More Craft-able Items would be cool to see


Jun 9, 2017
Instead of selling off your old items for credits or gold, A system where you can combine and forge
new items from other items, armor, and weapons you get throughout the game would be pretty cool! ◠‿◠)

ala FInal Fantasy 9


As a cool little bonus to smithing, The forged items could have unique perks that item alone has.
Like say a sword and melee weapon that can bypass shields without having to bring them down first or
armor the completely guards you against a certain element. Or for a really really Rare item combine with an item you get only ones per character, You can craft a borderline Overpowered item like something that regenerates 5% of your Hp per combat round. ╹‿╹)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
It does sound pretty cool, but isn't it a bit too late in the game's development to consider implementing it?

Not to mention that the devs are currently focusing on other things, so even if it does get in, it'll probably take years :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Not going to happen, not the kind of system like that. I'ts too generalized and unfocused.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I'd love to see a system for combining and/or 'purifying' transformatives. Pay a certain amount (per number of effects, maybe), put in some number of the base items to isolate the effect(s) you want, get your side-effect free transformation. Price it right and it could be a good money-sink, and avoid the annoyance of save-scumming to boot. In fact, this could effectively increase the amount of money spent by the player, because you're not save-scumming to avoid unwanted side effects and minimize items required.

As for the OP, items like the Vamp Blade are probably going to become obsolete eventually and this would allow them to remain relevant longer.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
I'd like a "crafting" system more like what you did if you killed the frost wyrm. maybe instead of a dragon you kill a giant tentacle monster, take the spoils back to some crafter, and make tentacle armor.


Mar 17, 2016
I want to use those goddamn goo balls for something other than hair dye. I agree with this thread, you don't need a whole lot to make something like this happen. Like...

You eye your equipment locker idlily, an errant thought really but it grows larger the more you drum your fingers across your crossed arms. You don't know what it is, maybe it was the Galaxy Wars marathon you watched with your resident sex bot the night before or maybe Shekka is finally starting to rub off on you. You eye your hard light dagger with increasing conviction. It's such a stupid idea, but that dumb little dagger cost so much money and you hardly ever use it... The rock in your pocket seems to grow warmer as you think about it... No, wait, that's the savacite you picked up earlier, it does that all the time.


You take the little gem out and twirl it around in your fingers as the gears turn slowly in your head. You try to think of what could go wrong but... You kinda just want it to work.

Fuck it.

Holding the dagger in your hand you look down into the empty ring of its emitter. You look back to the green glowing crystal in your hand. And without a second thought you shove the rock into the dagger's mouth.

It doesn't fit completely in, but... You know how to make it. You turn to your bulkhead and stab the dagger into it, you hear a cruel crunch as the crystal is shoved further into the dagger emitter, ballooning the tip outwards like a phimotic thraggen. Admiring your handiwork the crystal rests nestled deep into the daggers emitter. The tips a pit cracked now and the crystals a bit chipped but the two look relatively non the worse for ware.

A memory comes unbidden to you as you thumb the activator, remembering one of Shekka's flashlights exploding in her face.

Well, you've come this far.

You flip the switch, and your alarmed briefly when a spark shoots out of one of the cracks in the emitter. Uh... You smile nervously as sparks begin to crack and pop around the crystal. Just as you consider tossing it and running for the hills it stops.

Thank One you didn't choose to look into the barrel of the thing because in the next moment a massive column of green light pours from the emitter with an audible bzzzzsssshhhhhh. You are now holding what can only be described as a glowing green lust inducing lightsaber.


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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Okay, time to rip into this (for real, this time)

This is a horrible idea for just so many reasons. Not to say that it can't happen... but it won't happen. I'm not a writer, but I have attempted to write several times, and submitted a number of items (some of which have been given the Fen stamp of approval). I also did lots of items for CoC mods, but I'll probably burst into flames for just saying that.

  1. We're already 4 slash 7 planets into development. If this sort of thing is going to actually happen, it needs to be planned for since early in development. On a related issue...
  2. It needs content to support it. Preferably dispersed vary evenly across the game's content.
  3. Shit needs to be balenced. You can't pull the master sword out of your ass the moment the tutorial ends and faceroll with it.
  4. This kind of system needs a thematic conveyance. I don't care how well supported it is, if conflicts with the narrative it ain't working. The PC needs to either have the skills to create items (if you think you can assume this, just get out), or you need access to a NPC that can create shit. Related note:
  5. If this be a NPC item creation thing, you need to make as unobjectionable a NPC as possible. If you want to make some edgy or fetish NPC, go do some thing where people can pretend it don' exist and life a more complete existence without experiencing your content. Given that this is a porn game where sexuality is highly objective, this is a fool's errand in itself.
And finally
Screenshot (92).png
6. Fen doesn't want more items. Not to say that is a disqualifying reason in itself, but any item-based submission is facing a uphill battle.

What the Idea Subforum Is For
The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you're going to be making.

This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself.