Mpreg - The Other Half of the Equation

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, unless you're extremely new to Fall of Eden, you've probably at least heard about the existence of Anusol+, an anal capacity-booster potion that has the side effect of allowing a form of content unique to Fall of Eden, at least to my knowledge; Mpreg, or Male Pregnancy, allows your PC and, potentially, select NPCs, to experience pregnancy content without needing to grow a set of female genitalia in the first place. Now, whilst this is obviously a boon to players who want to be breederphiles without turning into women/herms/male-herms to do so, it does leave a certain question open; given that only the potion itself exists so far, what NPCs do you want to see to exploit it? Whether it's baby-daddies to breed your PC or boyfriends who need to get in touch with their maternal side, the big issue with Anusol+ is that there's no characters specifically around to take advantage of it.

As a result, curiosity prompted me to open this topic to encourage those fans who enjoy this content to share what they want, and how they'd want to see it. If you want a cute trap who loves to be barefoot and pregnant, what species do you want them to be? If you want a she-stud who lures you into bed with her tits and then knocks you up instead, what kind of girl is she? This is a place for fans of mpreg to basically lay out all their hopes, dreams or just plain ideas for NPCs who'd give this particular fetish more of a representation in the game. So, please, if you do choose to vote in the poll (hopefully it actually works), share any ideas or just things you'd like to see for your voted choices, or even explain why you picked what you picked.

As an actual author of game material, it falls on me to be responsible and clarify that I'm not soliciting for projects, here. Thanks to real life hassles, I'm way behind on my own projects as it is. I start this thread just as a fan of FoE, a liker of pregnancy-related content, and hoping that others would be willing to share & discuss their thoughts and suggestions on how mpreg could be given more room to grow in the fertile soil of this game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I must admit to being torn, I like personal growth/development, so two options appeal to me with certain caveats:

The Embarrassed Breeder - I would love this but only in terms of an on going romantic relationship, where as confidence and trust grow the other party feels they now have the space express half formed desires. Throw in some external family/societal pressures and you can run a full gambit of emotions. Have an open debate as to which should carry, unless the NPC is a party member general safety concerns would probably rule out the PC. It is the progression that I enjoy, much like Cale's little story arc.

The Ex-Rival  - this can play out a number of ways, rivalry leading to mutual respect is an excellent route to The Embarrassed Breeder. However I believe you are pitching at what I would say might be more aptly described as "Sensitivity lessons for Jerks". What better to give a self-centered narcissist than someone other than themselves to think about? {Please don't do this IRL for the love of the child.} 

There is a certain catharsis in : feminizing a misogynist,  masculinizing a misandrogynist /misandrist , or getting a homophobe  to cum so hard he thinks his balls might shrivel up and blow away. But this is fleeting if the result of force on the PC's part, remember Krawitz cuts a very sad figure  after being made to walk in someone else's shoes. The hawt element of this is the PC finding the part of this person that wants this, you can't hate until you've learnt to hate yourself and yes this is personal growth by facing your own loathing.

This moves us on to feminization, this is M-preg, you have gone to a lot of trouble to be able to get this guy pregnant. There are an awful lot of not-guys out there that you could have got pregnant a hell of a lot easier, so why would you make him a not guy? Feminizing and impregnating a rival is a straight male Dom thing, I am Bi so there is a part of me that would see that as very much a guilty pleasure. I would suggest the Gay Dom equivalent would be Twinking [ for examples of this with out the M-Preg element see this guy's work (Warning Gay Hardcore)]

I hope this has contributed something useful to the debate.


New Member
Sep 30, 2016
hmm. Maybe like, a beefy bull that you can impregnate without feminizing? Like, he'd be annoyed that he's the one that got pregnant and not the pc but hey that's how life works. maybe ya can like both be pregs together later and just sit on a haystack all day waiting to start one huge fuckin' family. a happy family bruh. 

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
So, of course, I made my own votes here, seeing as how I'm supposed to be just 'one of the fans' when it comes to this thread. I figured I might as well get the ball rolling in terms of explaining why I voted for what I did.

