Moira and the Gemstead nursery.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Welp, with me being the pregophile that I am, I've taken it upon myself to add yet another task to my to-do list while Alder codes up the humongous pile of stuff I've thrown upon him. Introducing Moira and the Gemstead nursery:

In act 1, bastards you produce will be stored with the nomads. However, with the addition of the Gemstead in act 2, you'll get a proper nursery to store all your bastards, as well as someone to take care of all of them when you're out taking asses and kicking names.

That's where Moira comes in. As the nursery matron, it's her (and her possible daughters') tireless, thankless task of looking after all the bastards that you throw at her. Then you can make some more with the MILF-y cowgirl, if you're so inclined.

The nursery is designed to have various automatic upgrades that trigger the more you fill it up, so get to it!

Suggestions welcome, especially for nursery upgrades. Please note to me any inadvertent similarities to CoC's Marble so I can crush them posthaste. I never bothered with Marble in CoC (too busy knocking up Sophie) and hence don't fully grok the details even after reading the wiki and such, but Alder and the other writers have been very clear about "no (expletive) Marble".

Edit: Moira by Alder added.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Marble was just sort of treacly. Really as long as she has any sort of personality (and doesn't call anyone "sweetie"), she'll succeed at being an upgrade.

Sidenote, hooray Team Sophie!


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just a few quick points I threw together after skimming the basic outline.

  • Sheer amount of talk-interaction scenes between Moira/Cveta = astronomical
  • Cveta wants to take a day and help?
  • Moira's daughters, when there are enough (5 or more?), Sing to the children and glow different colors to entertain and calm the children. The idea is kinda like a mobile.
  • Cveta could train the daughters to sing?
  • First (or much later) daughter could be a unique NPC? Curious about "daddy's" quest and wants to help more. The how is debatable.
  • The required amount of offspring for the latter upgrades are a little steep. Might wanna check how many people have on average.
  • Marble had a habit of calling the player "sweetie" almost every sentence. Watch for repetition like that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm I agree with Spikes on children amount steps. So far we have little npc that can pop up children at the machinegun speed. And Cveta will care for her children herself, so potential npc that can really fast have huuuuge amount of kids will be not using nursery. Current npc we can knock up can't keep up high enough speed to fill all 200+ spots in nursery. With it, it would require people spend muuuuuch time only on breeding children, to see new upgrades to the nursery. Otherwise all looks interesting and only wait till it get ingame. (Yeah seriously amount of children for upgrades need been cut slight down or we need get some npc that can rival Cveta in speed of making new childrens)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
...but Alder and the other writers have been very clear about "no (expletive) Marble".

That's a more extreme response than I would have expected for just not wanting to reuse characters.  Some lesson I should take away here for future characters?  I mean, beyond non-optional use of nicknames and building early game mechanics into my characters that don't get used by any other character in the game afterwards?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
That's a more extreme response than I would have expected for just not wanting to reuse characters.  Some lesson I should take away here for future characters?  I mean, beyond non-optional use of nicknames and building early game mechanics into my characters that don't get used by any other character in the game afterwards?

Basically after asking around, what I've gotten is:

-Addictive milk bullshit being the #1 reason for disliking Marble, essentially gave Marble mind-control over the PC.

-Anal = evil

-All that soft-speech ("sweetie" and stuff) when she's a warhammer toting warrior with 100 str.

-Borderline Mary-Sue.

Just a few quick points I threw together after skimming the basic outline.

  • Sheer amount of talk-interaction scenes between Moira/Cveta = astronomical
  • Cveta wants to take a day and help?
  • Moira's daughters, when there are enough (5 or more?), Sing to the children and glow different colors to entertain and calm the children. The idea is kinda like a mobile.
  • Cveta could train the daughters to sing?
  • First (or much later) daughter could be a unique NPC? Curious about "daddy's" quest and wants to help more. The how is debatable.
  • The required amount of offspring for the latter upgrades are a little steep. Might wanna check how many people have on average.
  • Marble had a habit of calling the player "sweetie" almost every sentence. Watch for repetition like that.

Some of the stuff here really has promise. Thanks!

Regarding the kids, some reworking will have to take place after we get all the upgrade levels hashed out. Right now we don't have that many followers, but the nursery is supposed to be balanced for when we have a reasonably large stable, breeding perks, preg potions, etc, etc. There'll be some time to see how things shape up and move accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
-Addictive milk bullshit being the #1 reason for disliking Marble, essentially gave Marble mind-control over the PC.

That was kinda the fetish she covered, so it makes sense that people wouldn't like her since she has that component to her.

