Metric System Missing


Feb 16, 2022
I have been playing the downloadable version (0.8.159) all this time and I just realized the java version is like 100 versions newer!
The new version is awesome compared to what I've been playing!

But there's a very important component missing in the current java version!

There's no option to display the metric system!!!

Most inhabitants of planet earth use the metric system, to the point where it's discriminating against most people to not even offer an option to also display the metric system in anything with a substantial international audience.
Not cool to your international brothers and sisters.

The opposite is also true if something is based on the metric system and there's a significant portion of the audience not using the metric system.
We need to be inclusive with each other!

I actually use the option to display both unit systems with the older downloadable version because I don't mind being inclusive of different ways to do things.
It's also interesting to see how the creators of the game envision the various measurements and dimensions in the system of units familiar to them.
But, representing the international audience, the removal of a metric display option is a critical flaw that ought to be addressed as soon as possible!

Keep up the good work!
You are making some real progress!

P.S. I also noticed the Codex explanation message is referencing the category/filter menu being to the "right" (like the old version), which is a bit confusing to new players.