Masturbatory (Soloists) Guide to CoC II:


New Member
May 1, 2019


When I first started playing CoC II, I had no expectations of writing any material for it at all. Then—to my surprise—I found that I enjoyed the game for the game and not just the... evocative prose and imagery. Though, there was only one issue... When I involve myself with gameplay, I prefer to indulge with a single character, rather than with a party. And thus, this guide (and the playthrough's that I've done in the process of penning it) were born.

Because I came for the tits but stayed for the combat.

Important Notes:​

Minor details to set expectations for this guide.

What This Contains:

1. A general walkthrough for an uncorrupted playthrough on how to complete most content with a single character, on dark difficulty. It is by all means not the only method to do so (the game isn't particularly challenging, so there are likely many possible paths to doing this) and I expect that it isn't even the best way to do so (I didn't exhaustively test everything), but it does work without extensive savescumming.
2. Lists of what equipment I found to help for my playthrough and where to acquire it.
3. Lists of what abilities, starting bonuses, etc I found help for my playthrough and where to acquire them.
4. Some general tips and tricks.
5. Some notes on specific fights.

What This Does Not Contain:

1. Any advice relating to companions (barring 1 specific notable exception, which I did not take advantage of, but I felt others might want to considering the utility). The only time they appeared in this playthrough is when they were forced on me.
2. A time efficient playthrough. While it is possible to optimize for time on a soloist's run (and likely, not very hard either), I didn't bother to.
3. An optimal build for a party. This is a single character run and unsurprisingly, what works for one character can be done better with a party, with a setup optimized around a party.
4. A specific step by step breakdown of when to do each quest, barring specific notable exceptions relating to item acquisition. I am assuming a certain level of game awareness with this tutorial. If you are looking for a list of where most quests are, the wiki contains an extensive (although dated and incomplete) list for you to reference.
5. A guide for a corrupted playthrough. This guide relies on items available only to a pure playthrough.

Character Generation, Attribute Allocation and Consumables:​

There were 2 different start allocations that I waffled between (and tried both). Ultimately, both worked, although the second variant felt smoother in the early game. The first maximized Presence, the second maximized Agility. Both choices were predicated on some of the skills that I used throughout my playthrough. Given the ease of gameplay, it is likely that neither set of starting options are necessary, but it might make combat smoother along the way.​

Variant 1:​

1. Race: Human.
2. Class: Charmer.
3. Background: Minstrel, Noble Scion, or Courtesan.

Variant 2:​

1. Race: Catfolk.
2. Class: Thief.
3. Background: Slum Rat or Hunter.

Attribute Allocation Per Level:​

1. Strength: This is a physical combat build and unsurprisingly, strength is useful to it.
2. Agility: This build relies on counterstrikes from Deflection once they become available.
3. Presence: This build makes use of a variety of minions and Celestial Form.

Consumable Attribute Boosts:​

1. Cunning: Use the tavern drink for Cunning to maximize the attribute in a "purist solo run."
2. Toughness: Late Game, use the tavern drink for Toughness to maximize the attribute in a "Secutor Set," run.

Other Useful Consumables:​

Note: I didn't use these particularly often, but that doesn't mean they aren't useful, just that they aren't often necessary.

1. Remedy: Use in the event of annoying negative effects that you actually want to remove. For example: Silence or Disarm.
2. Blood Iris and Naptha: Use for added damage. Helpful against opponents that fast heal even after the application of bleed.
3. Steadfast Tonic: Use for added physical resistance. I have never actually felt the need to use this, but the use case is obvious.

