New Frostwyrm Content Thread! [Current Project: Flurry The Frostwyrm (Implemented!)]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This finishes the talk about his scars, and also does two more talk scenes: one on where other Frostwyrms might be, and one on what he thinks of his current family arrangement. Hoping to get one more talk topic in.
But hey! Now [] has a mate – more than that, he has a <b>family</b>. He has a Qal, and while it wasn’t his initial plan, now he has [fw.andNykke|not just one, but <b>two</b> other Qims to call his own and share his life with|another Qim to share his life with]. He had started with nothing, and now he has more than most other Frostwyrms would ever have in their lifetimes. And now he doesn’t have to worry about being attacked or hunted in []’s lair!

[], however, does not share your enthusiasm. <i>If only that were true,</i> he laments. <i>I had done everything in my power not to attract the attention of those that would undo me, and yet, their attention I had regardless. I trust you, my Qal, and I trust [] – it was no small miracle that you brought me into your household as it is. But there is a part of me that is apprehensive that I will not one day awake to find the lair under siege by those that would have my head.</i>

From the emotions you’re feeling through your psionic link with him – namely, anxiety – he’s being serious. There’s a worrying thought that lingers within him that he’ll never find peace.

You assure him: if there were ever any intruders on []’s island, they’ll have to deal with you. This is your family in this cave, too.

It’s only words, of course… but you can feel that it gives [] some small comfort. His head cranes towards you so that his enormous chin can rest on your lap. He’s not light, but it’s not uncomfortable enough that you ask him to get up. <i>Should fortune be with us, your words will remain only words.</i>

With that, the conversation ends with the sound of []’s throat lightly churring, the purrs echoing off the icy walls of the lair.
<i>It would be untrue to say that no part of me still yearns for that normalcy I had sought most of my life. A lair of my own; a mate that shares my biology; and a typical clutch of two-to-three kips. A setting as such would be all I would need to join the Grand Qim feeling as though I had done all I needed in the world.</i>

[] turns his head towards you, his four red eyes half-lidded as he regards you with affection and contentment. <i>And yet, every statement [] has made about you has turned out correct. In every manner, you have gone above the standard of what I would have considered a ‘proper mate’ to have been. Our kips are educated. I have companionship that I would not have had with a traditional coupling. And the mating – by the Grand Qim, I had never anticipated such pleasures could possibly exist. Even if I had the opportunity – or the inclination – for a ‘proper’ mate, I am afraid that you have sexually spoiled me for anyone or anything else.</i>

[] lowers his head until the tip of his snout is just a few inches from your [pc.chest]. With his every breath, his nostrils flex, and a warm blast of air washes over you. <i>There is value in normalcy. And yet, there is more to the abnormal. The arrangement between you and I and [fw.andNykke|Nykke and ][] is abnormal.</i> He leans forward until his snout gently presses against your chest, and his eyes close in content. <i>Now that I know the value in the abnormal, I would not have it any other way.</i>


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 3,800 words! This does one-and-a-half talk scenes - one where you discuss his past, and one where you ask about his personal kinks.

(Edrei is a Eitan's mom, a character I wanted to write someday)
[] turns his head to face toward the central dome of the lair, where [] resides. He lets out a long sigh through his nose; you watch the steam shoot several feet before disappearing into the air. <i>I was hatched a clutch of two,</i> he begins. <i>My bearer Qal joined the Grand Qim six Sky Cycles after my bearer Qim. As is typical for my kind, once our bearers joined the Grand Qim, we had left the nest in search of mates of our own.</i>{first time|

You tell [] that [pc.race]s have a somewhat similar euphemism for death: you call it ‘passing away.’ You’re curious, though: when your kind die, you usually do anything from burning the remains to ashes, or burying the body under the ground, or some combination of both. Sometimes, someone might do something different. How do Frostwyrms handle the remains of those that ‘join the Grand Qim?’

Again, you feel [] sift through your memories, search for multiple different words and phrases that you had just used. When he’s finished, he recoils slightly, as if you had just slapped him in the nose. <i>This practice of yours is untenable!</i> he balks. <i>There is no equivalent to this heinous exercise among my kind, and for good reason! You truly mean to imply that your kind treat your fallen with such odious methods?!</i>

You suppose it can be seen as barbaric, in a sense, but, on the other hand, your kind reproduce significantly faster than Frostwyrms, and your lifespans aren’t nearly as long (generally). Your kind can’t just let the bodies stay there and pile up – you’d run out of places to put them in a hurry. You understand that it might be a sudden thing for someone like [] to realize, but you ask him, as his Qal, to trust that different species have different approaches to different issues.

[] takes a moment to collect himself as he stews on your words. Eventually, he lowers his head back to the position it was before. <i>As you say,</i> he relents, although his voice comes out unsteady and unfocused. <i>To answer your question… I am uncertain. The phrase ‘joining the Grand Qim’ is not a colloquialism: it is literal. The call occurs to us each individually, at different times; when one is summoned, they leave the nest and do not return. No one of my kind truly knows what becomes of one when they are summoned.</i>

How eerie – if that’s true, they don’t even leave bodies behind for their offspring to find and figure out what happened.
<i>The alpha was, to date, the most difficult of my encounters,</i> he confirms. <i>And, now that I have a clutch and a nest of my own, my last, with any fortune. The alpha fought with a strength I was unready for; with a ferocity matched only by my own; with a cunning foretelling of a proud and proper Qal like yourself. They had strength enough to pry my jaw apart; they had speed enough to counter my every swipe; they were nimble and endurant enough to retaliate from a thrash of my tail after it had struck true. The alpha among the trio had time and again proven its mettle – I often consider the alternative reality of the two in its entourage joining the encounter, and how blessed I am that such a reality did not befall.</i>

[] is really talking up whoever this opponent of his was. If the match was so even and deadlocked, how did he win?

<i>By chance, ultimately,</i> he admits. <i>A beat of my wing caused the cold dust to stir; the billows caught in the alpha’s eyes, and, whilst it was distracted, I lunged for its torso, sinking my jaws into its body and across its upper limb. The taste of its blood flooded my mouth and dripped from my maw, but I had no intention of earning my kill – once the tide of battle had shifted, its entourage sprang to action, and I took my gained opportunity to escape.</i>

{PC has met Edrei, Eitan’s mom. This is very far future-proofing but better do it now|Wait a minute… a Frostwyrm, having fought an ‘alpha’ that stood on two legs and wielded a spear, and the Frostwyrm won by biting into its chest and arm, which would have left long, deep, repeating scars on their body….

That sounds like Edrei, the former alpha of Eitan’s tribe and Eitan’s own mother. [] is the Frostwyrm that defeated her and forced her into retirement.

You should… maybe keep this information to yourself. And hope that none of your Frostwyrm mates go poking around in your head about it. You wouldn’t want either [] or Edrei to know that you’re friendly with their rival.
<i>After having consummated our mating pact with you and [], my Qal, I now understand the scent in the air to be that of another of my kind in the throes of their heat. I do not know how or why this smaller creature emitted such a fragrance. At that moment… I am ashamed to say that I lost control of myself. Mating was all I had the faculty to process. And so, I mated this small creature.</i>

With him doing the penetrating, right? It’s impressive to think that there’s someone or something else out there that’s capable of handling an entire Frostwyrm dick.

At first, [] doesn’t respond, so taken aback at your casual acceptance of the fact that he’s mated before he met with you. At first, you feel tension through the psionic link as he readies himself for what he believes to be an emotional fallout, but it turns to relief when he begins to realize that you were earnest in what you said before: that you weren’t going to judge him for it.

<i>The creature continued to babble sounds through the act. I am unsure if it was trying to communicate with me, or to something else. The whole of my mind and body was focused on mating it, and my drive lasted for as long as the scent continued to linger in the air. I had seeded the creature multiple times before the scent – and the sensation – faded, and my senses returned to me.</i>

{Watched the scene of Steph Irson fucking a Frostwyrm|Wait a minute… a creature, standing [pc.isTaur|somewhat ]like yourself; was awfully chatty the entire time; used pheromones to get a creature like [] to behave irrationally horny; and is capable of taking a Frostwyrm’s dick, and therefore is likely to have had more than a few other insertions to practice with beforehand….

That sounds like Steph Irson, the famous, uh, conservationist that you see a lot on the viewports. Steph’s show, <i>Steph Irson’s Galactic Huntress</i>, is pretty famous for a handful of reasons – not the least of which is that she has lots of wild, raunchy sex with whatever topic creature she’s on about at the time. You even remember that episode of her having sex with a Frostwyrm. If you had known that this was ‘recent’ and not something she had taped long in advance, you could have tried to meet her and ask her where she found [] – you and [] could have been more proactive in meeting him.

Wait… if you can crossbreed with Frostwyrms, then shouldn’t she be able to, as well?
After a moment of consideration, he responds. <i>Your question was to ask me what it is I ‘liked’ during mating. What is it <b>you</b> like, my Qal?</i>

You pause for a moment – then laugh to yourself. Well, having sex with dragons is pretty up there. Even better when it’s with <b>two</b> dragons[fw.andNykke|. And don’t even get you started if there are <b>three</b> dragons].


