Messy Lab


New Member
Sep 28, 2016
Not sure if it is a bug but the guy who takes away genitals has like 400 shield and like 700 hp if you try to mess up his lab. Kinda concerned cause he killed me in 2 hits. I just thought I'd point this out. Don't fuck with any laboratories. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Dr. Lash is supposed to be the superior challenge for our ultra try hard min-maxers. He's not supposed to be bested, but you somehow do, you'll get a fuck huge creadit pay out (90,0000 if i remember) and huge dash of exp.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Dr. Lash is supposed to be the superior challenge for our ultra try hard min-maxers. He's not supposed to be bested, but you somehow do, you'll get a fuck huge creadit pay out (90,0000 if i remember) and huge dash of exp.

Did they lower it? Was 1 million credits back when the ability to fight him was added.

But yeah he's the hardest fight in the game, especially for techs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Did they lower it? Was 1 million credits back when the ability to fight him was added.

But yeah he's the hardest fight in the game, especially for techs.

He gives 999,999 creds exactly. They were missing a couple 9's with that sum. :p

@OP: Lash is hard as hell, especially when/if you play Tech, but with a lot of prep he can be -barely- beatable, especially if you abuse combos like the Goozooka and the Paralyzing Shock starter ability (I think flashbangs help as well if you're not playing Tech class. Idk though, I never actually tested that theory with my Smuggler Steele. But Goozooka and RNG luck has saved my ass a ton in previous plays when I DID used to play Tech, as he's not entirely immune to lust damage, just really REALLY resistant, take note of that if you may the next time you have an urge to fight him, you need to be pretty persistent if you wanna beat him that way, it's worth it though).
I say 'barely' beatable because RNG can sometimes be a bitch with him and it's all reliant on luck. I say get armor that can resist a combination of electric and burn damage. Both the Lightening Duster and Thermal Undies equipped at the same time cover this really well, plus ofc the toughest shield in the game you can legit acquire atm. And you need to be max level for any chance of even getting CLOSE to winning and get your stats up as close to the 40's as you can get them, specifically Reflexes, or else he's gonna hit you every turn and hurt you a shit ton in the process.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I wrote a guide for beating Lash some time ago.  Still works. 

TL;DR if you raise your thermal resist to 100% (keeping in mind that sal. shield only buffs shield resist not normal resist) you will only take 1/30 damage from him since his gun does 1 electric damage and 29 thermal damage.  It still takes a while to lust him up so death by a thousand cuts is still a big problem, but if you build up your evasion and reflexes and take advantage of hp/energy restoring consumables you can still win without too much difficulty.


New Member
Sep 28, 2016
alright I'm glad to be clarified of why he is so tough. I just wanted to see his reaction to me really wanting to fuck up his lab and I was like "oh shit oh shit I'm screwed"