My experiments with KoboldAI


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
So, have you heard about AIdungeon? The game that uses "AI" to generate stories? Turns out, there's a bunch of "AI story generators" like that. Among them, is KoboldAI ( which is free and open source. You can use that link and download it, but it's really expensive to run. You need a 16GB vRAM graphics card to run even the simplest AI models. Fortunately, you can use google drive and google collab ( to run the more advanced models remotely.

I'm including two stories I generated. One I generated on my local machine using Erebus 2.7B. I seeded it with Una's description from TiTS, made heavy use of the memory function, and input prompt. Generally, I used snippits of her sex scenes modified to make it clear to the program who was doing what. I also slightly trimmed or modified otherwise good output generations. It would take about a minute per output generation, and I'd generally have to regenerate each output 5-7 times to get one that I liked and felt fit.

The other was generated via the collab method. I used the Erebus 20B model here, and did not use memory at all. Aside from the initial input, I added no more. I edited one line to make one otherwise good output generation fit. Initial input was Vatai's description from CoC2. Output generation took about 6 seconds on average.


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
The Baroness Una Condinted is a prominent member of a galactic race called the Gabilani, who live in vast space colonies. They are famous for their highly advanced technology and beautiful women, though not necessarily in that order. The Baroness is an important figurehead of the society, but also a notorious and ruthless enforcer, able to take on any challenge thrown at her.
You approach the bronze gate and, finding it unlocked, slip inside.

“What is it? Oh, it’s you again.” Una slaps down a pen and gazes at you witheringly. “What do you want this time?”

You are a freelance journalist visiting the planet for research purposes. You have come across the Baroness through your work and believe that you may be able to use her as a source of information.
The Baroness is a fearsome figure, even among her peers. She is known as the ‘Queen of Darkness' by those who know her well enough to speak of her.

"Well, ma'am, I'm just here to ask if you will finally grant an interview to me," you say.

"Why should I?" Una asks, folding her arms. "I've never spoken to you before."

"But you're famous!" You exclaim. "Everyone knows you! Everyone wants to talk to you!"

"I can't speak to you unless you promise to keep your questions strictly on the subject of my work," Una says curtly.

You are dismayed, you need Una to speculate on the gossip of Gabilani high society.

"I'll do anything," you plead. "Anything at all. Just please, I beg you, give me one minute with the Queen of Darkness!"

"You won't get a word out of me in a million years, you pathetic little worm," Una snarls.

You are silent for a moment, waiting for her to change her mind.

"What can I do to change your mind?" you ask her.

"There's nothing I can do to help you," Una says. "You're wasting your time."

You feel your heart sink. This was the one chance you had to gain insight into the life of the powerful woman. Your editor, who had arranged this interview, would be furious if he found out that you had wasted his time.

You try another tack.

You lay down and grovel in the dirt, begging for the interview.

"Please, ma'am, I think you'd like to meet me," you say.

"You're a pathetic creature," Una says, walking past you. "A nobody, I bet."

You stand up and follow her, trying to convince yourself that she is just being rude.
“You’ve got time for talk,” you grin, leaning on the desk. “So you’ve definitely got time for more fun activities, right?””

“Gotten all frisky in the warm weather, have we?” smirks Una. She leans back and runs her eyes up and down your body deliberately, playing with a stray coil of black hair as she does.

"You really are a hopeless little worm, aren't you?" she laughs. "I can hardly wait until I get rid of you. You'll only embarrass me further."

Una turns around and takes off her jacket, revealing a skimpy bodice beneath. She tucks it neatly away behind her back.

“Yeah nonsense,” you say. “You’re just trying to play hard to get.”

“You’re so sure...” the gabilani snickers, cruel, teasing eyes gazing at you from behind her hand. “Oh, fine. If we’re that desperate, you can lick my pussy."

She reaches forward and grabs your face in both hands, pushing you to your knees in front of her.

"Lick my cunt," she demands.

You look up at her, wide eyed.

"Don't make me force you," Una warns.

The pleasantly fruity taste of fresh, female excitement oils your tongue as you lap at the gabilani, exploring the ins and outs of her with interest. The view from here isn’t bad either - every well-directed dart and smack of your mouth makes the mounds of Una’s white-clad breasts above you quake slightly, the thick hips beneath your hands clench.