Those who've followed my projects since the days of Corruption of Champions know that I love dickgirls. Whether it's herm or shemale, full-package or not, there's just something I find irresistible about a girl with something extra up front. And when that girl wants to take over a fundamentally male role, that's even hotter. Personally, I'm most attracted to the Studette in the guise of the "breederphile ladette"; she's a rough, tough, lusty character who acts more like a stereotypical guy with boobs than like a girl, and so she just loves using her cock first and foremost. Admittedly, I prefer the option to eventually win her heart so that she's willing to be more equitable, but at its core, the appeal is a dickgirl who just doesn't see any disparity between "loving you" and "getting diamond hard at the thought of filling you fulla babies".

In all honesty, I could kind of see Miranda turning into this when her personal quest and ability to unlock breeding with her is written, courtesy of both character development and her baseline character - let's face it, she's a girl who prefers to use her dick first, loves topping, loves the "alpha bitch" position, and has a slight preference towards guys without changing her preference for doing the fucking. Cement yourself as "the one" in her eyes, and I could personally see her developing a fetish for impregnation and having a pregnant partner. But, since she's Alder's character, and he probably doesn't see her that way, I doubt it'd happen.

My idea for a Studette... well, the very first thing to come to mind is inspired by a shemale ram-morph that this artist on FA called Sydak has, named Hilda. Very much a "guy with boobs and killer curves" sort of character - in fact, the first thing to come to mind for her origin is that she was a guy, but he got drunk one evening, bunch of his friends dared him to drink some Estros concentrate, and he woke up the next morning with killer curves to match his killer hangover and, after perhaps boosting his dick back up, he decided he liked his new tits. Rough, tumble and lecherous, she likes to "trap" guys as a dominance thing and has a breeding fetish she's sported since before The Dare. Truth be told, she's... well, not very successful. She's a bit of a Leisure Suit Larry type; thinks she's suave, but really, she stinks at it. You might not necessarily be her only lover, but you'd be the only one to keep coming back to her, and she'd rather quickly grow to appreciate that. I see her relationship as a sort of "best bros forever" type thing, with a lot of pity sex, that ultimately deepens into a "I don't want anyone else; I want to be there for you and our lambs" maturity. Of course, persuading her to take her own turn at being mommy would still need you to max out her Rel, even if she starts getting more obviously into you fairly early on.

The Embarrassed Breeder is, apparently, the most popular result so far. I don't know why that is for others, but for me, it's that element of character development and the (personally perceived) implication of feminization. This is a more romantic, less dom/sub focused equivalent to the Ex-Rival option, where the hotness is in seeing a guy who whimpers and begs for you not to at first, but then pleads for you to keep him pregnant, where we watch the masculine curves (however much there were some in the first place) melting away into feminine lushness. The only thing better to me than taking a strong, virile-looking morph or monster and making it a lusty breeder, with only their huge, throbbing cock rubbing against their pregnant belly to show what they once were, is if they actually enjoy it and love my character more for helping them to get over their shyness. I love sincere, honest affection and love between characters, rather than just boinking for the sake of it; I won't deny that Kiro Tamahime from TiTS is visually hot, but if I knew I could get her to upgrade me from just "a repeatable fuck" to "the guy I consider my only lover, even if we still fuck others for fun", I'd like her a hell of a lot more.

Fairly obvious how I'd do a character like that, I suppose. :p Only thing I can't figure out is what species I'd do it with. Minotaur, stallion-morph, and stag-morph are all interesting for the sheer scale of the transitions, but I do like monstergirls too, so an orc or an ogre could perhaps make an interesting transition from muscles to breeder's curviness.

The appeal of the Tomgirl, to me, stems from my appreciation for femmebois and my interest in subverting expected cliches. I don't like the idea that all girly-looking males have to be meek, simpering sluts. A boy who looks like a girl, maybe even wants to try being pregnant, but who doesn't let that stop him from being tough, self-assured, confident and even dominant in the bed... that's something you don't see every day in porn, and it's something I find appealing. Far more fun than the standard "girly-boy who bends over and squeals for you to knock him up, you big alpha you," is one who makes you dance to his tune, who pins you down and teases you to distraction until you're ready to burst, then mounts you and rides you as he makes you his breeder, clearly in charge even as you fill his womb with seed, promising that you're going to be wrapped around his little finger even as he gets too pregnant to move... 

Ironically, for all that personal appeal, I really don't know how I'd actually pull it off in FoE. I can't even think of a species that'd go well with it.

