Need help please


New Member
Feb 20, 2016
I am a new player in FoE, I'm up to the quest to find Roa... but I CAN'T find him. Where can he be? Please help me.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
1: Don't Panic.

2: Roa is found in Rigard, Residential District, Brothel. If you haven't gotten into the city yet, you need to put this quest on the back burner for a while.

3: The wiki is terribly incomplete, but does include answers to these questions if you're willing to dig a little.


New Member
Feb 20, 2016
Oh okay, thanks. I have not gotten into the city yet, so that might be why.

Also just a question when relationship is maxed with gwendy, when will she be able to take me into the city?

(apologise for bad english)

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
You'll have to ask her. Used to be first thing in the morning, but I don't remember the details. Just make sure your character is ready for a fight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aside Gwendy help you can use path of talking more to Miranda or checking and helping a little bit Outlaws. Miranda after first scene at Rigard gates can be found at Tavern in slums (you can get there even without visa) and Outlaws are at Forest (but you need first meet Maria, which would lead you to them). Given you need to find Roa it mean you doing scepter search quest which if you not want have not so good ending is time limited to 7 days. So outlaws way could be too slow leaving Gwendy or Miranda path. For Gwendy you need be at farm around I think it was 4-5 am. As for Miranda you need meet with her once then next time went on the date and pick rigth options (wiki got it pretty much well covered which options pick after which scene ;) ).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well it's not like time limit just after this one scene when you openly stand against him then fight him Ophelia sending you to find Scepter. It's jsut that she saying herself for you to hurry and if you not she will became broken breed slut for her father ;) So not like you will see game over or something after fiddle around for longer than week it's just that situation in Burrows would change. And sorry but I can't recall what would happen when you visit burrows more than week after been send to look for scepter as I never need so long to be strong enough to beat Lagon (again ^^).

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
It took me longer than that, so I can guess that nothing would happen. Ophelia's fine, Vena's in charge, and Lagon's been defeated, imprisoned, and humiliated to the point where he'll never have power in the burrows again.

(I'll admit, that part was fun.)

I tend to start as a Courtesan, though, and tend to be a little slow to build combat jobs. As a result, I didn't try to usurp Lagon until after I'd gotten the scepter. Not successfully, at any rate. That might make a difference, and I'd assume most new players would do the same.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh then it seems there you got the difference since i ALREADY trying to usurp Lagon (and always ending beating him to the ground) before going to look for scepter so that why I on the clock why for your way you not need to make it quick :p

As for my way if MC and team not come back too fast Lagon would get to do some not so good things to Ophelia. But that way I just like do burrows storyline...beat Lagon as often I can not trying to miss any chance to show him who the boss is here *evil grin*


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
The difference is if you stand against Lagon in the last scene in the Pit (where Vena is about to fuck Ophelia), are told to return quickly (with or without the scepter) and dally for longer than a week.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Not sure I get it. Not sure I tried to stand up for the poor girl either, though. It took my character a little while to stop thinking with her... well, she starts as a courtesan for a reason. She'll fight the good fight, but she'll also go after anything that moves and a fair bit that won't.

This is all way off the original topic though, so we should probably just drop it.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
You'd know if you tried to really stand up against Lagon... it triggers a fight.

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ah. Well, I'm assuming it's a moot point, then. A new player could, theoretically, fare better against Bunny Hitler than I did, but I'd consider the possibility unlikely.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Just a fair warning that following the Roa lead will eventually lead you into a pretty nasty boss fight where you can't run away from and get a game over if you lose, I would recommend getting to at least lvl 12 before that.