You want to do this more than anything else in the universe. You have been fantasizing about it for days and days. And now it's finally happening!

You are lost in the moment, your tongue darting into the depths of Una's pussy. Her juices leak out around your lips, splattering onto your chin. You lick them up eagerly, swallowing them greedily.

“Go in and up,” Una directs, able to inject teacher-like authority into her tone despite having her head thrown back. “That’s it... good boy...” You wriggle your mouth muscle into her channel, and are slightly surprised when she suddenly squeezes down on its tip hard, like an eel in a trap.

You try to pull back, but Una is too strong. She holds you in place with one hand on your head, while the other squeezes your throat.

"You don't want to go anywhere, do you?" Una asks, her voice low and menacing.

You nod.

She releases your throat and you cough, trying to clear your throat.

Una clasps her thighs around your head at the same time, momentarily muffling the world with the sound of supple, turquoise warmth, and rides that bit of trapped tongue with hard squeezes. As soon as she lets go, you withdraw, electing to concentrate on her bulging clit instead.

This is what you have been dreaming about for months. Licking and sucking and biting and licking and sucking again, all the way up until you feel her body shuddering under your mouth.

"Oh yes, that feels so good... oh fuck... yessss..." she moans.

“In deep again, eager beaver, and this time don’t cringe,” Una orders. “You aren’t bad, but you need plenty of practice with a gabilani pussy if you want to be tasting it again.”

You think it’s very unwise of her to put on airs like that from this position. You cinch your arms around the back of her knees and with one firm upward movement tumble her onto her back. Paper goes flying everywhere.

As soon as she lands, you stuff your face into her cleavage and begin lapping at her breasts, which are still heaving from the exertion of your oral assault. They are heavy and full, the nipples hard as pebbles beneath your teeth.

The Baroness is gasping and moaning, her eyes rolling back in her head.

“What are you doing?” she cries, bare feet wiggling helplessly near your ears. “St -o- -o- -o- -p!” Her order becomes a shrill squeal as you attack the ripe, split fruit of her pussy with a vengeance, lapping lengthwise over her hole with swift, hard curls, ending each lick with a little flick at her bulging blue clit.

You can hear your own wet slurping sounds echoing off the walls. You are so turned on that you could come right now.

You have been fantasizing about this moment for days. You would give your left nut to be able to do this to Una right now. But you know she will get revenge. She always does.

You are careful not to dip your tongue too deep into her, keeping it out of range of those formidable vaginal muscles of hers. That doesn’t stop you sadistically teasing her with the prospect, sinking into the wet velvet suck of her tunnel just so before withdrawing, slithering back up to continue your assault on that delightfully over-sensitive button of hers. The response you get from doing this is wonderful. Una air-pedals furiously, calves flapping against your firmly anchored elbows and curses you a blue moon, her own blue moon hopelessly exposed.

Her breathing is ragged, and the sound of her heart pounding in her chest is unmistakable.

You have never seen such passion on a gabilani woman before. It is intoxicating.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to come!" Una screams, and then she does.

Your mouth is filled with her juices, but you don't care.

“You’re not doing it properly!” Una wails. “Stop behaving like an animal and unh -a- -a- -a- ah!” she dissolves into a hysterical moan, hands clutching at the sheets, as you blanket her clit in your tongue before flicking at it furiously. Una’s hands bunch up the fabric, and despite her writhing, you feel her little buzzer quiver distinctly on the pad of your mouth muscle.

You are delighted by this reaction. This is exactly what you have been waiting for.

You lick faster, swirling your tongue around her clit and tickling it with a slender finger. Una is bucking wildly under you, squealing and groaning with every thrust of her hips.

She has had enough.

“So what am I doing wrong, exactly?” you ask politely, looking up at the heaving mounds of Una’s breasts once she’s finished her helpless thrashing in your strong arm-lock. “Aside from giving you mind-blowing orgasms, I mean.”

Una stares down at you with a look of obvious disdain.

"What do you want me to do, Baroness Condinted? Do you want me to kiss you? Or maybe suck your big tits while you ride my cock? You know, like a good little gabilani slut?"

Una is genuinely angry at this point.

