New texas Bad


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Since we have options to nuke planets, can we have an option to destroy New Texas? That place just gives me the creeps. Its like one of those dystopian places were everyone is forced to be happy because of mind altering drugs. And that was before I talked to Reha about the place. I even refused to have sex with anything there or do much of anything besides talk and that made it worse. Only saving grace of that planet are those cute varmints who I wanted for a pet in this game for a LONG time and finally got it, and the fish lady who gets to be a crew member. Other than that would their ever be an option to nuke it to hell and back?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015

Oh come on! can we at least get the option to beat the shit out of Big T? I really want to wipe that shit eating grin off his face! Or AT LEAST force him to give me a blow job and make him look like a bitch in front of his people. He needs to be taken down a peg if you ask me. Crushing the leader of that god forsaken place is good enough for me. Especially how much Reha's backstory with the place.  It just does not feel right to just ignore it like nothing. Were travel around the galaxy stopping fucked up shit from happening all the time so why not here?


Aug 27, 2015
The real mistake, in my humble imho, was providing options to destroy Tarkus and Myrellion. Not only were they completely pointless and weightless things to do, it suggests to players like numbnuts here that they should be able to do that with any planet that irks them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What is with Fen games and attracting a bunch of murderboner having sociopaths? Yeah, I get it, New Texas puts a bad taste in people's mouths, but there are a few who actually like the planet. I mean for fucks sake, it's not like you have to go the planet. You can just ignore its existence everyone who hates the fucking planet should.
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Aug 27, 2015
More options = bad?

Yes, if they don't provide potential for sexy new content, aren't the result of interesting choices, aren't within the capacity of the game to properly explore, and/or set up damaging precedents. Nuking Tarkus/Myrellion hits all of these.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I would say NO to nuking NT cuz...of Gym, that fish-like girl cook and Gianna. It may be funny to blow all planets but I think maybe we get 1 or 2 max other planets down the line possible to blow up and I'm sure NT would be last one Fen want to see having "blow it into the pieces" option added.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The real mistake, in my humble imho, was providing options to destroy Tarkus and Myrellion. Not only were they completely pointless and weightless things to do, it suggests to players like numbnuts here that they should be able to do that with any planet that irks them.

But both of those situations are clear cases of devs administering punishment for players who don't read and/or make stupid mistakes. I don't think that they can be called absolutely weightless. They might be lacking when it coe emotional impact and intricate consequences, but they rip out decent chunks of content, which is what makes them actually sting for the players that gets target by them.

I would really like if the devs had chosen more subtle ways to improve the literacy of pervs, but I can't deny that it's effective.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
But both of those situations are clear cases of devs administering punishment for players who don't read and/or make stupid mistakes.

It's important to remember that, and the fact that the nukings are never presented as a choice the PC  is given. You're not allowed to evilly rub your hands together and drop a bomb on Tarkus. Both planet destructions are end consequences of your actions or inactions, not the other way around.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's pretty difficult to ignore how appalling it is when you know about in a meta context, get an email about it at the beginning of every save, see it as an option in your travel menu whenever you go anywhere, and... pretty much all of Reaha. And then Cass, too, if she leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Which, for me, she kind of does. Probably a few other odds and ends that bring up NT in some way or another, too.

It's completely integrated into the world, not some disconnected little fetish bubble that can be toggled off on a whim.

Well you care about it more than I do. Reaha makes it seem really scummy (which it is) but I can't be asked to care about it anymore. It's gonna stay and become a large part of the universe forever, so I stopped caring a while ago. You don't even have to read the email tbh, you can just click and delete it , that easy. In a meta sense, it's fucked up beyond all belief, but you can say that about anything in the TITS universe, imo. Again, I'd rather put a cap on this discussion and close the thread, before people start posting their college dissertations on morality, law and ethics in regards to a bimbo planet in a text-based porn game...which always happens when it comes to New Texas.


Aug 27, 2015
But both of those situations are clear cases of devs administering punishment for players who don't read and/or make stupid mistakes. I don't think that they can be called absolutely weightless. They might be lacking when it coe emotional impact and intricate consequences, but they rip out decent chunks of content, which is what makes them actually sting for the players that gets target by them.

I would really like if the devs had chosen more subtle ways to improve the literacy of pervs, but I can't deny that it's effective.

Punishing players in TiTS for not paying attention should always be a case of them getting raped or bad-ended, or if you can't be bothered/there's no obvious way of providing one, straight up killing them. This works out as a win-win for most concerned because as well as a clear message of "you fucked up" being sent, those who seek out bad ends/touches receive them - those who aren't can simply skip over and F9.

Nuking a planet as punishment for (in the author's opinion) player negligence is... I can't frame it in any positive way. The player themselves aren't punished, except in terms of content being locked out. What they usually end up doing, going off the times it comes up on here, is save editing their mistake away, because they sure as hell aren't going to live with it. So nothing is learnt. I myself as an author am punished for it, because any content I create which references these planets has to acknowledge the fact they might be irradiated rubble. I find that annoying particularly because of the points I outlined above - them being destroyed isn't interesting and doesn't enable sexy content, as for example the PC being a bimbo or a gosh darn war hero might.

