Need help with finding items.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2016
I want to reduce my lip size and reduce my muscle tone as well as reduce my ass and hip size a little. I don't know where to find it all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
I'm pretty sure you can find all of that on the wiki. though I'm pretty sure "Man up" will do all of that except the muscle tone. assuming you don't mind the masculinity affects in which case you'll have to go through a bunch of other items to get it juuuuuuust right.

EDIT: Shade posted before me.....and added there you go.
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Active Member
Oct 13, 2016
You are a human. You’re a good 5 feet and 4 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.63 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing an insulated coat, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with an underbust corset.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with dark skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with exquisitely large oral fuck-cushions, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Normal-looking black eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. Your ass-length, black ponytail looks good on you, accentuating your features well. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Parts of your body emit lust-scented pheromones, enticing potential mates. You have flared hips that swell out under your trim waistline, and your ginormous, muscle-bound backside is marvelously large, but completely stacked with muscle. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your middle is fairly well-toned.

You have two lactating tits, capped with one 0.3-inch prominent nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink. Your nice, fluid-filled tits are producing milk but are nowhere near full at the moment. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a pink, human slit, with one 0.8-inch clit. Thick streams of girl-cum drool constantly from your slobbering pussy.

You have one butthole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

Muffled giggles can be heard near you. Glancing at your inventory, you find Amy happily jiggling inside.

What would this look like? I can not tell cause the stats are in numbers that I do not have anything to compare to and the way it sounds is I am a chubby. Anyone have anything I can compare it too?

Here is the stats.

* Name: Pen Steele
* Occupation: Tech Specialist
* Upbringing: Bookworm
* Affinity: Intelligence
* Race: Human
* Height: 5’ 4”
* Weight: 117.101 lbs
* Sex: Female
* Gender Preference: Female
* Femininity: 100 %
* Personality Score: 95, Hard, Ditz
* Alcohol Tolerance: 14/100
* Exhibitionism: 100/100
* Carry Threshold: 968.379 lbs
* Face: Human
* Hair: Black, Hair
* Hair, Length: 2’ 4”
* Hair, Style: Ponytail
* Ears: Human
* Eyes: Black, Human
* Lips: Fat, Ruby
* Tongue: Human
* Tone: 65/100
* Thickness: 24/100
* Skin: Skin
* Skin Tone: Dark
* Arms: 2, Human
* Legs: 2, Plantigrade, Human
* Genital Elasticity: 3.5
* Genital Location: Waist, Genital Slit
* Breasts: 2 Breasts
* Nipples: 2 Pink Nipples, 1 per breast, Lactation Active
* Nipple, Length Ratio: 1
* Areola, Width Ratio: 1
* Milk, Type: Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 0 %
* Milk, Current: 0 mLs
* Milk, Max: 1800 mLs
* Milk, Production Training: 0 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 130 %
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: D-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 3.2 lbs
* Nipple, Type: Normal
* Nipple, Length: 0.35 in each
* Areola, Size: 0.7 in each
Female Organs
* Total Count: 1 Vagina, 1 Clit
* Clitoris, Length: 0.75 in
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Girl Cum
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation: 30 mLs
* Fertility: 218 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Fertility, Quantity Bonus: 1
* Type: Pink, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 200 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 1455.3 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 1.5
* Wetness Level: 4.1, Squirter
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.009 lbs
* Belly, Size Rating: 0
* Belly, Weight: 0 lbs
* Hip, Size Rating: 12
* Butt, Size Rating: 20
* Butt, Weight: 10.667 lbs (1 %)
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 200 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 672 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 0
* Orgasms, Total: 355
* Masturbation, Times Autofellatio: 3


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What would this look like? I can not tell cause the stats are in numbers that I do not have anything to compare to and the way it sounds is I am a chubby. Anyone have anything I can compare it too?
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Parts of your body emit lust-scented pheromones, enticing potential mates. You have flared hips that swell out under your trim waistline, and your ginormous, muscle-bound backside is marvelously large, but completely stacked with muscle. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your middle is fairly well-toned.

Not sure how you can interpret this as "chubby". 

* Tone: 65/100
* Thickness: 24/100

In fact, quite the opposite. Your character's is pretty fit and slim.

P.S. notice the parts in the qouted bits that are in bold
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not sure how you can interpret this as "chubby". 

In fact, quite the opposite. Your character's is pretty fit and slim.

P.S. notice the parts in the qouted bits that are in bold

With that score the character is between fit and swimmer build.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You need some thickness on you or you're going to look emaciated. Even if you weigh a lot for your height, it does not necessarily mean that your body fat percentage is high. I've known plenty of people that weighed a lot, but it was mostly muscle.
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