You lean forward and shoot your tongue up her wet, unfurled twat as deep as you can get it. Her muscles convulse around you reactively... and then you withdraw it, going back to ravishing her labia and clit with heavy drags and smooches of your lips and mouth before she can grab hold.

Una screams again, and you know she is about to come again. You keep licking at her until she does, and then you withdraw your tongue from her gaping hole and go back to work on her clit.

Face buried between Una’s short, thick legs, you spend an enjoyable few minutes mercilessly driving her to a fresh orgasm, soft flesh trembling and writhing around you as musky girl-cum drips down your chin, the taste and sound of her keeping your own pink phallus rock hard.

When she finally stops shaking, you pull away from her.

"Did I do something wrong?" you ask, getting up to stand next to her chair. "I thought that was pretty good."

Una shakes her head, eyes wide. "That wasn't good enough," she says bluntly. "It wasn't even close to good enough."

“You are a crude and willful boy who has no idea how to treat a lady professional,” Una says woozily, hips still spread, black top bun in a tangle. Una either doesn’t have a strength to disguise her well-fucked, wicked delight in you, or she isn’t bothering. “You will follow my instructions to the letter next time, or there will be repercussions.”

You stare up at her, mouth agape.

"What? What sort of repercussions?"

"The kind where I don't fuck you anymore."

You look down at her, confusion written all over your face.

"But why would-"

Before you can finish, Una cuts in.

"Because I'm not a whore, little brat," she says matter-of-factly. "I have standards. And if you don't live up to them, I'll find someone else who will. And they probably won't be a little boy like yourself."

With that, she stands up and walks out of the room, leaving you dumbfounded.

You follow her out, ready to begin the interview.

"What the fuck?" you mutter to yourself as you walk back into the office.

Una is sitting at her desk, working on some paperwork.

"Baroness Condinted!" you call out, walking in.

"Yes?" she asks, putting down her pen and looking up at you.

"I've paid your price," you say, "now give me my interview!"

She looks at you for a moment, then smiles.

"That's more like it," she says. "Now sit down and let's get this done."

You do as you're told, and Una sits down in her chair, crossing her legs in front of her.

"So what do we want to talk about today?"

"For starters," you say, "how about why the other Gabilani nobles call you the Queen of Darkness?"

Una sighs. "You know nothing about the Gabilani," she says, "and you should stop talking before you embarrass yourself further."

You smile. "Maybe I do," you say. "I know a bit about the Gabilani, and I know you."

"And what do you know about me?"

"A lot," you say, grinning. "We've met before, remember? That whole 'fuck with me and I'll kill you' thing?"

Una frowns. "I'm sorry, but that could be literally anybody."

You shrug. "I guess so," you say. "But now I've got you alone, and I'd really like to know what all the fuss is about."

"Let me think for a moment," Una says, moving her hands to her lap.

You watch her as she works, intrigued by how easily she can be distracted from whatever it is she's doing.

Una says, "Doridia, my mother, she was a very distinguished deto-menter. Least when she wasn’t screwing. I’m the seventh of fifteen children: Oreol, my oldest sister, she’s the one you’ve probably heard of. Invented a type of rubber cement that’s completely air tight once set. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s useful to a space-bound race that can’t go a week without blowing a hole in something. And my goodness me, does she think she’s special. Stuck up bitch. What I wouldn’t give to show her up, turn that arrogant little smirk of hers upside down...”

Your eyes widen in surprise as you hear this.

"Yeah," you say. "That sounds about right."

Una sighs again. "Anyway, she was a real bitch. She didn't care about my father or anything. Just her own needs. So one day, when I was twelve, she sent me to live with my grandparents on their homeworld."

Una is slowly turning a fetching shade of navy telling you this. You can’t help but notice you can just about see the rise of her nipples through the taut fabric of her suit as it quivers in indignation. Is it possible that getting this angry actually turns her on a bit?

"My grandfather was an engineer, he had a bunch of inventions that were never used because they weren't quite ready yet. He wanted me to learn how to use his work, so I spent the first couple of years living in a big house with him and my sisters, learning all about engineering. I loved it. It was fascinating.

“Have you tried inventing anything yourself?” you ask with a slight cough.