Mechanics Notes:​

1. Despite Perfect Positioning stating that it only grants a bonus while not wearing heavy armour, it only checks for the body slot.
2. It is possible to change equipment during combat and in some circumstances, this can be beneficial to the player.
  • Equipping an item that grants an immunity to an effect does not remove the effect on the turn it is equipped. This is a sensible balance decision, but it does mean that this particular avenue of item swap abuse (for example, equipping then unequipping the Wings of Asira to remove disarmed) is pointless.
  • Equipping an item that grants access to a specific skill (so long as that skill is already slotted) allows the use of that skill.
  • At-Will Stances that require the use of a specific item (for example: Deflection) will always start combat activated, regardless of whether the item in question is slotted or not.
  • Equipping an item for the purpose of taking advantage of its stat distribution against a specific enemy type works fine. This is the primary use case of item swapping.

Early Game:​

This specifically deals with the areas of the game available prior to confronting the Alruane in the Wayfort.

Specific Advice:​

1. After completing the tutorial, decline cat's request to romp along with you, sell whatever junk you acquired and grab a leather jerkin + 2x short swords.
2. Head South to Harvest Valley and complete the Moondial Riddle.
3. Equip Summon Hoplite as your encounter.
4. Head to town, train Bardic Cadence if you do not have it already with Rivers and you can afford it, else head to the old forest and either complete random encounters, or complete tasks like the puzzles to gain Kiyoko's amulet (which rewards a bow that can be sold for the effort). Either way, the goal here is to grab Bardic Cadence.
5. Complete a few fights, level up to 2 (if you haven't already), and fight the random Artugia proc outside the inn that follows.
6. Help Eryka and obtain the Sanctified Gladius.
7. Grind out (through whichever means you prefer, be it quests, exploring Old Forest, exploring Harvest Valley, or exploring the Foothills) enough gold to obtain:
  • Ring: 2x Wizard's Ring.
  • Neck: Ward Amulet.
  • Gloves: Gauntlets.
  • Waist: Leather Faulds
  • Bottom: Silk Underpants.
  • Top: Linen Tunic.
  • Feet: Bronze Greaves.
8. Grab a Flame Cape and the Witch's Hat from the random encounter in the Old Forest.
9. Grab Rend and Argent Smite when you can.
10. If you started Thief, congratulations, you don't need to change anything here. Else, change class to Thief when you can afford to.

General Advice:​

1. I typically explore Old Forest -> Harvest Valley -> Foothills and complete the quests as I go along, but you do you here.
2. I typically leave the Convocation of Mirrors fight alone until later acts, with the caveat that it can be done here, but I don't like doing complete rebuilds for specific fights when the fight itself contains nothing essential, and I can just come back to it later.
3. My character reached level 5 after having cleaned up all the relevant quests prior to confronting the Alruane, but it's (obviously) possible to reach either a higher or lower level, dependent on how you rush (or grind) content.
4. I typically open combat with the summon, then make strategic use of Rend/Argent Smite as needed. Rend effectively mitigates enemy healing thanks to the bleed and Argent Smite acts as an efficient secondary heal.

Complete Recommended Early Game Gear and Skill List:​

A summary of equipment and skills I'd recommend grabbing from the Harvest Valley, Old Forest and Foothills segment of the game before moving on (ignoring companion specific items). How you go about acquiring them is entirely on you.
1. Body: Leather Jerkin.
2. Feet: Bronze Greaves.
3. Gloves: Gauntlets or Scaredy Cat Gloves.
4. Head: Witch's Hat or Helm of Heroes.
5. Neck: Ward Amulet or Choker of the Pain Slut.
6. Ring: 2x Wizard's Ring.
7. Shoulders: Flame Cape, Leather Spaulders or Cloak of Winter.
8. Waist: Leather Faulds or Champion's Belt.
9. Bottom: Silk Underpants.
10. Top: Linen Tunic.
11. Mainhand: Sanctified Gladius.
12. Offhand: Short Sword.

1. At Wills: Bardic Cadence.
2. Recharge: Rend, Argent Smite (My usual loadout).
- Other Recharge Powers that have some utility: Blinding Beauty, Shell Cracker.
3. Encounter: Summon Hoplite.
- Other Encounter Powers that have some utility: Spirit Veil (although I don't use this until much later in the game).