Saying that because there isn't really any warning given beforehand to what kind of a nasty fight you end up there and my first character was like lvl 3 or 4 when I ran into it and obviously got completely destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
I can't beat Lagon no matter what I do... I'm just like 4 levels under, didn't know he would become lvl 22 afterwards even though I  fought him once at the part when Vena fucks Ophelia and lost. I got the scepter, but it doesn't do jack shit... And he still deals too much damage even though I'm like lvl 18... I have 746 health, 320 SP, 7/8  Warrior, 7/8 Ranger, 103 strength (Rank 38), 75 stamina (Rank 22), 79 dexterity (Rank 17), 50 Intelligence (rank 10), 50 spirit (rank 4), 44 Charisma (rank 2), and Libido aint that important since I don't really use it... and Kia has 507 Health (Rank 2), 567 SP (Rank 3), 35 Strength (Rank 4), 52 Stamina (Rank 10), 67 Dexterity (Rank 18), 102 Intelligence (Rank 34), 52 spirit (Rank 7), 50 Charisma (Rank 8), Acolyte 8/8, Scholar 4/8, and she has some good gear. I got the strongest armor (which I think is Bronze, cause I can't find anything better) and one of the best weapons available in the game and probably the best accessory (Rani's Favor: Silver Necklace) available atm...  But  still can't do anything to win... I can't even kill atleast  3-4 of his minions since I die by the point I kill 1-3 of them... Isn't the Scepter supposed to do anything at all?
Last edited by a moderator:
Feb 24, 2016
I can't beat Lagon no matter what I do... I'm just like 4 levels under, didn't know he would become lvl 22 afterwards even though I  fought him once at the part when Vena fucks Ophelia and lost. I got the scepter, but it doesn't do jack shit... And he still deals too much damage even though I'm like lvl 18... I have 746 health, 320 SP, 7/8  Warrior, 7/8 Ranger, 103 strength (Rank 38), 75 stamina (Rank 22), 79 dexterity (Rank 17), 50 Intelligence (rank 10), 50 spirit (rank 4), 44 Charisma (rank 2), and Libido aint that important since I don't really use it... and Kia has 507 Health (Rank 2), 567 SP (Rank 3), 35 Strength (Rank 4), 52 Stamina (Rank 10), 67 Dexterity (Rank 18), 102 Intelligence (Rank 34), 52 spirit (Rank 7), 50 Charisma (Rank 8), Acolyte 8/8, Scholar 4/8, and she has some good gear. I got the strongest armor (which I think is Bronze, cause I can't find anything better) and one of the best weapons available in the game and probably the best accessory (Rani's Favor: Silver Necklace) available atm...  But  still can't do anything to win... I can't even kill atleast  3-4 of his minions since I die by the point I kill 1-3 of them... Isn't the Scepter supposed to do anything at all?

Lagon can be a tough fight, which is why I typically save the burrows quest line for after I've recruited both Terry and Layla. I was around level 23 and he was still knocking Kia, Terry, and Layla down to near death in a single attack. I had myself trained to 8/8 on Fighter and Healer, 4/8 on Scholar, and 7/8 on Bruiser, Kia was 8/8 on Acolyte and Scholar and was working on the Mage class, Terry was 8/8 on Thief and was working on Ranger, and Layla was 8/8 on Fighter and Courtesan and was working on Scholar. I had Kia on healing duty, Terry was lowering his Aggro and then working on inconveniencing the enemy with debuffs, Layla was maxing out the lust of all the enemies which is a better idea than killing them in my opinion because if the rabbits minions are killed Lagon will just summon more later in the fight. If the rabbits have their libido maxed out most of the time they can't do anything and Lagon won't be able to summon more. While all this is going on my main character is drawing all the aggro on himself because he could take several hits from Lagon just fine while also dealing out the damage to Lagon, my main character also helped out with the healing whenever Kia couldn't keep up. Doing this for both stages of the fight with Lagon made him a lot easier to deal with, heck it made the second stage easier because Lagon couldn't attack as often and with my PC drawing all the aggro on to himself and Kia healing him fully every round made it so Lagon really was just wasting his time that battle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Scepter as I recall is doing it job in second part of fight when your part fight against umber-strong Lagon. In part of showdown when you fight against him and other bunnies speter not doing anything. Also looking at your party setup first I could say...why only MC and Kia is there? I mean you could without much trouble get Terry and Layla too. Well that fight wasn't hard with Terry alone not meantioning Layla (thou I never tried beat him just with 2 member team so it's possible but I assume lvl of party need to be even higher than for 3 member party). Another thing I see you got 2 jobs with 7/8. Getting fully mastery in some of jobs aside 2 not 1 skill gained would give some bonus to hp/sp/lp (in case of warrior would be rank 2 in hp).

