Marked Merk Mercenaries?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
I was just curious if the mercs are still a WIP or if they have been forgotten along the way? I know Lusameme n the others recently got some more town interactions, but I am more curious about the boss man Leofric n Jen. Was always hopeful since the wiki made it seem like it had an end via the page they have, but so far just been fighting n fucking lol.

Either way, it's just a curious question born from wanting to follow their story lines.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
I was just curious if the mercs are still a WIP or if they have been forgotten along the way? I know Lusameme n the others recently got some more town interactions, but I am more curious about the boss man Leofric n Jen. Was always hopeful since the wiki made it seem like it had an end via the page they have, but so far just been fighting n fucking lol.

Either way, it's just a curious question born from wanting to follow their story lines.
Their expac has not been written yet.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I must admit that when I asked Jen about the relationship with Leofric, I was annoyed at how dense they seem to be! it would be great to be able to rescue Leofric and then play cupid to help the two get their heads off their asses! (Or simply lock them both up in a closed room, throw Wyvern Venom inside and let nature take its course! I'm sure the other mercenaries would agree!)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Leofric doesn't seem to need 'rescuing' in any sense, since he'll show up if you beat up on Jen enough, give you a beatdown and then leave. He's got something he's up to that's taking him away from his duties but it's clearly by choice.

But yes, stripping those two naked and throwing them in a room together would be fun.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Leofric doesn't seem to need 'rescuing' in any sense, since he'll show up if you beat up on Jen enough, give you a beatdown and then leave. He's got something he's up to that's taking him away from his duties but it's clearly by choice.

But yes, stripping those two naked and throwing them in a room together would be fun.

Well, I beat Jen a few times and he never came, so I thought he was kidnapped or something!
But the most important thing is that everyone agrees that there is a clear sexual tension between these two!
Damn it! It is even capable that if we commit to bringing the two together, all Marked Merk Mercenaries will not only support us, but also help us!
imagine this:

after countless defeats and conversations with Jen about Commander Leofric, the champion gets fed up with their little game and decides to act like Mallath's club! after finding the Mercenary Band, he asks how they feel about the situation of their leaders! Each one expresses his dismay in his own way!

Lusamine, being the official gossip of the March, says that any creature with half a brain can see that both are wanted, except themselves!
Boomer says that at first I thought their shy attitude was cute, but now it was just boring!
Janeen says she needs all her willpower just to keep from kicking their asses, to see if they can dig their heads out of there!
Dale would probably make a silly joke!

Then the champion would come up with a plan with them, and in the next meeting with Jen, they would knock her out! And when she wakes up, she would be in an Elegant Dress, being driven to a romantic dinner with a Leofric in a tuxedo and just as confused! it could even be a Valentine's Day event!