New rpg under development


Aug 31, 2015
Recently I've begun development on a brand new game, loosely inspired by Harem Collector, SlaveMaker, CoC, and Otherworld. It is intended to be a 16-bit style role-playing game set in a dark & gritty fantasy world. The long-term goal is to create an open-world sandbox game, something like Skyrim meets Chronotrigger. Crafting skills, property ownership, pregnancy, romance, and more.

The game is set on the shattered remains of the world Evon, a fantasy post-post-apocalyptic setting. A thousand years ago the world was a dark place of medieval nations where magic did not exist and the gods did not answer prayers. Then the Fire in the Sky rained down destruction and pushed the sentient species to the edge of extinction. It fractured the world, leaving a pattern of mystical fault lines across the lands which were dangerous to traverse. Even worse, an after effect of the disaster left most species infertile. But it also brought magic to the world and the rise of the new gods who provided a way forward by discovering a cure that would allow people to become fertile again long enough to bear children. Over time new civilizations rose and communications were established through the mystical fault lines. The second great disaster happened when there was an attempt to seal the fractures and heal the world. Something went terribly wrong and the world shattered. The fractures widened and instead of keeping the various region of the world apart they became the only thing holding the world together. At the time of the game, the world has mostly recovered once again from this second cataclysm. However, deep scars remain and traveling between shards is often difficult and dangerous.

There are many lost shards where primitive and hostile lands await the careless traveler. Despite the shattering, some semblance of the world that was remains; four continents surrounding a central ocean. The northern continent is the home of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and other typical fantasy races. The western continent is occupied by the kemonomimi. The southern continent is the land of the furries. The eastern continent is the smallest but also most dangerous as it is where the dragons dwell along with lamias and other more monstrous races. In the middle of the central ocean lies the mountain island said to be the abode of the gods and angels.

As for the erotic content it is intended to have general appeal. Any pairing will be possible. Most of the common fetishes (bondage, footplay, lactation, etc)  will be supported although none will be required and there is a system to set your character's preferences which the game will use to pick appropriate scenes. There will be transformations as well, although they will not be as focused on as CoC focuses on them. The harder fetishes that are in the game (Non-con, tentacles, etc) can be disabled from the game's option menu which removes them completely from the game. There will be no under-age or similar content. Being a dark setting, there may be cannibalism but there will be no sexualized vore.

What is created so far is basically a tech demo. Character creation and customization is severely limited (and limited to creating only female characters until I can get the artwork for males & herms). Once in the game you can basically walk around, wear some clothes, and beat up a wandering slime. You can save and load the game state as well, but don't expect the save files to be compatible with future releases.

Mostly this is being posted so people can take a look and provide any feedback or suggestions. Also to see if anyone is interested in joining in with the creation, even if it just to point out a good location to find resources online. I can handle the software development side of things myself, however I lack any significant arts skills. All the current art resources are publicly licensed resources I have found with the exception of the graphics I have borrowed from Otherworld (with the permission of the artist, ZeroProfile).

Thanks to suggestions I've found on this forum, I've used as a file host. It is not publicly viewable there yet, but the page can be accessed through the following link:

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Aug 27, 2015
Interesting idea looking forward to seeing more of it. Also did you mean to say Otherworld twice in your first sentence?


Aug 31, 2015
Thanks! I'll certainly post an update here when I have more to show off with it.

And you are right, whoops, should only be one mention of Otherworld there. Going to edit that right now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
It has started good, i quite like it, however i didnt quite like the combat, perhaps its just me but i would ask more opinions about that.

The only problem i see is that you have made a really big world, and you dont choose some fetishes (you just plainly say all except lets say "hardcore" ones), this isnt truly bad but i have made a game in rpg maker just for the feeling and i understand that when the game is bigger its more easier to give up, the same happens with character customization. Yeah its good that you give more genders and all but... you may find that it will be a MASSIVE work, i would recommend less customization (choose one gender or two at max) so that you dont overwork yourself, because it will have too many variants in the h scenes and it means too much work, not even those who sell their games work so hard.