So now some more thought on how you can beat him. First you could try look around to get Terry or Layla added to your team (best I would say get both to reach full party). Second if you want beat him with just 2 people need have both of them some kind of aoe skills (currently those skills are only as mastery skills) so that lead to mastering fully few of the jobs (Bruiser 8/8 mastery skill is such aoe and Mage 8/8 mastery skill is another aoe). As for Elementalist this job would be also perfect with having only aoe type skills not yet in current released build (meantioning it in case you went to foe smutosaur and found this job desc there already). I meantioned aoe since with full 4 member party at lvl's you meantioned lagon helpers wouldn;t be any threat to party that could wipe them even with casual attack (after all 4 members mean roughly 2x more often attacking than just 2 members). In case you not wanna play with aoe skills (their use kinda more sp then single target skills anyway and I not sure if your team is rich enouch to buy tons of SP pots and some other helping in fights things like decoy sticks or HP pots) would be using strong single target attacks only on Lagon. Target of fight when you are against him and his children is actualy beat him not them...their could be just some like small bonuses to exp/gold rewards after this part of the fight. As for been able deal much dmg again is better to train jobs that would fit with style of chara: for Kia all magic like jobs, for your MC physical jobs like warrior and bruiser (I see you mostly put point in str so those two jobs when fully mastered should be mostly fit way you spend point on your main chara). Still taking into account you wish to only use MC and Kia...she should try cast all buffs (first should be buff to stamina on herself since if lagon will smash would hurt her A LOT) and MC just...smashing like mad Lagon with all his/her strongest hardest hitting skills.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Scepter as I recall is doing it job in second part of fight when your part fight against umber-strong Lagon. In part of showdown when you fight against him and other bunnies speter not doing anything. Also looking at your party setup first I could say...why only MC and Kia is there? I mean you could without much trouble get Terry and Layla too. Well that fight wasn't hard with Terry alone not meantioning Layla (thou I never tried beat him just with 2 member team so it's possible but I assume lvl of party need to be even higher than for 3 member party). Another thing I see you got 2 jobs with 7/8. Getting fully mastery in some of jobs aside 2 not 1 skill gained would give some bonus to hp/sp/lp (in case of warrior would be rank 2 in hp).

So now some more thought on how you can beat him. First you could try look around to get Terry or Layla added to your team (best I would say get both to reach full party). Second if you want beat him with just 2 people need have both of them some kind of aoe skills (currently those skills are only as mastery skills) so that lead to mastering fully few of the jobs (Bruiser 8/8 mastery skill is such aoe and Mage 8/8 mastery skill is another aoe). As for Elementalist this job would be also perfect with having only aoe type skills not yet in current released build (meantioning it in case you went to foe smutosaur and found this job desc there already). I meantioned aoe since with full 4 member party at lvl's you meantioned lagon helpers wouldn;t be any threat to party that could wipe them even with casual attack (after all 4 members mean roughly 2x more often attacking than just 2 members). In case you not wanna play with aoe skills (their use kinda more sp then single target skills anyway and I not sure if your team is rich enouch to buy tons of SP pots and some other helping in fights things like decoy sticks or HP pots) would be using strong single target attacks only on Lagon. Target of fight when you are against him and his children is actualy beat him not them...their could be just some like small bonuses to exp/gold rewards after this part of the fight. As for been able deal much dmg again is better to train jobs that would fit with style of chara: for Kia all magic like jobs, for your MC physical jobs like warrior and bruiser (I see you mostly put point in str so those two jobs when fully mastered should be mostly fit way you spend point on your main chara). Still taking into account you wish to only use MC and Kia...she should try cast all buffs (first should be buff to stamina on herself since if lagon will smash would hurt her A LOT) and MC just...smashing like mad Lagon with all his/her strongest hardest hitting skills.

Only have Kia cause I can't find anyone else to recruit, lol. If you could tell me, I'd be happy, lol. Who's Terry and Layla? I don't think I remember them or if I even encountered  them...
Feb 24, 2016
Only have Kia cause I can't find anyone else to recruit, lol. If you could tell me, I'd be happy, lol. Who's Terry and Layla? I don't think I remember them or if I even encountered  them...

Terry can be recruited after finishing the Krawitz humiliation quest for the twins, when you try to leave Riguard after finishing that quest you'll be stopped by Miranda who recruits you into helping her catching a thief, the thief turns out to be Terry who you catch. Afterwards you can go talk to Miranda about his fate and then talk to the twins about getting him a pardon, from there you can go to the jail in the castle grounds to pull him out and recruit him. Layla can be recruited by going to Gwendy's farm after beating Orchid and then coming back a couple days later to pick her up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Terry can be recruited after finishing the Krawitz humiliation quest for the twins, when you try to leave Riguard after finishing that quest you'll be stopped by Miranda who recruits you into helping her catching a thief, the thief turns out to be Terry who you catch. Afterwards you can go talk to Miranda about his fate and then talk to the twins about getting him a pardon, from there you can go to the jail in the castle grounds to pull him out and recruit him. Layla can be recruited by going to Gwendy's farm after beating Orchid and then coming back a couple days later to pick her up.

Oh kay, thx m8.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
To unlock Seduction Jobs for Layla all you have to do is talk to her about Sex then have sex with her after that they are open.

Was this a recent change? I distinctly remember checking a couple of updates back after sexing her for the first time, and Courtesan Job was locked. Might have been a bug. Anyway, thanks for the tip.