Mid Game:​

This specifically deals with the areas of the game available prior to confronting the Alissa in the Winter Palace.
- Note: This segment differs wildly dependent on how much you are willing to either savescum or tolerate losses.

Low Tolerance for Savescumming/Losses (like me):​

1. Ignore the Kitsune's Den.
2. Boots: Replace your current boots with the Winged Sabatons.
3. Ring: Replace one of your current rings with the Hornet Ring (Note: Does increase bust size).
4. Shield: Acquire (but don't equip) the Rosebloom Shield. This item has utility later in the game.
5. Gloves: Obtain the Golden Carrot in Harvest Valley and replace your gloves with it.
6. Rush level 6 by engaging enemies while clearing out quests.
7. Replace Argent Smite with Shielding Smite.
8 Replace Bardic Cadence with Holy Ward.
9. Take Assassinate.
10. Confront Alissa.

High Tolerance for Savescumming/Losses:​

1. Boots: Replace your current boots with the Winged Sabatons.
2. Ring: Replace one of your current rings with the Hornet Ring (Note: Does increase bust size).
3. Gloves: Obtain the Golden Carrot in Harvest Valley and replace your gloves with it.
4. Shield: Acquire (but don't equip) the Rosebloom Shield. This item has utility later in the game.
5. Head for the Kitsune's Den with the Amulet of Transformation. Either build your entire character around winning these fights and savescum your way through... or just lose with the Amulet in your inventory.
6. Acquire the following list of items from Kohaku:
7. Rush level 6 by engaging enemies while clearing out quests.
8. Replace Rend with Shielding Smite.
9. Replace Bardic Cadence with Holy Ward.
10. Acquire Assassinate and Unbreakable.
11. Confront Alissa.

General Advice:​

1. There's not really much to this portion of the game other than "acquire items, fight fights." The only real standout conflict which will challenge you here is the Kitsune Den, and I just leave it for later.
2. Your main weakness is enemies who utilize magic attacks, so target them first.
3. Combat typically follows the general form of summon, Rend/Argent Smite as needed, occasional consumable (very rare).

Complete Recommended Mid Game Gear and Skill List:​

A summary of equipment and skills I'd recommend grabbing from the segment of the game prior to confronting Alissa before moving on (ignoring companion specific items). How you go about acquiring them is entirely on you.

1. Body: Leather Jerkin or Kunoichi Bodysuit.
2. Feet: Winged Sabatons.
3. Gloves: Golden Carrot.
4. Head: Witch's Hat or Helm of Heroes.
5. Neck: Ward Amulet, or Choker of the Pain Slut, or Fluffy Scarf.
6. Ring: 1x Wizard's Ring, 1x Hornet Ring or 1x Lucky Strike Ring, 1x Hornet Ring.
7. Shoulders: Cloak of Winter.
8. Waist: Champion's Belt.
9. Bottom: Silk Underpants.
10. Top: Linen Tunic.
11. Mainhand: Sanctified Gladius.
12. Offhand: Short Sword or Kunai.

1. At Wills: Holy Ward.
- Other At Wills that have some utility: Duelist Stance, Bardic Cadence.
2. Recharge: Rend, Shielding Smite (My usual loadout), or Argent Smite, Shielding Smite (did early Kitsune Den).
- Other Recharge Powers that have some utility: Blinding Beauty, Shell Cracker.
3. Encounter: Summon Hoplite.
- Other Encounter Powers that have some utility: Spirit Veil (although I don't use this until much later in the game).
4. Ultimate: Assassinate.
- Unbreakable is excellent as well, I prefer the damage for specific targets, though.

Late Game:​

This section deals specifically with everything after defeating Alissa. It is not a complete walkthrough, only a walkthrough of key items to acquire and the order that is likely easiest to acquire them. Combat after acquiring them is significantly easier.
- Note: This segment changes what you use dramatically depending on what choices you made in the previous section, as well as whether or not you wish to take advantage of the Secutor Set.

