Most annoying enemy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
Do you have one type of enemy that causes you a sudden urge to slam your head in the keyboard when it appears?

Mine is ghost type enemies, mainly because my main champ is a warrior so when I fight them they´re completely useless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Earth Elemental in the Undermountain. It comes out of nowhere, with weaknesses and resistances that make most everything else you might use for other enemies useless, a shitload of damage, can randomly stun the whole party, etc.

It's really easy to work around because of Well Fed, but it's still super annoying to have this enemy show up and beat my ass in randomly like that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
That's a hard question. Every undermountain enemy is an absolute unbalanced slog to fight. The hobgoblins are the worst since there's so many of them combined with the issues almost all act 2 area enemies have. The rift enemies, excluding the chimera, are also annoyingly tanky and several cultists deal passive resolve damage in addition to their resolve damaging attacks. My main method of attack at this point is to run away instead of wasting time on the fights. Byvernia used to be my most hated because of her second wind and the slimes also since I prefer attacking instead of teasing. Honestly all of the act 2 enemies, excluding the chimera and painted demons because they're reasonably balanced, need to be completely rebalanced.

Shout-out to ghosts. They ruin my favorite tactic of "repeatedly hitting things with sharp object until win" unless I use magical sharp object with holy.

Mathais Aurelius

Active Member
Sep 16, 2021
Earth Elemental in the Undermountain. It comes out of nowhere, with weaknesses and resistances that make most everything else you might use for other enemies useless, a shitload of damage, can randomly stun the whole party, etc.

It's really easy to work around because of Well Fed, but it's still super annoying to have this enemy show up and beat my ass in randomly like that.
I agree, although I am interested in what its looking for


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Earth Elemental in the Undermountain. It comes out of nowhere, with weaknesses and resistances that make most everything else you might use for other enemies useless, a shitload of damage, can randomly stun the whole party, etc.

It's really easy to work around because of Well Fed, but it's still super annoying to have this enemy show up and beat my ass in randomly like that.
That guy is the reason I lug around a Mastbreaker in my inventory. Goes down much easier with crushing damage.
The hobgoblins.
AoE powers, lots of AoE powers. For warriors Cleave would help a lot.

Though I switched tactics might quick and learned quite a lot of spells besides just poking mooks with a war scythe.

Nowadays my power layout is:

[ Attack ] [ Mirror Stance ] [ Celestial Smite ] [ Fireball ] [ Song of Splendor ] [ Banishment ]


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean undermountain is hard because we dont have the level cap needed yet for it to be a little easier(my bets we get 8 cap a somepoint during kor) so unless you have a decent team its still gonna be a hassle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
I mean undermountain is hard because we dont have the level cap needed yet for it to be a little easier(my bets we get 8 cap a somepoint during kor) so unless you have a decent team its still gonna be a hassle.
Doesn’t mean it’s not annoying


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Not necessarily specifics enemies but there are a couple of story encounters where mfs just keep spawning until whatever the clear condition is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Cultist Psion. He is that one enemy that always rigs RNG in his favour, always barely survives the attack/crit/DoT or dodges the move that would one-shot him, then moves first on the next round and (of course) crits before getting killed.

But most Infuriating: that stupid shit eating grin. He knows that he is an annoying asshole and he loves it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Any enemy can be annoying enough if you just believe. But for real, the smug smirk of Byvernia and the cultist psion are the actual worst.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
For me it's, ghost because
Shout-out to ghosts. They ruin my favorite tactic of "repeatedly hitting things with sharp object until win" unless I use magical sharp object with holy.
Then the earth elemental, Undermountain. Basically same reason tho my warrior does that bull rush so, but I didn't take Cait's advice about needing a hammer, I still don't.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oddly enough I haven't found ghosts to be much of a problem even on my Warrior character (Galon's Griefmaker has 20 Frost damage, which does hurt them), but I usually travel with at least one character who can cast White Fire (probably the best spell in the game) and that makes a huge difference.

Gonna have to go with the top choice here, that stupid Earth Elemental. It's so hard to damage, it hits so hard so often, you can't prepare for it because it's a random encounter... people have been suggesting to just run, and I think that's an appropriate course of action.

Byvernia pisses me off for multiple reasons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
The earth elemental is also a level 8 enemy IIRC, id assume it wont be much a issue once we get the level increase at somepoint during Kor(theres no way there wont be).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Most annoying thing about Cultist Psion is that I do not get to shank him where the sun does not shine. GodsFucking, yesIplayasacorruptchampionhowcanyoutell, Dammit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Sounds like someone cant one shot her to proc the first revive.

Nah I can. First bull rush does the trick. It's just annoying that Byvernia is allowed to restore her health and try again when she can't win and it takes longer. She's not hard, just annoying.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2019
For me it is those pesky Imp's in the Undermountain.

Not only do they do resolve damage, but they also disarm me about every other turn (ok, maybe slight exaggeration there). Usually takes a long time to finally slog your way through those encounters. At least with my Warrior build.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
Yeah, the ghost type enemies annoying, especially if you don't have the proper class, powers, or companions to deal with them, but my pick for annoying enemies would be the imps when you reach the Undermountain, and Whisper during Gweyr's questline.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Yeah, the ghost type enemies annoying, especially if you don't have the proper class, powers, or companions to deal with them, but my pick for annoying enemies would be the imps when you reach the Undermountain, and Whisper during Gweyr's questline.
That Whisper isn't annoying, he rises to a level above that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
The giant that guards the convocation of mirrors. Cant rush through that quest like I want because, without spamming ults, she'll just stomp my champion into the ground in two turns or less, usually with a double crit.
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