Minerva Perks Editing


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
So, I've been experimenting with giving a character all the possible class perks, and with removing some perks like ditzy speech.

So far, I haven't been able to make perk manipulation work at all.  Whenever I save a so-modified file back to the appropriate folder (usually overwriting the file in question) it apparently becomes completely incompatible withe the TiTs .swf file; it either disappears completely and can't be selected, or I can select it but nothing happens.

What I'm doing specifically is as follows;

1)  Create a secondary save with a character that has the perks I want;

2)  Open it up in minerva;

3)  Open up the game I want to modify in minerva;

4)  copy the perks from the secondary save into the perks array from my primary save (right click copy on perk, right click paste on array tab) (this method seems to work for everything else)

5)  Re-number the perk object name to avoid pathing conflicts (instead of 4, rename perk to next highest unused number like 24)

6)  Save

7)  Load fail.

The broken saves are still fully operative when I try to select them with Minerva.

In the case of removing perks, I just right-click on the perk and delete it.  That doesn't seem to work.

Would appreciate advice on how to fix these twin problems.


Aug 26, 2015
You're doing things the engine is not meant to handle by trying to use every class perk, so that's not likely to go well.

The easiest way to edit perks with Minerva will be to find a perk you can get through TFs, get it, edit its slot to the desired perk, get the TF perk again, repeat.  This worked in CoC with Flexibility, I have no idea if it still works in TiTS.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Couch's method still works. Sterilex is probably the best item for this, since every(?) other item perk has a bunch of TFs associated with it. Venom Slut might make a good alternative if you don't mind having jacked up addiction.

Perk copypasta works on the online version, but putting multiple class perks that take up the same slot on your combat menu is a good way to break things.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
You're doing things the engine is not meant to handle by trying to use every class perk, so that's not likely to go well.

The easiest way to edit perks with Minerva will be to find a perk you can get through TFs, get it, edit its slot to the desired perk, get the TF perk again, repeat.  This worked in CoC with Flexibility, I have no idea if it still works in TiTS.

Thanks for the advice.  I'll try that a bit later.



Couch's method still works. Sterilex is probably the best item for this, since every(?) other item perk has a bunch of TFs associated with it. Venom Slut might make a good alternative if you don't mind having jacked up addiction.

Perk copypasta works on the online version, but putting multiple class perks that take up the same slot on your combat menu is a good way to break things.

Thanks.  I'll go hunting for sterilex later.

Now what about removing perks?  That seems to cause problems all on its own.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Change the unwanted perk into a TF perk that is removed when your race score drops below X. Or change all of them into Mane and start popping Terran treats.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2016
Change the unwanted perk into a TF perk that is removed when your race score drops below X. Or change all of them into Mane and start popping Terran treats.

Excellent.  Got any suggestions for the easiest race perks to use?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
I have to remark that as a RPG character-optimization fiend, I was determined to give my Steele all the perks relevant to an hypersexual killer machine lady, rules be damned, so I tried a save editing method very similar to the one Morrigan attempted, once the one Couch suggested proved inadequate, and I was entirely successful at it. At character creation and every level up, I made multiple save files, each one with one of the alternative perks I wanted, opened them in different online minerva windows, copied and pasted the relevant perk object in the perk array of the original save file, changed its name to a +1 array number, and saved the file. The system recognized and loaded the save file normally, short of the new perk being at the end of the list. Then I used a Sterilex and Fertite combo to make the system add and remove a new perk, and so rearrange the perk list in the correct order. To my experience all of the perks seemed to be recognized and work normally, with no errors or conflicts. Only a couple character-creation perks I used (Elasticity and Fertility IIRC) seemed to work by the system changing the relevant variables outside the perk array instead of directly applying their effects, so I checked the variables' values in the two saves and manully edited them in the original file. Dunno what was different for me.

I have been uncertain whether to try and remove certain bimbo perks I dislike by save editing, such as Ditz Speech - I fancy the 'nympho slut' and 'big-titted sexy body' parts of the bimbo fetish concept a lot, but dislike the 'brainless' part. Nothing can really stop you from turning your PC into a genius bimbo slut with enough Intelligence stat-grinding (or save editing), so Weak Mind is not much of a problem, but the effects of Ditz Speech are otherwise inevitable if you want the bimbo TF package, and grating when Steele should sound cool.

This is the perk list of my PC at level 8, after completing all the available quests and desired TFs. She fucks hard and fights harder.