Una looks away for a moment. "No," she says, shaking her head. "I don't have the patience. My dad always said I'd find a way to make money out of it, so I went into law instead. I think I might be a bit of an asshole sometimes, but I can get shit done. Which is what matters to me."

"I had a plan,” Una continues, a wistful smile replacing her scowl. “I calculated that with enough explosions detonated in the right places, I could change Daerinoys’ climate just enough to make it more liveable around its equator, as well as turn up a bunch of platinum 190 at the same time. It would have been expensive but so worth it. Even if it went wrong, I would’ve sealed my place in gabilani history forever. My name would have gone on for hours!”

She pauses, and then, slowly, takes a breath. "But it didn't work."

And now you're really curious.

"What happened?" you ask, sitting back in your seat.

“I was convicted of embezzlement before I got to find out,” growls Una. “That absolute cow Oreol sold me out. I told the jury the scheme would’ve allowed me to pay High Command back ten times over, but would they listen? I was sent down here as punishment, and given the suffix “Condinted” to boot. “Disgraced-in-Exile”, since you ask. But I’ll tear that off one day, oh yes...”

You suddenly feel sad for the Baroness, but you also kind of want to hear more.

"So what happened after that?" you ask.

Una sighs again. "Well, I was sentenced to a year of hard labor, and then I was assigned here. I spend these twelve months building up my reputation as a good worker, until I could go back home. At least that's what they've said."
You say, “I’m feeling... what was the word you used?”

“Frisky,” Ina answers.

You say, “Yeah. That.”

“Hmm,” leers Una, shifting in her seat, making long-suffering fabric sound. “And I suppose you want us to do something about it? What, exactly, did you have in mind, may I ask?”

Your heart sinks, and you realize that "something about it" means that you are going to have sex with the Baroness.

You know you shouldn't be getting turned on by this, but you also know that you can't help it. You feel like a little girl who has just been given candy for the first time.

Una doesn't seem to notice, though. "Oh, I see," she says, giving you an appraising look. "So you want to use me for your own personal pleasure? Well, that's not very nice. If I'm going to be used, it should be for some noble purpose. I don't think I deserve to just be fucked for your amusement."

You try to speak up, but Una cuts you off.

"I'll tell you what," she says, leaning forward in her chair. "I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. If you can prove yourself worthy, I will let you fuck me."

You can't believe how quickly you have gone from being outraged to being aroused.

You say, "How do I prove myself worthy?"

Una smiles sweetly. "That's easy!" she says. "You just need to get me wet."

You feel a twinge of guilt at the thought that she might have been joking, but you still manage to nod.

Una stands up, and you stand up too. As you step behind her, she turns around and looks into your eyes. She smiles. "Let's start with your mouth."

You lap at the indomitable little woman’s plump, spread sex, cherishing it with your saliva before doing as she asks and reaching your tongue deep into her wet hole.

She moans delightfully. "Mmmm, yes, that's right. Don't stop licking me! Mmmph, mmmph, mmmph, oh god you're so good at that."

You keep licking and sucking while she grinds against your face, moving her hips back and forth in a rhythm that is getting faster and more frantic.

“That’s it,” Una hums, shuffling her papers. “Good boy... right... there.” Her thighs tighten around your ears and her muscles clench up around your tongue, soft walls suddenly turning into a brawny hold, trapping most of your tongue deep within her.

You can feel her juices running down your chin, and her hot breath on your neck as she continues to writhe beneath you.

You lick harder, sucking her clit between your lips and flicking it with your tongue.

Una grits her teeth, and her body begins to shake.

Una holds you there firmly, lips pressed right into her labia, sighing with low pleasure as her sex wrings your straining mouth muscle like a wet cloth, rippling up and down it hard. Your hearing is muffled by her hips, her feet bumping gently against your shoulders; all there is for you is her outer softness and her inner, kneading ruthlessness.

Una pushes her hips back, grinding herself against your mouth. "Oh god, yes, that's it. Keep going! Oh god, yes!"

Your tongue drags along her folds again and again, your hands gripping onto her soft asscheeks, squeezing them roughly.

After ten long seconds, she releases you with a long, pleased purr, your tongue allowed to slither back out of her entrance. You take a long gulping breath. Your mouth, chin and nose are slathered with her high, fruity scent, and you feel faintly dizzy with it and your hydrostatic exertions; your phallus is still bulgingly erect from your sexual daze.