Initial Routing (Identical for all):​

1. Rush to Khor'minos.
2. Ring: Acquire 2x Earthen Chain Ring.
- Most of the time you won't need these. I like to have them in my inventory for specific encounters, where they can be swapped in (example: arena vs the magic heavy encounters).
3. Mainhand: Acquire the Frosthammer.
- Most of the time you won't need this. Occasionally, I weapon swap this and the Rosebloom Shield as an anti-magic loadout.
4. Acquire Summon Slime.
5. Acquire Flames Within.
- Note: I hardly ever use this skill, but there are specific encounters where it has its place.

Secutor Set:​

1. If you wish to take advantage of the Secutor Set, you will need to do Brint's Family quest and acquire it here.
2. The disadvantage of equipping the set is that it will both replace and lock in your:
  • Body Armour.
  • Helmet.
  • Gloves.
  • Boots.
3. Equipping the set will set the lower of your agility and presence to be equivalent to the higher.
  • If you have chosen to equip the set, it is in your best interest to respecialize your attributes and dump one of the two (whichever is lower due to starting attribute bonuses).
  • I'd recommend then using the freed-up stats to invest fully in Cunning, then use the freed-up drink buff to maximize toughness.

Kitsune Den is yet to be cleared:​

For those who left the Kitsune Den alone, it's now time to go take a peek.
1. Replace Shielding Smite with Summon Slime.
2. Replace Summon Hoplite with Spirit Veil.
3. Equip the following items:
4. Clear out the Kitsune Den.
5. Acquire the following list of items from Kohaku:

Path Convergence:​

This is the point where all different "routes" for the late game segment converge.

Merged Loadout for this point:​

1. Body: Secutor Chest or Kunoichi Bodysuit.
2. Feet: Winged Sabatons or Secutor Legplate.
3. Gloves: Golden Carrot or Secutor Armplate.
4. Head: Helm of Heroes or Secutor Helm.
5. Neck: Choker of the Pain Slut or Fluffy Scarf.
6. Ring: 1x Lucky Strike Ring, 1x Hornet Ring
- 2x Earthen Chain Ring (anti-magic conditional swap).
7. Shoulders: Cloak of Winter.
8. Waist: Champion's Belt.
9. Bottom: Silk Underpants.
10. Top: Linen Tunic.
11. Mainhand: Sanctified Gladius
- Frosthammer (anti-magic conditional swap).
12. Offhand: Kunai
- Rosebloom Shield (anti-magic conditional swap).

1. At Wills: Holy Ward.
- Other At Wills that have some utility: Duelist Stance, Bardic Cadence.
2. Recharge: Shielding Smite, Summon Slime.
- Other Recharge Powers that have some utility: Blinding Beauty, Argent Smite.
3. Encounter: Spirit Veil.
- Other Encounter Powers that have some utility: Flames Within (Good in some niche fights where enemy damage is minimal, but staying power is high).
4. Ultimate: Assassinate.
- Unbreakable is excellent as well, I prefer the damage for specific targets, though.

Walkthrough from here onwards:​

1. Neck: Grab the Seaweave Shaman's Cape at the Glacial Rift.
2. Encounter Gweyr at the Glacial Rift.
3. Complete Winter Wolf, followed by Shadows over the Sun. I recommend for Winter Wolf that you pay special attention to not messing up the infiltration, as it makes the later fight against the final boss considerably more annoying (albeit still possible).
4. Complete the quest High Ground and keep the Dawnsword.
5. Replace Holy Ward with Deflection.
- Note: If you are using the Secutor Set, at this point your gear is finalized. Clear zones as you feel is appropriate.
6. Helmet: Complete the Ring of Fate for the Patrician's Mask and replace the Helm of Heroes.
- Note: If you are not using the Secutor Set, at this point your gear is finalized. Clear zones as you feel is appropriate.

Complete Recommended End Game Gear and Skill List:​

A summary of equipment and skills I'd recommend grabbing by the end of the game.

1. Body: Secutor Chest or Kunoichi Bodysuit.
2. Feet: Winged Sabatons or Secutor Legplate.
3. Gloves: Golden Carrot or Secutor Armplate.
4. Head: Patrician's Mask or Secutor Helm.
5. Neck: Choker of the Pain Slut or Fluffy Scarf.
6. Ring: 1x Lucky Strike Ring, 1x Hornet Ring
- Earthen Chain Ring (both conditional swaps).
7. Shoulders: Seaweave Shaman's Cape.
8. Waist: Champion's Belt.
9. Bottom: Silk Underpants.
10. Top: Linen Tunic.
11. Mainhand: Dawnsword.
12. Offhand: Kunai
- Rosebloom Shield (both conditional swaps).

1. At Wills: Deflection.
- Other At Wills that have some utility: Duelist Stance, Bardic Cadence, Holy Ward.
2. Recharge: Celestial Form, Summon Slime.
- Other Recharge Powers that have some utility: Blinding Beauty, Argent Smite, Shielding Smite.
3. Encounter: Spirit Veil.
- Other Encounter Powers that have some utility: Flames Within (Good in some niche fights where enemy damage is minimal, but staying power is high).
4. Ultimate: Aura of Vigor.
- Assassinate and Unbreakable are both excellent as well.

Colloseum Notes:​

Probably the iconic fight of this game's beta at the moment. Certainly, the one I used to do the most trial testing.

General Advice:​

1. Stick to the standard endgame loadout.
2. Inspire makes the early phases dead boring, but it's the easiest way to win. I personally prefer Subterfuge, Challenge or Stand and Fight to keep the fight interesting.
3. Depending on which combinations of enemies you face will determine which loadout you wish to switch to (in the early phases).
4. Due to the fact that there is an element of chance involved in who goes first, it is a good idea to end each fight using the anti-magic weapon swap (thus, magic opponents at the start of the next round can't just alpha strike you).
5. Begin all encounters by sliming your opposition.
6. Target the healer first, except in specifically noted exceptions.

Fight Specific Advice:​

1. Advice for the line-up of Silas, Slash, Korlic:
- Standard loadout.
2. Advice for the line-up of Jan, Krot, Ronok:
  • Standard loadout.
  • May need to make use of Remedy.
3. Advice for lineup of Ringren, Layven and Liliana:
- Standard loadout.
4. Advice for the line-up of Kane, Estelle, Rhesia:
  • Anti-magic conditional loadout for the opening portion of the fight.
  • May need to make use of Winterstem.
  • May need to make use of Remedy.
  • Target Estelle first.
5. Advice for the line-up of Teeth and Fur, Imitre, Zander:
  • Anti-magic conditional loadout for the opening portion of the fight (Until the early situation has stabilized, all buffs etc are up and Zander has at least one stack of Sunder applied),
  • Switch to the regular loadout and unload a proper strike on Zander with bleeds attached after an appropriately placed counterstrike lowers his HP.
  • Blood Iris makes this fight considerably more tolerable (their healing rate is so damn annoying to deal with solo).
  • Will likely need Winterstem.
  • Target Zander first, Teeth and Fur second and Imitre last.
6. Advice for Cedric:
  • Starting with the conditional weapon swap is not necessary here, however it will prevent unfortunate crits.
  • Deflection mostly soloes this encounter.
  • You do want to end this encounter while wearing the anti-magic conditional weapon swap, as a preventative measure for the beginning of the next one.
7. Advice for Omus and Reus:
  • Kill Omus first.
  • You want access to Remedy, in the event of the mass debuffs Omus throws at you.
  • Reus is more or less a non-entity once Omus is eliminated.
  • You want to end the fight with the anti-Eyslaine conditional swap equipped.
8. Eyslaine:
  • You want to begin the fight with the anti-Eyslaine conditional swap equipped.
  • Remedy is likely necessary for this fight.
  • I'm not giving a detailed blow by blow for this fight because it's so situation dependent, but it's by far the diciest of the lot and requires careful analysis to properly judge.

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