-Anal = evil

Eh, not really.  She just wasn't interested because I'd intended to use it as part of breaking down her inhibitions when corrupting her.  

-All that soft-speech ("sweetie" and stuff) when she's a warhammer toting warrior with 100 str.

Hyperbole, but that juxtaposition was part of what I was going for with her.  Like I said, I didn't realize when I was writing her just how annoyed people might be at her constantly referring to the PC by a pet-name.  Future characters I write will probably only have that as an option.

-Borderline Mary-Sue.

That's debatable, but I don't think we should necessarily get into that.  There are far worse characters in the game for that than her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I never had much issue with Murrble except that it was a bit silly in retrospect for waifus to get mad about polyamory in the kind of game CoC was. Well, OK, and the milk thing was annoying and could permanently gimp you. But playing CoC without the wiki on hand is an exercise in frustration anyway.

Anyway, apparently being "Lifegiver" means you have a buttload of babies? Personally, I feel weird about having a bunch of kids without settling down to raise them properly. Am I just gonna have to avoid giving and receiving vaginal, or are there gonna be herbs or something?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I never had much issue with Murrble except that it was a bit silly in retrospect for waifus to get mad about polyamory in the kind of game CoC was. Well, OK, and the milk thing was annoying and could permanently gimp you. But playing CoC without the wiki on hand is an exercise in frustration anyway.

Oh yeah, I forgot about just how many ways you can completely screw your characters over.  Marble is pretty tame by comparison!

Still, the point is we should always be trying to improve.  Looking at old work and seeing what failed and why is a good way to do so.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Anyways, back to the point!

I never had much issue with Murrble except that it was a bit silly in retrospect for waifus to get mad about polyamory in the kind of game CoC was. Well, OK, and the milk thing was annoying and could permanently gimp you. But playing CoC without the wiki on hand is an exercise in frustration anyway.

Anyway, apparently being "Lifegiver" means you have a buttload of babies? Personally, I feel weird about having a bunch of kids without settling down to raise them properly. Am I just gonna have to avoid giving and receiving vaginal, or are there gonna be herbs or something?

"Lifegiver" means something else altogether that's plot-related, but hey, if you want to take it that way. You can go through the whole game without impregnating anyone, yeah. We'll probably have a contraceptive potion at some time before Act 2 rolls in, that's probably on the list after what I personally call the anal potion.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
TDM... you really don't understand the problems that have been levelled here, do you?

1): Addiction =/= Mind Control. The two are completely separate things. Even then, the addiction thing comes out of nowhere and can drastically fuck you over, essentially making Marble a HUGE "gotcha!" character. It's no wonder people hate this. Even people who LIKE mind control and addiction generally didn't like Marble for this.

2): Do you really not see what you're saying here? "Part of breaking down her inhibitions" = anal is exclusive to the corruption (aka "evil" route) = anal is evil. You're assigning connections that people are reading, even if you're looking past them.

3): The problem is not the OPTION to have her use a petname, it's that you OVER-fucking-USE it. Every other sentence has it. She's constantly throwing it out. It's overblown and annoying.

4): She can take control over your mind and force you to drink her milk or die. That, TDM, is Mary Sue: the Overpowered edition.

Really, there's a reason why people tend to slot Marble into the same category as Jasun and Raphael, and you're really not making any effort to understand why.

Just a few quick points I threw together after skimming the basic outline.

  • Sheer amount of talk-interaction scenes between Moira/Cveta = astronomical
  • Cveta wants to take a day and help?
  • Moira's daughters, when there are enough (5 or more?), Sing to the children and glow different colors to entertain and calm the children. The idea is kinda like a mobile.
  • Cveta could train the daughters to sing?
  • First (or much later) daughter could be a unique NPC? Curious about "daddy's" quest and wants to help more. The how is debatable.
  • The required amount of offspring for the latter upgrades are a little steep. Might wanna check how many people have on average.
  • Marble had a habit of calling the player "sweetie" almost every sentence. Watch for repetition like that.

Umm I agree with Spikes on children amount steps. So far we have little npc that can pop up children at the machinegun speed. And Cveta will care for her children herself, so potential npc that can really fast have huuuuge amount of kids will be not using nursery. Current npc we can knock up can't keep up high enough speed to fill all 200+ spots in nursery. With it, it would require people spend muuuuuch time only on breeding children, to see new upgrades to the nursery. Otherwise all looks interesting and only wait till it get ingame. (Yeah seriously amount of children for upgrades need been cut slight down or we need get some npc that can rival Cveta in speed of making new childrens)

Keep in mind, the Nursery includes children that the PC gives birth to, as well as children birthed by the PC's followers. Between starting out with a vag, getting a vag with a TF potion, or even taking the Anusol+ TF potion, the PC can get knocked up by a lot of different encounters. Theoretically, it's possible a PC could even get pregnant by NPCs who'd otherwise not want kids, in that they take no responsibility for it - Cale won't raise any pups, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily opposed to letting you get knocked up so long as you look after them as a single mom afterwards.

