Minimum Lust


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
The recent addition of Omega Oil and Breeder's Bliss to the game, which I very much welcome (kudos to the writers), got me wondering. So far, I've been enthusiastically adding pretty much every female-appropriate lust-boosting trait to my PC, for flavor reasons of playing an oversexed (but smart) bimbo and their other possible game benefits, such as advantages in lust combat. That is, the ones that were not too difficult to maintain, such as permanent perks or status effects (i.e. Amazonian Needs, Black Latex, Drug Fucked, Extra Ardor, Flower Power, Inhuman Desire, Omega Fever, Peace of Mind, Slut Stamp - I save edited to combine perks from different Treatment paths). And I've been considering whether to keep the character in heat all the time, since this seems fairly easy to manage with a monthly fix of Breeder's Bliss and some storage of the drug.

But I've been wondering if there might be too much of a good thing, and too high a minimum lust might make the character too vulnerable in combat to lust attacks. As much as it may be fun to lose to such attacks sometimes, there are several occurences in game when you really don't want to lose to lust-inducing enemies, to avoid a bad end, make the storyline progress, or fulfill a important quest. So in your opinion, what would be a good/acceptable maximum minimum lust for a sex-crazed PC?

As a rule, I deem status effects that are only provided by a limited planetbound source (unlike say Yammi's food) and only last a few days at most too much trouble to try and keep active all the time. And in my opinion, the severe disadvantages of Myr Venom Withdrawal seem to outweigh the benefits of being high on Red Venom or being a Venom Slut, so I try not to make my Steele into an addict (unlike say the Bothorioc egg stuff), even if storage of the venom might be an option. What's your opinion on this?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I always aim to get around 33 minimum lust just so my steel is always DTF. Although generally I just do it directly by save editing

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I think one time I had like 34 Lust and Beatrice required 35 (rough numbers here) so it was like "You're not turned on enough." and I was like "this bitch ass game thinks I'm not horny enough when I got my dick in hand trying to get off."

Anyway I did something, got lust, and then finally fucked Beatrice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I think one time I had like 34 Lust and Beatrice required 35 (rough numbers here) so it was like "You're not turned on enough." and I was like "this bitch ass game thinks I'm not horny enough when I got my dick in hand trying to get off."

Anyway I did something, got lust, and then finally fucked Beatrice.
Actually if what I can remember from what Tacit said, she's the only character so far to have a higher lust requirement for sex than anything else in the game (Which I still find very weird to get used to, given literally everything else's threshold requirement is 33, but I'm probably the only one that finds that weird). You need to be at 60 lust to sex her, while 50 on the repeat.
Just wanted to correct ya.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Actually if what I can remember from what Tacit said, she's the only character so far to have a higher lust requirement for sex than anything else in the game (Which I still find very weird to get used to, given literally everything else's threshold requirement is 33, but I'm probably the only one that finds that weird). You need to be at 60 lust to sex her, while 50 on the repeat.
Just wanted to correct ya.

My own combination of perks keeps my Steele at minimum 60 lust all the time (more if anal heat from omega fever is active), so I didn't notice her threshold at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
35-40 min lust would be enough for all save rare one cases. And what about libido? if it too high some fight wil be made slight harder due to faster reaching defeat by lust.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
I was just about to post this thread really before I got beaten to the punch. Lol. Anyway, currently trying to find ways in order for my Steele to keep the minimum lust permanently above 30 aside from the Treatment Medipen, what combination of consumables or items do you guys use while I wait for next month.

If possible I would welcome ways that don't drop willpower points as we know there are no means of recovering them once its lost


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Btw how did you do that? I am very curios how you managed, I used pretty much alot of whats available like Dumbfuck and made Steele into a very horny bimbo. Mind sharing your combination?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
For one of my characters I have minimum lust set at 40 through cerespirin's "Flower Power" perk and the amazon version of the treatment, so currently it is very possible to have a permanent minimum lust above 35 in game without save editing if you're okay using the treatment and keeping at least one flower from cerespirin.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
How I got all of my lust-affecting and bimbo perks and features?