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
Updated Flurry with 3,800 words! This does one-and-a-half talk scenes - one where you discuss his past, and one where you ask about his personal kinks.

(Edrei is a Eitan's mom, a character I wanted to write someday)
It is weird to me that a character that speaks so much about death, causing frosty to bring up chicks dying, home invention and being in life-threatening combat, that he is against the use of graves for those that died before being summoned. What would he do if he found a slain Frostwyrm in the wilderness? Use runescape praying to pray the corpse away for xp? Maybe he should just not like cremation and that old people don't go to the grand qim?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
The purpose for Flurry's reaction to how we treat our dead is meant to emphasize culture shock and that Frostwyrms have different standards and methods than we do.

Flurry (and Frosty) hasn't seen any other Frostwyrms in their time, alive or dead, but if he did, his reaction would likely be to just leave it alone and let nature deal with it, i.e. let it be food for smaller races.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 4,000 words! Learn his sexual kinks; give him some scratches in those sensitive spots; and have a kid with your big maleherm dragon!

The start to my August is a bit turbulent. I'll try to get back to him on the 15th but I might need to push it back to the 22nd.
In truth, I cannot think of any examples in particular.</i>

You sigh in disappointment. Nothing at all?

<i>Not in the sense that you mean, and not at this time,</i> he answers cryptically. <i>Mating with you[fw.andNykke|, Nykke,] and [] has introduced me to pleasures unfathomable to my kind – and my greatest desire is to experience more of it. As frequently and as often as possible.</i> He hesitates – and suddenly, you feel lust beginning to seep into you through his otherwise-carefully-maintained psionic link with you. <i>In as many ways as possible. In as many different orifices as possible….</i>

… Oh, he just wants to get <b>fucked</b>.

You confirm with him: he has [fw.andNykke|three|two] partners available whenever he wants, and he wants it in every hole: his pussy; his mouth; his anus. He wants to be ridden; he wants to be <b>filled</b> and <b>used</b>. He wants his cock used; sucked; rode; and pleased. Does that all sound like a good time to him?

The more descriptive you get, the more the lust seeps, then pours, then floods into you through the psionic link. []’s tongue slowly lolls from his mouth and his breathing starts to get belabored and heavy. And you can hear the sound of his {Throbb’d Flurry|already-swollen }genital vent beginning to peel, making way for his {Throbb’d|monstrous, turgid }cock as he gets erect.

That’s all the confirmation you need, personally.
You run your hand over []’s smooth belly scales, feeling along the swell of his stomach. He breathes a long, relaxed sigh at your touch, causing his torso to expand and slowly deflate with his breath. Even something as a light stroke of the palm on his body is enough to cause him to relax.

With that in mind, though, you can think of something else that he’ll enjoy even more.

Your hand reaches further upward, in between his frontmost legs; he{first time|, perhaps subconsciously| knowingly} spreads his legs a bit to give you a bit more room. He’s a big dragon and you have a hard time really reaching very far upward, but once you’re about as square in between his legs as you think you can be, you crook your fingers so that your nails press gently onto his scales, and you start scratching. And not just a gentle stroke of the nails, either: you rapidly move your wrist back and forth, really grinding your fingers into []’s scales.

{first time|<i>My Qal, what –</i> he starts, but the line of thought is instantly interrupted by white noise in your psionic link, followed by <i>immediate</i> pleasure and contentment. Not the same kind of pleasure and contentment you’d get from sex: more like, well, the kind you get when you scratch an itch that’s been bothering you for a while.|<i>Ah, yes,</i> [] drones, his mind lingering on the S before becoming static noise in your mind. A sense of pleasure and contentment floods into you via your link with him – not quite as intense as the first time you surprised him with scratches like this, but powerful all the same.} Reflexively, his legs pull farther apart, giving you more access to his chest for you to scratch – and his left middle leg begins to kick at nothing, pawing and scratching at the air in time with your hand scratching at his stomach.
Shortly after everything’s calmed down and you’re beginning to return to normalcy – whatever ‘normalcy’ is in a dragon’s lair, where you have regular sex with [fw.andNykke|three|two] dragons whenever you want – you notice that []’s demeanor has changed for the better. He’s returned to his normal resting place, sitting on his stomach with all six of his legs tucked underneath himself. His neck is raised but his head is hanging low, with his eyes closed. And there’s a heavy purring sound emanating from his whole chest, loud enough to echo off the smooth, icy walls.

[] always exhibited sexual afterglow too, but usually not like this. You approach [] and ask him if the sex was really that good.

He takes a moment to reply; his eyes slowly blink open before he does, and when he looks down at you, it’s with a sort of warm, gentle regard. It sort of reminds you of the look a mother gives when she’s contentedly holding her baby. <i>I have every reason in this world to be as I am now,</i> he answers. <i>I have a home; a Qal; a family{first kid with Flurry|; and soon,</i> he finishes, his head craning downward slightly to look across his body, <i>a clutch.</i>|; and, with that most recent coupling,</i> he finishes, his head craning downward slightly to look across his body, <i>our clutch will be growing larger.</i>}
It takes about two months for []’s body to show any significant difference, and even then, it’s not much: Frostwyrm eggs are about the size of a normal human baby when they’re laid, and Frostwyrm biology is large enough that they can support something that comparatively small with ease. The biggest outward difference is that []’s belly gets a little firmer, and he doesn’t look like he put on some weight so much as it looks like he just had a little bit too much to eat.

Another two months later, and, right on schedule, the egg’s gestation period ends: [] was keeping himself entertained by scouting different parts of the lair and grinding his horns against one of the rougher walls to smoothen both, when, suddenly, it happens. You feel through your psionic link with him that the egg is ready before he has a chance to enunciate it to anyone. He’s gently lead back to his normal resting spot where he passes the egg easily and without complications, and, after a thorough cleaning, you’re left with a normal, healthy Frostwyrm egg.{Flurry’s first kid|

After laying the egg, []’s whole attention is devoted strictly to it: everything from the exact position it’s in as it lies on its side, incubating safely beneath him, to counting the seconds it’s left in the air when he needs to get up for any reason. You sometimes catch him staring at it, with his chin resting against the floor.

The emotion you feel from him is… powerful. It’s not just love or adoration; it’s something else. His entire life was devoted to this moment: to finding a mate and laying his first kip, and now, after going so long without a mate and having escaped so many fights with his life just to get to this moment… it’s here. Inside that egg is a real kip. His kip.

It’s not an emotion that can be adequately put to words.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry for being late again, but I updated Flurry with 10k words! This finishes his pregnancy; the entire PC's pregnancy; you can give him Throbb to make his dick and balls bigger; and it gets most of the way through his first sex scene, where you get him on his back and you sit on his big dragon dick!
At the end of the fourth month, your {kip is|kips are} fully matured: {it stands|they stand} roughly ten feet tall; {it knows|they know} how to fly, hunt, and empathize; and {it’s|they’re} ready to start contributing to the clutch. Watching {it|them} leave the lair to hunt for food to bring back is exciting, but, in a way, bittersweet.

You rest against []’s stomach; the feeling of contentment you both have is all-encompassing. You’ve both done your duties as Qim and Qal.

You look up at []’s face just as he looks down at yours. You both have the same thought at the same time.

You’re both in the mood to do it all over again.

Starting with your next kip’s conceptualization….
Yes, actually: you ask him if he, well… if he knows what the average penis size is for Frostwyrms.

[] twists his head to one side as he considers the question. You had apparently caught him by surprise; it takes a moment for him to form a full thought. <i>No,</i> he answers eventually. <i>Apart from [], the only others of my kind that I am familiar with are my bearers, and this is not a topic of conversation that has come up with any regularity.</i>

Well, so much for that line of thought. You instead ask him if he’s noticed that []’s penis is larger than his. By a substantial amount.

<i>Is it?</i> he asks, spreading his lower legs again and eyeing his own vent. <i>I did notice that there was a difference between mine and hers, but you say it is ‘substantial?’</i>

Maybe the difference isn’t very big for Frostwyrms, given that their bodies are so huge, but you’re not a [pc.ra Frostwyrm|pureblood ]Frostwyrm yourself: from where you are, the difference between them is <b>significant.</b> Twelve inches of cock is a <b>big</b> difference for you.

[] continues to stare at his own vent for a moment before shakily lowering his leg and keeping himself decent once more. <i>Is this an imperative issue?</i> he asks. <i>Is my health in jeopardy? Is []’s?</i>

No, nothing like that. It’s just… when you first asked him what pronouns he’d prefer to go by, he said that he preferred male pronouns because he thought they sounded ‘manly.’ In your culture – which he based his decision on – another sure sign of ‘manliness’ is if you have a big dick. The bigger the dick, the manlier you are.

Now that you say it, it sounds kind of backwards and toxic. But that’s just how it works, unfortunately.

