More bow type weapons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So recently I let one of my girlfriends talk me into taking archery at the rec center on my college campus and I must say I fucking love it. There's a certain feel and sense of overwhelming accomplishment when you shoot a moving target while moving at the same time 20 meters away. One of my favorite games has a variety of such weapons and I really want to see one ( or more) that's are usable for more than taking out low level enemies. 

Bows that specialize in different damage types; electric damage oriented bows could have a chance to stun for a round or disabled shields for a short time or fire damage ones have a chance to proc a burning debuff or decrease enemy armor etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The main difference with bows, that their special effects should be based on arrows rather than on bows itseld, unless it is just bow-fashioned weirdshit. But special ammo types are not currently supported...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I think more precise we can say each bow come with unlimitted arrows hack. And that arrows are always one type only thus it probably easier make a new bow with new type of arros effects than do ammo system. Even then with either way devs seems to not look kind on expanding archery fight concept.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The main difference with bows, that their special effects should be based on arrows rather than on bows itseld, unless it is just bow-fashioned weirdshit. But special ammo types are not currently supported...

Well, those ammo-based special effects can be handled the same way Tanis' stun arrows are right now. That's not the best way possible, and it screws Techies over yet again, but at least it won't require a big weapon system overhaul.

The main problem I see with bows is that they get their bonus damage from both Physique and Aim with a 0.5 modifier, meaning that you need a maxed out character to use them effectively.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps bows should be split up into bows themselves (weapon, accuracy/crit) & arrows (accessory, damage type/special effect)

Tannis bow is obviously based on the quality of the bow itself.  For red myr bow, the quality is in the dart tipped arrows.  Both are plausibly true for the queen shard bow. 

Perhaps we can get an upgradeable bow a la GreyGooArmor++?

Tanis' bow is really high quality already, but would be tied down to first planet by the low quality arrows initially available.  But perhaps it can be augmented planet 3/ 3&1/2 with a lazer sight or something? 

And energy based solid light arrows...   the more you think about various bow esque topics, the more ideas flow around.  But it won't mean anything if nobody writes anything. 

Primitive bow: Accuracy 1

Primitive arrows: Damage 1 (kinetic)

Tanis Bow: Accuracy 2, Critical 2

Standard Arrows: Damage 12 (kinetic)

Compound Bow: Critical 3

Drug Dart Arrows: Drug 10

Solid Light Arrows: Damage 19 (Energy, Lazer)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well I think more precise we can say each bow come with unlimitted arrows hack. And that arrows are always one type only thus it probably easier make a new bow with new type of arros effects than do ammo system. Even then with either way devs seems to not look kind on expanding archery fight concept.

Bows aren't exactly the best weapons for the skirmish ranges of TiTS combats, TBH... Would I not be tech, I'd prefer something a bit more modern, like combat shotgun. But if we go for the ouroboros loop... Something fance and energy-based, like quincy bow, would be interesting.

The main problem I see with bows is that they get their bonus damage from both Physique and Aim with a 0.5 modifier, meaning that you need a maxed out character to use them effectively.

Nope. Aim only, as with all ranged weapons.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bows aren't exactly the best weapons for the skirmish ranges of TiTS combats, TBH... Would I not be tech, I'd prefer something a bit more modern, like combat shotgun. But if we go for the ouroboros loop... Something fance and energy-based, like quincy bow, would be interesting.

Goo for the eyes Uryu ^^^ Also some of quincy bows can be used as shield ^^^

Also yeah if it wouldn't be for sci-fi setting all types of arrows or bows would be fine. In curent setting what will fit would be some futurustic type of arrows and bows. So like...arrows with plasma/antimatter tip.

ON other hand that bow+arrows as weapon=accesory slot usage...I think that could be used elsewhere by me...


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Bows aren't exactly the best weapons for the skirmish ranges of TiTS combats, TBH... Would I not be tech, I'd prefer something a bit more modern, like combat shotgun. But if we go for the ouroboros loop... Something fance and energy-based, like quincy bow, would be interesting.

Nope. Aim only, as with all ranged weapons.

Animu-esque energy bows would certainly earn points for style, but I'll still take my plasma and lightning guns over them any day.

And either I had failed at basic arithmetic last time I checked that or it was changed in a couple of recent public builds.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Animu-esque energy bows would certainly earn points for style, but I'll still take my plasma and lightning guns over them any day.

And either I had failed at basic arithmetic last time I checked that or it was changed in a couple of recent public builds.

There are no evidience anywhere in source that bows have different formula.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was thinking 3D printed arrows and the mechanism the printed the arrow tips could function like any other primary ranged weapon, unlimited ammo.  Don't see why the bows have to be any different from them. 

And the ones I had in mind wouldn't screw over tech specialist if anything they would play to their strength. In tits I'm not sure why by te only bows present are one of primitive design. In a time where gene mods and warp gates are a thing I don't see why there isn't some fancy futuristic design for a bow. 


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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In tits I'm not sure why by te only bows present are one of primitive design. In a time where gene mods and warp gates are a thing I don't see why there isn't some fancy futuristic design for a bow. 

Well all we can blame on that this is at best not even mindgame for final version of tits story line. SO all hig-adv equipment is not accesbale to players be it ultra-tech power suits or as you show as much hight-tech bows of future. Even weapons...where are antimater or plasma weapons that aren;t terrible weak accessable yet?

When story will grow longer and PC lvl cap over 10 I think we could see something more than as you called them primitive bows.
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zero point sixty

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
My personal guess is that having equippable arrows that change the stats on bows would be a lot of coding for something probably not that many players use.

Having said that I've run several bow characters myself (because bows are cool), and I wouldn't mind seeing at least one more higher level bow. AFAIK after Tanis you only get the Myr Bow and then the Shard Bow which are both mainly lust based. Just another that does electric or thermal or whatever would be nice.

Tannis bow is obviously based on the quality of the bow itself.  For red myr bow, the quality is in the dart tipped arrows.  Both are plausibly true for the queen shard bow. 

Doesn't Tanis' bow fire corrosive arrows? I'm also pretty sure the titular shards of the shard bow contain the queen's venom. So in a sense all the bows but the primitive bow already fire their own special arrows.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Equippable arrows item that change type of dmg dealt by bows would probably ended up as accesory type of itme. And then... well been having option to take arrow-related accesory or other one many people will ignore it beside people that would from start been planning their Steele to be archer of the future. In a some way I would say this disscusion is similar to the one about tech drones ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well all we can blame on that this is at best not even mindgame for final version of tits story line. SO all hig-adv equipment is not accesbale to players be it ultra-tech power suits or as you show as much hight-tech bows of future. Even weapons...where are antimater or plasma weapons that aren;t terrible weak accessable yet?

When story will grow longer and PC lvl cap over 10 I think we could see something more than as you called them primitive bows.

We are mostly wandering around frontier worlds, where seedy adventurers with cheapest scrap-tier weapons are fighting with savages who are using sticks and stones. And this is plot, not coincidence. We also are fighting space pirates, but they are the types who likely would go for the reliable and cheap things, not impractically fancy ones like bows. High tech bow, let's be honest, is a thing which is for show off, not for actual edge in a fight.

Equippable arrows item that change type of dmg dealt by bows would probably ended up as accesory type of itme. And then... well been having option to take arrow-related accesory or other one many people will ignore it beside people that would from start been planning their Steele to be archer of the future. In a some way I would say this disscusion is similar to the one about tech drones ;)

Yeh, such things should use their own slots.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some still want to from time to time stroll on...Mhen'ga jungles in his/her OP pimped pwoersuit waving around gauss or plasma weapon xD

Yeah but to be true most of our adventure we keep visting not so high technology advanced places so till we actualy land n some truly apex technology advancment planet then sticks and pebbles are as good as latest tech weapons. At least sticks or peebles can't jam at worst moment, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Some still want to from time to time stroll on...Mhen'ga jungles in his/her OP pimped pwoersuit waving around gauss or plasma weapon xD

Yeah but to be true most of our adventure we keep visting not so high technology advanced places so till we actualy land n some truly apex technology advancment planet then sticks and pebbles are as good as latest tech weapons. At least sticks or peebles can't jam at worst moment, right?