Let's see, first of all I picked Extra Ardor at character creation, then save edited to add Elasticity, Fertility, Milky, and Incubator (Steele Sr. custom-fitted his daughter with a lot of prenatal genetic engineering anyway, so I just added more of the same). Back then, I used a different, more complex method, but nowadays you can do it much easier with TitSEd. Then I got the Treatment, picked the cowgirl path with the cheat password, and I got Sexy Thinking, Fuck Sense, Inhuman Desire, Ditz Speech, Weak Mind, and Treated Milk. Then I save edited to add perks from other paths I found interesting and compatible with my character concept, including Amazonian Endurance, Amazonian Needs, and Milk Fountain (the Treatment is supposed to have quirks and variants anyway). I like optimized characters and as much as I greatly fancy the hypersexual and slutty aspects of bimbofication, I'm no fan of its dumbness aspect, so I maximized all stats but WP. You can do it by leveling up, spending time in Quenton's gym to raise physical stats, and talking about books with Syri (or playing chess with the guy in Tavros) to raise intelligence. Willpower got minimized by bimbofication, but Iron Will allows to counter this to a degree since it uses physique to grant a boost to WP. I fancy generalist characters and I loathe mandatory class specializations, so if the game had allowed me to, I'd have spent time and effort to gain all classes perks. Since it was not possible, I just developed the Mercenary path, then I save edited to gain the other classes' perks.

Buttslutinator granted Buttslut. Cerespirin gave me Flower Power. Dumbfuck provided Drug Fucked, Easy, Breed Hungry, Fuck Sense, and Weak Willed. If you take care to raise and maximize Int after you got bimbofying TF, you can effectively nullify their mind-dumbing effects. The Orange Pill gave me Honeypot and Myr Venom. Rubber-Made provided Black Latex. Sweet Sweat yielded Pheromone Sweat. A combination of various drugs (Amber Seed, Anusoft, Boobswell, Bovinium, Cerespirin, Clear Yu, Clippex, Estrobloom, Fertite, Fizzyfix, Gush, Holstaria, Junk in the Trunk, Knot a Problem, Lactaid, Lucifier, Lupinol, Muffstick, Omega Oil, Orange Pill, Pussyblossom, Sylvanol), Millie's milking, the Helmet costume on Poe A, and a lot of save scrubbing gave Alpha Scent, Bubble Butt, Hollow Bones, Hypermilky, Mega Milk, Omega Fever, and Oviposition. It also provided a bimbo body that combines cowgirl, myr, succubus, and dryad features with horns, antennas, flower hair, wings, tail, two M-sized breast rows, lipples, three pussies (one plant, two mouth), and a huge butt. I got a full female set of mymbrane symbionts at maximum trust and a tailcock.

Maximizing bothrioc addiction provided Peace of Mind. Sera's party quest gave Slut Stamp. Training with Tanis got Concussive Shot. Femininity, tone, lips, fertility, breasts, butt, hips, lactation, and anus/pussies' elasticity, capacity, looseness, and wetness were all maximized to the degree such TF items would allow to. Anusoft and Sukmastr 2000 made anus/pussies fully pumped. Drinking Skin Clear made tongue, skin, anus, and pussies lubricated. I carefully used a lot of save scrubbing, TF tactical sequencing, and more than a few save editing tweaks to get exactly all the body features I wanted from TF items and nothing else. I won't allow any random results to spoil the planned outcome of my careful character-building and cosmetic efforts. I wear Nova's goo armor with all available upgrades unlocked pretty much all the time.

I use Yammi's food pretty much all the time, I am going to use a steady regime of Breeder's Bliss to keep heat on an effectively permanent basis. I daily feed mimbranes first thing in the morning, I hand milk when I got messages the weight of breasts is getting excessive, I may use sex sessions with Nova to keep anal heat at bay or let it blossom depending on circumstances. Exhibitionism and Alcohol Tolerance have been maximized. Bothrioc addiction made personality super-Kind but I did not bother to change it, since I fancy both Kind and Mischievous speech. If the game engine would allow me to, I'd make body fluids something like Breasts 1 (honey), Breasts 2 (chocolate milk), Pussy 1 (fruit juice), Pussy 2 (sugar), Pussy 3 (strawberry milk). Since it is not possible I swap and cycle the flavours of milk and girlcum between these options with appropriate items and save editing as it strikes my fancy.