Also, there's a lot of followers planned. Myself and LD have... oh, better part of a dozen characters planned, Alder has plans to make Miranda recruitable and Kiai breedable, I think there's plans for a recruitable Gwendy. Three of those followers will be bunnies, and thusly producing litters of kids of times.

That said, yeah, these numbers might be a little steep. It's possible they'll get revamped when the game is further along and we can actually examine it more carefully.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Also, there's a lot of followers planned. Myself and LD have... oh, better part of a dozen characters planned, Alder has plans to make Miranda recruitable and Kiai breedable, I think there's plans for a recruitable Gwendy. Three of those followers will be bunnies, and thusly producing litters of kids of times.

So the tsundere(ish) half dragoness/human of graveyard isn't totaly scrappped out yet?

On other points: well having current followers and planned, which were already revealed npc's one could say speed of making children will be low. But if we get many bunny or other fast spawning minion...errr giving birth to many children at once npc can help.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
So the tsundere(ish) half dragoness/human of graveyard isn't totaly scrappped out yet?

On other points: well having current followers and planned, which were already revealed npc's one could say speed of making children will be low. But if we get many bunny or other fast spawning minion...errr giving birth to many children at once npc can help.

Here are some examples:

Lagomorph Pregnancy (todo)Default litter size; depends on  triggering father

  • Single lagomorph; 1-3
  • Lagomorph orgy; 2-7
  • Brute; 2-6
  • Herm; 2-4

Note: GeneSize (a component of size) is .6 for a full-term single offspring. This is slightly over half the size of a full-term pregnancy, or “Minor Swelling” by the table above.

Feline Pregnancy (todo)Default litter size; 1-4

Note: GeneSize (a component of size) is .8 for a full-term single offspring. This is just under the size of a full-term pregnancy, classifying it as a Medium Swelling by the table above.

Equine Pregnancy (todo)Default litter size; 1-2

Note: GeneSize (a component of size) is 1.3 for a full-term single offspring. This is almost half again the size of a normal pregnancy, making it a Large Swelling by the table above.

Naga Pregnancy (todo)Default litter size; 1-3 liveborn

Note: GeneSize (a component of size) is 1.8 for a full-term single offspring. This is nearly twice the size of a normal pregnancy, making it a Huge Swelling by the table above.

Lizan Pregnancy (todo)Default litter size; 1-5 eggs

Note: GeneSize (a component of size) is 1 for a full-term single offspring. This is the size of a human infant, making for a normal full-term pregnancy by the table above.
Breeder has a 30% chance of doubling this, which stacks if both father and mother have the perk. Racking up the kids if you have all the perks and followers for it shouldn't be too hard, and then you can throw in potions.

Of course, the whole point of the nursery expanding is to cater to pregophiles; if you're not one, we'll have other things for you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Here are some examples:

Breeder has a 30% chance of doubling this, which stacks if both father and mother have the perk. Racking up the kids if you have all the perks and followers for it shouldn't be too hard, and then you can throw in potions.

Of course, the whole point of the nursery expanding is to cater to pregophiles; if you're not one, we'll have other things for you.
That counts for MC been impregnated I assume, right?

Nagh I'm fine with a pregophile fetish in FoE (sad lil bit there is almsot none of it in TiTS actualy). Well maybe we will be able hit then 200 childs easy. Also looking at steps it should be added one step between 200 and the one before think 140 or smth (not able in the middle of LoL match check gdoc -_-')

Also with all respect you're not QB so still waiting for his clarification if that half human/dragon gal was forever lost in limbo or not (she was really promising one).
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
That counts for MC been impregnated I assume right?

Nagh I'm fine with pregophile fetish in FoE (sad lil bit there is almsot none of it in TiTS actualy). Well maybe we will be able hit then 200 childs easy.

Also with all respect you're not QB so still waiting for his clarification if that half human/dragon gal was forever lost in limbo or not (she was really promising one).

If you mean Kadja, she'll probably still be a thing, but it'll be very, very long before she shows up. Mid to late Act 2 is the window we're looking at.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So the examples you The Observer wrote down were taking into account that MC is female/herm/used Anusol+?