[] flares his nostrils and his brow visibly furrows. Frostwyrms aren’t capable of facial expressions like your kind is; now that you’ve told him that []’s dick is bigger, and that your culture would conflate that with [] being more masculine than he is, it really seems to bother him.
After about a minute of foreplay and anxious waiting, [], quite suddenly, lurches upright: his spine and neck both straighten out and his eyes focus on nothing in particular in the distance. His mouth snaps shut; his eyelids widen; and his nostrils flare in surprise. <i>Wait,</i> is all he says before, just as suddenly, his back arches, curling him into a C-shape. He lets out a long, heavy, throaty exhale as his haunches quiver with both pleasure and tension, as if he was trying to push something with his legs as hard as he could.

You hear a peculiar sound: it reminds you of a leather jacket being put on, or a leather chair being sat on. With a beat of []’s heart, his cock lurches upright, and a massive jet of pearly-white cum sprays from his tip with enough velocity to reach the opposite wall behind him. It’s difficult to really gauge, since he keeps moving around so much, but it looks as though both his cock and his balls have gotten slightly larger after that….

With a lurch, [] rolls over onto his front, his legs – and his erect-and-growing-larger dick – narrowly missing you as they swing down. He stands on all sixes, facing away from the center of the lair; he impishly humps his hips at the air, and with every thrust of his hips, his cock swings and sways beneath the barrel of his stomach, his cum spraying every which way with every thrust. His jaws tighten and his lips curl upwards, baring his teeth as he hisses in effort and spittle drips from the corners of his mouth. With every buck of his hips, his cock grows visibly larger and his already-massive nuts grow larger between his legs, which in turn gives him more cum to paint the floor with.

On top of it being a hot sight, you’re feeling everything that he’s feeling via your psionic link: it’s easy to feel like [pc.hasRealCock|it’s <b>your</b> dick that’s getting bigger and fatter with every pulse|you not only have a dick, but it’s also getting bigger and fatter with every beat of your heart]. You have to look down at yourself to make sure that that’s not the case. You can’t help but reach down to your [pc.hasCock|dick and start furiously beating it|pussy and start furiously fingering it]; you feel all of the pleasure that [] is feeling, and you’re suddenly in need of an outlet.
[] is hardly static and passive while you fellate him, though: with the same sort of aplomb you’re showing him, he cranes his long neck down towards you, his tongue extended, and he begins to lather it along your [pc.ass]. His long, wet, thick tongue reaches all around your thighs; it reaches up along your back; it repeatedly and thoroughly glides against the globes of your ass; and as soon as he finds your [pc.vagOrAss] (for as thorough as his tongue is, it lacks dexterity), he pays some <b>special</b> attention to those.]

With his every exhale, you feel his breath washing against your now-wet ass and lower back. He licks at your body like it was a candy that he just can’t get enough of, and you reciprocate with just as much energy, licking and kissing and sucking at different parts of his cock as more and more flesh rises from his genital slit. In short order, there’s more cock than you could hope to do proper service to with your mouth, so you introduce both of your hands to jerk off his pole while you suck on him, but those are still only capable of doing so much.

{first time|<i>Bathing our mate is a sign of affection, particularly during mating, although… it’s certainly not so… direct,</i> [] notes. His voice comes to you surprisingly clearly, although he’s not using his mouth to speak. <i>I see the custom is somewhat akin to kinds like yours, my Qal.</i>

Calling it a ‘custom’ is one way of putting it. You mentally respond that the short of it is that you want some of that wet, fat dragon dong in your mouth.

Your response causes [] to hesitate for only a moment. <i>As you say,</i> he concedes, before redoubling his efforts with his tongue on your ass. <i>I am amenable to your flavor as well.</i>|[] is going at your ass rather energetically; his smooth, warm tongue drags up your right cheek, then across your lower back, then down and across every part of your crotch, before starting again up the other cheek and repeating the pattern. <i>[pc.ra frostwyrm|Your kind|[pc.race]s] are very inventive with their mating habits,</i> he admits to you. <i>Mating with our mouths is so atypical of what I had come to expect, and yet now that I have experienced it, I cannot return to normalcy.</i>

[] often said things like ‘the Grand Qim would be envious of mating the way you do.’ You ask [] agrees with her – while your mouth is busy slurping up another fat dollop of his draconic pre.

<i>Without question,</i> he answers, focusing the tip of his tongue against your [pc.vagOrAss] and wriggling it about there before moving on.]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry I'm late, but I updated Flurry with 4,000 words! This finishes the scene where you ride his big dragon dick, and it gets most of the way through you fucking his big dragon pussy (or butt, if you want). Non-dick-havers can fist him instead!
Eventually, you lose your balance on his cock and you fall forward, planting your body on []’s stomach[pc.cumSNVH|| and splashing into the cum pool you’ve left on him| and submerging up to the elbows in your own cum pool that you’ve left on him]. As you fall, you feel []’s thick, turgid dick slip from your [pc.vaghOrAss] – the sensation of something so big, thick, and warm being pulled from your abused hole is enough to make you cum again – leaving it upright in the air… and still pumping.

Despite not having a body on top of it anymore, [] is so amped on his own sexual high that his cock continues to pulse and throb, his cum firing straight into the air and raining down onto your back. His hips convulse involuntarily; with every jerk, another fat wad of his jizz audibly splurts from his broad tip and comes down across your body like a shower, painting your back, your [pc.ass], and your [] in his jizz[pc.cumSNVH|| and deepening the mess you’re in|and adding to the cum pool so much that it starts to overflow, sinking you deeper into the muck of your combined outputs]. By the time he’s finally close to spent, you feel like you have fifteen pounds of dragon jizz weighing you down – and <b>then</b> his cock, slowly losing its rigidity, begins to descend onto your back as well, with the errant glob of jizz shooting from his tip across some part of your back every now and again.]

Sexually spent and exhausted, both of you panting like you had run a marathon, it’s all too tempting to let the darkness overtake you….
You move your hand along the length of his vulva, itself a bit bigger than your forearm, with your fingers gently wrapped around the malleable petal. With how smooth and warm it is, it almost feels like you’re stroking a dick, with your fingers pressed against the inside of the edge. The more you move, the greater []’s bodily response is: his breath comes out ragged and choppy, and he can’t help but lurch his hips upward occasionally when you reach a particularly sensitive set of nerves. And unlike a dick, the more aroused he gets, the softer the vulva becomes.

Your left arm is busy keeping you from getting crushed underneath the weight of [fw2.throbb|just one immense draconic ball|his massive set of balls], so you have to move your hand from playing with his pussy to a bit northward, towards his bulging and throbbing clit – not yet fully aroused, but well on the way. It’s the size of a doorknob, or an apple: when you grip onto it, it fills your hand a little more than you can comfortably squeeze. But you do so anyway, and you lift and push and twist it; actions that would make a normal woman cry out in pain, but with your relative sizes, every movement you make on his clit sends his hips jerking and quivering with such force that he nearly bucks you off his tail. <i>My Qal, please,</i> he begs, but he doesn’t finish the thought, leaving you to wonder what he’s begging for.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 4,000 words! This finishes the scene where you fuck him 'missionary' and it gets a little over halfway through a scene where you convince him to blow himself. These scenes focus a lot on the size difference between you two, if you're into that!
After all of that, you find yourself totally out of breath and exhausted, desperately clinging to consciousness – which is a bit hard when the air around you is so saturated with []’s musk that you’re pretty sure you’re breathing more horny dragon pheromones than you are air. The strength starts to leave your body–

And the last thing you’re conscious for before blacking out is your left arm finally giving out, and the whole weight of []’s [fw2.throbb|gigantic right nut|combined balls] come crashing down on top of you, slapping you in the back and slamming your face into his [pc.hasCock|taint, where the musk is strongest. Frostwyrms don’t sweat, but there’s definitely <b>something</b> built up in that crease of scales where his balls meet his body|pussy, freshly orgasmed and sated, but still so soaking wet that the folds easily part to welcome your face. You were having trouble breathing before: now, you’re literally face-deep in dragon pussy juice].

Whatever. You’re tired. If you die face-down in a dragon’s [pc.hasCock|taint|cunt], that’s how you die.
[] huffs through his nostrils in amusement. <i>There is no need to be so whimsical,</i> he says to you. <i>What you are about to ask of me is not a mystery.</i>

You’ll just have to work on you being so easy to read, then.

<i>What <b>is</b> a mystery to me is how pleasure is derived from it at all,</i> he continues. <i>Every attempt on this act without you results in no pleasure at all. And, similarly, you are receiving no tactile gratification when you <b>are</b> here. Yet, despite these absences, bathing my penis with you here invariably provides relief unlike anything I felt before.</i>

It's not difficult to understand, really: it’s sexually enticing to you. Sex among your kind isn’t always physical: even watching someone else masturbate could result in a strong sexual response. Sex could be something as abstract as an <i>idea</i>, not a physical act.