Finally, the Ex-Rival is probably the least appealing of the interests to me, and mostly it's a dominance thing; there's just something hot about taking a strong, powerful male and turning them into a knocked up, girlified version of themselves without ever removing the most critical part of what marks their old identity - I actually really prefer not to shrink down dicks on guys when I put them through feminization, in part because of my dickgirl interest, in part because it deepens the contrast by giving such a strong, permanent reminder of what they were and can never be again. Of course, I like the Ex-Rival who doesn't completely submit, who bounces back and becomes strong again, just accepting that his/her taste for cock, love of being swollen with a litter and milky baby-feeders aren't ever going away.

Why didn't I vote for the Stud, seeing as how I voted for the other four? Because, in all honesty, I don't really like male NPCs; LD's broadened my tastes to the more cutesy/femmeboi scale of things, but still, I'd rather have a girl, sans or with dick, over a guy for any sexual options.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Which I could choose more than one... Like the rabbit king I was really looking forward to turning into a male broodmother, and I enjoy both big dom guys and small sub guys.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
You can choose more than one. It's a multi-choice poll. Unless you already voted, in which case, unfortunately, your vote is cast in stone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh. Guess I didn't realize. Thank you for telling me.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Okay, the poll is going in surprising directions - did my little essay above have anything to do with making the tomgirl shoot up into the tie for first place rank? - but I'm kind of disappointed that nobody's posting to elaborate. I mean, I got three "other" votes already, but nobody's wanted to explain how my base ideas didn't cover what they wanted out of potential exploration of the fetish. Come on, folks, no need to be shy; it's fun to talk about what we'd like and how we'd like to see it done. ;p


New Member
Sep 30, 2016
"I've loved you ever since the day you kicked my ass; here, take my sperm"


New Member
Oct 12, 2015
The Studette.

Miranda is best girl. As Quiet Browser stated that it would work well with her character development. Besides, having the PC being able to "trap" Miranda after one of her hate fuck sessions for admission to RIgard would be a humorous and ironic twist.   
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Ironically, for all that personal appeal, I really don't know how I'd actually pull it off in FoE. I can't even think of a species that'd go well with it.

Those that know me are aware of my pleasure from pathology, inferring intent from action or more plainly put working out what makes a character tick. So I have set my mind to finding circumstance that would create the required "Tomgirl". Here are a couple of ideas:

  1. The Backwoodsman: Possibly an "Elf" if only because they can appear a little ambiguous. In FoE they are a fairly communal race but as a stable society must have roles for those that never  felt the part. I am suggesting this person would be self-contained, self-reliant, that is a balanced asocial character, someone whose idea of excellent communication skills is being able to get a Dire-Bear to back off with just a glare. Getting the PC to meet them is not too hard, such a person would be found in just the sort of harsh wilderness PCs tend to poke around in. The weakness of this idea are finding a reason to fuck the PC, you could rely on the creepy "you're the prettiest thang I've seen since last fall.", or the one thing you need others for is breeding and they have a legacy to maintain. The other quibble I have is that this is a little close to Cassidy territory. This character would only be interested in impregnating others.
  2. The War-bandleader: if you aren't physically impressive you are going to have to work twice as hard and be twice as tough [but if Ivar the Boneless can do it]. One possibility is they are a self-buffer, so that once powered-up in a fight they punch like the end of days but look like a girl, in the sack they can summon unearthly strength and stamina. Life has taught them weakness= death and dominance must be shown,  if that means road-testing the PC in the "Amazon" position in front of their band of whooping beserkers all the better. A potential back story could be that it is a Family company and the core of the raiding party are bound i.e. command is inherited. Dad was a mighty leader but pick a fight with the wrong sort, who promptly cursed the line [barren scepter is a classic], son was already on the way but was rendered unmanly. This may also be why the NPC may be interested in m-preg as this may circumvent the terms of the curse. The NPC would never tell the PC this, but a faithful retainer might.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
There is a certain catharsis in : feminizing a misogynist,  masculinizing a misandrogynist /misandrist , or getting a homophobe  to cum so hard he thinks his balls might shrivel up and blow away. But this is fleeting if the result of force on the PC's part, remember Krawitz cuts a very sad figure  after being made to walk in someone else's shoes. The hawt element of this is the PC finding the part of this person that wants this, you can't hate until you've learnt to hate yourself and yes this is personal growth by facing your own loathing.

