New Frostwyrm Content Thread! [Current Project: Flurry The Frostwyrm (Implemented!)]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hello! I bring good news and content!

To celebrate the most recent milestone the secret document has achieved (I won't go into specifics, but we're currently at 84 pages), I've updated the public document with some talking scenes. It's not sexy content (that's the secret part!), but it provides a ton of character building for the Frostwyrm, so it's not just a slab of meat that you fuck/let fuck you.

The talking scenes include:
  • The Frostwyrm uses some unique language to refer to itself and to you - namely, the words Qim, which refers to it, and Qal, which refers to you. What do these words mean? Are there other Frostwyrm words you should know about?
  • You ask the Frostwyrm about its psionic abilities, and you ask if it's a skill that can be taught to you. Admittedly, I took some... liberties on how psionics would work in the TiTS universe, since there's no clear documentation on what psionics would do (at least, none that I found). This topic has no bearing on game mechanics, but I might have to change this one up a bit if the devs decide to take psionics in a different direction.
  • Once the Frostwyrm accepts you as a worthy mate, you note that you weren't exactly Plan A. You ask the Frostwyrm if there are other Frostwyrms on Uveto, and if so, where they might be. You weren't its first choice, but it went with you for a reason - what might that reason be?
I'm standing by my earlier prediction that the full, completed document should be available by late November. There isn't actually a lot left to do - at least, relatively. Fingers crossed!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I find the nuzzling and stuff from the talk scenes cute, it kinda reminds me of Chaurmine and his efforts to open up to you with was also adorable.

Can't wait for the rest of the doc! :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hello! My name is B, and I am here to show you the completed Frostwyrm expansion pack!

You can check out that nonsense here:

Here she is! All 64,583 words of her! And even a little ahead of my predicted schedule!

As promised, this document contains further interactions with the Frostwyrm, all the way from you two communicating and understand each other, to you two making babies and growing a big, happy Frostwyrm-hybrid family. This document includes:
  • Consensual sex, lots of it, with a goddamn dragon
  • A very small chance to daydream about the Frostwyrm or your kips while on your travels
  • A slightly larger chance to actually have a dream about the Frostwyrm or the kips
  • Pregnancies! Both you and the Frostwyrm can impregnate each other. The appearance of the Frostwyrm's lair changes depending on how many kips you have with her, until you have so many, you're a bonafide village
  • Speaking topics that expand on the worldbuilding and lore of the Frostwyrms, as well as additional speaking topics with the kips, involving you teaching each other about how to understand the world around you
  • Eight sex scenes total: four with the Frostwyrm and four with the kips (ten total if you count the dreams).
  • A good end! After you and the Frostwyrm have 100 children together (which, assuming your PC is a herm and you do literally nothing all game but birth babies, will take, at minimum, 50 in-game years), you can choose to end your adventure and start your new life as ruler of Uveto.
  • And much, much more!
We're going to put off submitting the document for a few days yet for a couple reasons, including giving you guys the opportunity to look through the doc and see if there's any continuity errors/illogical calls/spelling mistakes/whatever.

I'm gonna go pass out for a month or two, afk


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
God damn and after i put her down for good. Anyway great as usual B can't wait for more content from you in the future especially paige stuff after your hibernation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Looking through the stuff that changed since I last checked up on the doc makes me care far less about needing to lose, and care far more that I still can play a psyker yet so I can have my own space-magic wielding dragongirl.

Still can't wait to get my hands on this though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
oh hope it doesn't go through

It won't. It's still under B's control whatever changes to the document actually stick.

Things like this are why writers are told to set their docs to allow suggestions from people, but not changes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
B, not to sound ungratefull,but woulldn't PC's with the amazon enderance perk beable to keep up with the Frostwyrm? Als o now I want the eldest to either be a possible recruit or to get her oown private sex menu's cause o how well written she is. Also awesome sex scenes. you have the best writing stile.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Also shouldn't having gotten the blood from the Frostwyrm for the Frostwrym TF change things a bit? Looking through that doc shows that you can learn she's sapient by doing so.

Also her reacting to you TFing yourself to look like a Frostwyrm seems like it ought to be a thing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
B, not to sound ungratefull,but woulldn't PC's with the amazon enderance perk beable to keep up with the Frostwyrm?
At some point, you gotta give the writers a bit of leeway when it comes to their own writing. TiTS is such an incredibly customizable game that, if we were all to account for every possible thing - Naga and Taur PCs are the big ones, but then there are the myriad of perks to think about - nothing would ever finish. So, plz 4give :(

Als o now I want the eldest to either be a possible recruit or to get her oown private sex menu's cause o how well written she is. Also awesome sex scenes. you have the best writing stile.
I'm not going to lie, I was toying with the idea of writing a Frostwyrmling recruit when I was around half-done with the document. Not the firstborn, though - something like, after having 20 or 30 kips, you meet one on Irestead. She opted to forgo Frostwyrm traditions and try to live her own life, without needing her parents - when you meet her, she's already grizzled and demystified, from how drastically different life was outside of the lair and how everyone's thoughts are cruel and lewd, but she wasn't willing to give up yet. She's taken on a name of her own and accuses you of not recognizing which of her many sisters she actually is. You offer to take her on as a crewmate - at first, she's hesitant, because getting away from her parents was the whole goal in the first place, but she reluctantly joins.
That's all just an idea, of course, that's very low in the priorities list, if it ever happens.

Also, thank you for the compliment! It's always nice to hear when people appreciate my writing.

Also shouldn't having gotten the blood from the Frostwyrm for the Frostwrym TF change things a bit? Looking through that doc shows that you can learn she's sapient by doing so.
I was under the impression that taking her blood this way ends the Frostwyrm's content permanently. It also "breaks the rules" when Frosty communicates with the PC after the PC's victory.

Also her reacting to you TFing yourself to look like a Frostwyrm seems like it ought to be a thing.
That was an idea that I kinda just didn't get around to doing, haha. You'd walk into the lair as a Frostwyrm, and she (and, optionally, the kips) would be so overjoyed and exploratory that it would force a random sex scene to play.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
No your Treatment perk doesn't trump a 25 foot tall alien dragon monster with space magic psionics.

Also while we are using Couch's quest, we're not using his method of obtaining the blood. Instead B has his own method in this doc.

By the way B why didn't you do the TF reaction? Pretty sure I ok'd it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
That makes sense. Do hope that a companion is something you get to at some point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Went ahead and updated the doc: there's a new scene that plays when you summon the Frostwyrm on the coast if you've since turned into a Frostwyrm yourself. It ends with one of the two breeding-with-the-Frostwyrm scenes playing automatically. Also, updated the Good End a bit to give Dr. Lessau some love if you're a Frostwyrm when you take over Uveto (never mind how old he'll probably be at the time)

If there's no other major hiccups, I'll be submitting the doc tonight!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Submitted the doc. Now we play the waiting game (the most fun game imo)