But you’re both delaying by putting too much focus on the cognitive aspects of what is essentially a hands-on porno. You want to watch your big dragon husband[silly|u] stick his dick in his own mouth, and you both already know that he’s going to enjoy it.

<i>As you say, my Qal,</i> he says, his lungs heaving in a crude mimicry of laughter.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This update finishes the scene where he blows himself (and you participate) and it does the aftercare scene where you cool off with your dragon husbandu, with some variances depending on which scene you did.

I'll be back to Flurry on the 14th!
[] is also panting from the adrenaline and exercise, but despite that, there’s one feeling that’s absolutely emanating from him and his psyche: total, absolute satiation. He’s gone his whole life trying to survive out in the wilderness, and it’s clear that now that he has a Qal like you, he simply can’t get enough of the ‘good life’ that you provide him.

Despite that, though, you knew what he was going to say next before he says it.

<i>Notify me when your stamina has returned.</i>

That’s [fw.andNykke|three|two] dragons you’ve got absolutely hooked on the things you can do to them. Nobody fucks like [pc.ra frostwyrm|you can|a [pc.race] does]. Nobody could ever fuck your dragons like their Qal can.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
On Flurry this week and updated him with 2,000 words! This update goes in-depth into what it'd be like to get a very thorough tongue-bath from two giant, horny dragons. Bath time has never been so... tasty.
[] brings her snout closer to your body, her nose pressing right up against your form. Her nostrils flare as she takes in your scent – psyching herself up for the inevitable flow of lust you’re about to generate in her, maybe – before her tongue snakes out, its massive, broad shape pressing up against the front of your body and gently licking upward, leaving a long, wet swath of saliva across your form[pc.heightRange 0 60|. A single pass of her tongue is enough to cover your entire body: you’re not very tall, and she’s <b>huge</b>. She could easily wrap her whole tongue around you if she wanted|. One pass of her tongue goes from your [pc.feet] to your head, but it’s not quite enough to cover you: you’re tall enough that she’ll need more swipes than that to cover your whole body. Which is exactly what you wanted].

Just as [] gets started on you, [] leans down, his snout coming in from above, and his own tongue starts coming at you from another angle: the massive, pink appendage bears down on you like a heavy, wet blanket before twisting to one side, the strong muscles coiling around your body, wrapping loosely around your head and a bit more tightly around the shoulders. Frostwyrm tongues are especially smooth, but you can still feel the microscopic buds of his tongue gently brush against your [pc.skinFurScales], lightly nudging you in the direction it goes before the whole thing suddenly pulls back upward and starts again.
It’s hard to breathe with your body being pressed so harshly by two giant, slithering tongues on either side of you. Your hips pump and surge with every little tickle and jostle they make on your body and you can feel your heart rate starting to pick up; every time you feel a long, thick, slimy appendage against your inner thighs, you feel like you might cross the threshold right then and there. Your fingers want to grip onto something, but with how smooth and slippery your Frostwyrm’s tongues are, there’s nothing to grab onto.

You’re totally at their mercy as they lick, lick, lick, their buds pressing and surging across both your front and your back at once; since you started, there has been a part of a tongue on every single part of your body, where you had never felt a tongue be before. The perverse idea of [] and [] sloppily making out with you between their tongues, jumbling around you like you were a piece of candy that they were fighting over, your taste coating their buds and your lust enticing them for more–


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 1,920 words! This finishes the bath time scene (whether or not you're actually clean is up to interpretation) and it gets started on a more """typical""" threesome between a normal PC and two enormous dragons. You can choose to top or bottom for them both!
<i>There is one remaining task left to complete,</i> [] says – and before you regain enough cognizance to know what she’s referring to, the tip of her tongue surges into your slack mouth, filling it more than you’ve ever felt something fit into your jaw before. It wiggles up and down; it pushes against the inside of your cheeks; it presses your own [pc.tongue] flat against the floor of your mouth; the only thing you can taste is her tongue (mixed with whatever fluids you’ve given her) as it absolutely dominates your mouth.

When she withdraws, your mouth is left feeling vacuous and cold… only for it to be replaced with []’s, his tongue clenching around your body tightly enough to press you against his snout so he has enough slack to get his tongue into your mouth. His tongue’s tip has been chopped off from battle, so the flat stub of his tongue isn’t as dexterous as []’s, but there are only so many ways to interpret having a fat slab of meat in your mouth: with whatever strength you have left, your tongue flails against his, comparing his flavor to []’s – you don’t know what the difference is in their diets, but somehow, []’s is just a bit sweeter. Maybe you’re just more used to hers.
You both hear six heavy footsteps from deeper into the lair. You pull away from [] and step around her massive body, and she lifts her head and looks over her haunches, both of you looking towards the sound: there, just around the bend of the lair’s walls, is [], looking towards you both as if he was answering a summons. You feel it from him, too: the lust, unbidden, meshing and molding with yours and []’s. When he steps forward, you see the bob of his giant, pink cock, only slightly protruding from his penile vent – but getting longer and fatter in a hurry, with his pre dripping from its tip in long, pearly strands.

Without a word shared between you three, [] approaches the dais you and [] are on, and both he and [] get into a familiar position: their haunches pressed together, with [] on the left and [] on the right, their front ends lowered to the floor of the lair. In front of you are two flushed dragon pussies; two winking dragon anuses; and four absolutely massive dragon testicles, flanking a pair of stout-but-inflating cocks, dripping with arousal and painting the floor underneath their bellies.

It’s time to get to work.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! In this update, you top two 20ft tall, 40ft long dragons: you pound one and you fist the other. If your cum quantity is below a threshold, you only cum in Flurry; if it's above, you cum in both.
[]’s reaction is wholly different from []’s: where she relaxed and sighed and laid down so you’d have easier access to her haunches, []’s spine straightens; his whole body gets tense; his pussy clamps harshly around your arm, keeping it from moving; and he nearly stands upright, dragging your whole body with him as he goes. [] reacted as a lover would when she feels her partner be with her once again; [] reacted appropriately for someone that just had an entire arm shoved up their vagina.

The swell of emotions coming from both of your dragons swirl in your mind: the content from [] merges with the shocked, lustful need from [] at feeling something so alien enter his body. They melt together to create an emotion you’ve never felt before – you’re calm, you’re at peace, you’re comfortable and contented and with someone you love with all your heart… and you’re hornier than you’ve ever been, your mind running on overdrive with the singular desire to get pounded into paste. What you’re experiencing is both ardor and lust, combined together to form something unique and stronger than both of them individually, and yet with their individual ‘ingredients’ still wholly distinct.

But what’s obvious most of all is that they both want <b>more</b>.
Their techniques for being your bottoms are both different, too: [], having gotten used to being your mate by now, matches your rhythm with her own hips, gently rolling her back up to meet your thrusts and smoothly lowering her haunches back down as you pull back. Her movements almost remind you of a human’s: she had studied your mind and learned what your kind finds sexy, and she’s doing her best, despite her bestial form, to mimic that sort of movement, and she’s not doing a half-bad job of it.

Meanwhile, [], while he’s lowered his front end back down again, resorts to something more frantic: using only his six hip joints, he rolls his entire body forward and backward, using his entire body weight to fuck your arm as much as your arm is fucking his cunt. If it weren’t for the dais you’re standing on interrupting his pace, he’d have shoved you backward and off of [] long ago. The entire left half of your body from your shoulder down is positively <b>covered</b> in his draconic pussy juices; proof that he can barely control himself for you.

It's hard to believe that, when you first started this journey, it’d ultimately lead you to here: having not only found, but mated with, two legendary apex predators of Uveto, and now here you are, crotch- and shoulder-deep in dragon pussy with both of them all but begging you for more. Every[pc.cockRange 0 24|| fat] inch of your cock is sliding into [] with every full-body thrust you both make, and with [], hell, it barely feels like you need to do anything at all, and he’s totally content to impale himself on your arm again and again. Every time you bend your elbow a bit or flex your fingers, he can feel it, and it causes his whole body to shiver and his tongue to flop out the other side of his mouth.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Just a question,

I'm not sure if you writed it or not before but have we a reaction with Flurry if we use Frostwyrm TF like nykke and Frosty ? I'm in my game and I hesitate to use it for now because a I hope see the flurry reaction if we do when he are in game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry for being late, but I updated Flurry with 4,000 words! Big news if you're a fan of worshipping giant balls and producing lots of cum. I'm also trying to play up the power fantasy that inherently goes into having two whole-ass dragons as your emotional and sexual mates.
Again, [] clenches up at the touch, although this is more in surprise than apprehension. His body fidgets as he fights the urge to look over his haunch to see what you’re doing. <i>Is that your tongue?</i> he asks in bewilderment. <i>This is poor timing for a bath, our Qal! And… it is an… unusual place to start one!</i>

[] sighs again; this time, it comes out unevenly, almost sounding like an airy giggle. <i>It is not a bath,</i> she clarifies. <i>It is… sexual preparation. Search the mind of our Qal for the definition of the word ‘foreplay.’</i>

Just as [] instructed, you feel [] rummage through your mind, manifesting as a pressure that wavers between light and heavy. It almost reminds you of a person flipping through the pages of a book.

