uses ovipositor and pussybloom and the clit enhancement tf *(nubby?) and immediately cramps up so bad that perma eggs inside her vagina are ejected...and she orgasms until she passes out. You leave her on your bed as you get help cleaning up.

She has unknowingly gained an internal vagina and anal canal inside her vaginus that does the same work as a cloaca.
After a few weeks she goes into heat like she did when she did when she first used the Vaginus TF.
Anal sex with her at this time will fertilize her large egg. Two weeks later she will have a LAY scene that is messy and orgasmic (for her) . If you've played with the egg laying rabbit in the bar you know how to properly assist this birth.

Two weeks after egg is sent to nursery, you will receive a notice that the nursery needs at least a part time biologist and you should do interviews... do you know any biologists? (Azra or the Centaur on station) Or both part time. The latter would do so as part of her grad work and thesis... maybe leads to more down line?

Egg scene w/sara would repeat once every few months and she admits she is addicted to being egged now. (from machine and her abuse of it and then the "accident")
scenes for ass only sex npcs should probably be adjusted for a vaginus vs anal only sex. Not suggesting that they go same route at Sub Sara. But Steele now could chose to do so herself/himself though.

Dom Sara would be her saying she's tired of you only having a dick and anus...but she doesn't want you to have a pussy...just yet. She wants to keep you as a buttslut. Her buttslut. Gets you to beg to have anus modified w/new untested TF... results should follow.

Now the other parts of the TF that happened w/sub sara? those would be done by steele on her own time instead of by Dom Sara.

-end idea-



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm really happy someone's going to write an anus-to-vulva TF, even if there's no way I can see genitals as "cute" (and i can't say I want to use that word to talk about genitalia).


Aug 27, 2015
Serious anal TFs like this are very unlikely to be considered, particularly as somebody's first project.

The idea for the scene with sub Sera and the egg trainer is nice on its own, but again the stuff surrounding it is all way too much. I would concentrate on seeing if you can complete that single idea as a sex scene first before doing anything more expansive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
This could be the solution to the Mpreg conundrum we've been facing for a while!
No, thank you.
I for one would like my Steele's anus to not be changed so much, even for pregnancy. what's the point of buttpreg if the butt isn't buttlike at all
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