Multiple Endings


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There are a lot of topics about content in the game, content about to be in the game, and content we wish could be in the game. But, there hasn't been much talk about content at the end of the game. Now, I know the ending is a long way off. At the pace the devs are going, I don't see the game being completed until late 2016/early 2017. But then again, I don't know how much they have planned for the game, so that estimate is just like finding a needle in a haystack.

The main plot of the game was introduced early on in the tutorial. Not long after, you encounter the main antagonist. Your mission: to find all of the pods leading you to your inheritance before your cousin does. On your journey, you will visit various planets and search for your inheritance pod. Whether by choice or not, your arrival, and the decisions thereafter, often brings about great change for the planet you are on. Looking back at the planets, it is possible to see the mark that Victor Steele's child has left. Many of the planets can have vastly different "endings" based on what Steele does.

With that in mind, I can't wait to see how the main story turns out. However, with the way things are looking, and how people always want everything, I can't see the game having more than one ending. With all the choice in the game, if there is only one ending, it would kind of feel like a letdown; as if all the choices made throughout the game were somehow meaningless. One of the big worries about retrieving the inheritance is that if Steele's DNA is too far separated from Victor Steele's DNA, then the pods would not recognize the child and refuse to give up the inheritance. That would make it seem like the only good ending for the game is retrieving the inheritance and the only bad ending would be that Jack/Jill gets it.

I have seen many games and movies where the goal that the protagonist aimed to reach at the beginning of the story was not obtained, but the characters were still able to have a happy ending. The main movies that I can think of off the top of my head that do this are The Ballad of Ricky Bobby and this one baseball movie where a kid is in charge of a professional baseball team which loses the final game, but are able to stay around or something like that. In games, some of the big ones that I can think of are Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Fallout: New Vegas.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that I would like to see the ending get affected by the choices we make throughout the game. At the moment, I can't think of many other ways that the game could end other than Steele gets it or not. The only other "happy" endings I can think of is that Steele doesn't get the inheritance, but due to all the choices he/she made throughout the game, a new company gets founded by Steele that comes to rival Steele Tech. Or due to their cruelty, Steele became the leader of the undergalaxy (because they aren't just limited to one world).

Argh, sorry for the text message, I just think that, even though it's a long way off, if there is discussion about it earlier, then there could be thought on how the ending of the game will play out. I have seen quite a few games where the start and middle of the game were great, but the ending of the game... felt lacking.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
We really don't plan more than a few weeks ahead, m8. So nobody knows what shape the end might take -- we have at best a vague idea about how Myrellion will. 


Aug 26, 2015
As long as Steele is in playable condition, they are able to retrieve the inheritance should they so desire.

It's possible not to desire.  Jim's got a vanae breeder ending planned where you willingly spend the rest of your days among the vanae, which he considers a good ending.  You will almost certainly have other such options as time goes by.

As for completion date, 2017 is an extreme lowball.  Six months per planet, I would guess ten main story planets to have a suitably lengthy tale, that's 2020 at a minimum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As long as Steele is in playable condition, they are able to retrieve the inheritance should they so desire.

It's possible not to desire.  Jim's got a vanae breeder ending planned where you willingly spend the rest of your days among the vanae, which he considers a good ending.  You will almost certainly have other such options as time goes by.

As for completion date, 2017 is an extreme lowball.  Six months per planet, I would guess ten main story planets to have a suitably lengthy tale, that's 2020 at a minimum.

Looking forward to playing the finished game in my brand new holographic screen. Will it have oculus rift support when it becomes finished? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Looking forward to playing the finished game in my brand new holographic screen. Will it have oculus rift support when it becomes finished? 

3D text. It's like the text is coming right at you!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
At the end, everyone you had sex with comes back to ask for money. Some ask for sex only. And some both.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And then you realize you were VICTOR STEELE ALL ALONG

There needs to be a joke ending where your father's "inheritance" is actually a machine. He tricks you into entering it, and the machine kills you and puts his consciousness inside your body. This whole time he made choices about your body and your adventure to shape you into exactly the way he wanted to be. 

This is probably someone's fetish as well so bonus points for that. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There needs to be a joke ending where your father's "inheritance" is actually a machine. He tricks you into entering it, and the machine kills you and puts his consciousness inside your body. This whole time he made choices about your body and your adventure to shape you into exactly the way he wanted to be. 

This is probably someone's fetish as well so bonus points for that. 

Doesn't appeal to Savin's Vicboner. -100 points. :3

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Vic sent you on a quest to breed the Vanae.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nagh it probably ends that Victor made more than dozen [] Steele childred in last 20-25 years, all brainwashed to belive to be only one chosen progeny and sent all on race, to have fun in his afterlife seeing like they all race thinking they the real one. And here we got all possible ending since each of them will get some. Hmm wait does sound devilish close to actual state just amount of those children is like...way more than legion of them ^^
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Nagh it probably ends that Victor made more than dozen [] Steele childred in last 20-25 years, all brainwashed to belive to be only one chosen progeny and sent all on race, to have fun in his afterlife seeing like they all race thinking they the real one. And here we got all possible ending since each of them will get some. Hmm wait does sound devilish close to actual state just amount of those children is like...way more than legion of them ^^

I would imagine you would easily notice the fact your dad had dozens of folks go after the inheritance, considering a quick look at the tv news would tell you about the fact there is that much competition. I mean pretty much everyone you run into knows who you are, you'd think they'd tell you "I hope you get there before your siblings!" if there were others in on the rat race too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I would imagine you would easily notice the fact your dad had dozens of folks go after the inheritance, considering a quick look at the tv news would tell you about the fact there is that much competition. I mean pretty much everyone you run into knows who you are, you'd think they'd tell you "I hope you get there before your siblings!" if there were others in on the rat race too.