<i>As I understand it,</i> [] says eventually, <i>it is… mating, before mating…?</i>

<i>What is important is that it is what our Qal enjoys,</i> [] finishes. <i>You will learn to yearn for it as I have over time.</i>

[] says nothing more. And, the whole time, you’ve been neck-deep in his sack, eagerly licking and munching on his balls, enjoying the feel of their massive weight across your cheeks and forehead.
With one final slam, your [pc.hips] press against []’s rump, and another thick, massive rush of cum jets from your cock and into his canal. Despite having dumped a fresh load into [], your output suffers no setbacks: on the first load alone, you’ve put out more than an average man could put out in a year. On your second, you’ve dumped more into [] than a typical Frostwyrm could[fw2.throbb|. On the fourth, you’ve outpaced even [] and his unnatural, Throbb-fueled girth and production – and you know that because he’s cumming like a hydrant and he’s still not keeping up with you]. Every thick wad, every potent drop of your [pc.cum] is going straight into []’s womb, giving him all the seed his lust-addled mind could hope for, up until he gets so overfilled that, like [] before him, it comes washing back out from his pussy and back against you. Every fresh batch that you introduce into him, he reciprocates by cumming around your cock once more, drinking down as much as he can despite the backwash.]

Despite []’s every attempt to stay upright and sensate, he collapses, the strength in his legs giving out, just like what had happened with []. He, like her, rests face-down on the icy lair on top of a pool of his own spilt seed, his limbs and wings spread out to take up as much space as possible, his body twitching and his tongue lolling from his slack jaw. You’re left standing on the dais in the center of the lair[pc.cumVol 0 20000|, finally spent and surrounded by sexually sated dragons, brought to eye-watering, mind-blanking orgasms by you and your dick|, your shaft still cumming, your [pc.cumColor] jizz arcing through the air and landing on []’s nearly-comatose back, until, finally, both it and you start to calm down. You’re capable of a lot of things – but you had just fucked two dragons into eye-watering, mind-blanking orgasms. You <b>do</b> have a limit].
You reach forward with both hands, your right palm feeling over the smooth, taut, leathery scales of []’s left nut, and your left palm going over []’s right. Their differences in texture are negligible, [fw2.throbb|but the sizes couldn’t be more apparent: []’s balls are <b>significantly</b> larger than []’s, to the point where you could spread your arms wide and hug just one massive nut and you <b>still</b> wouldn’t be able to touch your hands back together. His balls make []’s look downright reasonable, and even hers are bigger than your torso and then some|but their sizes are slightly misaligned, with []’s being just a big bigger than []’s. Not by a lot – and the average person that’s not accustomed to mating with Frostwyrms would balk at the idea of trying to sexually pleasure []’s – but the difference is being enough that you could eyeball it. And it’s not like his are small by any reasonable metric].

Their reactions to feeling you touching their privates like this is different, as well: [] immediately relaxes and sighs through her nose, her breath steaming from her nostrils as the air deflates her chest, while [], {first time||still }unused to such intimacy, clenches and freezes up, his balls likewise tightening into his crotch. It takes a moment for him to relax and enjoy touch, and his scrotum likewise sags back down to its more natural state.

But that’s enough just examining the goods. How do they taste…?
You don’t, for one second, entertain the possibility that you’re going to be taking every inch of two Frostwyrms inside of you at once. That’d be silly. But you’re going to try anyway.
Just a question,

I'm not sure if you writed it or not before but have we a reaction with Flurry if we use Frostwyrm TF like nykke and Frosty ? I'm in my game and I hesitate to use it for now because a I hope see the flurry reaction if we do when he are in game.
That was a thing I wanted to include, yes. I also wanted to write some sex scenes for him wearing a savicite cock ring, and for one if you have three and you put one on Frosty, Nykke, and Flurry at once (I don't intend to do mix-and-match combinations, i.e. Flurry and Frosty or Flurry and Nykke, because of word cap limits/sanity, so if you wanted the savicite threesome, the required progression would be to do Frosty x Nykke, then Flurry solo, then Frosty x Nykke x Flurry).

My scheduling has me back on Flurry on the 5th, but I might push that back based on some other projects I'm doing. One of them is very close to finished and I might prioritize that to get it out.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
My scheduling has me back on Flurry on the 5th, but I might push that back based on some other projects I'm doing. One of them is very close to finished and I might prioritize that to get it out.
Yeah, I've decided to do this. I'm hoping to get that other project's first draft done before New Year's and I'll be prioritizing that, at least for a little while.
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Active Member
Jun 28, 2022
I am very much looking forward to the next update, but it would be better if there was an option to go back to the beginning of the dialogue menu after mating with Frosty.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Shoot, I missed Dragon Appreciation Day. I'll have to make up for it by posting some dragon content.

Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This finishes the scene where you get spitroasted by two giant dragons. That's one more sex scene down.
As soon as [] feels the head of his cock against your [pc.vagAss|entrance|exit], he animalistically bucks forward, running on instinct. With that one thrust, your body is filled to stretching with cock: with Frostwyrm dragon cock, its flat tip battering into you like a wet fist, and the shaft is a person-sized arm. [fw2.throbb|On that one thrust, you can immediately tell that you’re in for a wild ride – you’ve only barely taken the tip, and he’s stretching you wider than [] could thanks to his enhancements|Even on that one thrust, you can tell that [] is smaller than [] – you have an easier time taking him than her]. But he’s still got [fw2.throbb|a whole seven|five] feet of []-wrecking dick to feed into your [pc.vagAss|wet box|tight ass], and once he’s gotten a taste, he can hardly bring himself to stop.

One more thrust from []’s powerful hips, and you’re not only stuffed even fuller with dragon dick, but your hands and knees are lifted off the ground from the force. He’s so big that you can feel his veins pulsing through his cock’s skin; he’s so horny that your entire body weight can’t stifle his erection, pulling you into the air while you’re fastened to his cock like this; some part of your mind recognizes that the wet warmth inside of you is only his pre, but it feels like you’ve taken in gallons of liquid weight already, purely inside your [pc.vagOrAss].
And then, suddenly, you hear the shifting of claws against ice; you feel [] pause his motions; from underneath the canopy of his body, you can see him trying to reposition himself, lifting his front- and middle-left legs up and away. Once he does, you see a huge, pink, throbbing, and familiar cock enter into your field of view: one that’s [fw2.throbb|smaller than the one inside of your [pc.vagOrAss] in the same way that a watermelon is smaller than a pumpkin|somehow even <b>larger</b> than the one stuffed inside of your [pc.vagOrAss], and that one already feels like a whole fucking tree], also looking for some attention.

Like [] before her, her angle and positioning require a bit of assistance to get right. The head of her cock smashes against your face, smearing her pre all over your features. She tries again, a little more gently; since your hands are hardly doing anything, you reach up and guide her tip to your mouth, your jaw {snakebyte|easily stretching widely enough to take even []’s massive cock into your mouth, then your throat, then your chest|stretching a bit to accommodate such a massive thing, but any discomfort you feel is immediately blocked by []’s psionics}. As soon as her cock finds stability inside your mouth, she, like [], can’t help but buck in surprise and pleasure, instantly stuffing nearly one-sixth of her six-foot-long cock into your throat and stretching your gullet.
Despite you being just a poor [pc.ra frostwyrm|half-blood|[pc.race]][pc.heightRange 0 84||, no matter how big you are yourself], you don’t feel any discomfort from the situation you’re in. You’re suspended in the air by two thick Frostwyrm cocks pumping arrhythmically into two different parts of your body, your limbs left dangling helplessly, your fingers and toes occasionally touching the icy floor every time you bob downward; your gut is already distended and sloshing, full to the brim with not even cum, but just pre; for all intents and purposes, you’re less of a proud, honorable Qal that had mated with [fw.andNykke|three|two] Frostwyrms and raised a family, and you’re more of a warm, fleshy sex toy for them to fuck.

There is no pain or aches or distress or tenderness: there is only pleasure. Pleasure at the act of feeling your cock pumping into the tightest [pc.vagOrAss] available; pleasure at having your big, thick dick sucked and slurped on by an eager (not to say especially <i>active</i>) slut; and pleasure at being double-teamed, with one big dick pumping into your pelvis and the other fucking your mouth, causing you to gurgle and gasp through your nose whenever you can. You can feel both of their cocks reaching so deeply into you, it’s a wonder they haven’t touched, <b>if</b> they haven’t.
Some time passes before sensate, orderly thoughts start to reform in your head. You’re still filled from both ends with Frostwyrm dick, but now, you’re aware that they’ve stopped and that their shafts are slowly receding from your tired, abused body. You can hear their combined panting from the sexual exertion, their massive lungs heaving with gasps so long and deep that, compared to you, it’d be like holding your breath.

