Hello Fenexo,
I have no idea if you need any, or want any help. But I figured what was the harm in making an account and asking. I am a (still junior-ish) software engineer finishing my Master's and am finishing up my current internship. I am still on the job hunt and considering other own projects when an idea of whether or not a smaller developer needed an "intern" or someone to help do things like code review or testing came into mind to stay busy with work and experience gain. Anyhow long story short, accidentally found myself thinking of CoC2 and decided to ask if you would like someone to help with anything. I will check later to see if you are interested, if not, then thank you for your time anyways!
- BuggeredRaccoon
I have no idea if you need any, or want any help. But I figured what was the harm in making an account and asking. I am a (still junior-ish) software engineer finishing my Master's and am finishing up my current internship. I am still on the job hunt and considering other own projects when an idea of whether or not a smaller developer needed an "intern" or someone to help do things like code review or testing came into mind to stay busy with work and experience gain. Anyhow long story short, accidentally found myself thinking of CoC2 and decided to ask if you would like someone to help with anything. I will check later to see if you are interested, if not, then thank you for your time anyways!
- BuggeredRaccoon