Need Another Helper?

Jun 24, 2021
Hello Fenexo,

I have no idea if you need any, or want any help. But I figured what was the harm in making an account and asking. I am a (still junior-ish) software engineer finishing my Master's and am finishing up my current internship. I am still on the job hunt and considering other own projects when an idea of whether or not a smaller developer needed an "intern" or someone to help do things like code review or testing came into mind to stay busy with work and experience gain. Anyhow long story short, accidentally found myself thinking of CoC2 and decided to ask if you would like someone to help with anything. I will check later to see if you are interested, if not, then thank you for your time anyways!

- BuggeredRaccoon


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

Thanks very much for the offer! We're actually good on the coding end right now -- if anything our writers are having trouble producing enough content to keep the coders fed!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021

Thanks very much for the offer! We're actually good on the coding end right now -- if anything our writers are having trouble producing enough content to keep the coders fed!
Hmm, curious as to why the bug reports are looking so mountainous then. I've seen some that haven't been addressed as far back as 2020 (and some from 2018, but they've likely been fixed).

Kinda makes one just not care to report bugs in all honesty.
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Jun 24, 2021

Thanks very much for the offer! We're actually good on the coding end right now -- if anything our writers are having trouble producing enough content to keep the coders fed!
Ah, well thank you for getting back to me on it! While I would love to help write, I feel my writing skills, as much as I enjoy it, isn't quite on par with my coding skills. If you would like future help on anything in the realm of coding though, feel free to email at Or post it somewhere and I am sure I will eventually run into it. Until then, best of luck to you and the team!
Jun 24, 2021

Thanks very much for the offer! We're actually good on the coding end right now -- if anything our writers are having trouble producing enough content to keep the coders fed!
Actually, I apologize for disturbing further. I would be interested in helping write for CoC2, as part of my work as a grad student is game development and I am trying to improve my storyboard and writing skills. If the team is willing to take on a new writer, I would be more than pleased to join in and help with it. I understand if there is uncertainty or if my work would be under review until deemed a good enough quality. But this might help give me new experiences. Thank you again for answering my questions!
Jun 24, 2021
Submissions are always open to the public. Just check out the Event Submissions board to learn more!
Cool, read through the event submission and started small. Just wrote a "submit" or "defeat" spitroast scene for the centaur pack. Still need to add proper parse lines for it though for switching between PC's ass or vagina depending if what they have, it will default to vagina though unless someone wants to change it. Should be able to submit it tonight for review after I further figure out the parsing and if "logic operations" (ass or vag) is available
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