"That was amazing," Una says. "I can't wait to see what else you've got."

You look up at her. She smiles. "Well, then let's get started."

You move behind her again and reach around to press your cock head against her pussy.

Una grunts with pleasure. "Yes, yes, that's it!"
Time draws out in the warm, quiet room as you happily keep your cock buried inside the gabilani’s fat, tight cunt, obeying her every direction and feeling a glow of submissive satisfaction when you draw approving sighs and murmurs of pleasure out of her, small quakes trembling through the pliant, ample flesh below you.

You can feel her hot wetness seeping up around your shaft, and her inner walls are slick with her own juices.

You thrust forward and back, then you pull back a little further, sliding your cock in and out of the slick, slippery tunnel of her pussy.

Una groans lustily. "Oh god, yes! Keep doing that! Oh fuck, yes! Don't stop!"

You push yourself deeper inside her, and she groans with pleasure.

She grips your buttocks with both hands, pulling you tightly against her as she grinds down on your cock, her hips slapping against yours.

Your balls slap against each other with each thrust.

Una's eyes snap open. She pulls you closer to her, and kisses you hard, pressing your mouth tight against hers.

You can feel her tongue flicking against yours, playing with your own, and the sensation is electric.

You kiss her back, your tongue dueling with hers, exploring her mouth.

Una moans into your mouth, her hands sliding up your back and cupping your asscheeks.

You reach up and grab a handful of her hair, pulling her close to you.

Una's hips begin to buck against your cock again. "Oh god! Yes! Fuck me harder!"

You push yourself even deeper into her, and she groans with pleasure.

Your hands slide down the sides of her body, and your fingers find their way to her nipples. Your thumbs pinch and roll them gently, and Una gasps with pleasure as her breasts are massaged.

You continue pushing your cock in and out of her, fucking her slowly and steadily with long, slow strokes.

Una's breathing quickens, her hips grinding against you. Her breasts are heaving with each breath, and her nipples are hard and erect.

You pull back slightly, then plunge forward again, your cock plunging deep inside her pussy.

Una's hips buck wildly against you, and she gasps loudly, her mouth opening wide as her orgasm takes hold of her.

Her pussy grips your cock tightly, and you feel a wave of pleasure ripple through your cock as you shoot your load deep inside her.

You collapse on top of her, and she wraps her arms around you, holding you close.

After a few moments, you slide off her, and Una rolls onto her side to face you. You look into her eyes, and they are glazed with lust. She smiles sweetly.

"This is the reward for good boys who follow directions," Una says.

You smile back at her, and she giggles. "I think I'm going to like being your pet."

"Good boy!" she says with a grin. "Now, how about we get cleaned up?"

You lie down next to her on the bed, and she crawls between your legs. She spreads your knees apart with one hand, and slides her tongue along the length of your cock before licking it clean.

She leans forward and sucks on your cockhead, tasting your precum. You moan softly as she suckles you.

Una slides her tongue around the head of your cock, then slowly works her way down the shaft, taking you deeper with each stroke.

After a while, she pulls back slightly and begins to lick your balls.

You reach up and take hold of her hair, pulling her face closer to your cock. She moans as you do this.

Una sucks on your balls for a few minutes, then moves up to your cock, sucking on the head again.

You reach down and guide her mouth down your shaft. She gags a little bit at first, but soon gets the hang of it and begins to work her way down your cock.

Una's mouth is warm and wet, and you feel her tongue flick around your cockhead as she sucks.

She takes you all the way down her throat, gagging a little bit as she does so.

After a minute or two, you pull her up from your cock, and she gasps as the head of your cock pops out of her mouth.

She looks up at you with big, lust filled eyes.

"That was amazing," you say. "I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me."

Una smiles at you. "I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Now, let's get cleaned up."


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
Inside the tree is a snow-white snakewoman lying atop a sizeable mound of her own coils, her voluptuous chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. It seems like the hollow she's lying inside is amplifying her volume, perhaps frightening away smaller creatures. Looking closer you can see that between her pair of very large, perky breasts lies a thick tuft of fur, matched by outcroppings of the same around her wrists, giving her the appearance of wearing bracelets.

