Missing Companion Talk Grid


New Member
Jan 11, 2022
I know it's just because their mutual talkstuff hasn't been written yet, but at this point I just like to jokingly imagine Agni and Viv as the cryptids of the companion squad. The Champion calls them up and it becomes a game of increasingly stupid comical situations as the universe keeps everyone else from knowing they exist. They appear for five seconds in a fight to do their abilities and suddenly a tree falls and blocks them from sight. They walk into the Frosthound and suddenly a barfight breaks out and everyone is immediately distracted from their presence. The Champ strolls up to the final boss with everyone in tow and against all odds an invisibility spell backfires and makes them nonexistent. The epilogue is just going to consist of a companion family reunion and everyone will meet them both for the first time and be flabbergasted. I know this in my soul.

Melancholy Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2023
There are some weird inconsistencies for sure. Agni and Viv are just lacking content, Viv is one I see being ok since she tends to like her own company. Ryn not having an opinion on anyone is weird too since she has ppl she's fond of; her and Arona have a friendly rivalry/sibling type of relationship, Atugia and her have a little friendship-kinship thing going on, Cait is Cait, Azzy being a fellow devotee to Lumia.