This moves us on to feminization, this is M-preg, you have gone to a lot of trouble to be able to get this guy pregnant. There are an awful lot of not-guys out there that you could have got pregnant a hell of a lot easier, so why would you make him a not guy? Feminizing and impregnating a rival is a straight male Dom thing, I am Bi so there is a part of me that would see that as very much a guilty pleasure. I would suggest the Gay Dom equivalent would be Twinking [ for examples of this with out the M-Preg element see this guy's work (Warning Gay Hardcore)]

I hope this has contributed something useful to the debate.

That's putting it succinctly. With this particular angle it's entirely a comeuppance catharsis thing and I don't feel that M-preg content becomes it. The whole emasculation process may as well just make a woman out of the big bad jerk who's being punished - that's the angle here, using femininity as a punishment for its perceived weakness in the eyes of the victim (and, honestly, in the eyes of the punisher, too). It's an appeal that's easy to understand if nothing else and not one that naturally inclines itself to M-preg unless one were to skip most of the physical feminization to showcase the M-preg as the primary emasculation element. Otherwise it does feel lopsided; overly elaborate for only mild benefit.

And it makes for a very shallow, very fleeting sort of thing when it's not written to drill at an insecurity, to expose a desire that's desperately hidden. Krawitz does serve as a poor example because, as you say here, he comes off as very pathetic and the PC as unnecessarily cruel when we're simply running on some assurances that he's a mean old man. It can come off like we're picking on him and while that can serve as a sadistic thrill it's not a particularly rewarding one. Lagon is a more polished example and one where a M-preg would work well - not just because he was a jerk but because there's a part of him that would be interested in it and the eroticism is in coaxing it out of him, in making him swallow that tyrannical pride of his and admitting that he'd like to -get- fertilized for once.

That's the meat of M-preg in my mind. There's an extra level of intimacy to it specifically because it's a role reversal and what's most interesting is what gets them to that point. That's something that isn't as important with vanilla pregnancy content - it can happen as a result of any tryst. M-preg is, by nature, a deliberate choice on someone's part and exploring that choice, the events leading to it and its progression is what's going to make any content with it shine whether it's focused on the PC or a NPC.

And of course it offers some physical diversity, too: you can have a masculine-to-feminine transformation with the pregnancy or an already-feminine boy finding new depths but on the opposite end of things there's also the possibility for masculine pregnancy. There's just tons of potential for both physical and emotional arcs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Personally I am tired of dominance/girlification stereotypes.

I chose the Embarrassed Breeder and Tomboy options, because those two seemed to be the most equal as far as relationships go. Overall, I think the hottest options are the ones that are outside of the typical cliche expectations. I don't want, for example, anybody to dominate anyone else, I'd rather have a genuine relationship between two males and a conscious decision to have a child based on their affection, or at least the Anusol+ modification done with mutual agreement. 

I also don't like "girly" mpreg'able characters. Sure, I won't mind a male to get wider hips and a bigger butt from breeding, but that's it, if I'd want a girly character, I'd just chose a girly character to breed with. Having a normal NPC change into a femboi because you choose to breed with him is a bummer for me. And even when the NPC in question is girly, I'd rather have one that has a strong, independent personality (Terry) rather than a sumbissive one.

If I'd want something, is an NPC you could have a mutual relationship with, and with whom you could decide to have kids/take Anusol+, and the ability to switch who's breeding who.

Edit: Changed "your cliche expectations" to "typical cliche expectations" because, on a second read, it came off mean and I that's totaly not what I had in mind D:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Amen to that! Heck, just because you are a male who has babies from his butt, doesn't mean the one impregnating you is a dominating male (or a tomboy, or a "butch" woman, or a dominating individual for that matter), or that the guy being impregnated has to behave/look like a delicate female or a fertility goddess stereotype.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The Embarrassed Breeder - He doesn't want to admit it, but he's aching to be a proper broodmare
I think that this could create really cute scenarios.

The Tomgirl - He's confident, he's cocky, and he wants you to fill his womb, and/or be your girly-stud
This is the way I picture Terry and I LOVE Terry.

The Ex-Rival - Nothing cements your victory like taking a big, strong guy and turning him into your curvy, girly, horny, love-addled broodmare
For this they don't even have to be turned into a curvy, girly, horny, love-addled broodmare. Anyone who challenges me enough to be accounted as my rival deserves what they get. If their worst fear is being impregnated or being owned by the person they hate, Then so be it.

Other - I didn't quite get your options right? What other ways of putting babies into boys turns you on?
Finding someone who acts like a dominant in every way until they get horny and become a complete submissive who would like nothing more then being impregnated as soon as possible.