Eventually, []’s dick slips from your mouth first, depositing another fat dollop of white Frostwyrm cum across your gaping mouth and your flushed face before hanging half-limply between her legs. You watch as her vent flexes, her cock retracting back into herself by the heartbeat – and, despite the languidness in your limbs and the stiffness in your body and the absolute[silly| <b>unit</b> that your stomach has become|ly overfull weight in your stomach], the first thought in your head when you see that beastly cock of hers is how much you want it back in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,300 words! This does the aftercare for the scene where you top/bottom for both Frosty and Flurry, and it gets started on their final threesome scene where they treat you as a double-ended dildo.

It's going to get weird.
You’re slowly roused awake by the gentle motion of {top|a long, hot, smooth tongue repeatedly brushing against the whole of your body}{bottom|whatever you’re lying on slowly rising and falling, giving you something of a cushy, moving mattress}. After everything you had gone through, your body is a bit stiff, particularly around the groin{bottom| and neck}, but it’s not anything you hadn’t gone through any other time you had sex, particularly with [] – and you remember every single detail about what you had just done, and vividly.

{top|Above you is []’s giant, looming head, her tongue extended slightly to brush against your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun]. There is no sexual energy to her actions: her touch is gentle but thorough, intent on getting you clean, nothing further. Normally, the ambient temperature of the lair is rather warm, with the ice being an excellent insulator (and all the heat you and your dragons generate), but the air has a bit of a chilly bite now that you’re clean.[pc.cumVol 0 20000|

When you shuffle from your spot, you feel that your resting place is a bit lopsided and mishappen; you groggily turn your head to one side to see the white scales and curled horns, and you feel a warm, steady stream of air down your back and across your legs. [] and [] managed to get you to lie against []’s snout without waking you.|

Curled around []’s backside is [], his snout buried in her haunches, and you can see that he’s returning the favor to her by making <b>her</b> clean – by felching your cum from her still-oozing slit, cleaning up whatever leftovers are dripping from her stretched cunt. [] lies on his side, his belly exposed to you, and you can see that while he isn’t erect or aroused (mostly), his own pussy is still dribbling with your [pc.cum] as well.

You wonder if this is normal aftercare behavior for Frostwyrms. It’s not a secret that your output is so intense that you outclass [fw2.throbb|even []’s after that Throbb injection|any creature on Uveto, including the Frostwyrms]. Maybe [] is cleaning up [], or maybe he’s just a thirsty, dirty slut for you and your cum. Given how libidinous you know your dragons can be, it’s probably a bit of both.]}
{first time|You always wondered: |You remember asking them this before, but, just to refresh your memory: }does that mean that he and [] are taking any discomfort you might feel into themselves? Or is something else at play? No matter how prepared you are, it doesn’t change the fact that they are literally giant dragons, and you… well, you are not.

<i>The mind is an infinitely complex structure, our Qal, and yet it is a simple, lazy thing that is easily deceived,</i> [] answers cryptically. <i>As you know, our method of communication – what you refer to as ‘psionics’ – is a medium by which our kind allay our thoughts, feelings, and emotions with one another. It is not that we ‘take’ your discomfort into ourselves: it is that we incentivize your mind to prioritize some sensations and dull others. Namely, to prioritize the pleasure of the act.</i>

Whenever you have sex with [][fw.andNykke|, Nykke,] or [], you always feel their lust pouring into your psyche via your link with them. If you’re understanding what she said properly, then she’s just… making you <i>forget</i> the discomfort by overflowing you with lust and pleasure?

<i>It is perhaps more appropriate to say that your mind does not register the discomfort at all,</i> she answers.

… Is that healthy?

<i>You just said yourself that you feel ‘pretty amazing,’</i> she answers, her lungs heaving in her crude mimicry of laughter that she does. <i>The recuperation is as important as the act, like any strenuous exercise.</i>

With that said, she lowers her chin onto your body, pressing you down and forcing you against {top|[pc.cumVol 0 20000|[]’s snout, not that he seems to mind|the cold, icy floor of the lair]}{bottom|[]’s warm chest}.

<i>And you will need your rest for our next session together, our Qal,</i> she finishes, letting out a long, heavy sigh through her nose as her eyes slowly drift closed.
Look. There’s… going to be a bit of preamble to what you’re about to ask her to do for you.

[] doesn’t make a move; she watches you with undivided attention, all four eyes laser-focused on you. She can tell from your fidgeting body language and apprehensive tone that you’re about to ask her something she might object to.

There’s a certain fantasy that… you’d like to perform. Make reality.

[] continues to listen silently and respectfully.

It requires two Frostwyrms.

[] continues to listen silently and respectfully.

You suddenly find it difficult to continue. It’s hard to put your thoughts to words when [] is looking at you like that. In fact, you tell her to forget the whole thing.

<i>You are not leaving this lair until you speak candidly of this fantasy of yours,</i> she says. <i>You cannot return to the shore without me.</i>

… Well, now she’s got you by the short hairs. You take a deep breath before continuing: it’s more embarrassing for you than it will be for her.

You want to insert yourself into her vagina.

<i>[pc.hasCock|That hardly seems unusual|That is, perhaps, an odd choice of words, but it is hardly an unusual fantasy, I would think],</i> she responds.

You want to… put one half of your body into []’s vagina. And the other half in []’s vagina.

[] double-takes and rears her head back slightly.

And you want her and him to press their haunches together with you between them like that until all three of you orgasm.

[] remains stock-still, her four ruby-red eyes trained on you, unflinching and unblinking, processing what it is you had just said to her. She doesn’t let any emotion seep through your psionic link with her. Seconds feel like hours; you feel like you could melt a hole straight through the lair’s floor with how you’re feeling under her gaze.

Just before you tell her to forget you had said anything, [] beats you to the punch.

<i>Summon him.</i>

You look up at her in surprise; she, again, neither flinches nor blinks. She’s totally serious. She’s willing to play this fantasy out with you.

She’s given you her permission; it’s up to you to proceed. And you’re not about to waste this opportunity.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This finishes the intro to the Living Dildo scene and it gets started on the scene proper, starting with a whole bunch of foreplay to ensure that everyone's nice and lubed.
… Look. You’re about to suggest something weird.

You feel a small pressure on your mind as [] scours it for definitions. <i>I had come to accept what is ‘weird’ as being normal since agreeing to take you and [] as my mates in plurality,</i> he responds. <i>It is thanks to your combined efforts that I have a home, a family, and mates at all. If this is what ‘weird’ is, then perhaps it is better to be abnormal than normal.</i>

Him saying that does legitimately help you overcome your hesitation. You tell him that you’re glad he thinks that, because you’re about to drop a different kind of fantasy on him: you want to put yourself inside his vagina. He’s definitely big enough to hold you.

[] tilts his head in the opposite direction, trying to parse your words. <i>When you say–</i>

You cut him off: you want one half of your body inside his vagina, and you want the other half in []’s. You want to be put inside both of them like that at the same time, and you want them to buck their haunches together with you between them until all three of you orgasm.

[]’s posture doesn’t change: he continues to look at you with his head tilted to one side, trying to parse what it is you had just said. He doesn’t look at you with surprise, or disgust, but with confusion.

<i>I cannot envision this act within the eye of my mind,</i> he admits. <i>And given your hesitation, I would assume that you are unable or willing to be more descriptive.</i>

… To be honest, you aren’t even sure <b>how</b> to describe it more plainly than that.

<i>What is important is that you have a desire, my Qal, and as your Qim alongside [], it is our duty to see to your every need,</i> he says. <i>And the methods are not as important as the end result: that our sexual requirements are met, and all are made satisfied. We will go to [] and keep her abreast of your plight.</i>

He stands – and you can see the bob of his [fw2.throbb|gigantic cock, already four-feet erect and that’s still only a half-chub|massive, pink cock, with two feet of dick exposed to the air and he’s still not even half-hard], swinging underneath its own weight beneath his stomach. Without another word, he nudges you towards the center of the lair, where [] is waiting on her dais.
First and foremost, this will be easiest once both of your Qims are good and lubed up. And it wouldn’t hurt if you got nice and wet all over, too. You instruct them both to bathe you.

They, without a word, follow your instruction immediately: with [] at your back and [] at your front, they both lower their faces towards your body and extend their tongues, pressing against you at the same time, smothering your form between two big, thick, draconic mouths. They brush and press against your [pc.skinFurScales], rubbing over everything from your [pc.chest] to your [pc.ass], and your arms and legs, and your stomach and neck, and [] takes special care to ensure that your [pc.crotch] and the inside of your thighs are all spick and span and clean as could be.

Already, it’s difficult to keep yourself from getting lost in the act: both of your dragons are grinding their tongues against you, and you can feel every one of their tastebuds on your body, licking you over and over, sometimes with enough enthusiasm that one of them nearly lifts you off the ground from the friction of their tongue alone, only for the other to lean upward to keep you propped up. [] grinds his tongue against the fat of your ass[pc.hasTail| and all around, and underneath, your [pc.tail]]; [] makes sure that your [pc.nipples] are well-lubricated and tended to. Her tongue pushes you back against []’s, where he holds you still, and []’s tongue slathers itself across your face, pressing your head deeper against []’s as they wetly make out with you caught between their tongues.
For step two, they need to get themselves aroused: the wetness from their pussies will make sliding into them much easier as well. You instruct them both to lie on their sides and to start licking each other’s pussies.