Armor Piercing - Ranged attacks ignore the first few points of enemy defense.
Black Latex - Gives you delightful latex skin, but keeps you slightly more aroused at all times.
Bloodthirsty - Melee attacks restore a few points of energy.
Breed Hungry - Increases speed that semen is created at and the pregnancy speed.
Carpet Grenades - Grants the ability to toss out a handful of micro-grenades, damaging everything in a large area. Hits all enemies.
Cleave - Grants an extra, low-accuracy swing when fighting groups of enemies or “plural” type foes.
Concentrate Fire - Allows consecutive ranged attacks to gain a bonus to damage.
Concussive Shot - Grants the ability to fire explosive-tipped arrows when equipped with a bow in combat. The arrows have a chance to stun for 2 to 4 combat rounds.
Critical Blows - Your strikes and shots gain a 10% chance of inflicting double damage on normal melee and ranged attacks.
Detonation Charge - Grants the ability to throw a focused detonation charge at an enemy for very high Burning damage. Focusing the charge restricts the blast radius to a single target.
Ditz Speech - Alters dialogue in certain scenes.
Drug Fucked - Grants: +40 to minimum libido, +10 to minimum lust, halved intelligence gains, and doubled libido gains.
Easy - Gain 20% more lust from combat sources.
Elasticity - Increases the elasticity of your orifices and renders them more resistant to stretching.
Extra Ardor - Increases lust gain over time.
Fertility - Increases your odds of getting pregnant.
Fuck Sense - Allows your sense ability to base success off your libido instead of intelligence.
Heavy Weapons - Increases damage from Kinetic ranged weapons by 20%.
Heroic Reserves - Raises your maximum energy reserves by 33, allowing you to use more special attacks before tiring.
Honeypot - Allows your body to convert excess thickness into delicious, boob-filling goodness.
Hypermilky - Lactation will not decrease from disuse or overfilling.
Incubator - Increases the speed at which your pregnancies progress.
Inhuman Desire - Increases maximum lust by 40.
Iron Will - Allows your physical fortitude to contribute slightly to your willpower, granting one point of willpower for every five points of physique.
Juggernaut - Grants a 25% chance to overcome any paralysis or stun effect every combat round.
Low Tech Solutions - Increases damage from Kinetic melee weapons by 20%.
Mega Milk - Allows you to instantly produce a good amount of milk, even when empty.
Milky - Causes lactation to be induced more easily and harder to stop.
Myr Venom - Allows you do to a little lust damage when melee attacking.
Power Strike - Grants the ability to perform a single melee attack for 200% normal damage.
Rapid Fire - Grants the ability to perform a ranged attack with two extra, reduced-accuracy shots.
Riposte - Grants increased evasion after any melee attack made for the remainder of the combat round.
Second Attack - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you perform a melee attack. Can stack with “Cleave.”
Second Shot - Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon.
Second Wind - Grants the ability to recover half of your maximum HP and Energy once per combat encounter.
Sexy Thinking - Boosts tease damage more the dumber and less willful you are.
Slut Stamp - A tattoo permanently emblazoned above your ass makes you horny faster while wearing anything clothing your lower body.
Take Cover - Grants the ability to avoid nearly all incoming ranged attacks for 3 combat rounds.
Tough - Resistance to Kinetic damage increased by 10%.
Tough 2 - Increases Kinetic damage resistance provided by ‘Tough’ to 15% (+5%).
Treated Milk - Any milk you lactate tastes better, and you are less likely to stop lactating.
Weak Mind - Intelligence and willpower losses doubled.
Weak Willed - Willpower losses are doubled.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Deleting the perk from .minerva works, too. Just, like, that button right there that says "delete," click the perk, press that button.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Your list would probably work better if it was organized by type, class, and level. For example, you can have all the level 5 and below Smuggler perks, but you need both the Smuggler class and level 5 to do so.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Indeed. My method involved to save-edit the perks you want when they become an available option at character-creation or levelling-up. I have not tried adding them at different moments, but I suppose the method would work just the same, as long as you have a save file with the relevant perk to use as source. I have not tried the potential alternative method of adding a perk that is easy to add and remove and doesn't mess your character with unwanted TFs (such as Sterilex), then manually editing it in the perk you want, since you need to know its correct writeup, and I wasn't sure yet about it - from further experience, it seems the wiki writeups are the same recognized by the system. I wished to try and keep the perk list in the correct order as much as possible, and I had not yet discovered the Sterilex and Fertite trick to make the system rearrange it after editing

So far I've been more interested in mercenary than the other classes (the only basic RPG character concept I fancy more than fighter is wizard/psi, and those abilities aren't available in TiTS), so I haven't paid much attention to the other classes, and I did not attempt to give my PC any perks from them. So I dunno what would happen to the system if you mix-and-match perks from multiple classes. Certainly it might require more work to get the relevant perk object or writeup sources to edit in.

I also fear bad things might happen to the system if the PC has more special abilities than the system has room to show in the relevant combat screen. However from my experience this does not seem to be a concern if the PC has all the potential SAs from one class, plus the ones from stuff like mimbranes, varmints, drones, and goo armor, at least for a level 8 mercenary.

I copied and pasted my PC's perk list as it showed in the game screen, which works fine for my needs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I also fear bad things might happen to the system if the PC has more special abilities than the system has room to show in the relevant combat screen. However from my experience this does not seem to be a concern if the PC has all the potential SAs from one class, plus the ones from stuff like mimbranes, varmints, drones, and goo armor, at least for a level 8 mercenary.

Actually its quite possible to cheat and add feats and special abilities normally restricted to other classes since their all primarily feat based. Yes this will cause the specials menu to get overflowed but don't worry just use the left and right buttons under your status effects window to scroll threw them. Proof in the following savefile.


  • Urta - 1 days.tits
    155.9 KB · Views: 6
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
<bows> Cobra, your perk list makes me feel like an incompetent amateur optimizer. I have much to learn yet, master/mistress. But I can use your list as a groundwork.
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