Now if i may i would like to give a few reccomendations i like to give because if you dont follow them its quite easy to drop it (see games like violated heroine and similars):

-Try to focus a lot in the maps, many people who do h games like to do many bad maps with almost nothing except fighting monsters, its better if its custom made even if you use a lot of time, especially in the citys, you have to take it slow, if not, people will have a feeling like "this was rushed" and even if they are here for the h scenes it will give a bad feeling.

-About the mechanics... if you include rape and other things it would be good to add sexual mechanics like dungeons and prisoners, however you are the one who chooses what to do.

-It would be better if you had writers and artists, if you need help with writing h scenes i can help, the only problem is that im not an english native, i dont think im too bad but i would require a lot of time to edit the text (im a bit slow), about the quality i think im okay, i cant compare with savin and people like him but im okay (if you want to do it all solo then okay dont worry, i just dont want you to overwork).

-Try to focus more on relationships than having a lot of different characters, i dont know if you played a h game called kingdom, it had some bad points but when it came to developing relationships it wasnt bad, could be better but it wasnt a bad try (i would reccomend the usual mechanic of "hidden" relationship points, its basic but effective).

-Last thing to say is that the quests are quite important, making boring quests and events will destroy all the hard work related to your customization of the game, i can help with it if needed.

I desire you good luck really, if you need anything just ask, if i cant help then perhaps another one could, and i truly hope that you can make a great game.

Yours sincerelly, Asestado, 

Good day to you all.


Aug 31, 2015
Thanks for the remarks, Asestado.

I know the project sounds rather large...and it is! Luckily, it isn't the first time I've worked on large-scale projects and I have a pretty good idea of what I am getting into. Trying to pare things down to a reasonable size has been something I've been focused on for it. Much of the world design and the entire "shattered world" concept actually came about as a way to reduce the amount of work needed. My original plan was for a more normal world based on the four continents. The problem with that was that I couldn't see any way of doing that without leaving vast areas undeveloped or putting everything else on hold while I built an entire world in one go. That was where the shattered world concept developed as a way to get around the problem. Now I can focus on the world one bit at a time and making sure each is well developed without leaving vast undeveloped areas hanging around and making the world feel empty.

What was it about the combat that you didn't like? Combat is still pretty rough and a work in progress and any suggestions you can give would be a big help.

I agree about the writers and artists! I'm not one of those that insists on doing everything alone. At some point when it is further developed I may even put the code up on github. The system isn't quite ready for writers to full production on it yet. There is a text parsing system that is made to manipulate and modify the input texts to reflect characters preferences, attributes, transformations and the like. You can actually see a bit of what it is capable of in the demo by checking out the difference in the text if you are defeated by the slime. It will be slightly different based on your character having the slime fetish checked or unchecked.

Do you have a link for Kingdom? It doesn't sound familiar to me, but it is worth taking a look.

I have a framework for an 'episode' system that will be used to manage quests. So if you are interested in creating quests for the game, I'll be sure to let you know when it has reached the point it is ready for that. I am designing it with a view towards letting other people add content.

Hope you have a great day as well!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You said you were looking for writers?  I find myself to be better than average when it comes to writing smut, as well as things that aren't smut related.  I also have a decent amount of free time, so I could get a respectable amount of work done if asked.

TL;DR  Decent writer offering services


Aug 31, 2015
I will be, once the project has reached the stage where it is ready for that written content. I'll keep you informed as things move along :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
Do you have a link for Kingdom? It doesn't sound familiar to me, but it is worth taking a look. here it is, i think it may be a bit usefull for you seeing the type of game you are doing. I think that its always good to play games which have a concept with similarities.

I hope it helps u, i think it should have torrents but i would have to find them and seeing that its just 3 parts plus the patch i think its not worth it.
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