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
So the examples you The Observer wrote down were taking into account that MC is female/herm/used Anusol+?

The same system is used for all NPCs, unless something specific is coded for them.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
If you mean Kadja, she'll probably still be a thing, but it'll be very, very long before she shows up. Mid to late Act 2 is the window we're looking at.

They're talking about Momo. As for whether she'll be a thing, well... wait until the Halloween Dream Dungeon rush is over for the year. Our subsequent projects will be announced when they are ready.


Oct 9, 2015
This is pretty awesome, as I usually make my char breed anything he possibly can I was wondering how the children would be handled, knowing that the ones that aren't born from generic enemies will be taken care of in a nursery of sorts is nice. As for new rooms, how about some thematic environments, like a creek, a beach, a mountain top, etc... so the kids can start to familiarize themselves with the different landscapes? Just some paintings on the walls and some props representing animals or things like that, or maybe use a projection from a portal if possible. Also, a big bath (or hot spring) is a must, with varying depths so the smaller ones don't drown and the bigger ones don't have to struggle with the shallow waters to wash themselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Character sketch by Alder added.

Quick comment on sketch before getting into the character proper (badum tish), I like the picture overall, nice job with the "young MILF" aesthetic and making her feel very warm and supportive. Only critical observation I can make is the thigh to torso ratio reminds me of Obari.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
For a character with a very simple premise...she has a lot of depth. I do get a kick out of her nudging the MC to keep making babies and the "dainty decapitations" of defenseless animal crackers. She'll be an awesome addition to the game and I look forward to she and Cveta more or less keeping the MC in "studly" form.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Breeder has a 30% chance of doubling this, which stacks if both father and mother have the perk. Racking up the kids if you have all the perks and followers for it shouldn't be too hard, and then you can throw in potions.

You can get this perk from collecting stuff for Lagon are there going to be any other times it is offered as a reward?

If so will they be stack-able (that would really push the nursery on in leaps and bounds)?

On a side issue the picture, anyone else think the blue bow looks like a pair of ears? 

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Breeder has a 30% chance of doubling this, which stacks if both father and mother have the perk. Racking up the kids if you have all the perks and followers for it shouldn't be too hard, and then you can throw in potions.

You can get this perk from collecting stuff for Lagon are there going to be any other times it is offered as a reward?

If so will they be stack-able (that would really push the nursery on in leaps and bounds)?

On a side issue the picture, anyone else think the blue bow looks like a pair of ears? 

Kind of. It looks reversed, I think.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Just to point out, breeding fast will probably need to be done via the PC. Most followers will, unless specifically written otherwise, cap out at triplet-sized pregnancies, and many of them are only capable of singletons. I mean, Miranda and Zina are frontline fighters; would your willing suspension of disbelief really stretch to them taking on the forces of Uru with bellies full of angry, kicking triplets? Terry's not only a stealthy character, but is one of the smallest around; it's going to be hard enough for him to carry a single kit inside his womb at a time.

The PC doesn't quite have those restrictions, to my knowledge. But, yeah, Tobs may want to rethink Moira's interaction with brood-numbers, especially since the biggest preggyphile character in the game/planned for the game, Cveta, doesn't actually count for Moira's qualities.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
yeah, or be absolutely despised by the nomad nursery caregivers before getting to Gemstead :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well those frontline fighters could be allowed to have more than one kid at once but under the condition that for pregnancy period they need to stay out of the active party.

Other question would be if such solution sits well with those characters nature like... will really Miranda/Zina/Terry could be talked into sitting for around month at Nomads/in gemstead just for a sake of giving birth to more than 1 baby? And since after impregnation it would be wierd that future to-be-mother would instaknow how many children she carring. So to make it less belivable it could be triggered some time after this when she realize she carry too much kids to keep fight on the frontline and thus she will retreat from active party into reserve till the child birth time.

So yes for a max few days after succesful knocking up said npc will be still in active party. Maybe add some msg show to MC that pregnant team member acting a little off for a typical pregnancy indicating that it may be something more than one kid at once. It would give MC chance to remove this teammate from active party a little earlier and replace with other over sudently realing after some fight X npc left team all of sudden of too troublesome pregnancy for time it takes to give birth.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Add to this that this would require additionaly some short textes when each NPC leave team or come back, etc. And here would come into the light each npc author that would need sit and think about fitting character scene to be written. But if all that plus coding would be someday done it would be nice option to be used aside "MC is one damn broodmother that making even Cveta envy" xD