Again, they follow your instruction to the letter, with [] being a bit quicker to follow through than [], though not to say that she is any less eager. It’s an unusual position for the two Frostwyrms to take: their bestial bodies force them to contort their spines slightly to reach each other, and their balls get in each other’s way[fw2.throbb|, with []’s absolutely mammoth nuts being more unwieldy than []’s]. Still, although the position is abnormal for them, the act itself is not: they start working their tongues against each other’s pussies with the same fervor and attention as they had with you, as thought it were an honest bath.

You are hardly idle: you join [] at []’s haunches, placing yourself at the base of her tail between her lifted thighs. You watch as [], with his eyes closed, run his massive draconic tongue across the whole of []’s scaled slit, from as far down as her taint and all the way up to the underside of her testicles; when he exhales, it’s with a long, contented sigh through his nose, and all of that air is funneled directly into you, causing []’s combined masculine and feminine musk to blow straight into your face.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 3,600 words! This finishes the Living Dildo scene, and it wraps up all the sex I had planned for Frosty x Flurry. Up next is foursomes with Frosty x Flurry x Nykke!
The inside of []’s pussy is hardly what you would call ‘loose,’ but from the way her tunnel clamps rhythmically around your legs, you know that she has quite a bit of room to go. You shuffle downward, and you sink down to your calves; with another, down to your knees. Every push you make to put yourself deeper inside of her is met with a sharp exhale; a tight squeeze around your limbs; and a wet, heady squelch of her pussy juices squirting as high up as your abdomen. Her cock is <b>rock</b> hard, itself straining like her leg is, her pre running long, clear, thick lines of her pre down the underside of her shaft with each heartbeat.

<i>What would the Grand Qim think of us?</i> she asks. Her lust and arousal are obvious, not just in your psyche, but in her body language as well. <i>Taking not just [fw.andNykke|two mates, but <b>three</b>|one mate, but <b>two</b>]; taking a [pc.ra frostwyrm|interloper|[pc.race]] for a Qal; and mating as we are. I am about to take the entirety of my Qal inside my… and not for the first time! Because I <b>enjoy</b> it!</i>

With you firmly lodged inside []’s cunt, and about to go deeper, []’s long tongue drags along the underside of []’s throbbing cock, collecting the stream of her pre along his tongue before licking it across his snout. <i>I would choose to think that the Grand Qim would be satisfied to know that we have found a capable Qal,</i> he responds.

[] clenches her hindquarters, pinching your legs inside of her pussy and drawing you a bit deeper inside of herself. Her jaw hangs slack and her tongue hangs out as she lets out a throaty, shuddering sigh of pleasure. <i>Capable, indeed,</i> she says, her voice slurring in your head.
With another push, []’s cunt closes in on your head, the velvet lips of his pussy touching down on the top of your scalp. The light of the lair starts to dim around you with you being so thoroughly buried, in the quite literal sense, in draconic cunt – after he takes a breath to adjust himself, he rears backward once more, and your head slips into his pussy as well, shutting you out from the lair and hiding most of your body inside two different Frostwyrms at once. The final hurdle for [] to overcome is your shoulders, but given that [] is handling your waist with a modicum of ease, he shouldn’t have much difficulty either. With one more buck, those slip in as well.

That leaves only your [pc.chest] and [pc.belly] exposed to the air, but both [] and [] are hesitant to continue – not because they don’t want to or because they’re worried you may not be able to handle it, but because they’re both so absolutely <b>full</b> of [] inside of their boxes. []’s pussy has swallowed you up to your [pc.waist], and with your hands above your head as they are, you’re much deeper inside [] than it feels; both of them can’t help but grunt and hiss in pleasure, their bodies alternating between wanting to start bucking wildly against each other and desperately trying to keep themselves composed for your sake. Even in the depths of []’s body, with your ears pressed so firmly against the warm, wet, pulsating flesh of his tunnel, you can hear their legs stomp and their claws mark through the ice in an effort to try and settle themselves down.
Honestly, it’s a lot cozier than you had imagined. [] has a six-foot cock, and you think she’s an average size for a Frostwyrm (not that you have a lot of examples to pull from), meaning, [pc.heightRange 0 119|even if you were ten feet tall, you would still have a bit of room to spare before bottoming out in them both|despite your obscene tallness, there’s just a little bit of room to spare between them both]. Inside []’s pussy is surprisingly smooth, yet the muscles and contours of the walls pressing and squeezing rhythmically around you give them a more ridged texture than you’d have thought.

And it’s sort of… relaxing. You can feel []’s heartbeat with such clarity that it almost feels like your own. It’s warm, but not hot; it’s snug, but not tight. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re horny as hell, and that []’s pussy is so wet that it’s hard to open your mouth or eyes for threat of them getting inundated with Frostwyrm pussy juices, it’s just overall be a surprisingly pleasant place to be.

That place, again, being stuck halfway inside two different Frostwyrm vaginas.
With your psyche so tightly linked between them, you almost certainly cum as well, but it’s impossible to tell when, or how strong, or whether your mind is confusing itself with either [] or []. [pc.hasCock|You most certainly feel <b>a</b> cock orgasming and spilling its cum all over the place, but is it yours? You can’t even tell if you’re cumming inside [] because all of his pussy juices just wash all the jizz back out, adding to the growing mess of fluids between their bodies. It’s just as likely to be your own as it is one or both of your dragons’.[pc.hasVagina|

And that’s just your dick! Adding to the confusion, y]|Y][pc.hasVagina|our [pc.vagina] is almost definitely cumming from a combination of the debauchery and the physical stimulation, but with your psionic link between [] and [], it’s impossible to discern your own from theirs. You feel a shockwave of pleasure rolling up your spine, but []’s own cunt clenches around your lower body at the same time – was that hers, and your mind just <b>thought</b> that it was yours? Does it matter? Whenever [] clenches because another orgasm is ripping through his pussy, and <b>you</b> feel it, does it matter who is cumming and when?]

You have no sense of time inside of both [] and [] as you are, so it feels like your orgasm is lasting for an eternity, but it could very well have only been a few seconds. A part of you wants it to keep going; you want them to take a second to breathe and then pick up again, to keep using you like this, so that your fantasy, and, more importantly, the mind-bending pleasure, doesn’t end. There’s something… kind of intoxicating about being inside your dragons so <b>utterly</b> and <b>totally</b> like this.

But, more importantly to your sensibilities… there’s a burning in your lungs that can’t be ignored. You’re pinched by muscles and submerged in sexual fluids. A part of your brain briefly considers panicking, but if you can feel it, then so can they.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This finishes the aftercare for the Living Dildo scene and it gets started on the foursomes with Nykke, starting with a communal bath. Nothing sexier than getting clean!
You take a breath through your nose, and you smell salt – it’s a bit more concentrated than the icy lair surrounding you. Was that ocean water she had just dumped on you?

<i>It was,</i> she confirms. <i>You had lain asleep longer than I had anticipated. My intent was to wash your body while you slept, although our recent activities had made the musk cling to your form too well. The ocean water was meant to assist in your cleanliness.</i>

[silly|That water was in her <b>mouth</b>? That’s unsanitary!

You feel a slight squeeze in your mind as [] searches your psyche for some definitions. <i>You claim water from my mouth is unsanitary?</i> she asks, bewildered. <i>Do you have <b>any</b> recollection of what we had just done for sexual recreation?</i>

… That’s different. But you’re not going to explain how.
“Oooh, something <b>big</b>, then,” Nykke purrs as she crawls her way up your body, her fat breasts dragging across your stomach as she goes. When her nipples touch down on your own, you can feel her throbbing cock press insistently against your [pc.hasVagina|cunt, and you can feel a wet dollop of her pre wash against your petals, but she doesn’t press any harder|taint, dumping a warm dollop of her pre onto your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun]]. “What did you have in mind?”

// first time

You wanted to take a bath. A bath with all three of them at once.

“Wait, what?” Nykke asks, pulling backward, her face scrunching up like you just sprouted a second head. “A bath? I thought we were gonna – you know….”

Oh, the point of the bath isn’t to get clean.

That doesn’t help Nykke’s confusion: her head remains tilted, her face pulled into itself as she tries to understand your logic and imagination. Her mouth hangs agog and her red eyes flit constantly between your two.

Both of your hands travel down her two uppermost, heavily muscled arms before finding her wrists and clenching gently into her grip. You tell her to trust her Qal; she’ll find it sexually rewarding soon enough.

“I,” she stutters, turning her head to one side but keeping her eyes on yours, “can’t begin to imagine how you’d equate mating with taking a bath, but….” She leans backward, and, with your hands in hers, pulls you into an upright sitting position. “Well, you <b>are</b> the Qal, so… I guess I’ll give it a try.”

