marble affection no show

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Feb 7, 2016
Been going to the farm for a while now, been interacting with marble A LOT and she doesnt show in the list of girls, so I have no way of knowing when ill be able to get her to my camp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With Marble you need to first get addicted to her milk (mostly can be get by drinking her milk she giving you or well suckle right from the tap, which is faster ticket than bottled milk). Then it it's or you get so much addicted you need her to survive or you fight over addiction. In either way she would then join you (to got some quess when she will join look for Marble Milk addition stat on Stats screen under Additions section - when it get low enough she will join you (that for fighting addiction recruit path (I using this one so I just assume getting close to 100% would trigger addiction path)).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes if you lower addition low enough PC gaining perk and after following scene she joins camp. I think it's not needed to kick down to 0% it only some around 10% is enough to trigger scene and her moving in (said around 10% since I normaly not checking constantly how low addition score falling down I just everytime game say PC feel need for her milk going to farm and picking options to kick down addition ^^).
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