More monstrous monsters?



Hi! I played CoC years and years ago, loved it, and just recently came looking for it again only to find out there's a sequel!

I've been having a blast playing CoCII (I really like the UI, the changes to battling, and the structure of the map, awesome work) but I had a question.

I've been through the forest, and have done a fair amount in the foothills and the valley, so I don't know how far along I am in the game percentage-wise but I've been playing for a few days at least. Most of the encounters so far have been with fairly human-looking folk (elves, essentially furries of various amounts of furriness). I'm wondering if we get more monstrous monsters later on? So far the most exotic have been the dryads and the tentacle plant girls.

There were quads and ferals and really weird monsters in CoC at times, was that phased out of CoCII? Are they just in areas for higher level players? I'm having great fun with what's there, but I'm also hoping for a broader and weirder smorgasbord of monsterfucking.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
There are more monstrous enemies but they have to pass the Harkness Test to be sexable, so the majority that are written are humanoid. There are some exceptions like the drider you'll run into eventually but you can assume most enemies will have two arms and two legs, or four for 'taurs.


The Harkness test has to do with sentience, not body build. It'd be easy enough to include some lines of dialogue in order to make it clear something without a humanoid build can think and speak and therefore consent, the same way you do for the humanoid encounters.

I do love that the Harkness test is being used as an litmus for fuckability in this game, that's great. What I'm hearing, though, is that there aren't more monstrous-looking fuckable enemies?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The Harkness Test bit is mainly to let you know that fuckable ferals are right out and trying to get around it by writing ferals that can talk is also right out. Or as Savin put it: 'No feral shit'. The most monstrous-looking sexable recurring enemy is the Drider Queen.


Right. Thank you for letting me know, that's quite clear.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
The wyvern girl in the foothills is the most feral-looking enemy early on (if you use her old portrait).