I wear Nova, plus the best sexiness-boosting clothing that would expose breasts and allow access to hardlight dildo. I carry Allure, Cargobot, Varmint Leash, and Tam-wolf 2.0 in inventory all the time, and swap my accessory slot between them as circumstances or my fancy dictate. Much the same way, I keep Goovolver/Goozooka, Royal Bow, and Emmy's versions of Salamander Pistol, Salamander Rifle, Lava Saber, and Vamp Blade in inventory all the time, and cycle between equipping them as circumstances or my fancy dictate. If it were possible, I'd have gladly quested for a lot of gems to get all of Emmy's special weapons. Since it is not possible, and I loathe being forced to choose, I save edited to get all of them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016

Wow...that is alooot of stuff piled up on each other. Color me impressed, truly. What is a save editor btw? All I know is that you use it wrong, there is a potential damaging your computer; from the sound of things TitSed sound like the editing tool for this. Is this a Patroeon exclusive use tool? I mean I know this question technically belong in another thread, but can you tell me more about it?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016

Wow...that is alooot of stuff piled up on each other. Color me impressed, truly. What is a save editor btw? All I know is that you use it wrong, there is a potential damaging your computer; from the sound of things TitSed sound like the editing tool for this. Is this a Patroeon exclusive use tool? I mean I know this question technically belong in another thread, but can you tell me more about it?

Nope, the main TitS save editing tools (TitSEd and Minerva) are freeware and are quite safe for your computer in my experience. At worst, if you make a serious mistake with Minerva, especially the online version where you may add or remove variables and not just edit their values, you may break your save file, but that's part of what backups of your save files are for. In my experience TitsEd is quite safe and reliable to use, I cannot remember of an instance when it may have broken my save files. Nowsdays it is the main save editing tool for this game, it covers the vast majority of game variables with a few exceptions, such as pregnancies data and the new stuff just added for patron players such as yours truly (since the program only gets upgraded once a new public version is released). You may find the link to download it in this very forum, usually it gets discussed enough the thread stays in the first two or three pages. TitSEd is surely the best choice for a novice at save editing or to deal with the stuff it covers, it is much safer, easier, and quicker than the alternative.

For the few exceptions TitSEd doesn't cover, there is Minerva, but it is somewhat more complex to use. The online version gives you total control on the save file, for good or bad (e.g. you can copy and paste variables, such as perks or items, from one save file to another one if you open them in two different windows, but it is much easier to make serious mistakes by accident), but it only works with certain browsers (IIRC, I use Firefox). The offline version is a bit more limited (and safer to use) but you need to install another program (AIR) with it to make it work. Unlike TitSEd, Minerva requires you to get proficient in understanding the structure of a save file (nothing too difficult, I became somewhat of an expert in a few hours/days of tinkering) and you need the proper values for the variables you wish to change (fortunately, the wiki has a lot of the codes for all but the newest stuff, with the unfortunate exception of the items). Moreover unlike TitSEd, Minerva won't put the stuff you add or remove to the inventory or the perks list in proper order for you, this is something you need to do from within the game. The wiki page for save editing provides you the links for the programs, advice on how to use it and where to find your save files in your computer (essential to know for backups, apart from any save editing; you wish to keep files that represent days or weeks of playing safe from crashes and flukes, do you? I blessed my backups when I accidentally erased the main copies with ccleaner), and a lot of game variables info.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016

Wow...that is alooot of stuff piled up on each other. Color me impressed, truly. What is a save editor btw? All I know is that you use it wrong, there is a potential damaging your computer; from the sound of things TitSed sound like the editing tool for this. Is this a Patroeon exclusive use tool? I mean I know this question technically belong in another thread, but can you tell me more about it?
Here's the thread for TiTSed. It's free for everyone, and doesn't damage anything on your computer. If you screw around too much, it greatly increases the chance of breaking your TiTS save (and only the save you were using), but that can easily be avoided by not being stupid and creating logic holes in the game. Generally you can get away with one or two inconsistencies, like having a whole bunch of the starter perks that you can normally only get one of, or having all of the optional perks for a class, but smashing pretty much everything in the game onto your character, like irioth here, makes it just a matter of time. There is a guy that posted here just a few hours ago about his character with all of the perks from all of the classes. That's also a bad idea, don't do that.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Here's the thread for TiTSed. It's free for everyone, and doesn't damage anything on your computer. If you screw around too much, it greatly increases the chance of breaking your TiTS save (and only the save you were using), but that can easily be avoided by not being stupid and creating logic holes in the game. Generally you can get away with one or two inconsistencies, like having a whole bunch of the starter perks that you can normally only get one of, or having all of the optional perks for a class, but smashing pretty much everything in the game onto your character, like irioth here, makes it just a matter of time. There is a guy that posted here just a few hours ago about his character with all of the perks from all of the classes. That's also a bad idea, don't do that.

