Having a hard time getting off myrellion and cant seem to get to the next planet. Does someone mind posting the myrellion sequence of events and where to find them in order to get to kressia?
Also, don't get hopes up about Uveto. Still a long while off from even basic stuff.
Read it as "having a hard time getting off on Myrellion". Was like "wat."
Read it as "having a hard time getting off on Myrellion". Was like "wat."
I mean there's a lot of content to get off on Myrellion. Try the cock vines, Queen Tavira, and my personal favorite; Lieve!
Well there is the Bathhouse in Myrellion, which has golds, plus I suppose you could also get it on with the fungus and goo's depending on your tastes. It's got more than enough for at least everyone to have something they like.
There is one piece of Lieve's content that I'd love to see and that hasn't been stated as considered at some point: PC using their own Myr Venom simultaneously with her. Mutual addiction based equality FTW.
I mean there's a lot of content to get off on Myrellion. Try the cock vines, Queen Tavira, and my personal favorite; Lieve!
The only kind of sex you can have with nyrea without getting preggers is to fuck them up the ass
If you pay attention to the encounter opening the hunters clue you in if they have eggs or not.
I kinda like Embry, if anything I was hoping I could wife her and put her on my ship >.> mebbe pump out a few kids but hell if I know that's in the game planstill I find Embry's content some of the best on that planet.
Though letting an eggless nyrea pound your pussy is probably too farcical to get off with. "What is this alien biology that every other sentient species on the planet has? I can't deal with this shit!"
Perhaps you can raise an army of zombies for the red myr with your skills as a necromancer.
May, or even June at this point.