It's important to remember that, and the fact that the nukings are never presented as a choice the PC  is given. You're not allowed to evilly rub your hands together and drop a bomb on Tarkus.

Genuinely would prefer it if it was framed that way instead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Towing the entire concept ran the risk of being inflammatory, much more could have been done to make the place not so polarizing or morally-charged, and potentially have it appeal to those it was designed to appeal to without invoking the ire of those that aren't interested in its content.

"People caring too much" isn't a valid dismissal of the problems they have.

Tbh I have nothing but Apathy for New Texas. Most of everyone who writes for TITS usually is only thinking with their dick/vagina with no care for the unfortunate implications that such an action could bring up. New Texas reeks of that to a degree so absurd that it goes from being morally abhorrent to just fucking ridiculous to the point in which I personally don't care anymore. Considering that people reliably starting bringing up a bunch a RL shit into which I don't think I text based porn game full of furries, monster girls (both masquerading as aliens) and futas with hyper sized dicks and tits needs to be associated with. TITS does have a deeper and more interesting universe than COC ever did, but damn it all, this shit gets out of hand way to often to be worth it.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
As screwed up as New Texas is it has some great content, and I'd rather develop a cure for the mental debilitations of the Treatment rather than destroy a whole planet full of (mostly) innocent people.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
My ideal fate for NT is to swap out the treatment for one that creates only cowmazons and faux cows. 
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
It's important to remember that, and the fact that the nukings are never presented as a choice the PC  is given. You're not allowed to evilly rub your hands together and drop a bomb on Tarkus. Both planet destructions are end consequences of your actions or inactions, not the other way around.

While I'm a bit late, I still want so say something about this :D

I really like the destruction of Tarkus-option, because it made sense and that it only happends because Steele tried to play cop and failed.

The destruction of Myrellion made less impact on me to be honest. I *knew* what I was doing when I took the option, so I only took it when I felt like it (aka never).

Also, I thought the entire point of that dungeon was to give Kara to a Dread Lord in person, so why would I piss them off by causing such destruction? oO

On topic: I don't really like New Texas (mostly because I don't really like Cow Girls ..or Texas for that matter =P), but I have to say that I don't really blame Big T that much for it.

First, he also took the treatment and thus is influenced by it. Secondly, he is a product of his enviroment, he does not share our morals, so I can't blame him for not trying to enforce them on a different culture..

It doesn't make me *like* him, but it makes him ..understandable.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
I really like the destruction of Tarkus-option, because it made sense and that it only happends because Steele tried to play cop and failed.

The destruction of Myrellion made less impact on me to be honest. I *knew* what I was doing when I took the option, so I only took it when I felt like it (aka never).

Also, I thought the entire point of that dungeon was to give Kara to a Dread Lord in person, so why would I piss them off by causing such destruction? oO

I seriously doubt that that Black Void care about Myrellion as anything more than a place to get more slaves, and i doubt it would inconvenience them that much if it was destroyed.

Also what the fuck man, how could you betray best kittyslut like that?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I seriously doubt that that Black Void care about Myrellion as anything more than a place to get more slaves, and i doubt it would inconvenience them that much if it was destroyed.

Also what the fuck man, how could you betray best kittyslut like that?

Easy , would rather want 60k or 30k


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
After all the ethical and moral discussions about the treatment and NT's society... you come up with the old nuke-all-planets idea, which is a funny one, I give you that, but don't you think you should get a shitload of hard-points for nuking a planet because you do not like it? I would like a bad end getting you in custody or some sort of well-guarded mental health institution for being way more of a psychopath than Steele jr. should be. Nuking planets out of stupidity or as a punishment for not reading (or not caring) are fun bits (on a meta level), but asking to be able to nuke a planet because you do not like the content and/or the presentation of it is psychopathic at best. And that should not be what this game is about.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
OP: 'I'll post about an obvious controversial topic, and get everyone to waste their time on it! kek'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lemme preface this with a disclaimer. I fucking hate NT, overall. It plays heavily to alot of my anti-kinks and what-not... but nuking is just neither satisfying nor interesting. Here's to hoping there will eventually be a dungeon-style mission involving the Treatment, and possible ways to re-engineer/destroy/do-nothing-with it.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, really blowing up Tarkus and Myr, while adding to the "why is TiTs actually kind of grimdark wtf" pile doesn't... actually do anything? Nothing is effected beyond that area and in both cases it's at the end of the story arc for the zone.

Unless planet four has a split where an investigation team starts snooping over you for potential involvement re:nuking and you're on the run or something. That'd be nice, I guess. If wholly distracting and TiTs already has a fairly slap dash narrative theme.

What is with Fen games and attracting a bunch of murderboner having sociopaths? Yeah, I get it, New Texas puts a bad taste in people's mouths, but there are a few who actually like the planet. I mean for fucks sake, it's not like you have to go the planet. You can just ignore its existence everyone who hates the fucking planet should.

"It's an RPG" is the usual excuse, not that... it's actually one.