Despite being completely naked she doesn't seem to be having too much trouble with the cold, having clearly chosen this location for its warmth and shelter. You catch a glimpse of her clit's little hood as she shifts, in the depression where her wide, womanly hips join with her naga body. One of her eyelids slowly rises to reveal an azure eye that lazily regards you, her countenance as peaceful as a frozen lake.
"Hi." She says simply, her voice deep and melodious but not quite human, more akin to the sound made by a musical instrument than anything else. Her tone is friendly, though, and despite your initial unease at seeing another person from outside the village you find yourself relaxing slightly.

"Hello," you reply back, "I'm sorry if I've startled you, it was my first time here."

"No need to apologize, dearie. There are plenty of us around this place who would welcome any visitors, even those who look scary." The snakewoman gives you a smile, one that reveals sharpened teeth. "My name is Lirael."

You return the gesture, feeling the tension leave your shoulders as you relax further. You'd been worried about how you were going to introduce yourself, especially since it felt like there might have been some sort of taboo against talking to strangers. Now you feel silly.

"I'm Tauriel," you say cheerfully, "nice to meet you!"

"And what brings you all the way out here?" asks the serpentine creature, sitting up on her coils a bit. "It must be dangerous for you to come so far, alone..."

"Oh, no! Nothing dangerous!" you assure her, waving your hands dismissively. "I just wanted to check out the area, maybe get a good night's sleep before moving into town tomorrow."

"Well then, why don't you stay here tonight?" suggests Lirael, "there's enough room for two, and we could keep each other warm. What do you think?"

"That sounds perfect!" you exclaim happily, "thank you!"

You sit down next to the snakewoman, getting comfortable on the furs while she wriggles over to make room for you. As you settle down, the warmth radiating off her scales feels wonderful.

"So... you're new to these parts, huh? What brought you here?"

"I came to study magic," you answer truthfully, "and everyone said that this place had lots of it."

Lirael nods thoughtfully, glancing towards the sky, where the moon hangs low above the horizon. "I suppose they did. Have you found many sources yet?"

"Not really," you admit, "but I haven't gotten very far either. I've only been here three days now."

The snakewoman looks back at you, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "What kind of magic are you looking for?"

You pause, unsure of how to respond. "I guess I'm still figuring that out."

"Hmmm," replies Lirael, "that's interesting. Perhaps you should start coming to me when you want help deciphering runes or reading scrolls. I'll be able to tell you which ones will be most useful."

"Really?" you ask, surprised. "How can you tell that?"

"Well, I know a fair amount about various kinds of magic," explains Lirael, "and I can usually figure out pretty quickly whether something will be helpful or not. If someone tells you something won't work, chances are they're right; but if a spell actually works, odds are I can tell you exactly what it does."

You nod, impressed. "Wow, thanks! That's really nice of you."

"You're welcome, dearie," responds Lirael, smiling again. "Now, let's get you settled in."

She rearranges herself, curling herself around you to form a snug cocoon. You can feel the heat radiating off her body, and you realize that unlike the last few nights you slept, you aren't freezing anymore. The fire crackles merrily and a pleasant orange glow fills the cave.

"There," sighs Lirael, "now you're all set. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks!" you say gratefully, reaching up to press your hand against hers, which rests against your bare chest. It's soft and velvety, and you can feel the gentle beating of her heart beneath it.

You lie there for several minutes, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the closeness of the snakewoman curled up beside you. Eventually, however, you begin to grow uncomfortable, and you shift uncomfortably.

"Hey, um... Are you sure I'm okay here?" you ask tentatively. "I mean, if you don't mind, I'd rather-"

"Of course I don't mind," Lirael interrupts, her eyes twinkling. "In fact, I insist. Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive you of such an enjoyable experience."

You blink, confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You didn't notice?" asks Lirael, arching an eyebrow.

"Notice what?"

"The feelings you were having earlier," says the snakewoman, "the ones that made you blush... I caught the scent of them on your skin."

Your cheeks flush crimson with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass myself-"

"Don't apologize," laughs Lirael, "it was adorable. And I promise I won't tell anyone else."

You glance away from her, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your own behavior. "I... uh... I wasn't trying to... I mean, I was just really cold and-"

"Please, don't worry about it," coos Lirael, stroking your cheek gently. "Besides, I'm flattered. Few humans have ever noticed my charms before."

