Mercenary/Smuggler Varmint Training


Aug 26, 2015
I actually do like having a perk specifically for drones. But I agree, it (and other skills) could be better.

(I hope techies get a drone specific slot one day)

The problem with Attack Drone is that once you have a drone from another source, it loses all benefit except the 1 point of shields per level.  Since it's competing against 8 points per level, this makes it objectively worse.

My recommendation has been for Attack Drone to actually increase the damage output of any equipped drone, so that it would still have a benefit after getting another drone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
My recommendation has been for Attack Drone to actually increase the damage output of any equipped drone, so that it would still have a benefit after getting another drone.

This. I've been wanting this exact change for a long time now.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I miss the Drone I made in the original design docs that regenerated Energy for you and could stun enemies and was the Tech's starter perk. That drone was a Good Boy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Now everyone write Fen about it so I can finally fix it :|

By mail, by forum posts tagging him, forum PM's or other way we should nagg him?

As said above it does quite much show all Techs issues that are around for ages. Especialy this the higher lvl and more other drones used as acc perk for lvl 2 of attack drone that is quite useless and makes using dron user tech questionable if we can just pick super strong shields at lvl 2 and grab tam or sieg later on (since tam 2.0 is so pitful not even much better than fully repaired tam 1.0). Way that i all goes atm looking like drone using tech is less and less cool thing compared to shield tech with any drone acc. And maybe actualy that combo of sields at lvl 2 and later on one of those acc drones will make ppl wanting to play drone tech more vialable. Weird but seems like it could be new trend ^^


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
In all honesty, the Tech's many flaws don't bother me as much as the absurd level of energy damage resistance that some enemies have. 

But i can agree that perhaps the issue of attack drone being flat out useless takes priority over the Tech's other flaws.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I miss the Drone I made in the original design docs that regenerated Energy for you and could stun enemies and was the Tech's starter perk. That drone was a Good Boy.

A starting skill that utterly defines the class and is rather useful sounding?

Do want. Not just for tech even, but merc and smuggler too. Sure they're a lot better at tackling the current content than Techs, but they don't really feel all that defined as classes.

Though that might just be all the WoW dev Q&As I watched prior to legion launching getting to me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That starting drone could be good idea too. But adding this to other classes in some form as in giving them some additional companion be it mechanic or would make whole concept less appealing to me. Yes Mercs and Smugglers can later on get such things but to make them from the start similar like the one for techs would make Techs again not so different from other two classes.
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