Morality debate, is Starting a Bimbo Cult really evil?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
So I feel this debate might fall in line with simmiliar discussions with naruto fans about madara and his whole "I achieve world peace if everyone is literally sleeping having the best dream of their lives" philosiphies.

However where people debate against madaras flawed logic, is the fact he never actually saves the physical sense of self and only the mental.

But I feel if we were to lets say start a bimbo cult, this is completely different.

The reason I feel this way, is lets look at what the bimbo syrums are, specifically from the bee hive.

You can view it as a medicine that quite literally cures depression. In fact it cures depression so powerfully that there is not a single depressing thought left in you again. All you want to do is make love and spread love.

Now lets look at this from some other angles

-It has no weird side effects like, destroys your soul and rebuilds a new you, it's still the orignal you, it isn't some matrix situation, it's the real world, and from what we have seen so far, there i no harmful physical side effects. In fact it makes you even healthier.

Would you as the villian truly be in the wrong if you started a bimbo cult making people drink the special juice? When literally you are curing depression for them.

Curious of peoples counter debates to this. Bring your best argumenets!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If your cult is based around forcing or tricking people to be bimbos, then yes. That's all there is to it.

If those mental and physical changes are forced on people, it's evil. If people drink the juice willingly but aren't told exactly what it will do to them, it's evil.


Dec 13, 2023
Pretty sure civilization will fall if the Bimbo Juice got spread too far, heck, it might be even more damaging to the continent than the Godswar


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
I'll add that it would be nigh impossible to actually lead a bimbo cult while being a bimbo yourself. Smooth brains are not places where ambitions stick, but questionable suggestions do. In fact, I'm starting to think removing any person's ability to resist is suspicious in of itself, no matter if they volunteer for it.

The only reasonable argument for starting a bimbo cult is finding it hot. That's it. That's all reason you need.

For the game, I mean.