It's like One Piece where the Grand Line has multiple paths and you don't hear anything about the others until you happen to all meet up on the same island/planet. Then you're going to be stuck for 2 years while you train and come back stronger than ever and ready to take your inheritance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's like One Piece where the Grand Line has multiple paths and you don't hear anything about the others until you happen to all meet up on the same island/planet. Then you're going to be stuck for 2 years while you train and come back stronger than ever and ready to take your inheritance.

Just how would all of the sibiling not realize something is fishy at starting point? But that probably would be someohow explainable due to all happening in far away future, so all that biotechnological mumbling and etc.

@EmperorG: Yeah that true even if it not meantioned ingame anywhere so far (the fact PC watching any TV news - but dunno if we ever get something like that anyway, not like it's something we need badly). But still some npc got so easygoing personalities, that they won't bother meantion about our sibiling or handwave seeing "another" sibiling talking to them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There has to be an ending where all the waifu's kids fight off in a Colosseum while you sit in a viewing booth, wearing a crown of olives, and give a thumbs up or down. Anno's kids fight off against the Queen of the Deep spawn, Attack of the Clones style. 

... Then there's sirens, the UGC show up to arrest you and take everyone into protective custody. You're arrested for starting a cult with 35 wives, and everyone reads about it in the morning holos.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There has to be an ending where all the waifu's kids fight off in a Colosseum while you sit in a viewing booth, wearing a crown of olives, and give a thumbs up or down. Anno's kids fight off against the Queen of the Deep spawn, Attack of the Clones style.

Umm what about Embry, Bess, (that red myr gal that I keep forgetting exact name), Reaha, Queen Taivra kids?

Aside that...I like that idea (but it also barely possible to be happen at all but dreaming is still good).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
There has to be an ending where all the waifu's kids fight off in a Colosseum while you sit in a viewing booth, wearing a crown of olives, and give a thumbs up or down. Anno's kids fight off against the Queen of the Deep spawn, Attack of the Clones style. 

... Then there's sirens, the UGC show up to arrest you and take everyone into protective custody. You're arrested for starting a cult with 35 wives, and everyone reads about it in the morning holos.

Hey if New Texas can get away with the treatment, I think you can get away with having gladiatorial battles, especially considering with all the money you'll be rolling in you could buy out a good chunk of the UGC's parliament to look the other way at your shenanigans.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
... Then there's sirens, the UGC show up to arrest you and take everyone into protective custody. You're arrested for starting a cult with 35 wives, and everyone reads about it in the morning holos.

*sensible chuckle*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The child fighting ring, silly mode event for when nursery is implemented except mad scramble to get away instead of arrest?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The child fighting ring, silly mode event for when nursery is implemented except mad scramble to get away instead of arrest?

Or maybe a dream you have when you have enough spawns in your nursery to make a small army ? Because let's face it : it's gonna happen. *insert memories of phylla's hundreds of ant and drider children here*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey if New Texas can get away with the treatment, I think you can get away with having gladiatorial battles, especially considering with all the money you'll be rolling in you could buy out a good chunk of the UGC's parliament to look the other way at your shenanigans.

I always wondered how the hell they got drugs like that past the legislators.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or maybe a dream you have when you have enough spawns in your nursery to make a small army ? Because let's face it : it's gonna happen. *insert memories of phylla's hundreds of ant and drider children here*

*looks at stats in codex* 123... That enough to count? Although 25 of them are Venus Pitchers

I always wondered how the hell they got drugs like that past the legislators.

They didn't, really. Treatment and NT were long before UGC found he planet. They decided better to let them have their thing and keep it there than have it spread cuz NT isn't part of them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
*looks at stats in codex* 123... That enough to count? Although 25 of them are Venus Pitchers

Well, I remember at one point I had a colony of more than 1,000 ant children, and a hundred driders, so... Maybe ? Does anyone know the minimum number of soldiers you need to make an army ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They didn't, really. Treatment and NT were long before UGC found he planet. They decided better to let them have their thing and keep it there than have it spread cuz NT isn't part of them.

I think I hear Steele assembling a fleet, already.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, I remember at one point I had a colony of more than 1,000 ant children, and a hundred driders, so... Maybe ? Does anyone know the minimum number of soldiers you need to make an army ?

Ironicaly it's even one trophy :p

Otherwise I think 50-100 would be enough to call it "army". Plus for our planet depend of country definition of army may differ of it minimal size to call that way.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I hope there's actually only two endings and the second one is you getting arrested if you ever kill anyone because you're a sociopathic fuck who for some reason really wants to murder people in a lewd game.

And it happens just before the final boss so your save is ruined forever and you don't get a sense of closure. 

Because fuck you.