Mpregnating Cale?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
Assuming that Cale mpreg would be in, I think I'd be better if Cale didn't have his character developed enough to be a good, or willing father, actually.

It'd be a good dosage of drama that would do well to spice things up a bit in FoE.


Aug 27, 2015
I'll make no promises about how Cale turns out if we wind up doing it. I'll analyze his character and figure out what's the most likely outcome, that's what I'll go with.


Nov 3, 2015
Assuming that Cale mpreg would be in, I think I'd be better if Cale didn't have his character developed enough to be a good, or willing father, actually.

It'd be a good dosage of drama that would do well to spice things up a bit in FoE.

So basically rape Cale and then see how reacts to it? I'm not quite sure that's the wisest discussion seeing as how he lives near you and would likely stab you to death in your sleep.

Drama is all well and good, but this is a little too forced to be successful.

I'll make no promises about how Cale turns out if we wind up doing it. I'll analyze his character and figure out what's the most likely outcome, that's what I'll go with.

You say it like your planning to half ass the hell out of it. I'm scared now.

[This comment is not to be taken seriously.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
My I suggest a scenario

Given that Act 2 occurs after the opening of the gemstead et al and that involves Jeanne hanging round the mound which is just across the way from the Nomad camp.

So it is perfectly possible that teacher and student may cross paths

If PC has taken Rosalin's Ansole to Jeanne to make Ansole+ then after a random number of days following the "Opening", the next time the PC enters the Nomad camp Rosalin challenges them about going behind her back.

Rosalin professional pride is hurt and she promises to show you that she can do anything that old elf can do.

If PC makes an INT check they realize what she has in mind and forbid her/ warn Cale both of which stop this plot line or refuse to believe she is that crazy/ wait and see what happens

Then unbeknownst to Cale his employer starts experimenting on him and he becomes impregnable say 3 days later

So if you subsequently play hide the sausage with the Rogue the pair of you are challenged by "Unexpected Pregnancy"

Which is a proper crisis allowing personal growth.

so many choices

It's all Roislin's fault give her the pups <you monster she is just going to experiment on them>

Take them to Moira and give Cale a way to visit

Cale can't be near Roislin, so you give him some cash and he runs away with pups to the free cities (where you can see him, the wet nurse and the kids)

Take Cale to Jeanne and fit him with a coil to stop this occuring again


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My I suggest a scenario

"I have an idea-". Doing so on a thread that someone might actually get done is in pretty bad taste imo. I'm sure they have their own ideas, and I guarantee they don't need yours to rescue them.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
If there's enough outcry for this kind of content, we might do mpregable Cale. Not just sticking the potion up his butt along with you dick and making him pop a wolf baby either. I'm talking about a proper expansion with character building and all that.

However that wouldn't happen any time soon, kind got a lot of stuff that needs doing.

In no particular order: Terry's Birthing scenes, Bara whore for SL, MILF whore with incest role-play for SL, a new minigame for SL, Momo's revamp, a non-combat follower bunny MG, wizard type combat follower with special mechanics, a monk combat follower with special combo mechanics, a mini-dungeon/maze, tank type combat follower.

As you can see, it's a lot.

Wow, that's a list bigger than I expected.

However, the vast majority of those (I don't know the details) seem to be females (are?). 

I think followers should be split more or less equaly among the genders considering this is a sex-centered game. And that's why I think mpregind Cale would be a perfect thing to do to fill in the lack of males among the planned companions. But wouldn't that mean moving Cale to the Gemstead?

I also didn't count anything, it may be just my assumption, the numbers may be more equal.


Aug 27, 2015
Most of them are female, except one who's a herm. I'm the only writer in the team who really appreciates M/M, but I'm not gay, I'm bi. So yes, there's going to be less M/M than other combos.

I put the gender I think would fit my characters best, in this case it was a woman.

I also have other followers planned beyond those mentioned, but their fate is not set in stone yet, so I won't be speaking much about them either.

Honestly though, could use another writer who's actually into M/M in the writing team.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Wow, that's a list bigger than I expected.

However, the vast majority of those (I don't know the details) seem to be females (are?). 

I think followers should be split more or less equaly among the genders considering this is a sex-centered game. And that's why I think mpregind Cale would be a perfect thing to do to fill in the lack of males among the planned companions. But wouldn't that mean moving Cale to the Gemstead?

I also didn't count anything, it may be just my assumption, the numbers may be more equal.

Like I've always said. You want to see it, you write it. Writing for a fetish that isn't yours, or even worse, actively disliked, is going to end in tragedy.

We could use another capable writer who's in for the long haul, period.
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Nov 3, 2015
Like I've always said. You want to see it, you write it. Writing for a fetish that isn't yours, or even worse, actively disliked, is going to end in tragedy.

We could use another capable writer who's in for the long haul, period.

Isn't this a tad dramatic? I mean as far as I knew Fen disliked M/M content and his M/M writings weren't bad. They weren't great either. 

I'm not saying anyone needs to write they don't like mind you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Isn't this a tad dramatic? I mean as far as I knew Fen disliked M/M content and his M/M writings weren't bad. They weren't great either. 

I'm not saying anyone needs to write they don't like mind you.

If you don't enjoy something and don't know why it appeals to others, taking a stab in the dark doesn't work. Especially when you're trying to appeal to people who do get it. For me, it would be like trying to walk into a sports bar... group thing, and talk about how awesome it is for that man to get the ball into the hoop/net/past a line. What reaction do you think I'd get? You think they'd be happy that I tried?

You're asking them to write crap for people who will know it's crap just for the sake of giving them something to read- but will probably not get into. This is why standards are good to have.


Nov 3, 2015
If you don't enjoy something and don't know why it appeals to others, taking a stab in the dark doesn't work. Especially when you're trying to appeal to people who do get it. For me, it would be like trying to walk into a sports bar... group thing, and talk about how awesome it is for that man to get the ball into the hoop/net/past a line. What reaction do you think I'd get? You think they'd be happy that I tried?

You're asking them to write crap for people who will know it's crap just for the sake of giving them something to read- but will probably not get into. This is why standards are good to have.

If you don't understand what you're writing no, you should not be writing it.  Not enjoying something however, is not the same as not understanding it. A straight guy can write a good M/M sex scene as long as they know how to write about oral or anal. Just look at the imps in CoC. (I want to mention the imps in FoE as well, but I'm not 100% sure Alder wrote them.)

Also I'm not telling anyone to write anything. I'm just arguing against, "not liking something will end it tragedy."


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
If you don't understand what you're writing no, you should not be writing it.  Not enjoying something however, is not the same as not understanding it. A straight guy can write a good M/M sex scene as long as they know how to write about oral or anal. Just look at the imps in CoC. (I want to mention the imps in FoE as well, but I'm not 100% sure Alder wrote them.)

Also I'm not telling anyone to write anything. I'm just arguing against, "not liking something will end it tragedy."

I did write the imps. I wouldn't say they are particularly well written though (they are among the first things I wrote for the game).


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Okay, took me long enough to log back... So.

Most of them are female, except one who's a herm. I'm the only writer in the team who really appreciates M/M, but I'm not gay, I'm bi. So yes, there's going to be less M/M than other combos.

I put the gender I think would fit my characters best, in this case it was a woman.

I also have other followers planned beyond those mentioned, but their fate is not set in stone yet, so I won't be speaking much about them either.

Honestly though, could use another writer who's actually into M/M in the writing team.

Why the m/m talk? I love m/m (I think everyone knows it by now), but what about straight female characters? So far, if you are playing a girl, and you don't want to be a lesbian/bisexual, then your options are really limited, at least in terms of followers. Sure, it's not up to my taste (I'm totaly not into m/f in porn), but I think quite a few people would want to play a straight girl with a male romance companion. What then?

As per writing, well, I was on the fence of trying to do it a few months back, but then the forums died and it took me a few months to register again. And really, looking at how long it took me to reply in this thread, it says quite a lot about how much time I can spend on such stuff...

If you don't understand what you're writing no, you should not be writing it.  Not enjoying something however, is not the same as not understanding it. A straight guy can write a good M/M sex scene as long as they know how to write about oral or anal. Just look at the imps in CoC. (I want to mention the imps in FoE as well, but I'm not 100% sure Alder wrote them.)

Also I'm not telling anyone to write anything. I'm just arguing against, "not liking something will end it tragedy."

I think I can agree with that. Also, sex scenes don't really need to be expansive. If someone's not into m/m, but a character needs a m/m scene, they could always write a shorter, one page long scene (many characters in CoC have short scenes and they work quite well) that "gets the job done". Later someone more into m/m could replace it with a longer scene or add a new one (as the more scenes the better).

Besides, writing a male follower isn't only about the sex scenes. In fact, sex scenes are in minority when it comes to writing a good character. So I don't see why someone couldn't write a male follower and his straight sex scenes, and then get someone else to do m/m scenes. As long as the character will be acknowledged as bi, it could work I think. Buuuuut I've never co-wrote anything so I'm not sure how such cooperation would end. I might be dead wrong here.

On a side note, I recently got further into Cale's m/m relationship, and I have to say that I would LOVE to get him impregnated.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why the m/m talk? I love m/m (I think everyone knows it by now), but what about straight female characters?

I'd guess it's a mix of the writer's identity and the poor assumption that most players are of the masculine persuasion thus thinking that a scene with a male NPC would thus be M/M.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
If I may, I think mpregging Cale is a good option. Specifically, I think there should be 2 ways to go about it, since this is a game featuring a lot of non-con. First you can romance, talk Cale into taking the anusol+ then preggers him. Have a scene where he gets cold feet, and needs comforting, if you're not around when that happens, bad stuff could go down, potentially as bad as him leaving forever. (I'm fairly certain he's not essential at least.) The second option being to pour a strange liquid down your buttslut's throat while fucking him and get a special 100% chance impregnation. Cale gets pissed, has a special confronting scene, and loses to his hormones and decides to forgive you.

If you romance him he get's very protective and nurturing towards his pups, if you force him he's more obsessed with being and getting pregnant. (And potentially leads to male lactation option, assuming he lactates for the children after they're born, unless the nomads have other options.) Romancing likely would have a cap on total children, something reasonable, where the more corrupt path doesn't and may even have some unethical results, like abandoning them. (Not 100% on how that should be handled, but there are a few ways.)

No matter what though, I'd argue that Cale IS a good candidate for being a mother-father, in that being forced to be the one to take responsibility (because he can't dump them on you) would have him meet the challenge. In all his scenes he shows that he's a capable person if he sets his mind to something, and while becoming a mother/father is something he's outright want, I see it as something he aspire to be good at if in the predicament. (He also totally seems like the guy who acts like he doesn't like kids, but would break down into goo goo voices around his own, when his parental instincts emerge.)

ON A SIDE NOTE: If this type of content is acceptable (him getting preggers, not necessarily the stuff I've outlined) I can write it, I've written quite a lot of content for CoC in the past in fact. (Unfortunately none of it was added since it was abandoned [mostly] and I deleted even the finished stuff I wrote because I didn't think that anyone would make stuff like the mod)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I would agree his "past" indicates an ability (eventually) to choose to be a better wolf and a sense of trying to do the right thing. The way he talks about his father shows an understand of sacrifice and the need to put bread on the table. So yes I can see him being a  "good" dad, but anyone would have a bit of an attack of the collie wobbles if they were blindsided by a pregnancy. 


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Mandatory? In what way? You mean that you HAVE to have Kia in your active party full time from act 2 onwards? Or only that you have to recruit her but can put her on reserve? I hope its the latter. :)

Just in case there was some confusing regarding this. Mandatory means that they are part of your group, not your active party. You might need to have them along for certain quests, but if you don't want them you can just leave them in the gemstead.