I've been playing my character with all the perks from all the classes (and a female-compatible combination of perks from the cowgirl, amazon, and cum-cow Treatment paths) for close to a year, and never noticed any software trouble for it, so I'm driven to conclude from my own experience the code is entirely able to support this kind of character and it does not really make the game any more instable than more... vanilla concepts. All the other item perks, body features, and status effects I've picked are supposed to be possible to acquire in the game and able to work in combination, I've not noticed any software problems from this as well so far, but if it were to happen, it would be a bug to report and I'd gladly do so. Please don't cry wolf about my preferred playstyle, thanks.

Admittedly, I generally know what I'm doing save editing-wise, and I never try to do what seems illogical in the game, such as picking features that are supposed to work with missing stuff or somesuch. As a matter of fact, I have experienced breaks of my TitS saves exceedingly rarely as a result of save editing, but then again, I usually know what I'm doing, and if I'm uncertain about something, I seek advice or make experiments with throwaway saves. It is definetely something that takes experience to learn to do correctly, but then again it didn't take me too long to become proficient. And these days, TitSEd make it much safer, easier, and quicker to do than in the past.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
@irioth @Lancer Thanks guys, just tested the TitsEd, it works as great as I had hoped for, plus surprisingly user friendly!, thanks alot. Just a few more things, I noticed that there are some items there that I dont think (or I didnt meet the requirements) are supposed to be in the game yet, like Reaper Armament Shield Mark II and Beatrice's Panties. Would it crash if I activated something that I think has not yet been implemented?

Anyway thanks guys or girls.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Guy here ;) As far as I can tell, Beatrice has been already added to the game as an established NPC with a significant amount of dialogue and sex scenes, and the code already acknowledges her panties as a key item. They just have to write her savicite quest yet that would allow to unlock her panties as a prize. If you prefer not to wait for that quest being written out of a completist urge about the panty collection, and do not mind getting less of a reward for doing that quest when it gets available, I suppose it is safe to unlock the item now. Panties are essentially flavor trophy signposts and an aid to certain masturbation scenes. Or you could unlock the item now, remove it when the quest gets available, and earn by 'legitimate' means when it becomes feasible.

I entirely understand the urge to get a complete panty collection by save editing, since I've been contemplating doing it myself for Kiro and Saendra, b/c I loathe the means the game would force me to use to gain them. Basically speaking, I dislike dickgirls and I think this game has far too many of them already, so I'm extremely reluctant to spoil lovely Saendra or my precious bimbo Steele with dicks just to grab a few panties. This is especially true for Saendra since the game does not provide any means to de-futa-fy her once the quest is done, you cannot do it with TitsEd, and I have limited experience with this kind of NPC save editing.

As it concerns that shield, I had failed to notice its existence myself. My best guess is if the item has been included in TitsEd, it should be already embedded in the code enough to be properly recognized (and according to the wiki, a couple NPC use it in fight scenes). They just have to write a NPC yet that would sell, drop, or provide it as a quest item. If you want to use it now, I suggest to make a disposable/throwaway save file, activate the item you want to have with TitSEd, and playtest the save file for a little while, including scenes where the item would get used (i.e. combat scenes where the item is equipped for shields/armor or weapons). If everything seems to work normally, probably the item is safe to use.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Is TiTSEd not capable of granting status effects or perks? You know you guys can just give yourself one that sets your minimum lust to whatever you want, right?

I mean, you can do pretty much anything with status effects and perks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You can just use TiTSed to set your lust mod value to something like 35. Lust nod effectively functions as minimum lust.