Melee smuggler - Escape Artist


Active Member
May 27, 2016
I usually play a melee smuggler, so I dump all my attribute points in physique, reflexes and intelligence.
Physique for damage and accuracy.
Reflexes for dodging.
Intelligence for sneak attack damage.

When reaching lv3, the smuggler gains the Escape Artist perk. Which does the following:
"Converts the chance to escape from grapples to use your Reflexes stat rather than Physique. Conveys an additional minor chance to escape.

Why would my physique be lower then my reflexes, for a melee smuggler character? I see this perk as pointless.
For a ranged character, sure. A hybrid character (are those viable?), maybe. But definitely not for a melee smuggler character.

It's an automated perk, so I can't not choose it.
Maybe I'm missing something here. So if I'm mistaken. Please explain.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I usually play a melee smuggler, so I dump all my attribute points in physique, reflexes and intelligence.
Physique for damage and accuracy.
Reflexes for dodging.
Intelligence for sneak attack damage.

When reaching lv3, the smuggler gains the Escape Artist perk. Which does the following:
"Converts the chance to escape from grapples to use your Reflexes stat rather than Physique. Conveys an additional minor chance to escape.

Why would my physique be lower then my reflexes, for a melee smuggler character? I see this perk as pointless.
For a ranged character, sure. A hybrid character (are those viable?), maybe. But definitely not for a melee smuggler character.

It's an automated perk, so I can't not choose it.
Maybe I'm missing something here. So if I'm mistaken. Please explain.

The main stat that a smuggler relies upon is reflexes for dodge, just like techspec is intelligence and merc is Physique. It makes sense due to the fact you should be putting your stats into reflexes anyways, and you running melee as a smuggler is anomalous in and of itself.


Active Member
May 27, 2016
I have max reflex and physique. Escape artist switches physique to reflex, which does nothing in this case.

If you think that's useless, then the perks low blow, sneak attack, second attack etc. are also useless. Which makes it an even larger problem.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I have max reflex and physique. Escape artist switches physique to reflex, which does nothing in this case.

If you think that's useless, then the perks low blow, sneak attack, second attack etc. are also useless. Which makes it an even larger problem.

TL;DR Just read what I said in my first response I am elaborating on why you are wrong and if you want to know exactly why you are wrong just read note 3.

Since you very clearly didn't bother reading what I said, let me tell you a few issues with your argument in bullet point form for easy reading.

1. You are an anomaly for running melee smuggler, it's simply not an optimal route. Its not useless per say, but there are better options (I can elaborate if need be)

2. Smugglers use Reflex always (If they have half a brain), it's their go too dump stat. Physique is not always used in a smuggler build, since it is interchangable with Aim in this scenario. (Although Aim is the better choice in the current equipment setup)

3. If you actually READ the perk description you would see that it actually ADDS an extra escape chance, just like all level 3 auto skills are made to combat grapples. This is why the game recommends level 3 before going into the deep jungle, since the naleen have a grapple technique.

4. I never said it was "useless" I said it was not optimal, and would be happy to explain the optimal build and setup for all classes. If you were to go down the rabbit hole of the current game meta as I have.

5. You want to max out most of your stats anyways, as they all assist in certain combat checks (Stun, Blind, Willpower Checks), and out of combat things (Usually intelligence checks). And the eventual ship combat which will rely on all stats.

I will explain the "proper" smuggler build to you if you ask, but just note that this is a game; games are supposed to be fun or challenging sometimes both, and not everyone takes the numbers and makes a min max approach to games.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Different styles of playing are a thing.

But if different styles of playing are a thing, then why would a melee Smuggler be an anomaly?
Also, I always get the feeling that *every* non-lust build is suboptimal (which doesn't change the fact that I laothe lust-attacks ^^')

Anyways, I always thought -like the TC- that Escape Artist would change those two, but after re-reading it I *still* don't think that an additional minor chance is worth it,
especially if you have a melee build and neglect reflex.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
But if different styles of playing are a thing, then why would a melee Smuggler be an anomaly?
Also, I always get the feeling that *every* non-lust build is suboptimal (which doesn't change the fact that I laothe lust-attacks ^^')

Anyways, I always thought -like the TC- that Escape Artist would change those two, but after re-reading it I *still* don't think that an additional minor chance is worth it,
especially if you have a melee build and neglect reflex.
Alright, the issue is reflex helps with dodge, and most if not all of the smugglers skills are based on reflex checks not physique checks. You shouldn't be neglecting reflex to begin with.

As a side not what about players who use aim and neglect physique, Without a extra anti-grapple skill what would they do then against foes like the naleen?

This goes back to the original issue, if you know what you are doing, not even min-maxing. Reflexes are your main dump stat, while Aim or physique are your secondary damage based skills.
Since reflexes are a smugglers main stat for dodge and most skills, it would be advantageous to have it be focused on reflexes rather than physique. Besides a 10% escape bonus is pretty nice, not going to lie.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
But if different styles of playing are a thing, then why would a melee Smuggler be an anomaly?
Also, I always get the feeling that *every* non-lust build is suboptimal (which doesn't change the fact that I laothe lust-attacks ^^')

Anyways, I always thought -like the TC- that Escape Artist would change those two, but after re-reading it I *still* don't think that an additional minor chance is worth it,
especially if you have a melee build and neglect reflex.

Most bosses are either lust immune or have a way to avoid losing to full lust. I don't see how a lust based build would be optimal.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Most bosses are either lust immune or have a way to avoid losing to full lust. I don't see how a lust based build would be optimal.
It isn't. It can be useful against certain bosses (amara) but Its not the highest peak performance, @Shizenhakai just was making an assumption, which has some basis in reality, but isn't true.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Eh, I just have the habit of having a hard time against some bosses only to find out that lust would have won easily, thus I tend to get that feeling..

What *is* suboptimal is a build with no trained lust attacks, since some bosses are a pain without it.
In general, I think what is really good is sort of an all-rounder. The combat does not really require specialist, but it is always usefull to have all three kinds of attacks (with a focus on either mellee or ranged ofc.)