That’s the spirit.
[] only keeps up the pretenses that this is a ‘normal bath’ for a moment by going through the typical motions, but she knows exactly what you want and why you invited Nykke and []. Once she’s satisfied that your front torso is good and clean, she moves her head to your side and starts again, her tongue drawing across your pelvis and taking extra care to grind against your [pc.hasCock|shaft, rousing it higher than it already was|cunt, and you can feel every tastebud on her tongue press against your vulva as it passes by]. With the extra slack on her tongue, she pulls you closer to her mouth so that she can wrap her tongue around the flab of your [pc.ass], where she takes extra care in making sure both of your cheeks are good and ‘washed.’

The lust emanating from your psyche is obvious to all three of them, and if it wasn’t clear to Nykke what it was that you wanted from sharing a bath with her, it’s obvious now. “It’s just a bath,” you hear her say, {first time|but the arousal coming from you and seeping into her is having its effect, and she can’t help but start grinding her hind against []’s tongue to try and guide him to some very specific spots along her legs and underneath her lifted tail|but she isn’t trying to convince you or anyone of anything in particular: she knows that it’s very much not <b>just</b> a bath, and she was already as into it as you are}.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 2,000 words! This finishes the scene where you and Nykke take a bath, courtesy of Frosty and Flurry. It ends with Frosty cleaning the inside of your mouth, as she does.
<i>The mind of our Qal is an enigmatic thing,</i> [] says without pausing his duties. <i>What is meant to be a bath has become something lascivious.</i>

<i>Do not question it,</i> [] responds.

<i>It is not that I question it,</i> he says defensively, in between long, wet licks along the back of Nykke’s legs, across her ass, and up the underside of her tail. <i>Baths are not typically a sexual act. I am curious to know if you or I could receive the same tactile pleasure if we simply decided that it was.</i>

[] considers the question for a moment without pausing her work. <i>Our Qal would have to be the one to do the washing, I would think,</i> she eventually concludes. <i>It would therefore be a deeply involved and arduous process.</i>

Hell, you’re not saying no, though.
You take a hard blink, and when you open your eyes, []’s face takes up the whole of your vision as she stares back down at you, all four ruby-red eyes focused on you as you lay there. <i>There is one more task to be done,</i> she says, somewhat cryptically, but when she opens her maw and her tongue snakes back out, you remember immediately what it is.

The tip of []’s tongue presses into your open and gasping mouth, instantly filling the whole thing with fat, wriggling Frostwyrm tongue. It rolls and wags and wiggles, battering against your own [pc.tongue] and pressing out against your cheeks; her tip pins your tongue down and presses against the roof and the whole thing stretches your lips apart to make way for the thick, spongy muscle. And although you can’t see it, you can hear satisfied gurgling coming from Nykke; it’s easy to assume that she’s getting a similar treatment from [].

Once [] is satisfied, she pulls away, deliberately making a show of lavishing the edge of her snout with her tongue to spread your taste across her own face. <i>There,</i> she says with some self-satisfaction, <i>you are now bathed, my Qal. You and Nykke both.</i>

You lay on the ice, gasping for breath from the whole ordeal. You’re clean and you’re sexually satisfied – you tell her that it’ll soon be your duty to see that her own needs are met.

<i>Indeed,</i> she says as she turns about, heading back towards the dais in the center of the lair’s main chamber. You can see underneath the barrel of her stomach as she turns, and her six-foot cock is fully exposed and throbbing, dripping with bouts of her own pre; just one spurt of it covers her cock from the head to halfway down the shaft, and is more than an average [pc.ra frostwyrm|human|[pc.race]] could produce over the course of a few months.

<i>It is your duty as Qal, after all.</i>
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with another 2,100 words! This gets roughly halfway through the second foursome scene, where you, Nykke, Frosty, and Flurry get into a big dogpile - with you on bottom, 69ing Nykke, and the two dragons taking your other, unused holes. It's gonna get bumpy!
Yeah, there’s one thing that you had in mind… but it would require all three of your Qims together. Would she be okay with that? Or would she rather some personal, one-on-one time with you?

“That’s tempting,” she says, her lips cracking into a wide, sultry smile, “but you’re the Qal to three Qims, []. If your plan is to fuck all three of us at once, well, I’m not going to be the one to get in the way of that.”

… She’s looking forward to having an orgy with the others, isn’t she?

“{first time|I don’t know what an ‘orgy’ is, but yes|Right, an ‘orgy!’ By the Grand Qim, yes}: ever since you’ve shown me what sex is, and all the different ways we can have it, every day that we don’t have it with both [] and [] is a day that’s wasted!” Nykke leans backward, her hands trailing down your arms until her fingers wrap around your wrists, and with a yank, she pulls you into a sitting position. When you do, she pauses awkwardly for a moment, her eyes wandering off to nothing in particular. “There; I’ve told [] to meet us with [] in the main chamber. Now you can’t back out!”

Not that you were going to, of course.

Nykke eagerly leads you by the hand from her makeshift cave and into the main chamber of the lair, where [] rests upon her dais. As you approach, you feel the vibrations of six heavy footsteps stomping elsewhere in the lair, and just a moment later, [] rounds the corner, approaching the dais with you. And in the center of it all is [], her head swiveling about: she knows that she’s about to mate, but the details escape her.

Which is a part of what makes it so fun.
Her four hands explore your body as she holds you tightly to her: they travel everywhere from your shoulders to your [pc.ass], and they do everything from gently cupping your head to broadly groping your [pc.chest]. She moans as her tongue bends and curls around your own; you can feel her coarse tastebuds grind against your own as her tongue swishes about, and when her errant tip finds the inside of your cheek, she teases its elasticity just slightly before turning back and wetly dancing her tongue with yours.

Just as your eyes start to close, you hear a guttural, throaty sound of a beast, followed by wet slurping, significantly louder than your own. You pull away from Nykke (to her mild chagrin), and you look up: above you, [] and [], following your instruction as best as they can, have pressed their snouts together above you, their large, flat tongues slipping out to coil around each other. Each tongue is longer than your torso and wider than your shoulders; they curl and wrap around each other with what is surely zero technique and finesse, but from where you’re standing, the show is hot as hell. Through your psionic link, you can tell that they approach the act more with curiosity and a want to explore than a carnal need like you and Nykke do – but you can also tell that they very much aren’t displeased with the results.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Flurry with 3,800 words! This finishes the Dogpile scene and it gets started on the third and final foursome scene: Flurry admits in a talk scene that he 1) likes buttstuff, 2) likes being on his back, and 3) wants to get sexually obliterated. You can make that happen...

Most of the content is parser heavy, so not a lot of previews this time.
You awake to the feel of your body being quite warm – almost to the point of being too hot. Your limbs are tired and sore, not from exertion, but from being pinned still for too long. When you open your eyes and you look down, you see Nykke’s four arms and two legs sprawled across your body, holding you closely to her, with your face half-buried in the valley of her enormous tits, and surround you both is both [] and [], curled around you and each other, somewhat similarly to how they would coddle a kip.

When you stir, Nykke’s sleepy response is to moan in her sleep and clench her limbs tighter, pulling you deeper into her cleavage and harder against her strong body. When she shuffles, the others shift about in their sleep as well: [] lets out a little churring noise as he lowers his head and curls himself tighter against you, and [] sighs, spreading her wings in her sleep to cover the other three of you like a blanket. The bend of her wing doesn’t quite reach your eyes.

Well… after a round like that, it’s not difficult to believe that you’re all a little tired and woozy from the excitement. Maybe a bit more sleep is in order.
[] told you a few interesting things not too long ago.

<i>I did?</i> he asks, twisting his head to one side in confusion. <i>We were inferring to each other on our desire to mate. Had I said anything untoward?</i>

No, quite the opposite. He’s told you all about the things that he’d like done to him. He enjoys the idea of anal sex, giving or receiving; he finds the idea of being on his back, in a submissive position, to be enticing; and, most importantly, he just wants to get <b>fucked</b>. If what he told you is accurate, he wants it anywhere, whenever he can: ‘in as many ways as possible, in as many orifices as possible,’ was his exact wording.

[] hesitates, his head turning to one side; although his pupils blend with his sclera, you can tell that he’s looking away from you in embarrassment. <i>I recall,</i> he concedes. <i>This is an accurate retelling of my statements.</i>

If he’d like, those are all things that you could make happen.

[] starts, his head turning back to you, his eyes wide with surprise – before he turns away once more, facing the opposite direction. <i>You are capable of many things, my Qal, though it beggars belief how you intend to accomplish such an… arduous task.</i>

You never said you’d do it alone. You are the Qal to not just him, after all: there are two other Qims in the lair, each of them willing to do whatever it is you ask of them.

[] continues to be hesitant and untoward, but you can feel his lust creeping through his psionic link with you: you’ve gotten his attention and you’ve captured his imagination. All that’s left is for him to give the go-ahead….

<i>What is it that we are to do?</i> he asks.
I should be back to Flurry on the 27th!