Monster Ambassador: Episode 2!


Jun 8, 2017

Now with more monsters, battle mechanics and bugfixes!

You can help support the game (and help us make animations for it) here:

Update notes:
• 2 new monsters!
• New battle mechanic! Befriend monsters to discover your new power
• Cheat codes are now available for patrons!
• A new adventure area and an additional camp area: water themed
+ Fixed a bug that kept Tauros on-screen after befriending
+ Fixed several bugs causing text to cut off-screen
+ Further compression of game to decrease initial load time

Patch notes:
+ Increased gold drop at start of game
+ Fixed a bug that said the wrong gendered lamia appeared

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Oct 4, 2015
I have been looking forward to playing this game..... it is a shame I can't.

I keep trying to play in on the newgrounds link but every time it load there is no way to start the game just that blurry image of the forest camp.


Jun 8, 2017
I have been looking forward to playing this game..... it is a shame I can't.

I keep trying to play in on the newgrounds link but every time it load there is no way to start the game just that blurry image of the forest camp.

It is made through Unity's webGL, so it may take a moment to load-- make sure unity games are playable on your computer.



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Decided to have both genders and ran into a bug with the minotaur male. Looks like if you sleep with the female first it skips his dialog, then leaves him in the middle of the screen with no way to close the text box.


Jun 8, 2017
Decided to have both genders and ran into a bug with the minotaur male. Looks like if you sleep with the female first it skips his dialog, then leaves him in the middle of the screen with no way to close the text box.

Thank you!! We found that bug during final bugtesting but thought we had it fixed; looks like we were wrong. Definitely will be eliminated for the next update!

Dec 18, 2015
Any way to put it not on Newgrounds? Takes a while to load and even with the "lights off" button there's still distracting boobs just flying everywhere in the background :/ Also would it be possible to get an offline download link put up somewhere?


Jun 8, 2017
Any way to put it not on Newgrounds? Takes a while to load and even with the "lights off" button there's still distracting boobs just flying everywhere in the background :/ Also would it be possible to get an offline download link put up somewhere?
We're planning to offer a PC/Mac unity build for our next release! Not sure in what format yet, when we tried testing a PC build it wouldn't open on Melon's sad old computer. We want to make sure the builds actually work before offering a download link.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's very grindy. Most of the money i get from beating slimes goes into buying healing potions. Beating lamia is just not worth it money-wise and tauros are plain too hard. I have very little interest in grinding to see if the 2k-3k purchases make combat more tolerable. I never got to see a sex scene because, again, you need to grind up to 1k for that and fuck that shit, I got stuff to do.


Jun 8, 2017
It's very grindy. Most of the money i get from beating slimes goes into buying healing potions. Beating lamia is just not worth it money-wise and tauros are plain too hard. I have very little interest in grinding to see if the 2k-3k purchases make combat more tolerable. I never got to see a sex scene because, again, you need to grind up to 1k for that and fuck that shit, I got stuff to do.
Sorry you didn't have a good time! I find most RPGs are a little bit grindy, but we're looking to add new battle features in the next updates to spruce up the journey.
If you're having trouble, try letting the slimes kill you- the shop heals you a bit for free. There's a few more strats we found through our playtesting, but we want to see where players get before we post them!


The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So, with the increased gold values make it feasible to buy items now, though the game is still a major slog. The enemies have a clear strength progression, but the lack of any stat progression on the player's part means that fighting the more powerful monsters remains tedious the entire game. Adding a proper combat system would help, but it needs a progression system if you're going to include stronger enemies.

Is there any reason to not make healing at camp free? That would go a long way to improving the basic game loop.

Also, does the Searching progress bar serve any purpose? It looks like you're loading the combat, but I have trouble believing it would consistently take so long. Otherwise I have to assume it's a simple time tax, but the purpose of a time tax is to shape player behavior. Searching seems to be the player's primary verb, so why would you want to discourage it?

Bug report: If you don't give the flowers to a slime when talking to them, the game locks up.


Jun 8, 2017
So, with the increased gold values make it feasible to buy items now, though the game is still a major slog. The enemies have a clear strength progression, but the lack of any stat progression on the player's part means that fighting the more powerful monsters remains tedious the entire game. Adding a proper combat system would help, but it needs a progression system if you're going to include stronger enemies.

Is there any reason to not make healing at camp free? That would go a long way to improving the basic game loop.

Also, does the Searching progress bar serve any purpose? It looks like you're loading the combat, but I have trouble believing it would consistently take so long. Otherwise I have to assume it's a simple time tax, but the purpose of a time tax is to shape player behavior. Searching seems to be the player's primary verb, so why would you want to discourage it?

Bug report: If you don't give the flowers to a slime when talking to them, the game locks up.

We've had very mixed reports on how slow the game feels; some people hated the increased gold intake, feeling like it made the game too easy. You do gain an extra ability right now, and take into account the game is still in development! It doesn't have every feature we'd like (we've talked about our intentions to increase battle complexity before). I'm not sure if you saw, or if you're referring to other stats, but the player's stats do increase! Two of the monsters in the current game greatly increase the player's attack stat, which we included specifically to make stronger enemies feasible. That doesn't mean we don't want a difficulty increase; if we wanted everything to be handed to the player, we'd just release an art book!

The 'searching' progress bar was our decision over random battles. In many games like this, you either
a) walk through squares of a grid, and each one has a chance of spawning a monster or
b) (more commonly on indie-made games similar to ours) you slide your cursor over grass frantically until something spawns.

Since you don't move your character in traditional RPG style, the first option was out, and since the result is the same (a randomized pause between battles) this lessens the wear and tear on your wrist.

**Kiwi and Melon recommend stretching out your gaming wrist and hand daily-- keep healthy, everyone!**

Thanks for the bug report! Not one we've encountered yet, we'll try to have it patched soon or fixed for the next release.

Finally, for not making healing at the camp free; again, reviews are mixed on this. We've actually been asked to include more grind-- before we even increase gold intake!! While obviously that's not something we're planning to do, we do need to take into account that not everyone minds or dislikes the slower game loop. If you haven't unlocked it yet, there is also another method for healing that will help decrease the amount of trips you're making to camp!

Thank you for your feedback (we do take it all into consideration before each release)