Bow is actually quite capricious weapon... Old good sharp stick is still the best in reliability. Throwing javelins, anyone?



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That whay I say sticks and peebles for the win. They never jam, almost never break up and you can find them almost everywhere. What else we need? And sticks could be technicaly shoot from bows if slight adjusted too so still win-win situation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What else we need?

Effective range and armor penetration? Though, again, since TiTS battles are on melee range and mostly with at least half naked foes... But then we suddenly meet Amara and remember why they got out of fashion ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Amara still is easy is to been beaten if our half naked hero of any gender will get full nude :p

So this once I can say sticks and pebbles won't work well and not even any OP bow unless it deal lust dmg :(

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
When I think of bows in TiTS the closest thing that comes to mind for me is the Energy Bows from Phantasy Star universe, Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Online 2.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Meh methinks...  i'm not sure what to think at this point. 

Maybe something something like bows in warframe?  Paris Prime hits like a wrecking ball, and the piercing property of the weapon basically allows it to ignore armor.  


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
What I want out of bows is defnitely a crossbow type(I know this isn't the intended purpose, and I know they're so close to guns why bother).

Beyond that, just a high level electric bow weapon so Techs don't lose their dicks so hard since they pretty much require electric weapons.

Maybe an assassin type Glove Bow type thing. Where it's like attached to the back of the hand. That's pretty cool.

Honestly the fights in this game are so easy it doesn't matter what the weapon's stats are, so I mostly pick them for how cool they are.

Seriously though Nerf the PC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Beyond that, just a high level electric bow weapon so Techs don't lose their dicks so hard since they pretty much require electric weapons.

Maybe an assassin type Glove Bow type thing. Where it's like attached to the back of the hand. That's pretty cool.

That glove tpye bow is quite similar in design to actualy meantioned Quincy Bows. As per lore of Bleach those bows are gathering spirit particles from surrounding area to create bow and arrows fired of it. Replace it with energy and you would have almsot same as this glove bow thing.

Honestly the fights in this game are so easy it doesn't matter what the weapon's stats are, so I mostly pick them for how cool they are.

Seriously though Nerf the PC.

And hopefully it would ends up like this than devs making difficuty somehow pushing people to use specific weapons to not been cornered into using easy mode. But you know...some people still finds normal difficulty level too hard but yet they refuse turn on easy mode since it's totaly uncool in they opinion.

About nerfing the PC I would say instead all NPC are slowly nerfed to make PC that barely use any system made with a blood and sweat by Fen or Gedan to rush thou the game.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Quincy Bows.

The quincy bow is nothing like what I want though. Even the glove one that Ishida uses when he loses his power isn't similar at all aside from the fact that they're bows.

I want a wrist bow, that isn't all that big. Maybe half the size of your arm, so like a foot and a half-ish. I don't like the aesthetic of large weapons.

The game will be appropriately balanced by release, that's all I want. I want there to not be a stronger class, and I want there to be at least three builds for each class that are applicable.

Really though I just want to be able to make a melee tech, but almost all of their perks are for ranged. Sad days.

All of that is off topic on bows, so I'll say something else to cover it up. We need powerful non-lust bows. I don't like using lust weapons or lust attacks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
All of that is off topic on bows, so I'll say something else to cover it up. We need powerful non-lust bows. I don't like using lust weapons or lust attacks.

Criobow then? Bow that shoot arrows dealing freezing dmg type. And been on Uveto eq teir should make it quite strong one.
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