She leans forward, pressing her lips against yours, kissing you softly. Her tongue slips out to trace along your lips, and you sigh quietly as you kiss her back. Her mouth tastes sweet, like honey, and you can feel yourself growing hard as she kisses you deeper.

After a moment, you break the kiss, gasping for breath. "Mmm..." you murmur dreamily, "you taste delicious."

"And you smell so good too," purrs Lirael, nuzzling against your neck. She reaches up to caress your face, causing you to shiver pleasantly.

"Um... yeah..." you stammer, blushing slightly.

"Would you like me to keep doing that?" asks Lirael, her voice husky.

"Yeah..." you breathe.

Slowly, Lirael begins to move her hands downwards, rubbing her fingers across your chest and stomach. Her touch is warm and sensual, sending tingles throughout your body.

"Would you like me to do more?" she whispers into your ear.

You moan softly, nodding.

Lirael smiles, leaning closer to you. Her lips brush against yours, trailing across your jawline, over your chin, and finally grazing lightly against your lips. You open your mouth eagerly, and she presses her lips firmly against yours, sliding her tongue between your lips.

You moan softly and pull her close, wrapping your arms around her soft, sinuous body. She returns the embrace, her firm breasts pressed against your chest. Your hands slide downwards, tracing along her smooth, toned body, until you reach her hips. Gently, you squeeze her ass, eliciting a low groan from the snakewoman.

Her tongue traces along your bottom lip, drawing a shiver from you. Then, slowly, she pulls away, leaving you panting in frustration.

"You seem to be enjoying that," she observes.

"Yes, yes I am," you mutter fervently.

"Would you like me to continue?" she asks innocently.

You swallow thickly, fighting back a whimper. "Yes," you whisper.

Lirael smiles happily, moving back towards you. This time, she straddles your waist, settling her weight atop you. Her lips meet yours again, this time pressing harder against your mouth. Her tongue slides inside, twirling around your own.

You moan loudly, pushing your tongue against hers. She responds by thrusting her tongue deeper inside your mouth, grinding her hips against you.

"Ohhhh..." you moan, bucking your hips upwards.

Lirael breaks the kiss, smiling broadly at you. "Do you like that?" she asks.

"Mm-hmm..." you nod, breathing heavily.

"Good," she says, shifting her hips slightly. Her pussy rubs against you, sending another surge of pleasure through your body.

"Mmmm..." you moan, closing your eyes.

Lirael starts to rock her hips rhythmically against you, her hands moving to your shoulders. "Would you like me to ride you now?" she asks, her voice throaty.

"Yes!" you cry, unable to hold back any longer.

Lirael nods, reaching down to grip your cock. She guides it towards her slit, guiding it inside her wet folds. "Ohhhhh..." she moans, rocking her hips faster against you.

"That feels so good," you groan, grabbing her ass with both hands.

Lirael smiles, slamming herself down onto your cock. You moan loudly, your balls tightening.

"Gods, yes..." you grunt, arching your back.

Lirael's hands tighten their grip on your shoulders. She rides you hard and fast, her pussy squeezing tightly around your cock. Every time she bottoms out, she grinds her hips against you, making you moan louder and louder.

"Oh god oh god oh god," you moan repeatedly, each word punctuated by a sharp thrust from the snakewoman.

"I want you to cum for me," growls Lirael, squeezing your shoulders tighter. "Cum all over my pussy, human! Cum for meeeeee!"

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" you cry as your orgasm hits, shooting ropes of hot cum deep inside Lirael's snatch. She grunts with every spurt, her eyes wide with lust. She keeps riding you even after you've finished cumming, milking every last drop from your cock.

With a final thrust, she collapses on top of you, her head resting on your shoulder.

"That was amazing," she breathes.

You smile weakly, stroking her hair. "It was."

"Can we do it again sometime soon?" she asks shyly.

You laugh. "No doubt."

* * * * *

The End? Nope, not quite yet. There are still four chapters left! But if you're reading this far, then hopefully you'll stick around for them. And remember: vote!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Yooo dude! Look on post date for God sake!
I don't know about any voting, but if there's one thing I'm voting for, it's for sending you right into necro jail, for all eternity!:gedhmmyes: