More PC pregnancies.


New Member
Oct 22, 2017
Am I the only one disappointed by the fact there are so little pc pregancies to get just by random enemies? I have wandered the jungle for so long trying to get a cat-snake baby until I found out it was impossible. I also found out there were quite little possible pregnancies, like the dryad is also a spunk shooter who doesn't seem to have virile seed. I'm going to read up on the creating a scene part and submission, but for now I wanted to see how many others were interested in this. If I'm going to start anywhere, it will be the saleen and dryad, but I'll probably sacrifice some of my time doing nothing to help other people get pregnant as well!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
First off, naleen and venus pitchers.

Second, if you're willing to write and it ends up being good you can conjure up as many pregnancies as you want. Contrary to what people think, pregnancies are kinda tricky to implement well, and some don't even want that stuff for their creatures so that's why there aren't a lot of pregnancies.
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New Member
Oct 22, 2017
First off, naleen and venus pitchers.
Contrary to what people think, pregnancies are kinda tricky to implement well, and some don't even want that stuff for their creatures so that's why there aren't a lot of pregnancies.
I did forget the name naleen but I did actually mean the dryad. The half deer, half lady type prancing around the jungle of Mhen'ga. And I understand that pregnancies are probably harder to do, because of the actual offspring.
What do you mean with the last part? That some creatures just weren't meant to be able to impregnate or that some players might not want a naleen baby?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
First off I think someone has the Dryad covered... maybe. And for that last part, writers are not required to write a pregnancy for their characters or races, so it usually gets left hanging if the writer was not interested in pregnancy to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Don't gauge for interest. If you wanna write something, just write it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Just a friendly tip as a fellow aspiring writer: If you do plan to make pregnancy content for a character, and you plan to make it your first project, I would highly advise against doing that. Start off small like a TF or a small generic character to familiarize yourself with parser usage and how they work, as well as your writing style that revolves around said parsers. Going into something as daunting as preg content from the get-go will likely cause you to burn out either during or after writing it. After you get your feet wet with a few submissions implimented, then I would go for preggers content!
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